Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 305 The Happy Life of Senior Sister 300

Chapter 305 300. Senior Sister’s Happy Life (2)

Come to think of it, the ancients were really coquettish. They could turn those inappropriate images in grooms' minds during the wedding ceremony into a spring night worth a thousand dollars.

It's like the Chinese people's reservedness is used for obscenity. If he tells you that if you don't miss someone so much for a day, he probably doesn't hold it in, and he's just waiting to get you drunk with 50% white wine. Go to bed and fight for 300 rounds; when he wants to praise you for your good looks but is too embarrassed to say it directly, he just says that Hagoromo usually has a smoky color and does not attract the love of the world. You wonder in your heart that this guy is doing some sour writing when he has nothing to do. His next sentence is I once promised my heart to you, and waited for your next step with a loving expression on my face. To put it bluntly, I still want to strip you naked and throw you on the bed.

Lu Mingfei was driving on the way to the hotel. He looked like a gentleman, but deep down he was thinking wildly, and his chest was hurting from the beating of his heart.

"So senior sister, what's our situation now?" Lu Mingfei asked suddenly.

After saying these words, this guy wanted to slap himself twice. The atmosphere was ambiguous and his cheeks were slightly drunk. The senior sister was almost leaning on him. Why did she ask?
Nono sighed, twisted his waist on the leather passenger seat and changed into a more comfortable position, resting his chin on his hand to look at Lu Mingfei. She said: "I think sometimes Xia Mi is right. In the end, a person's life only lasts for a few decades. It seems quite long, but it goes by in the blink of an eye. I will follow whoever I like. This way it counts as nothing." You're letting yourself down." When the senior sister said this, her red eyes scrutinized Lu Mingfei's profile, and for a few moments, the appearance of this guy when he was still a bad boy flashed in his mind.

In fact, at the beginning, Nono didn't know that what she liked was the super handsome and cool version of today's handsome and awesome S-class Lu Mingfei who is always surrounded by suitors. It's still the poor boy Lu Mingfei who was secretly wiping his tears in the women's room many years ago, like a rabbit whose butt was wiped by a bear.

She is also confused sometimes. The sense of separation between the two Lu Mingfei is too strong. Who would have thought that such a snotty and useless naughty kid could become such a cool guy today who seems to be able to carry a whole sky with just a knife. Woolen cloth?

The person who saved her under the water in the Three Gorges was the bad boy version of Lu Mingfei. The person who used his heart to stop Kungunir was also the bad boy version of Lu Mingfei. Of course the cool guy Lu Mingfei is very fierce. They are also very strong and can give people a sense of security, but the differences between them are too big to seem like the same person.

It was a rainy night in Tianjin Port that really made Nono realize that the bad guy Lu Mingfei and the cool guy Lu Mingfei were actually the same person. That day, Nono drove the red Ferrari she got from Shao Yifeng in the heavy rain. According to Lu Mingfei, that good car seemed to be able to run through time. When it ran over the water, it always splashed a wall of water as high as a person. There were no cars or pedestrians on the road, only a series of street lights that seemed to lead the way. The red dot representing Lu Mingfei on the phone screen flickered faintly.

That guy actually sneaked all the way from the airport to the port, just like he did many years ago when he was staying at his aunt's house like a hermit crab, running to the rooftop to watch the stars when something unpleasant happened. The rooftop is always empty. In summer, my ears are filled with the buzzing sound of the air conditioner running. The CBD appears in front of me like a picture scroll spread by the wind. The stars in the sky are so far away, and there are bright lights there. He must be able to enjoy his... solitude unscrupulously.

At that time, the headlights of the red Ferrari were like a sharp sword cutting through the darkness, cutting out the shadow of a certain bad guy. He had a sad face, drooped eyebrows, and wet hair. It was at that time that the cool brother Lu Mingfei and the bad boy Lu Mingfei gradually merged into one in Nono's eyes. She thought that they had always been the same person, and it turned out that the bad boy had really become a man who could stand up to heaven and earth.

It was also from that time that Nono became determined to get Lu Mingfei back.

"Considering that Xia Mi is the Dragon King after all, it's normal to feel a little emotional about human life and joys and sorrows." Nuonuo said. She smiled and stretched like a cat. Her back was slender and straight, and her figure was exquisite. Lu Mingfei, who only caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye, was hiding in that black coat, and his mind stirred slightly.

At the same time, President Lu felt that life was really disillusioned to the extreme. It turns out that a thing like the Dragon King could have some insights into life? If you really count, Xia Mi can be considered the ancestor of their ancestors, right? Maybe thousands of years ago, Lao Lao Lao Lao... Lu was still waving flags and shouting after the King of the Earth and Mountains.

"I don't know about other dragon kings, but as for junior sister... I can only say that Xia Mi and Jörmungandr are two completely different creatures." Lu Mingfei blinked, and the wiper was in front of him like a pair of dark and dry hands. The windshield swayed wildly, spreading the rain curtain that had gathered into a waterfall and hung on the glass. This way, senior driver Lu Mingfei could clearly see the way forward and would not run into some toilet flower wandering in the rainy night. Full of arms.

Nuonuo happily opened a can of Coke, took a sip himself, then handed it to Lu Mingfei's mouth and fed him a sip.

"I also know that this is really cheap for you, a pervert, but what can I do? Who told me to like you?" Nono pouted and retracted herself into the seat. She held her chin with one hand. He tilted his head and looked up and down Lu Mingfei's body with his crimson pupils. He put down the can of Coke with his other hand and reached over to ruffle Lu Mingfei's hair.

Lu Mingfei felt that the palm that was misbehaving on the melon on his head was really soft and warm. It was clear that this intimate gesture was like an elder sister praising her sensible younger brother, but Nono's words still made Lu Mingfei's old face feel slightly hot.

“But if that’s the case, you will be very sad, senior sister. You have given so much but you can’t even get a complete…” Before Lu Mingfei could finish what he wanted to say, his lips were sealed by a finger.

The finger was slender and well-proportioned, thin and white, and filled with a thin, cold fragrance.

"Do you know what you should do at a time like this?"

"What?" Lu Mingfei was surprised and uneasy, secretly thinking about when he had degenerated into a murderer like Chu Zihang who didn't understand the charm?
"I tell you that I like you, not because I want to hear you say that you are not good enough for me, but because I want you to say that you like me too. This is good. We are in love with each other since childhood. No one can say anything together," Nuonuo said seriously. She took off her stilettos, revealing her small and beautiful feet. She curled up on the seat and put her pointed chin on her knees.

"Hey, Lu Mingfei, you don't want to reject me, right? Just because I wasn't so kind to you before, I blamed Caesar for the things you did for me." Nono did this. When I say this, I feel a little aggrieved, like some kind of small animal with big eyes and pointed chin, huddled in a not-so-dry tree hole on a cold rainy night, covered with yellowing leaves.

Lu Mingfei rarely saw Nono in such a state. In his eyes, the senior sister had always been an elegant girl.

He then slowed down the car and tilted his head to look at Nono: "Senior sister, you know that's not what I meant. I just thought it would be unfair to you."

“There is no absolute fairness in this world. People always have to pay the price for their mistakes. I could have possessed you alone, but we missed each other many times due to many misunderstandings.” Nuonuo said. She glanced at Lu Mingfei sceptically. Just that aggrieved and pitiful look was enough to melt President Lu’s heart.

Little did she know that the little witch was filled with joy, thinking that Lu Mingfei was indeed possessed by male chauvinism. He used to like Yu Jie but now he falls in love with Lolita and soft girls.

Humph, sister, I am sweet and affectionate. If you like a royal sister, I can be a royal sister. If you like a soft girl, I can pretend to be pure and lovely, but I can’t even win over you. Mingfei?

"And I don't think I hate Xia Mi, nor do I hate Eri Yi, although Xia Mi and I often call her little mute." Nono raised his head and looked at Lu Mingfei, with a light pink nose. Shrugging,
"Lu Mingfei, of course you are very powerful. You are S-level. You are handsome and you know how to make girls happy. You are more than a hundred times better than Chu Zihang. People like you are always good at flirting with women. I am the only one." To be honest, I am a little worried. Besides, we are both human beings. When we finally die, we are just a small wave in the dark river, and Xia Mi is a dragon that broke through the water. The wave is quite small compared to the dragon. Yes, but dragons cannot survive without water. Dragons and waves have always lived together..."

"Did you know that the day before you and Natsumi came to Tokyo, I accompanied Eriki to eat ramen in the alley behind the National University of Tokyo in Bunkyo District? Eriki should have told you about this." Lu Mingfei A sudden voice interrupted Nono's chatter. Nono was a little stunned for a moment. He raised his small plain white face and saw Lu Mingfei's eyes reflecting the dim lights in the rain. All the street lights were there. Emitting desolate light, that light is scattered in every drop of rain.

"The owner of the ramen stall and the ramen chef is actually Eri's biological father, as well as the biological father of Minamoto and Minamoto. He escaped from the Sheki Hachi family many years ago and has been relying on a ramen truck. Car life in Tokyo.”

"Uesugoshi is evaluated by the principal as...the most powerful natural hybrid in the world within fifty years." Nono murmured. Strictly speaking, Uesugi Koshizai should be the last true emperor in the history of the eight Sheqi families. The archives of the secret party in another world clearly state that Minamoto Chisei, Minamoto Chisame and Eri are actually from The genetic products of the Black Swan Port in Siberia, their blood is barely enough to reach the minimum limit of becoming an emperor, but it is incomparable to monsters like Uesugi Koshi who are the best even among the emperors. Probably only those whose bloodline is always on the verge of losing control. Eriko is able to surpass Uesugoshi in terms of bloodline and speaking ability.

Anger once personally admitted that if his words hadn't completely restrained Uesugoshi's black sun, he would have been torn to pieces with his bloodline even if he couldn't survive Uesugoshi's first wave of offensive. When the college proposed the Nibelung Plan, it announced to Lu Mingfei a term called a mixed-blood monarch. The principal said that a mixed-blood monarch is the emperor of mixed races, the strongest dragon slayer who can compete with the four monarchs of the dragon clan. , only a few people in history have advanced their bloodline to that extent, and they were all eventually killed by the united dragon kings. Uesugoshi is probably the most powerful hybrid under the hybrid monarch. Even in the Age of Gods, he was regarded as a nightmare monster by the dragons.

"Actually, it doesn't matter who the ramen chef is. What's important is that Eriyi told me something. I thought it was very interesting, and it really made me think a lot about it for a long time." Lu Mingfei said, "She asked I told you a lot about you and Xia Mi. She said that you are very good and she likes you very much. She also said that Xia Mi is my first girlfriend and you are my second girlfriend. She wants to be my second girlfriend. Three girlfriends... At that time, I was thinking that I was such a fucking asshole, and I should have told her earlier that I was not the loner I used to be."

"Then what do you think?" Nono tilted his head, his red eyes shining, "What the little mute said."

"How can there be a distinction between senior sister and junior sister?" Lu Mingfei scratched his hair, "I never thought about putting them in order. Senior sister, you just said you wanted to hear me say that I like you too. Now let me tell you, in fact, I have always liked you and hope you can always be by my side."

Blazing white lightning connected from the sky to the earth, and the thunder roared deep in the dark clouds in the sky like ten thousand beasts roaring majestically. The world was illuminated. Nono curled up tighter, feeling shy in her heart. His face didn't show it, but his earlobes were red and hot, and his face was also red and hot.

She suddenly stood up from the seat, and the cold fragrance of sea water enveloped Lu Mingfei at this moment. He felt a soft and delicate touch on his cheek, which seemed familiar.

After kissing Lu Mingfei's face, Nono crossed his arms and looked out the window indifferently, leaving President Lu with only the back of his head. Lu Mingfei giggled, "Senior sister, can you kiss me on the lips?" This guy pushed the envelope and stepped on the gas. After the blast, the black Hummer moved faster through the heavy rain, like black thunder running among the gray-white buildings.

"When we get to the hotel later, you can kiss wherever you want." Nono's voice was as subtle as a mosquito's, and Lu Mingfei felt that his breath was boiling hot.

"Maybe you can let me and Xia Mi serve you together in the future... It's exciting to think about enjoying the blessings of being together, isn't it?" Nuonuo said strangely.

"I feel like what I said is a bit like Brother Cheng..." Lu Mingfei didn't hear the strangeness in that sentence, but he was still a little frightened.

Isn't it true that Ito Makoto-senpai was killed by a girl because he was too naughty, and then his head was chopped off and paraded through the streets?

(End of this chapter)

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