Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 201 What are you going to do, 200 defeated dog brother?

Chapter 201 200. Brother Baigou, what are you going to do?

Several people's eyes followed the wet fat dog running wildly in the rain. The members of Chu Zihang's team felt quite disillusioned.

Fingel seemed to have suffered a lot, and was bursting into tears at this moment. Several meters away from them, he suddenly knelt down and slipped on his knees. Two strong arms like silverback gorillas wrapped their arms around Caesar's thighs. .

"Junior brothers, I finally found an organization!" As he spoke, he wiped his nose and tears on Caesar's trouser legs.

A set of movements seemed to have been practiced countless times. Caesar was a little stunned at first, and then felt sour. He thought that Brother Fingel was also a tough guy, but now he is so depressed. Young Master Gattuso is quite a bit worried. Things harm their own kind.

Then he suddenly realized that he and Fingal, a loser, had hurt the same kind of people. Caesar's eyes twitched, and he pulled his legs out of Brother Baigou's arms without leaving a trace, and helped him stand up.

The unyielding ancient general finally showed his full face in front of Chu Zihang's team, shaking his head, wearing a black deep V suit under the loose raincoat, his pectoralis major muscles were outlined with bottomless ravines, and under his feet He was wearing leather shoes that were handmade by Corthay's family. They were probably a farewell gift from the brothers in the student union. The price was quite expensive, enough for him to eat elbow stew for half a year. The soles were made of super wear-resistant pure Alpine cowhide. At this moment, there was a hole in his right foot, and one of his toes was sticking out, shivering in the cold wind.

"Brother, what kind of look do you have? And by the way, why are you here?" Lu Mingfei said out of the blue, saying in his heart that Senior Brother Fingel is indeed a mastermind behind the scenes, and even his taste matches that of an ordinary person like him. Not up there.

Fingel tightened his suit and raincoat, and pushed away his hair that was hanging down to cover his eyes. I felt pity for her big eyes filled with tears. "Isn't this the principal's special approval for graduation? Next year, I can go to Cuba to find my Kim Kardashian. I'm not allowed to intern before graduation. That old bastard from the vice principal sent me to Japan." Fingel told Chuzi The aviation team showed their school badge and the internship information on their mobile phones.

Lu Mingfei glanced at it and saw that it was indeed an official document issued by the executive department of Kassel College. The internships of college students before graduation are all handled by the execution department. Lu Mingfei was once known as the dragon of the execution department. He was very familiar with this kind of official documents and could tell the authenticity at a glance.

But thinking about it, this thing is probably just a disguise. Lu Mingze said that one of Fingel's purposes in coming to Japan was to hunt down the German Friedrich von Long who betrayed the original Lionheart Club during the Summer Mourning incident. He also said that the fact that the academy learned that there were dragon embryos hidden under the abyss may have been Fingel's handiwork. The little devil is quite reliable in terms of intelligence. Lu Mingfei originally thought that Fengel was a loser. Whether it was the previous time and space or this time and space, he and he were the same, but last time Lu Mingze After talking about those things, what did Boss Lu think about Fingel and why he felt that this guy was a shady person secretly?

"Why didn't we know you came to Japan?" Chu Zihang asked coldly.

When Fingel said this, he immediately stood up straight, and he actually looked like a master, like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi. "You junior fellow apprentices are the backbone of Longfeng Academy among the people. Senior brother, why am I not being placed with high hopes that I will work hard to prepare for the recovery of the Central Plains?"

"Senior brother, it's better to use your magical powers. If you don't use the idiom "屼", it's just bullshit if you don't know anything about it." Lu Mingfei complained, covering his face.

Eriyi hid behind Lu Mingfei and covered her mouth and snickered. Fingel's eyes lit up: "Hey, junior sister Chen is here too. Junior sister is really smart and has a slippery shoulder. She took advantage of Xia Mi's absence and took advantage of her to make rice directly. Cooked rice!"

Lu Mingfei covered Fingel's big face to prevent any more immoral words from coming out of that dog's mouth that couldn't spit out ivory.

"Young Master." Sakura trotted to the back of Yuan Zhisheng, and those silver blades spinning and flying like butterflies returned to the girl's side under the control of Yinliu. Her eyebrows were considered sharp, and her eyes looking at Fingel were full of alertness.

The silver blades used by Sakura are weapons specially made for her by the Yanliu Research Institute. Each one has been treated with nanometers and can even cut the skin and flesh of pure-blood dragons. But such a sharp weapon blew past Fingel's skin like the wind, but it was unable to cause any damage. It was as if it was cutting steel.

No human being can have such a strong defensive ability. Even a hybrid would find it difficult to do so. Although the guy who looked like a student from Cassel College had exaggerated explosive muscles, how could he? He shouldn't be able to suffer any damage from Sakura's blade.

Yuan Zhisheng stood with a long knife in his hand. He was originally frightened and nervous when he saw Yuan Zhisheng, but at this moment he felt a little unbearable for some reason.

He actually knew Fingel. When Yuan Zhisheng was studying at Kassel College in 03, Fingel had not yet been demoted. He was still a highly regarded A-level executive, but he was a bit crazy.

This senior brother has experienced no better past events than Yuan Zhisheng, and he is also a master with a strong character. Yuan Zhisheng also investigated Fengel's speech spirit before and knew that it was a bronze throne that can extremely strengthen the body's defense ability. Seeing him at this moment It's not surprising that Sakura didn't break Fingel's defense.

As if he sensed that something was not right in the atmosphere, Fingel rushed behind Chu Zihang's group and blatantly protected his juniors in front of him.

"This guy is the director of the executive bureau of the Japanese branch. I suspect that he is an S-class. There must be a conspiracy before he is provoked. Be careful." Fingel was filled with indignation, as if a teddy dog ​​on a leash had gained confidence again. .

Lu Mingfei covered his face and moved aside. Chu Zihang and Caesar also made way for Yuan Zhisheng.

"We are eating grilled chicken wings. Mr. Yuan came just in time to join us." Chu Zihang said. The embryo killer usually does not take the initiative to communicate with others, but after all, he is the team leader for this Japanese operation. As the team leader, of course he needs to bear the responsibility of liaising with the family. Although there is Caesar with the best natural diplomacy skills by his side, Chu Zihang is a guy who doesn't like to trouble others. He has always believed that he has to do his own thing, but he can't help but lend a helping hand to others. He is strict with himself and lenient with others.

Yuan Zhisheng hesitated and took Ying into the kitchen. He is a frequent visitor to Shiroyu Dog Shrine and is quite familiar with everything here. At a glance, he saw the grilled chicken wings being thrown into the stove hood and sizzling oil and the empty beer cans that had been piled up on one side.

"I am deeply relieved to see that all the commissioners of our headquarters are safe and sound. At the same time, on behalf of the Sheqiba family, I would like to sincerely apologize for what happened tonight!" Yuan Zhisheng bowed deeply in front of Chu Zihang's team, and Sakura also did the same perform the same action,

"We will compensate you accordingly for the trouble caused to you!" he said. "To be honest, being attacked by a group of Deadpools on the streets of Tokyo is a bit beyond the tolerance limit of the academy. I guess Mr. Masamune and the head of the Inuyama family are on their way to Chicago now, right?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Yuan Zhisheng sat upright on the tatami, his expression was serious, as if he was about to commit seppuku at any time: "Yes, our enemies, the fierce ghosts, not only used things that are absolutely not allowed to exist to attack the commissioners, but also took advantage of them. The garrison strength of Genji Heavy Industries was empty and they launched an attack on our office center in Tokyo. We lost the Rock Flow Research Institute, and with it all the items that could help the commissioners carry out Operation Jifu. This mission needs to be put on hold for a long time. .”

"Let the matter of compensation and apology be negotiated between the parents and the principal. We are only responsible for the task." Lu Mingfei said, he hesitated, "The fierce ghosts definitely have more than just such a group of dead warriors in their hands. There may be more similar things hidden in the dark, and the Sheqiba family needs to take more precautions."

"Yes, thank you Lu Jun for reminding me!" Yuan Zhisheng agreed.

At this time, Fingel could not wait to take out all the grilled chicken wings and roasted minced beef with tongs. Sakura hesitated and got up and went to the cupboard to find a seasoning bottle. Fingel sprinkled the chicken wings with zest. Then crush the sesame and chili powder and say loudly, Ariado, you are a good girl, you are a good citizen.

With a look of helplessness, Sakura said in fluent Chinese that we are all professional secretaries who are proficient in Chinese, English, French and Italian. Dear guest, you don't have to use the tone of a colonel in an anti-Japanese movie to communicate with me.

Fingel said kindly, secretary, can you ask the chef at the shrine to order a bowl of noodles for me? I haven't eaten anything serious in three fucking days.

Everyone, including Sakura and Yuan Zhisheng, was a little surprised. They thought that those who came out of Kassel Academy were the strongest among the elite. Even if the funds issued by the academy were not enough, they could not be reduced to this level. Hungry situation, right?

"You Japanese people have a lot of troubles, and you even make a big deal out of them. The college has noticed it a long time ago. They called me here to investigate this matter. A few days ago, I smuggled into the country from Hokkaido and then went to Osaka. It turned out that I was in the mountains. I got lost, and it took me a few days to hitchhike to Tokyo. My shoes are all worn out. Junior brother, you have to help me keep the accounts. I have to ask Professor Schneider for reimbursement when I go back to school to report on my work. "Fingel kept chattering. As he talked, he opened a can of beer for himself and took a sip. He looked up and let out a groan. Then he threw a whole chicken wing into his mouth. It was so hot that he breathed like a pug.

Sakura looked at Yuan Zhisheng cautiously, and Yuan Zhisheng nodded without any trace.

"If the guest wants to eat ramen, I can do it for you. I learned cooking skills in Kagoshima for a while, and it's pretty good." Sakura said with a smile, not wanting to cut Fingel's neck with a knife just now.

Fingel shrank his neck and said, "I heard that Japanese ninjas kill people at any cost. Beauty, you won't poison your face, right?"

"You are a distinguished guest from this department, please rest assured." Ying's expression did not change, but Chu Zihang could clearly see the girl's fists clenching and loosening.

"Sorry to trouble you!" Fingel's eyes filled with excitement, "The ramen made by the beautiful kendo girl is worth my life!"

The corners of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched.

"So when did you arrive in Japan? We didn't get any information at all. According to the authority, there is an S-class Lu Mingfei in the team, and the entire Japanese commissioner should have a backup in his database." etc. Caesar asked when Sakura went to prepare tonkotsu ramen for Fingel. They had talked about Fingel not long ago, but he actually appeared beside them without saying a word.

Fingel ate all the roasted chicken wings on the stove, drank another can of cold beer, touched his belly and moaned like a baby.

"It's a long story. The principal didn't want to let his most proud students walk into Japan's big dye house alone, so he arranged an internship for me in this country. It just so happened that Boar Neo was there The clues to this incident were lost in the hands of a group of guys who call themselves the Fierce Ghosts, so Professor Schneider arranged for me to investigate this organization." After he calmed down, Fingel said slowly, "Interns like me don't count. Specialist of the Executive Department, so junior brother, you can’t find me in your database, you have to go to the database of unconverted executive specialists to find me.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He remembered that there was indeed such a thing. Interns were not completely included in the operating system of the execution department. This was also to prevent students from being nearby when performing certain internship tasks. The executive branch is temporarily recruited to participate in dangerous tasks that are not suitable for them at this stage.

"I went through a lot of trouble for this. I can't fucking speak Japanese. When I was taking the Shinkansen, my wallet was deceived by a girl in a short skirt that exposed her thighs. I finally found out where we are in Tokyo from the mission manual. I stopped here, thinking about having a warm meal, but who knew you were so busy." Fingel couldn't help complaining, "Wow, junior brother, you are really fierce, especially Lu Mingfei, you are worthy of inheriting The illegitimate son of the principal's genes is just like filming a drama, all he has to do is tear Deadpool to pieces." "It's hard to get past this, right?" Lu Mingfei covered his face.

"Let me introduce, this is Yuan Zhisheng. As you know, he is the head of the Yuan family of the eight Sheqi families and the director of the Japanese branch executive bureau. He is now the person in charge of us in Japan." Lu Mingfei in the Chu Zihang team Fingel was the one he knew best, so it was natural for him to take on the responsibility of introducing new faces to the newcomers.

"The person who cooked the noodles for you is called Yabuki Sakura. She is a cadre of the Seraki Hachi Family. She also serves in the Executive Directorate. She is a very serious person."

"This," Lu Mingfei squeezed Eliyi's palm, and the girl smiled at Fingel a little reservedly but politely.

"Uesugi Eri, the head of the Uesugi family, is also my friend."

Fingel looked serious. Something is wrong, so wrong.

Damn, is this really not Chen Motong? Or am I starving to death while wandering in the mountains of Osaka?

He looked at Lu Mingfei with a strange expression.

"Senior Brother Fingel's matter can be put aside for now. I actually have more important things to consult with the commissioners." Yuan Zhisheng looked serious.

(End of this chapter)

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