Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 352 343 Long Legs

Chapter 352 343. Long Legs
At a depth of 4510 meters, the speedometer slowly returned to zero.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other. The huge feeling of palpitations made them feel uneasy, as if someone was pressing the blade of a steel knife into their chests, and their hearts were beating like thunder in their chests.

Under the control of EVA, the Trieste submersible was hovering steadily at a depth of 4,500 meters in the Sea of ​​Japan. A dim light shone through the portholes and the whole world was dead silent.

"Command center, we are close to the border of Longwei's territory. Everything is running normally on the Trieste, but Chu Zihang and I are not in a good mental state. It seems that we have..." Caesar reported the situation to the sea in a low voice, "a huge sense of uneasiness."

"That's the mental suppression of the dragons on the hybrids at work. After undergoing the Nibelung Project, your bloodline can be classified as S-level, but it will still be affected. This means that there is at least a second-generation species sleeping in the depths of the Abyss." The one who responded to Caesar's call was not the man named Cheng Shuangfan, but the blue girl who appeared on the screen.

When the Trieste arrived at the designated area, EVA took over the command and dispatch power from Cheng Shuangfan again.

Like those emperors in ancient China who conquered the world on horseback, whenever there was a war that could decide the life and death of the empire, they were always worried about handing their people and army over to other people's hands.

"Understood, what should we do next?"

"Release drones three to ten and explore downward step by step. Please don't feel any psychological burden and don't dive without permission. There is a high-yield alchemical sulfur bomb inside the abdominal cavity of each drone. All you have to do is remotely control these drones through electromagnetic communication, cable communication and medium and long wave communication, and make them explode above the embryo." There was not much expression on EVA's face. It seemed that she would only show her side as a girl in front of Lu Mingfei. In the eyes of Caesar, Chu Zihang and even the bigwigs of the board of directors, EVA was just an artificial intelligence with supreme power in the computer field.

Caesar's expression changed. Before carrying out the diving mission, the academy did not tell them that each drone carried by the Trieste was equipped with a powerful alchemical sulfur bomb.

It turned out that they shouldn't have trusted those crazy idiots in Watt Alheim.

At this time, Chu Zihang had already opened the valve of the watertight compartment, and the automatic elevator pushed the eight drones stacked in the launcher into the pressurized cabin.

"Wait, the Trieste is equipped with twelve underwater drones, why did we only dispatch the tenth one?" Caesar frowned.

"If all attempts to bomb the embryo with underwater drones outside the Dragon Power field fail, perhaps the school will eventually decide to let the Trieste continue to dive. You don't really want to be forced to use the powerful power source in the submersible's power compartment as a nuclear bomb, right?"

Caesar and Chu Zihang both fell silent.

The remaining two drones are actually the last two remaining bombs of the Trieste. In fact, the executive department had already made a plan in mind. Compared to killing a dangerous ancient dragon, they would not hesitate even if the price might be the most outstanding A-level hybrid in the history of the academy and the heir of the Gattuso family.

"If we need a submersible to enter Longwei's territory, what is our chance of survival?" Chu Zihang's expression did not change much. He simply pressed the button to release the drone from the pressurized cabin. The display screen immediately expanded into split-screen mode, and the images transmitted back by as many as sixteen cameras appeared on the left side of the split screen.

Small windows after small windows were filled with turbulent black sea water. The gas mines carried by the drones could not illuminate areas too far away. There was nothing in the visible range and only the thin sea snow that was still withering.

It feels like walking alone on the edge of hell and earth, and the whole world has forgotten you.

"3.67%." EVA's cold voice poured into Chu Zihang's ears, and Caesar beside him actually breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought we would be dead if we did that." Caesar shrugged. "There's still a 3% chance of survival, which is not bad. I've always had good luck."

Master Gattuso certainly had good luck, whichever horse he bought would surely stand out from the competition, because Gattuso's servants were hiding in the crowd, and they would drug other good horses in advance; what he hoped would always happen as promised, because Mr. Frost would even spend 30 million US dollars on Shrek Company to make his dear nephew happy.

But Jiyuan does not recognize money. The eight thousand meter deep sea water can crush an ordinary poor person to death, and it will not give up crushing Caesar just because the Gattuso family is willing to pay a high price for it. Everyone is treated equally in the face of death.

"But there is still some good news." Chu Zihang stared at the small window on the screen without blinking.

"We are not a couple. This is in accordance with the regulations of the Executive Department that couples cannot act together when conducting a diving mission."

"In that case, if you confess to me now, we can be pulled up and away from this damn place immediately," said Caesar.

Chu Zihang slowly looked at Caesar, "It's better not to complain about this." The corner of his eye twitched.

"You started it." Caesar held a cigar between his lips. "Mind if I smoke one?"

"It doesn't matter. The submersible has an air filter and we have enough oxygen," said Chu Zihang.

The Trieste carried four full oxygen tanks, enough for the two of them to stay underwater for a full eight hours.

The drone is diving slowly at a tentative speed. This location is just above the Japan Trench. Geologically speaking, it is the result of the Pacific Plate colliding with the Eurasian Plate. This collision caused the uplift of the Eurasian Plate. The formation of the Himalayas is based on the same principle. In ancient times, it was still an ocean.

At the junction of the two plates, the oceanic plate subducted into the mantle and melted, forming a very deep trench. The deepest part of the Japan Trench is called the Tuscarora Deep, with a depth of 8513 meters, which was once considered the deepest place in the world.

Now, below the Trieste is the Castarola Abyss, where the ruins of the great city of the Age of Gods sunk. The embryo of the ancient dragon breathes slowly in the ruins, and the whole world breathes with it. Its heartbeat can even be transmitted from the eight thousand meters deep seabed to the endless Pacific Ocean and captured by the Equipment Department and the Rock Flow Research Institute.

For the two people in this submersible, such a thing was an opponent they had never faced directly. So far, Lu Mingfei had been at the forefront of every battle against the Dragon King in the academy. They had no chance to experience the majesty of the second-generation or even the first-generation species up close.

After the drone separated from the Trieste, it continued to dive at the same level. No abnormalities were found during the process. Neither the super dragon blood shark nor the ghost tooth viper appeared again, and the deep-sea giant squid was unable to let the two killer embryos see its true appearance.

In the silence, both of them were somewhat bored, staring intently at the video transmitted back by the drone.

Suddenly, expressions of fear and horror appeared on their faces at the same time. Chu Zihang subconsciously clenched his sword, while Caesar leaned back and crossed his hands to grope towards his waist.

The two Desert Eagles filled with the Philosopher's Stone were worn around his waist.

In fact, neither Murasame nor Desert Eagle could deal with any accidents that happened or might happen in front of them. Even if a female ghost face was stuck outside the resin glass and made faces at them, Caesar would not draw his gun and shoot.

Because once the sealing of the Trieste is destroyed, it will immediately cave inward like a flattened can. The high pressure of 4,500 meters in the deep sea can squeeze out the shit of the passengers.

Or maybe crush them together with the shit into an inseparable lump of organic matter.

It seems that although Master Gattuso does not have mysophobia, he has a life of luxury. He never thought that he would die so... artistically in his life.

The reason why the expressions of the two killer embryos became so ugly was that the accident happened only ten minutes after the drone was released.

Drone No. 5140, depth gauge , lost contact.

Drone No. 5175, depth gauge , lost contact.

In just one minute, four small windows on the left went out one after another, and a low alarm sound echoed in the cockpit of the Trieste.

"The radio signal remote-controlled drone has lost control, but we still have a chance of winning. Please stay calm!" EVA suddenly appeared in the two blacked-out small windows, and Chu Zihang's eyebrows twitched.

It’s not that she was scared, but... the girl’s cold voice suddenly became stuck and intermittent.

This means that although the Ditriste did not make any diving movements, the signal between them and the sea surface was becoming increasingly poor.

There are only two possibilities, either the dragon is getting closer and closer to them, or the edge of the dragon's power domain is spreading quietly.

No matter which possibility it is, it is not good news for Chu Zihang and Caesar who are now stuffed in a tin can. The Ditriaster is a prototype from seventy years ago. Although its shell is strong, it can definitely not withstand the bite of a dragon. What's more, the dragon may not even bother to bite such a tin garbage. It only needs to call on its servants, such as those sharp-toothed ghost-toothed vipers, to easily destroy this submersible 4,500 meters under the sea.

"Senior, do you have any suggestions?" Chu Zihang suddenly asked.

A hint of surprise flashed across EVA's eyes, and that momentary fluctuation of expression completely tore her apart from the indifference of artificial intelligence.

"According to calculations, even the most stable cable drone will lose contact if it dives to a depth of one thousand meters at most. Operation Jiyuan has failed here." She simply held her chin up in thought. Although her expression was still indifferent, the image of a serious and solemn girl had already jumped onto the screen.

"Your best option right now is to notify the command center and let the executive department use safety ropes to pull you to the surface." The girl said softly.

Chu Zihang pursed his lips tightly, did not make a decision, did not speak, just looked at Caesar.

Operation Jiyuan was not a mission that he had to complete. Even if it failed this time, the Equipment Department could find a way to transform the earth-penetrating bomb into a sea-penetrating bomb, equip it with a nuclear warhead and throw it directly into the trench to destroy the city and the ancient dragon's embryo together. The cost of doing so was only the risk of letting the entire Japan slide into the sea.

But for Caesar, this is a chance to save Christina.

The life of the Moscow girl suffering from ALS had already begun to count down when she was eighteen years old. If she was not selected into the list of executors of the Nibelungen Plan, she could live for at most five years.

It is simply a fantasy for Christina to stand out from the next batch of candidates for the Nibelungen Project with her own abilities. Her bloodline is just the most common B-level. Although Word Spirits are quite rare, in the eyes of the academy that has a large base of mixed-bloods as a reserve, rare Word Spirits are nothing, unless it is Time Zero, or the even rarer Commandments, or even the Rhine that can destroy a city.

"We still have a chance to complete the mission, right?" Chu Zihang raised his eyes and looked at the operating console. He was not looking at the switches of buttons and valves, but staring at the screen with more and more small windows going out.

Within five minutes, all the remaining drones lost contact, and the Academy's attempt to infiltrate and cross the Dragon Power Domain failed. Even though those drones were added with advanced alchemical matrices by the Night Watchmen, they were still unable to break through the shield generated for an ancient dragon in his subconscious.

"Theoretically, the success rate of using your bloodline to fight against the hatched next generation is 2.1%, and against a dragon king..." EVA hesitated, so that she would be more like a living girl.

"how many?"

"0." EVA said, and when she responded to Caesar's question, she looked straight in Caesar's direction, as if she could really see the Italian sitting there scratching his head anxiously.

But in fact, there was no camera in the submersible that could capture the front view of the two of them.

"There are only eight Dragon Kings, and we have killed two of them. The possibility that a monarch is buried deep in the Abyss is very low. We can give it a try." Chu Zihang said. He was actually unwilling to give up.

It's not about honor, it's just about fulfilling one's duty.

"Surface and pull us up!" Caesar said coldly, throwing away his headphones.

Chu Zihang was stunned and looked at the man with a frown on his face, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"I know you are the team leader, but the dive application must be approved by two people at the same time before it can be sent to the command center, so this mission ends here." Caesar took a deep breath and reached out to the valve switch on the operating table. That was the valve of the watertight compartment. As long as it was turned on, the submersible would expel the seawater between the metal outer shell and the inner shell, and then the air would be discharged from the airtight compartment, and the tin can would float up by itself.

Of course they could also ask the tanker on the sea to pull them up directly, but the shaking of the safety lock would make the journey very unpleasant.

"How could my pride allow you to accompany me to take this risk and lead my friends and partners into a meaningless dead end?" Caesar said. He didn't look into Chu Zihang's eyes, but all the strength in his body seemed to be drained.

But suddenly, a bright blue light swept across the small cockpit. Chu Zihang and Caesar looked out through the observation window, and for a moment, their eyes were a little dull.

It was a bright blue river, and the river was densely packed with ghost tooth vipers, all glowing with a faint blue light.

There were thousands of them, and they had surrounded the Ditrieste silently!

Several ferocious viperfish gathered in front of the observation window, showing their dagger-sharp teeth through the resin glass and bending their bodies like small snakes. Chu Zihang could see through their transparent scales and muscles that the bones inside seemed to be made of silver, which were slender but full of extremely hideous brutality.

"I think we have no chance to surface..." Chu Zihang murmured.

Caesar's pupils shrank slightly, he straightened his spine again, leaned forward, and the kamaitachi's territory quietly opened.


Too many heartbeats.

It almost filled his brain!
The heartbeat of each ghost tooth viper was abnormally manic, like the beat of a drum on a battlefield.

"I think the dragon has discovered us," Caesar murmured, "and it will punish those who cross the line."

"I don't want to die with you, so don't give up..." At this time, a light female voice sounded from behind them. Caesar and Chu Zihang tensed their muscles at the same time, and in an instant, Murasame unsheathed the Desert Eagle and pointed it back.

A beautiful figure gradually emerged in the narrow shadow. Her facial features were delicate and her makeup was delicate. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail at the back of her head, revealing her fair and slender neck like a kendo girl. Her bright but cold face was lightly swept with eyeshadow, and her eyes were slender, like a scarlet blade.

If such a girl appeared on the streets of Tokyo, she would probably become the most eye-catching scenery, but at this moment they were 4,500 meters deep in the sea, surrounded by countless vipers that could tear their bones into pieces and swallow them into their stomachs, and the girl was pointing two unsheathed long knives at their hearts.

Such an encounter is really unbearable...

"Ninja?" Chu Zihang said coldly. He obviously recognized Jiude Mai's combat uniform. It was clearly a tight-fitting bodysuit, and underneath it was a sharkskin swimsuit.

He couldn't understand why this incredibly beautiful girl was wearing a swimsuit. Was she planning to crawl out of the Trieste 8,000 meters below the sea and swim a few laps like a mermaid?
But even mermaids cannot dive into the 8,000-meter abyss. The only creature that can reach here is the Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea.

Caesar was stunned, "Damn, those legs are so long."

Master Gattuso immediately brought the tense atmosphere back to a somewhat awkward situation.

(End of this chapter)

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