Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 354 345 The Jealous Princess

"It's really cold outside. Do you want to have a drink?" Ling said slowly, holding Lu Mingfei's arm.

The two of them actually looked like they were just out for a stroll, walking along the path outside the camp that was created by car ruts and foot traffic to the main road. The staff at the institute were surprised but did not stop them.

Occasionally, some young people would greet Lu Mingfei politely. After all, he was now a geological expert at the Rock Flow Research Institute, and he was his immediate superior to the Yamanashi Prefecture Institute of Environmental Sciences.

But in the blink of an eye, the young people began to whisper excitedly again, probably guessing that there was some unclear relationship between Miss Christina's boyfriend and the short and pretty girl who looked cold.

"You also brought wine?" Lu Mingfei's tone was nonchalant, but in fact at this moment Nuonuo was monitoring the movements of Yuan Zhisheng and Miss Sakura through EVA and conveying the information to Lu Mingfei's ears.

It is not difficult to do this. After all, the tortoise is not the crow's Showa father who probably has never even touched a smartphone. This guy has transmitters all over his body, from watches to mobile phones to car keys, that can provide EVA with precise coordinates.

"As I remember, you don't smoke and you seldom drink, right?" Lu Mingfei walked down the mountain along the latest tire tracks. The snow falling on the umbrella made a slight rustling sound, which was not noisy, but made people feel a little at ease.

But for some reason, President Lu shivered quietly. He looked around and scratched his hair suspiciously.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. It seems like someone is saying something bad about me. Look, my ears are red." Lu Mingfei pointed at his ears. Ling looked over and saw that the ears were indeed red as Lu Mingfei said. She took off her gloves curiously and rubbed them with her fingers.

"So warm." Ling's fingertips were slightly cold, but at this moment he was inexplicably reluctant to let go.

“Hehe, don’t let me know who is cursing me behind my back.” Lu Mingfei said viciously.

Her Highness took his arm again and looked up at the guy's profile.

"I got the wine from the camp, but unfortunately there's no vodka, only a small pot of sake. There's no need to add ice cubes in this weather." She blinked and really did take out a sealed small pot from her purse. She shook it in her hand and the sound of water splashing could be heard from inside.

"As for the cigarettes, I bought them on the way. I think there might not be a convenience store in the mountains. If you run out of your cigarettes, you can smoke mine."

When Ling raised his little face, white hot air came out of his mouth, which mixed hazily with the mountain breeze.

Lu Mingfei was stunned and slightly touched.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then reached out and gently rubbed Ling's head. Ling tilted his head with no change in his expression.

A faint and cool fragrance came from the direction of the girl, carried by the sharp wind. Lu Mingfei quickly withdrew his hand, shrank his neck, unscrewed the wine jug and took a sip.

"In winter, it can be freezing cold in the mountains at night. Even though there are coal stoves and bonfires made from ignited biogas mud, the long nights are very hard to endure without wine." Ling was already accustomed to Lu Mingfei's presumptuous behavior. She grabbed Lu Mingfei's small wine flask and took small sips of it.

"I don't like Japanese sake." After taking a sip of ice wine, Miss Ling's earlobes turned slightly pink. She frowned and took another sip.
"Too bland."

"Did you drink alcohol when you were in Moscow?"

"I don't drink much, but sometimes I have to. You all say that drinking culture is popular among Chinese, but actually Russians love drinking more. The Romanov family has a big business, including timber, animal husbandry, electronic components, real estate... In short, we can be seen in almost every industry in Moscow. With such a big business, of course we have to drink with others." Ling said, looking at the distant mountains. He felt that all the mountains were spread out in front of him, and the white snow seemed to have no end, but he could still see the black building standing at the end.

The Tokyo metropolitan area includes Kanagawa, and the shadows of joint-stock companies can be seen everywhere. Even if you look out from the mountains, you can see skyscrapers rising one after another. After the financial crisis, this country still maintains its vitality.

In comparison, Russia is like a giant on the decline. The empire that once occupied one end of the world has now declined.

"China used to buy airplanes from Russia, and I heard that the Ministry of National Defense only agreed after we blew vodka into the bottles," said Lu Mingfei.

"So you Chinese and we Russians actually have a lot in common." Ling said, "What is your current relationship with Xia Mi and Chen Motong?"

Lu Mingfei's heart rate was unbalanced, and the sake that he had not swallowed in time sprayed out into the air, immediately turning into flying ice crystals in the extremely cold wind.

A long time ago, Chu Zihang from another world said to Lu Mingfei on Panamera, "I know you liked Chen Wenwen when you were in school, but it wasn't such a big shock."

It must be said that Her Royal Highness the Princess is worthy of being a science student in the same department as a certain killer brother. Her brain circuits are really scattered. She is talking about another thing in the last second, and in the next second she can talk to you about the list of candidates for the US presidency of this term.

Seeing that Boss Lu was having trouble catching his breath, his face was flushed, and there was probably wine in his throat, Miss Ling made a prompt decision and used her magical skills. She concentrated her energy into her dantian and slapped Lu Mingfei on the back with the Nine Yang Magic Skill.

"Well, the wind is quite noisy today..." Lu Mingfei recovered his breath and changed the subject.

"So what is your relationship now? And the head of the Uesugi family." Ling was relentless.

The fire of gossip was burning in the princess' heart, and she held Lu Mingfei's arm a little tighter, as if she was afraid that he would just run away.

"Yes, Lu Mingfei, so what is our relationship now?" Nuo Nuo's voice suddenly sounded in the earphone. Lu Mingfei shuddered violently, and then he realized that he had not cut off the communication with his senior sister at all.

Boss Lu was so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks, and his face turned as red as pig liver. He knew that he had encountered a life-threatening question.

In today's legal society that advocates and strictly enforces monogamy, I don't think any senior can give him a standard answer.

In fact, Lu Mingfei didn't need to explain anything to anyone. How could a playboy like Caesar not see the relationship between them? Besides, that cunning loser Fingel had been hanging around with them in Tokyo for such a long time. The news that President Lu had blatantly opened a harem on the Night Watcher forum was a hot topic. Lu Mingfei even received a warning letter from Professor Manstein, the head of the Discipline Committee, which severely condemned Lu Mingfei's behavior of reversing history.

But how could you have the nerve to talk about such a thing, especially when Her Royal Highness the Princess' intentions were unclear, it was simply pushing Lu Mingfei into the fire pit.

“This…that…” Boss Lu tried for a long time but couldn’t squeeze out a single word from his throat. A low laugh came from the earphone, as if mocking him for being as cowardly as the child he was long ago.

"I'm listening." The princess looked up at Lu Mingfei coldly. He finally couldn't stand Ling's gaze and sighed.

Then I'll be honest. Anyway, I, Lu Mingfei, acted honestly. I didn't steal or rob. My senior and junior sisters and I were willing to do this. What does it have to do with you, an outsider?

He was furious in his heart, and his eyes became clearer. "Okay, okay, actually..."

At this moment, thunder suddenly exploded at the foot of the mountain, and the loud bang was heard from the abandoned village not far away. Lu Mingfei and Ling were both stunned and looked towards the direction of the mountain at the same time.

"Senior Sister, there is an abandoned village at my nine o'clock direction. Are Yuan Zhisheng and Miss Ying there?" Lu Mingfei pressed the earplugs, and the helpless and innocent expression he had just had suddenly disappeared.

Although this guy was a little anxious and worried, he was afraid that Crow's father was ignorant of the world and had to get involved in the dispute between the mixed-bloods. He was also worried that Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhinu would meet here.

If the two brothers had fought each other, it would have taken some time to determine the winner. However, when Yuan Zhinu called Lu Mingfei, it was clear that Wang Jiang had already arrived at Tama River.

Until now, the structure of the Menggui Clan has been almost dismantled. It seems that Yuan Zhinu is the uncrowned king standing in the shadow organization of the Eight Snake Families, but in fact, Wang Jiang is the one hiding behind the scenes.

There is no King General in the world, or rather, there was once a gangster leader who called himself King General, but in the end his value was eaten up by Herzog. Today's King General should be Herzog's Shadow Warrior.

Lu Mingfei had faced that kind of dangerous and strange thing before. The eyes under the noble mask were rendered in red gold. In the world of dragons, red-gold pupils were the privilege of princes. When Chu Zihang pushed the blood burst to the fourth degree, the golden pupils were also red.

A next-generation shadow warrior with unknown purpose might be lurking in the mountain. Lu Mingfei trembled silently, and his hand tucked into his sleeve quietly clenched the handle of the lustful knife.

"Their signal source is indeed very close to you, but I'm not sure if it's an abandoned town or village. Some uninhabited villages have been deleted from satellite maps after they were updated in recent years." Nono spoke quickly, and at the same time, the sound of keyboard typing came from the other side. "By the way, I saw you guys were talking so happily just now, but there's something I didn't tell you. Finkel is here too. This guy knocked out the original crew members and occupied the cockpit. He's with me now."

"Hey, my little brother, did you miss me?" A man's voice then came from the earphone. It sounded like that guy was right next to Nuonuo. Lu Mingfei could even imagine the smug look on Brother Loser's face from his tone.

Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched and he looked at Ling.

Ling nodded in the direction where the explosion came from and said, "Just go and take a look and you'll know."

Lu Mingfei thought it made sense. After all, they came out to try their luck and see if they could find Mr. Saeki.
The Ditriaster vibrated slightly. The domain of the Word Spirit. Diamond Realm was originally attached to the outer shell of this prototype. It not only helped it to resist the high temperature brought by the King's Flame, but also blocked the impact of the huge amount of steam expansion and the seawater with a pressure of more than one hundred atmospheres.

Now that this indestructible armor has been removed, the Trieste is like a general taking off his armor and going to the battlefield. When it is hit by weapons, all the bones and muscles in its body are wailing.

This is six thousand meters below the sea surface. Twenty minutes ago, the communication between the Dilieste and the command center was completely cut off. As the captain, Chu Zihang reported the situation here and explained that he used the stable burst of Junyan to kill thousands of Ghost-toothed Vipers that attempted to swallow them.

Of course, the existence of Jude Mai was concealed in the report, otherwise the dispatch tower would have forced the Ditrieste to return by now.

The submersible was tied down by three alloy safety ropes, leaving no room for resistance.

What really surprised Chu Zihang and Caesar was that Principal Angers and the executive department actually gave them instructions at the same time to continue diving and try to destroy the ancient dragon embryo.

Ever since the principal privately resigned from his duties and fled to Tokyo, the core power of the executive department has nominally returned to the hands of the board of directors. Although Professor Schneider will still stand on the side of the principal when he has to make a choice, it is obvious that the decision on the Trieste is not within this range.

In other words, the executive department represents the wishes of the board of directors, and Frost, as the acting board member, would actually let Caesar take the risk.

It's incredible.

The atmosphere in the cockpit was a little quiet. Jiude Mai was fiddling with her long sword, while Caesar and Chu Zihang were in a daze in front of the operating table.

This submersible does not need them to control it, the automatic system will take appropriate actions at the right time.

The watertight compartments were still being filled with seawater, and the propeller of the Trieste was turning slowly, sinking at a steady speed.

Until now they still haven't seen the so-called ecosystem, and now Caesar even suspects whether he has been fooled.

Seven thousand meters.

The inner wall of the cockpit was suddenly illuminated with the color of the wall at sunset. The three people looked out of the observation window and found that the sea water here was no longer the dark blue-black color, but a bright golden red.

There was a light like molten gold flowing in the sea water.

"We are very close to our destination." Chu Zihang looked at Caesar. The feeling of uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, as if he was heading towards...


Jiude Mai walked out from the shadows, stretching her slender body wantonly and overlooking the observation port below.

Across hundreds of meters of deep sea water, one can vaguely see a dark, molten-gold crack that stretches across the sea. There is no end in sight in the north and south directions. Red rock layers are rolling out of the crack, and magma is gushing out intermittently, slowly flowing in all directions. The icy-cold sea water and the scorching magma are blending like water and milk, and faint thunder is echoing all around.

"This is an irreparable scar on this planet." Caesar also looked down at the place and whispered.

"The Japanese Trench, your destination should be there, the Lenin is also sunk in it." Jiude Mai said softly, her charming pupils were reflected in the golden light, her cheeks looked unreal.
"It is connected to the Kuril Trench in the north and the Ogasawara Trench in the south, and extends all the way to the southwest to the Mariana Islands. You can think of these trenches as a huge trench that stretches for thousands of kilometers. From a geological point of view, it is the junction of the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate. The crust at the junction of the plates is very unstable, and volcanoes may erupt at any time, or like this, the fiery red mantle may turn over the surface. Therefore, Japan is a place where earthquakes occur frequently. There is a theory that if the crust activity is too intense, Japan may sink into the Pacific Ocean overnight like Atlantis."

"Go down and take a look. If the god is really in there, we will drop the sulfur alchemical bomb." Caesar said. Chu Zihang nodded, pushed the lever, and the submersible began to dive. (End of this chapter)

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