Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 306 301 Nono’s Final Strategy

Chapter 306 301. Nono’s final strategy (1)

"Watch a movie with me first." Nuonuo hugged Lu Mingfei's arm and squeezed into the sofa. Her slender body curled up into a small ball, like a baby holding her father.

The hotel Nuonuo mentioned after booking turned out to be a movie hotel. It was a not-so-common hotel that prepared a home theater for guests in the room. The environment was clean and the sound insulation of the entire building was excellent.

The only fly in the ointment was that Norma discovered more than twenty cameras in the room, and Lu Mingfei picked them all out with lust.

Come to think of it, no country in the world, including Japan, South Korea, and Canada, can completely ban surveillance equipment that unscrupulously invades privacy in hotels and hotels.

Familiar Pixar animation opening music and video, the movie opens slowly in darkness, with mottled and colorful light images flowing like a river on the faces of Lu Mingfei and Nono. Nono has a Coke in his left hand and popcorn in the right, but Lu Mingfei. Suddenly he was stunned.

The movie Nono requested was actually the movie "Wall-E" that was too familiar to him.

This is a romance film with a science fiction veneer, telling the story of the bad boy Walli and the beautiful Eve, from acquaintance to murder to falling in love.

Lu Mingfei said it was too familiar because he had watched the 2008 Pixar animated film more than three times.

The first time was when I was in high school in another world and the literary club held activities. Strangely speaking, Chen Wenwen used to like to find something like "Smell the Scent of a Woman", "Manchester by the Sea", and "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" The movie that middle-class white women like to watch was shown to the literary club, and that time I actually found "Wall-E". Although he has never said it, Lu Mingfei has always been somewhat critical of Chen Wenwen's taste in judging. Do high school students really like movies like Scent of a Woman?
In short, the memory of watching Wall-E for the first time was not bad. Mr. Zhao Menghua and Mr. Zhao also got the invitation and took his gold medal brother Xu Yanyan and his two brothers to buy big bags of snacks and enough soda.

The second time I watched this movie was at a literary club dinner after high school graduation. Zhao Gongzi and Chen Wenwen’s lovers confessed their love in the Zhengguo Cinema Hall, and they kissed in the background with Wall-E and Eve looking at each other.

Thinking about it, Lu Mingfei's life in another world is really tragic. He doesn't have super cool and cool dick skills, nor does he have the seven deadly sins that can slay dragons and chop vegetables. Even the super artifact long-legged senior sister on the inexplicable equipment Brother and Brother with facial paralysis were all borrowed.

The sound of Nuonuo chewing popcorn cracked, and Lu Mingfei's thoughts turned around. He felt that there was a fat little hamster sitting next to him. The little hamster was holding its big fangs to deal with its own nuts and nut shells. The broken hair made the same clicking sound.

He secretly looked at the senior sister who was hugging his arms like a pillow while sleeping. There was a thunderstorm outside the window, but he felt surprisingly quiet in his heart.

Nuonuo raised her head and watched the movie. The dancing light and shadow floated on the surface of her magnificent burgundy eyes, and her thin lips, which looked like cinnabar, raised a slight arc.

She hugged him tighter, her long legs and slender waist close to the man beside her. Lu Mingfei felt like he was being wrapped in a warm, soft and fragrant cloud.

"I didn't like watching movies before. When I did watch them, they were horror movies like The Old Corpse in a Mountain Village." Nono ate popcorn without looking away from the screen.

"Senior sister is mighty." Lu Mingfei complimented, feeling as impetuous as a kitten scratching his head. The flower of Kassel College is right next to him, as if he is picking it up without any defense. If he puts himself in his shoes and the roles are reversed, and Lu Mingfei is in his current situation, who else in the college can be better than the revolutionary martyr Chu Zihang? Are you feeling calm in your arms?

"I used to like watching movies. Have you heard of Transformers, Sister? There are also King Kong, War of the Dragons, etc. Men should like such big and fierce things." Lu Ming mentioned his favorite movie Fei scratched his hair. He used to hang out with Chen Wenwen and pretended to be a sad and artistic young man. But in fact, he was wearing a middle-class white woman's skin with a Jurassic dinosaur heart.

"Why do you like horror movies? I thought girls like to watch teen dramas or something."

"I'm not a little girl like your ex-ex-girlfriend Chen Wenwen." Nono rolled her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, there's no need to stab someone so suddenly. Besides, that's my ex-girlfriend. She's clearly my crush, okay? We've never held hands even once until our deaths! "Lu Mingfei shouted softly.

Lu Mingfei felt that he could openly tell everyone that he once liked Chen Motong, and he could also share with everyone around him the little deer bumping into each other when he first met Xia Mi, because both Nono and Xia Mi were the same. Almost perfect girls, you should like them as long as you are a man.

As for Chen Wenwen, that is a little secret that she wishes she could hide in her heart and never be exposed.

Although this little secret was shared by everyone from the dean of students to the two brothers Xu Yanyan, and even Brother Liang Wendao, who was hanging out outside the school and later entered the juvenile detention center, and Brother Chu Zihang, who had facial paralysis and graduated early and went to Kassel to study abroad, Almost everyone in the entire Shilan Middle School and Shilan Middle School social circle knows about it.

But Lu Mingfei still wanted to use self-deception to put that little bit of embarrassment behind his head.

Every boy will have a period of time when he will suddenly be in a daze in class one day and think that he is a little too tired to go out in the world alone, so he will look around and pick out one of the weird-looking girls in the class. If she is just okay, then she will fantasize about her life in the world with that girl who is just okay, and even think about marrying her in the future.

But as soon as you get out of that damn, narrow high school, where you go from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day, you will find that there are so many beautiful girls in this fucking big world, and you were really blind before. Look at the chubby girl at work.

Lu Mingfei didn't think Chen Wenwen was a chubby girl, but he still didn't want to talk about this past event that didn't even happen in this world.

Nuonuo stabbed Lu Mingfei on the waist with two fingers as if they were daggers. Her cheeks bulged, which was actually a bit cute that did not suit her temperament. Lu Mingfei blinked and touched Nuonuo's bulging cheeks. Nono pouted and raised his head, looked at each other and immediately looked away from Lu Mingfei, continuing to watch the educational animated movie. She sighed and arched against Lu Mingfei's side, like a puppy, and Lu Mingfei stroked her hair. The red hair was surprisingly easy to touch, soft, not tangled, and had a light fragrance.

"I have always been a strong person since I was a child. If someone bullied me, I would grit my teeth and swallow the blood in my stomach. Then I would jump up and punch the guy in the chin, bite his ears with my teeth, and dig into his lower body with my knees... Because my brothers and sisters actually all have their own mothers. Most of them are beautiful and graceful young women. They dress brightly and are allowed to visit their precious sons or daughters every week, although they all look educated. Educated people secretly use their hundreds of tricks to deal with other young masters," Nuonuo said softly, biting popcorn in her mouth, her voice a little unclear, and her eyes unblinking. Staring at the screen, WALL-E and Eve are flying in the dark universe, and the white smoke emitted by the fire extinguisher leaves various interesting patterns.

"I don't have a mother, but I get the most favor from Mr. Chen because I am the best among them all. Some people think that Chen Motong will be the future owner of the Chen family, but more people don't want to see this. Things happened, and they secretly said bad things about me... I guess my brothers must have heard those words. They brought them to the manor and said that I was a wild bastard born of a wild woman, and that I was a bitch... "

Nuonuo's voice was very soft and her expression was indifferent. There were no emotional fluctuations in her eyes. It seemed that she was not talking about her own unbearable past, but was just talking about a short story she read at the end of a magazine. .

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then put his arms around Nono, and Nono rested his head on Lu Mingfei's shoulder.

"My brothers don't care if I can hear them talking bad about me. Sometimes they even laugh at me in front of me." Nono's voice became colder. She still hugged Lu Mingfei tightly, but her eyes It was so cold that it felt like there was a sharp knife hidden inside.

"Every time they laughed at me, I would rush up and beat them with a bat. My physical fitness is the best, and my fighting skills are also the best. Three or five strong men can't beat me, let alone them. Later they learned Be good and stop saying those words in front of me, but you still laugh at me in private and try your best to slander me..."

When she said this, Nuonuo's eyes were blurred and desolate, but she suddenly exclaimed. It turned out that Lu Mingfei had picked her up with just one hand, as if he were lifting a kitten or a bunny. easy.

Lu Mingfei put Nono on his knees, pulled the blanket over to cover them both, put one hand around Nono's waist, and held Nono's hand with the other.

He pressed Nono's head against his chest, so that the two people completely overlapped in the darkness.

The man's fierce breath was like all-pervasive water, almost drowning Nono. She tilted her head and looked up into Lu Mingfei's eyes. Her hot breath hit her face, and she saw her own reflection in the man's eyes.

"Whoever bullies you again, we will beat him into a pig head that doesn't even recognize his mother." Lu Mingfei said seriously.

This guy said this with great assurance, which sounded very unconvincing, but he also had a very deceptive face, and the expression of gritted teeth made Nono couldn't help it, and he laughed out loud.

"Who can bully me if I have a junior brother? I'm the only one who can bully others, okay?" Nuonuo squirmed in Lu Mingfei's arms, and suddenly she stretched her neck and tapped Lu Mingfei's lips. ,
"Here, I'll reward you for speaking up and speaking out." Nuonuo put his hands on his hips and looked like I'm very interested in doing things in a business-like manner, so please come and praise me.

But even though the little witch looked arrogant and arrogant, she couldn't hide the blush on her cheeks. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, giggled, and hugged the slender waist tighter in his arms.

"Senior sister, you haven't said why you like watching horror movies."

At this time, Wall-E on the screen was injured and was crushed into a big fool. Even if Eve risked her life to save him, the thing she rescued was still a big fool, like scrap metal, with nothing. Yes, it is exactly the same as other mass-produced garbage-picking robots.

"Because none of my brothers liked me. We were all very young at that time. What they liked to watch were boring things like Ultraman Armored Digimon. I also liked Digimon before, but those few The brother who laughed at me doesn't seem to be afraid of Digimon." Nono gritted his teeth and made an annoyed expression.

"One night the wrong film was brought to the manor. They originally wanted to take the penguins of Madagascar...you know, just those cheap penguins...but that night they showed Orphans' Revenge, for those The timid child was so frightened that even his brothers were frightened and had to crowd into a room while sleeping. But I was not afraid because I felt that the old witch who played herself as a child in that movie was really brave. I was able to cut her into eight pieces with my bare hands, but thanks to that, I found a way to get back at them. The rule in the manor was that the kids with the best grades got to choose what movies were shown during evening movie time, and I was usually the best. Excellent. I chose the scariest movies of those years to play every night, especially the bloody and perverted ones. However, after just one week, all the children in the manor began to fear me and felt that I was mentally disturbed. Question, afraid that I would secretly take a knife and cut their throats on the bed..."

Lu Mingfei found it very interesting, thinking that Nono was indeed someone who had suffered a loss and must take revenge.

"Senior sister, you were great when you were a kid. I really like you like this." Lu Mingfei put his chin on Nono's head. Nono muttered dissatisfiedly, but the muttering was not even stopped and he couldn't hold it back. A cry came out of her mouth.

"Hey, hey!" Nuonuo hummed and yelled in a low voice. He glanced sideways at Lu Mingfei behind him. He pressed a slender and slender palm under his buttocks. He felt that the sword had no eyes. It was removed from the Seven Deadly Sins. His lust almost made a hole in his body.

Lu Mingfei's two hands were now covering his slender waist, reaching in from the hem of his coat and gently stroking the smooth and delicate skin.

Nuonuo raised her eyebrows angrily, and the blush on her earlobes suddenly spread to her entire face, and even the root of her neck was pink.

"Senior sister, don't you feel it's hot when you hold that knife?" Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows, smiled, and climbed up dishonestly with both hands at the same time.

The most beautiful thing in the world is indeed the spring mountain at the top of a girl's heart. Lu Mingfei uttered a long sigh of admiration, and his eyes seemed to be red.

Nono was a little frightened. Strong male hormones fell from the sky in an instant, making her dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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