Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 353 344 Mai: Lu Mingfei and I secretly made a private appointment

Chapter 353 344. Mai: Lu Mingfei and I secretly made a private appointment
When we returned to the camp, Christina was curled up in the corner of the tent with her chin in her hand, wrapped in a coat, looking at the snow outside the window. In front of her was a charcoal stove, and on the charcoal fire sat a Kansai iron kettle, with water boiling.

The orange-yellow firelight illuminated her dark green pupils into a gorgeous golden color. She was wearing a black and white striped scarf, and at this moment, half of her face and pointed chin were hidden in the scarf.

Lu Mingfei's heart moved as he pulled open the curtain and walked in. This girl was really unpredictable. Sometimes she was an impetuous girl, and sometimes she was a female Caesar Gattuso with an overflowing sense of justice and loyalty that overflowed the screen. At this moment, she exuded a deep loneliness, a loneliness that reminded people of the snow lotus on the distant mountains, the clear autumn water blowing in the wind, fragile yet strong.

Christina turned her head and glanced at them. When she saw Lu Mingfei, her expression was relatively calm. But when she saw Lingze, who was wearing a camel coat and high-heeled boots, her brows immediately relaxed.

In name, Kassel College recruits students from all over the world, but the main sources are from Western Europe, Northern Europe and North America. The number of Russian students is not large. As for the black brothers from the distant Cape of Good Hope... Lu Mingfei has never seen any of them so far.

In short, they were both students of Professor Guderian and happened to be from Moscow. What's even better is that they were both girls. Christina's dormitory was right next to Zero's independent apartment, so they communicated quite a lot.

Of course, most of the time it was Christina who did the talking, and Zero was usually unwilling to appear as the one who spoke.

"We met him outside the camp. Ling was a task specialist temporarily assigned by the academy," said Lu Mingfei.

He had already noticed Miss Christina's eyes suddenly becoming lively and her expression clearly revealing a hint of gossip.

I think girls all over the world are the same. Even Russian girls can't escape the gossipy nature that is ingrained in them.

Ling let go of Lu Mingfei's arm only after he entered the tent. He looked around and his eyes were fixed on the Thunder Valley facing the window and the drilling rig in the valley that was running with a thunderous roar.

"The drilling project of the Yamanashi Prefectural Institute of Environmental Sciences has entered the final stage. If nothing unexpected happens, we will soon get the news that the drill has entered the Akagi River." Christina said as she poured a cup of hot water for Lu Mingfei and Ling each with the Kansai iron kettle. Ling sat down on the simple sofa next to her, and as he picked up the bone china cup, white steam rose up.

"That's a biogas drilling hole." Lu Mingfei pointed in the direction of Thunder Valley and looked out from the window.

Ling looked in the direction of Lu Mingfei's finger, and indeed saw a hill of soft mud. The ice and snow could not completely bury the thing, and the rotten black color suddenly appeared in the middle of the white.

The soil rich in methane can even be ignited by open flames. Sometimes at night, the staff here will use the black mud to melt the snow in the camp, so there is no need to worry about causing forest fires in this weather.

"When the soil sample in the drill pipe sampling hole changes from black to red, it means that the institute's drilling project is nearing completion." Christina said. Apparently, during the time that Lu Mingfei was away, the Russian girl successfully got some words out of Sakurai Masahiko.

The water of the Akagi River has a very high iron content. Over time, the iron in the underground river has seeped into the surrounding soil, so she said this.

"The Snake Family has been funding geological survey teams throughout Japan since 1920. Over the past years, they have dug countless deep wells in order to find the remains of the Age of Gods," Zero said softly.
"The remains of the dragon clan contain a huge crisis, but also represent...an opportunity to enter a new era."

Lu Mingfei sighed softly.

The so-called new era is actually the age of dragons. No human has ever witnessed such an age in this world. Is it good? Or bad? Or is it destined to end?
I don’t know. No one knows.

Lu Mingfei believes that Yuan Zhisheng still wants to kill the dead god, but can he represent the majority of the Sheqi Eight Families?

There is never a shortage of ambitious people in this world. The ambitions of the Japanese have been suppressed by Kassel Academy for too long. There are many people gnashing their teeth and sucking blood in the darkness, waiting to divide up the blood of God.

But the facts always tell the world time and again that the greedy will eventually die of greed, and the realm of God cannot be touched by humans.

The ambitious people of the Sheqi Eight Families may hope to open a Pandora's box, which may contain hope or the end of mankind.

"In history, there have been many people who dreamed of finding the kingdom of God. The First Emperor summoned the emperor to search for immortals and medicine, and made five tours to seek eternal life. After King Arthur died, Morgan used the Black Boat to send him to Avalon. The ancient Babylonians built the Tower of Babel in an attempt to reach heaven..."

Lu Mingfei squinted his eyes to watch the operation of the drilling machine. The roar echoed in his ears, as if even the falling snow was shaken by the loud noise.

"But how many people succeed? Who has gone to the Kingdom of God and returned alive?"

A not-so-obedient wisp of cold wind slipped into Christina's collar along her slender and elegant swan-like neck. The girl trembled slightly, feeling that all the darkness and fear in history were hidden in Lu Mingfei's words.

You go through untold hardships to find that door, for which you abandon everything, the world's wealth, the loved ones around you, the partner who promised never to betray you... In the end, you still set foot on the stairs to the kingdom of God alone, but after pushing the door, what greets you may not be the God who promised to give you eternal life, but a dragon that has been sleeping in hunger for thousands of years.

The dragon slowly opens its eyes in front of you, the glow in its pupils is as bright as a giant candle. You kneel before the so-called God and pray for everything you want, but in the end all you get is a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth.

It's really hopeless to think about it this way.

At this time, Lu Mingfei saw Sakurai Masahiko, the handsome young man who was wrapped in thick wool felt and holding a huge black umbrella and standing in a corner of the valley.

He held a bright flame in his mouth, and a thin layer of fog formed on the thick lenses. Although there were people coming and going around him, he felt so lonely and desolate, as if he was independent of this world.

After all, the vast majority of the staff at the Yamanashi Prefectural Institute of Environmental Sciences are ordinary people. Even in a country like Japan where monsters abound, true mixed-race people only make up a small population.

When half-bloods mingle among ordinary people, their blood sorrow will surge out from the depths of their souls, like an evil ghost called loneliness that is about to devour everything they have in this world.

Lu Mingfei had read his information. He was a civilian who had worked in the research institute for six years. In an organization with a strict hierarchy like the Sheqi Eight Families, he was just an insignificant person.

But in another world, when faced with the leakage of the dragon species and a very serious biological crisis was about to occur, Masahiko Sakurai rushed to the front line like a warrior without hesitation.

In Lu Mingfei's eyes, he was a young man with a strong sense of personal heroism. He was still living in the passionate high school days. In such a war, what could he do even if he went to the battlefield?

Sakurai Masahiko probably noticed that Lu Mingfei was looking at him, so he waved at him. Lu Mingfei nodded and shifted his gaze.

"I didn't see Yuan Zhisheng. They didn't come to this camp?" Lu Mingfei frowned.

Although Lu Mingfei and Ling took a shortcut, Yuan Zhisheng was driving after all, so logically they should have returned to the camp first.

"Gen Chisei and his assistant Yabuki Sakura led a team of executive bureau members who were on guard nearby into the mountains. It was said that they were searching for an old man named Saeki." Christina rested her chin on her hand and stared out the window in a daze. "I really don't understand why the search and rescue operation would be carried out by such an armed organization. Could it be that the old man is actually a retired head of the Snake Eight Clan?"

Lu Mingfei was slightly stunned.

He must be Crow's father.

But why did he come to Tama River? There was nothing here, only a lonely forest with no one around and heavy snow that seemed to never stop.

There are also the brothers who are about to have their inevitable reunion, Minamoto Chisei and Kazama Ruri.

Lu Mingfei's heart moved, and he suddenly thought that the old man might have come for revenge.

Even if a person is so old that he is about to die, his muscles have atrophied and his bones have degenerated, and he can't even lift a knife, but someone killed the person you loved most and burned your last hope of living in this world, you will go crazy and want to kill that person, and you will also summon strength from your bones to cut that person's throat with a knife.

"Senior Sister, are you listening to our conversation?" Lu Mingfei asked softly.

"I'm listening." Nono said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Is Crow's father nearby? He should have a cell phone with him that can locate him, right?"

"The EVA database shows his name as Kengo Saeki. Through big data comparison, his last appearance was at Tamagawa Station in Denenchofu, Ota Ward, Tokyo, which is very close to where you are." Nono only took a few minutes to investigate the whereabouts of Crow Dad. She hesitated for a moment,
"But he didn't carry a cell phone or satellite phone with him, so even the EVA couldn't accurately locate him."

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath.

He glanced at Zero, then at Christina, and put on the coat he had taken off after entering the tent.

"I'm going for a walk in the mountains." Lu Mingfei said.

He originally didn't want to get involved in these things, but the Crow Man was quite nice. He treated him very well in the other world and even treated him to roasted bird.

Now that guy is dead, his father shouldn't have died in the mountains like that.

Besides, even if the old man found Minamoto no Chitose, he would not be able to fight against Susanoo of the Snake Family.

If the one holding the knife was a young man from the mountains, Mr. Saeki might have been spared, but who knows whether the evil spirit Kazama Ruri or the young boy Genjima lives in that skinny body?
"Fish scales are bone formed by collagen in the fish dermis. The scientific name is ichthyosclerin. Essentially, it is a protein that contains trace amounts of calcium and phosphorus." Jiude Mai spoke quickly. She lowered her head, and the golden light flickered in the shadows. The Word Spirit. Dark Illumination was activated silently. In the eyes of the viperfish, the iron lump in front of them suddenly became an ethereal thing, like a deposit of sea snow, but the voice in their souls that made them tremble and had to obey was still forcing them to tear up the sediment.

Now these small fish are still testing, and they don't know what is happening, but once a viperfish bites off a piece of metal from the hull of the Trieste, the submersible will be torn into pieces immediately.

"I know, I know. When I went to Tianjin before, I ate crispy fried fish scales on the old street. They were delicious and had a protein content comparable to beef. They supplemented calcium and phosphorus, but so what? Are we going to set up a stove now and fry and eat those ghost tooth vipers outside?" Caesar made a bitter face.
"I hope our three pieces of raw meat, which are too high in cholesterol for them, won't give the viperfish diarrhea."

"What I mean is that when the dragons created the Ghosttooth Vipers, they did it near the lava river. Their scales contain hundreds of times more phosphorus than other fish. We can steam them all to death with high temperatures." Jiude Mai explained.

"The way the dragons control their own ghost-toothed dragon vipers is by using high temperatures. However, they have a protective film on their body surface that has a very weak heat transfer efficiency. Only by using extremely high temperatures in an instant to destroy the structure of that biological film can the vipers be burned to ashes. Otherwise, their skin will continuously secrete the liquid that makes up the film."

Ancient humans did not have the ability to create instantaneous high temperature conditions, so they could not find a way to restrain the Diablosaurus.

The Sumerians used this dangerous fish to smelt iron, also using constant flames to burn them to consume the biofilm fluid stored in their glands.

"The seawater outside is very cold. We have no way to create instantaneous high temperatures." Caesar frowned. "Unless we detonate the alchemical sulfur bomb, we will die here."

"No, there is another way." Jiude Mai raised her eyes. They were a pair of charming and bright eyes. Her sword-like eyebrows were slightly raised, and her pupils, which were like a river of golden fire, looked at Chu Zihang beside Caesar.
"What do you think, President?"

The girl stretched out her pink tongue to lick the corner of her mouth. She squinted her eyes like a cat, and her vision came through the gaps.

Caesar was slightly startled and turned to look at Chu Zihang, "Can you use Jun Yan in a place like this?" he asked.

Obviously, Master Gattuso also realized that there was a humanoid mortar sitting next to him... If it was on the bottom of the sea, it should be a humanoid self-propelled torpedo launcher.

"Okay." Chu Zihang nodded slowly, "But it's very dangerous. Even for a pure-blooded dragon, releasing the King's Flame in water is a taboo among taboos."

Samson, the dragon servant of Bronze City, once used the Sovereign Flame. Even the second generation was unwilling to spit out such words underwater, and instead stretched his snake-like long neck out of the water.

"Can taboos be compared to our lives?" Caesar waved his hand, "Just do whatever you want and I will bear all the consequences!"

Obviously, Master Gattuso felt relieved when he thought that this killer beside him could really save them from life-and-death crisis.

Sometimes, being a vandal is not completely useless.

"Seawater will instantly vaporize under high temperatures of several thousand degrees to produce a huge amount of steam. Its volume will expand several thousand times in an instant. If it exceeds the critical point, a steam explosion will occur..." Chu Zihang wanted to explain.

At this time, a sound like a war drum sounded behind them, the dark light domain dissipated, and another glazed color domain suddenly unfolded.

"Word Spirit. Diamond Realm, a defensive word spirit that can rival the Dustless Land." Jiude Mai said coldly.
"I used a technique to improve my bloodline, but it won't last long. You'd better hurry up."

Chu Zihang no longer hesitated or explained. He handed Murasame to Caesar, sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, another war drum sound came from his chest.

This guy's bones were making crackling sounds, and the power was being transferred to his limbs and bones by the blood pumped from the heart!

When he opened his eyes again, the pair of golden pupils that originally exuded a majestic aura became ferocious as if they were burning!
The walls of this small cabin were illuminated, looking like a flowing golden river of fire.

Second bloodshed!

There was no time to be surprised or to stop it. The magnificent dragon chanting sounded like the ringing of bronze bells in an old temple dedicated to gods in ancient times.

Jun Yan's domain swept across, and Caesar even felt a huge palpitation. He could sense that another domain outside the Vajra Realm was opening up completely and vigorously, and the hot and scorching waves swept back and forth in the air.

Caesar heard the heartbeats of the viperfish and suddenly became... confused and frightened.

They groaned at the push of some great creature, gnashing their teeth and sucking blood, longing for the fresh flesh and blood in the submersible.

But at the same time, they were afraid, afraid that one or two powerful creatures were secretly releasing their territory.

The black boundary wall spread along the hull of the Trieste, spreading out to a distance of three meters before exploding with a loud bang!

The muffled sound was brought back to Caesar's ears through the sickle-weasel. Through the observation window, a vortex of black flames could be seen appearing in the sea water directly above the submersible, with a dark red glow like glass on the surface.

That is... under the second blood burst, Chu Zihang's Jun Yan exploded.

This is Jun Yan's most condensed state. The internal temperature exceeds ten thousand, but not a trace of heat leaks out.

The vortex of black flames slowly rotated in the sea water, and it was getting faster and faster like a tornado in a stormy day!

At a certain moment, it collapsed!
A huge amount of sea water was vaporized instantly, and the temperature of the water vapor reached the temperature of the surface of the sun within a second. Swirling white steam flows roared in the deep sea.

These steam flows flowed along the hull of the Trieste but did not invade it. When the white steam disappeared, there was a dead silence all around, and only white ashes could be seen falling to the bottom of the sea.

When the sea calmed down, Jiude Mai slowly exhaled a breath. She opened her eyes, was stunned at first, and then raised her hands helplessly.

The black muzzle of the Desert Eagle was pointed at her forehead. Caesar helped Chu Zihang sit steadily and looked at this strange and powerful girl with a frown.

"Are you Japanese, a spy for the Sheqi family?" he asked.

Appearing in such a ghost place at this time, even though the girl was a top-notch girl with a great figure and appearance, Caesar was not Pompey after all, so he remained alert.

"I thought we were comrades-in-arms." Jiude Mai curled her lips.

"Before 1582, Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide were comrades-in-arms." Caesar shrugged.

"Actually, there's nothing to hide about my identity." Jiude Mai blinked, and suddenly she wanted to tease the two little brats, so a playful arc appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You are Lu Mingfei's friends, right?"

Chu Zihang suddenly opened his eyes.

His golden eyes had originally dimmed again, but now they were shining as if two incandescent bulbs were stuffed inside.

"Do you know him?" he asked suspiciously, with sirens ringing in his heart.

The killer brother looked the ninja girl up and down with a scrutinizing gaze, and finally reluctantly put a cross on Xia Mi's option.

"Not only that, we even made a secret appointment before." Jiude Mai pretended to be shy, with a hint of blush on her face.

"Has anyone ever told you that it's rude to look at a girl like that?"

Caesar was shocked and retreated tactically, thinking that Lu Mingfei was really immoral. However, he actually had a bit of the style of his Gattuso family.

Could it be that this guy is actually Pompeii's lost illegitimate son? But the cheap dad never said that he had a Chinese girlfriend.

Having said that, I don’t know why I’m a little envious.

Chu Zihang tightly grasped Murasame, "Lu Mingfei..."

He stared at me with eyes as big as copper bells, gnashing his teeth, "I will chop you up when I come back..."

(End of this chapter)

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