Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 200 199 The little female dragon in Kassel College

Chapter 200 199. The little female dragon in Kassel College (2)

"I heard from senior brother that there is a button in the principal's office. As long as we press it, we can sink into the ice cellar. Let me try it out, principal." Xia Mi was eager to give it a try.

Ange's eyes twitched and he swallowed the black tea in his mouth. Then he put down the porcelain cup and took out a half-burned cigar from the cigar box in the drawer. He tapped the upper of his shoe to make the tobacco tighter. Just light it and hold it in your mouth.

"I want to know what else Mingfei hasn't told you." He said that there is indeed a button hidden in the principal's office that can sink the whole place into an ice cellar, but Angers is the only one in the world who knows about it. , although it is not a secret, why did Lu Mingfei know about it?

Xia Mi curled his lips and picked up Haagen-Dazs: "Senior brother and I have the same mind."

Angers didn't want to continue discussing this topic, so he said in a deep voice: "Sit tight." Then he reached out and pressed the red button hidden in the drawer.

A strong feeling of weightlessness came over him, and Xia Mi felt that he was riding a roller coaster, and it happened to be the part of free fall. At the same time, darkness enveloped them from bottom to top. The huge nanmu desk and the Wuyi Mountain black tea rising on the table sank together with Ange and Xia Mi.

The girl clenched her fists excitedly and shouted loudly: "So, can I eat [-] million points of Norton's Dragon Bone Cross?"

"No!" Angers shouted in response.

In the darkness, only the flickering light of cigar butts and the whistling wind in his ears were left. Xia Mi still protected his Haagen-Dazs, and the two of them stopped talking.

The size of the ice cellar is beyond imagination. As the main body of the secret party today, the academy not only bears the responsibility of cultivating elite hybrids to transport them into the dragon-slaying battlefield, but also serves as the administrative center and the research and development center of high-precision weapons. It is certainly impossible for a mountaintop campus on the ground to train so many All the equipment was stuffed in, so most of the college's assets ended up in the ice cellar.

The feeling of weightlessness slowly decreased until it finally disappeared completely. Xia Mi knew that this was the elevator slowing down and it was probably reaching the end.

At this moment, everything was bright. Xia Mi looked up and found that he seemed to have fallen into an observation platform in the deep sea. A huge glass cover enveloped them. Various marine creatures were swimming in the deep water outside the cover. Hammerhead Sharks, king squid, swordfish.

"Senior brother said that Principal, you used your own money to build an ornamental fish tank for yourself under the office. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect it to be true..." Xia Mi looked quite shocked, his eyes sparkling, "This It’s a lot of money, I didn’t expect that the school board would let you embezzle so much.”

"Corruption...corruption." Angers was a little confused, "This is the marine ecosystem built by the college for the ice cellar. With the little money allocated by the school board every year, I have to save two hundred years to build this fish tank."

Xia Mi put a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth with a spoon, and curiously touched the glass cover covering Nanmu's desk and the surrounding space with his fingers. Immediately, a large group of mackerel fish with scales shining silver under the artificial sunlight opened. He closed his mouth and sucked stupidly at the place pointed by the finger.

"The legendary VIP elevator dedicated to the principal is really low-key and luxurious. It is indeed the evil of capitalism." Xia Mi said, "Next time the workers at the Chicago train station go on strike, I will definitely ask my senior brothers to go and set up a tent in the park. Support them!" The girl's face was filled with indignation, and she was quite impatient and righteous.

"It seems that the Chicago worker brothers have added another general." Angers said with a smile.

Xia Mi hummed and turned away, not bothering to pay attention to him.

At this time, the elevator began to move laterally, and the school of mackerel immediately fled in all directions. Xia Mi's eyes were shining, and she could already detect the approximate location of Norton's keel cross with her senses.

Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, is the king most similar to the Black Emperor among the four monarchs. He deprived his twin Constantine of his power during his lifetime and made himself a complete Supreme, but he did not have time to hatch a huge Before the dragon body had time to recover its power, it was sniped by Ange and Lu Mingfei. After being killed, the dragon bone cross contained the purest and richest spiritual elements in the world. Even Xia Mi was quite salivating. .

The Dragon King and the Dragon King are not originally a family that loves each other. In a sense, every monarch and his brothers and sisters are enemies of life and death. They covet each other's power and grind their teeth in the darkness to suck blood. Devour companions.

In other words, Constantine lost his power, otherwise he might have been quietly thrown into the pot and stewed by Xia Mi.

"Have our dragon clan conducted in-depth and systematic research on our origins?" Angers suddenly asked.

Xia Mi rolled his eyes: "Yes, the Black King created the four great monarchs, the four great monarchs created the second generation species, and the marriage of the second generation species and the second generation species gave birth to the third generation species. You see how systematic and in-depth it is."

Angre covered his face, quite speechless.

"You said you created the next generation, then why didn't you create a prince to protect you when you were fighting Odin in the Nibelungen?" the old guy said jokingly.

Xia Mi covered his face with both hands and remained speechless: "I can't pinch it. Fenrir was the one who did these things in the past. And you think that the next generation can pinch it at will. I'm not Nuwa."

Angers waved his hand: "I did not inherit all the wind king's inheritance, and the same goes for my memory. I don't know as much about the dragon family as a real monarch like you, but today's mixed-race society has a mainstream view that dragons are actually the same as all others. Living things are also born in the ocean and in the deepest trenches, because we have found fragments of some dragon genes in the bodies of some marine creatures."

"Those biological samples should come from certain sea areas, right? If you fish in another place, you will find that there is no such thing at all." Xia Mi raised his eyebrows and stared at Angers with his big round eyes. You are still the leader of the secret party and you don’t even know about genetic contamination?”

Angers was stunned for a moment, and the fingers holding the cigar trembled.

"Either there are cocoons in the hatching state near those sea areas, or dragons died nearby." Xia Mi curled his lips, "When a fragile and clumsy beast like a blue whale dies, it can form a whale drop. After the death of a god, Of course, it can also change the genetic ecology of a sea area."

Angers remained silent. He didn't have much objection to Xia Mi calling dragons gods. Before entering the industrial age, humans had to pay a heavy price to kill a noble next-generation species, but it was easy for a prince to subvert a human kingdom. , it is not an exaggeration to call him a god.

"If, I mean if, the entire Arctic Ocean is contaminated by the genes of a certain dragon, what level will this dragon be?" Angers asked, holding a cigar in his mouth.

The tip of Xia Mi's nose shrugged: "That means the Black King died in the Arctic Ocean." She glanced at Ange with some suspicion, and grinned with two small tiger teeth: "You...don't really think that there is nothing wrong with that. Have you found the burial place of the Supreme Being in this ghost place?"

"That can't be done." Anng nodded.

"Principal, did you learn from Director Akadullah? Only Arabs will nod when expressing negative." Xia Mi's eyes were a little strange,
  "So why do you have such a big fish tank here?"

"This is an important asset of the secret party, and it is also the gene pool of certain different dragon species. All marine organisms you see have some dragon gene fragments remaining in their bodies. At the same time, when we study dragons, we also need a large number of genetic samples for comparison. ." Ange explained, "However, the level of confidentiality here is not the highest. The academy has a more important fish tank underground, and all the dragon subspecies raised in it are captured in the ocean."

"Like what?" "Dragon turtle."

"Is it the kind I imagined? It's self-inflicted with huge and hard damage." Xia Mi's eyes seemed to be shining with little stars. The dragon civilization in the era when she was active has declined, and it is rare to see dragon subspecies on land anymore. , at that time, humans occupied the world, the power of hybrids reached its peak, and dragon subspecies were basically extinct. In ancient China, there were people who specially captured these strange-shaped creatures for cooking or medicine, and compiled the "Book of Mountains and Seas" specifically for this purpose.

"Absolutely. They look similar to sea turtles. They are quite hard, but the shell can be penetrated by depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets. They have no anti-injury ability. They like to sleep. The academy found them on an isolated island in the Somali waters. They found these They were mating when they were exposed, and their attack power was not strong, so they were packed up and taken back to the academy," Angers said.

Xia Mi then had the honor to take the principal's VIP elevator and visit the college's botanical garden and zoo located in the ice cellar. The botanical garden is said to contain more than [-] species of plants. Artificial sunlight is used to provide these plants from different latitudes with different lighting to simulate their respective favorite growing environments.

The zoo preserves individual or population samples of more than 1883 species of animals, from rodents to arthropods to mammals. There are even pandas here that are unlikely to appear in any wild mountain forest except China. . Angers said that those pandas were the descendants of the panda cubs brought back from the Sichuan mountains by the German poaching team in [-]. Xia Mi immediately expressed his indignation as a Chinese... ah no, a Chinese dragon to the academy. Protested and asked Ange to apologize and make compensation. As compensation, she should at least be given a taste of Norton's Dragon Bone Cross.

After passing the botanical garden and the zoo, they saw a pyramid again. From the moment he saw that thing, Xia Mi behaved quite seriously, as if he had seen something extraordinary. This made Ange, who had always been indifferent, start to murmur in his heart. , I thought I was going to suffer.

"That thing..." Xia Mi pointed at the pyramid.

Angers nodded expressionlessly while holding a cigar in his mouth.

"It has one more face than an ordinary pyramid. Did you get it from the Mayans?"

"There are 133 stone steps on each side of the pyramid, and each stone step is engraved with ancient Mayan characters. It is the Mayan almanac. In the academic world of mixed-race societies, we generally believe that it not only remembers history, but also writes the future. ." Angers looked down at the huge pyramid made of black stone, took a deep breath, and felt a huge sense of fate coming over him.

"Fake." Xia Mi's expression became more serious, "You were defrauded of a lot of money, weren't you?"

"It's really quite a lot..."

"Sure enough, the school board is full of pig brains." Xia Mi snorted and stopped talking.

The Mayans believed that the fate of the world was already fixed in history, and that time was just following the established track to bring everything to its fateful end. The Mayan calendar records that there were a total of five solar periods on the earth. The first four civilizations were all destroyed. Matractilli was destroyed by floods, Iecotel was destroyed by wind serpents, Cuiavelo was destroyed by fire rain, and Zondrilik was destroyed by the earthquake.

This can easily remind scholars of the four great monarchs.

This is the mainstream view in the mixed-race world, and Xia Mi has of course heard it, but as the true king of the earth and mountains, she can only secretly say that rumors should be kept to the wise.

At least she herself had never destroyed any Zondririk, nor did Fenrir. At best, Constantinople was destroyed.

But not all predictions by the Mayans were wrong. They believed that ancient civilizations were preserved in every catastrophe. These civilizations opened a new solar period, but there was no sixth solar period. When the fifth solar period passed, there was nothing left. , everything is destroyed.


The black emperor is back with his anger and hatred.

This is what humans fear, and of course dragons should panic, because the Black King will not reshape the Holy Dynasty, he will destroy everything and take back everything that has been given to this world.

The records of the pyramids are mixed between true and false, because the ancient Mayans remained unified before the eighth century AD, and they were ruled by dragon princes. Those ancient prophecies were actually compiled by the Mayans based on translations of dragon texts.

The elevator continued to move forward until it finally entered a purely artificial building. Xia Mi's knowledge was not shallow, and he could not recognize the metal materials. He only felt that they were very tough, and because they were buried underground, there might even be a Dragon King using Rhine on the ground. The spirit of words cannot affect this place.

Comrade Jörmungandr was really amazed by the rapid changes in the human world, and thought to himself that it was a good thing that my mother could be a devil, otherwise in a few hundred years she might be imprisoned in a zoo and played like a monkey.

The elevator stopped in an empty space, and Xia Mi followed Angers out.

"I'll ask you about the pyramid thing later. Let's deal with the matter at hand first. Aren't we going to let you go to Japan with us? Pick some powerful weapons." The principal kicked the KFC Home Delivery garbage bag at the elevator door. When he flew out, his moves were actually quite formal. I think he was also a good football player in the school when he was studying in Cambridge.

Xia Mi tiptoed over the piles of Coke bottles and potato chip bags. In the middle of the potato chip bag, there was a big flowery rat holding a can of Coke and showing off.

The girl looked at Ange and pinched her throat: "I can't tell, principal. It turns out that you like to keep mice as pets. Can you talk to these cute little animals? Can you stay away from me? I'm afraid I can't bear it." The constant rumbling of the earth has caused your school to collapse."

Ange's expression was as ugly as if his own mother had died, although his mother might have died into ashes more than [-] years ago.

"I applied for very important armed assets from Wat Alheim. Those crazy people had to come here with me, and ended up staying there for several days. I have to ask Akadulla to ask people to clean this place, otherwise I will cut them. Funding!" the old guy cursed.

Xia Mi has heard about the crazy people in the equipment department. He knows that these guys are informal and never work seriously. Their biggest hobby is drinking Coke, eating hamburgers, playing games and watching anime. The most annoying thing is doing research and making reports. They are slovenly. At the same time, I often lament that the girls in the college are so blind that no one likes them, a group of high-IQ, mixed-race, high-quality men.

This huge space is like an underground football stadium. There is no decoration, but computer desks and beds are scattered randomly, as well as unlimited supply of frozen Coke and fried potato chips.

The black metal boxes were like neatly arranged coffins, placed among the garbage on the ground. The psychos were still somewhat sensible and cleared some space for these sophisticated weapons.

Seven or eight men with thick hair and uniforms that had been stained with oil and then turned yellow sat around a pile of garbage and played cards.

Kassel College Equipment Department makes its grand debut!

"I felt it from those boxes..." Xia Mi did not look at the lunatics in the equipment department, but looked straight at the black boxes.
  "Something very familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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