Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 355 346 She’s just a princess, what’s wrong with hugging her?

It was really chilly in the mountains on a snowy day. The strong wind blew against Lu Mingfei's umbrella, as if there was a little goblin pulling at the tip of the umbrella and swinging it back and forth with laughter.

The ice deep in the snow under their feet became more and more solid, and when Lu Mingfei and Ling walked quickly past, they heard dense crackling sounds under their feet.

"I'm calling the nearest satellite to aim the camera at the coordinates where Genno Chisei and Yabuki Sakura are located, but the weather is too bad. The dark clouds and blizzards prevent even the most advanced optical cameras in low-Earth orbit from forming images on the screen." Finkel's voice came from Nono's side. Lu Mingfei could imagine that guy squatting in front of a laptop that was much smaller than his, as anxious as a monkey who had lost a banana, typing away on Nono's special keyboard with his fingers twirling.

“It’s okay. The place where the explosion came from is not far from us. With the speed of Zero and I, we can get there in no time… Fortunately, the camp of the Yamanashi Institute of Environmental Sciences is near the Thunder Valley, and the noise of the drilling rig is loud enough, otherwise the workers there would have been alerted by now.” Lu Mingfei held on his earplugs and walked down the mountain against the wind and snow.

After all, they are just ordinary people. Although the academy and the Sheqi Eight Families are now at loggerheads, no one wants to spread the dispute to ordinary people in Tokyo.

Even though the gang war last night did not cause much trouble to ordinary people except for causing traffic jams in some areas.

"The helicopter is equipped with air-to-ground weapons. In addition to steel core bullets and mercury core alchemical armor-piercing bullets, the executive department has also specially prepared Frigga bullets. Do you need me to provide air support?" Nono's voice was calm. This was her personality. She looked unreliable at ordinary times, but she could always calm down quickly at critical moments and make the best solution among many choices.

In another world, if Nuonuo had not accepted Caesar's proposal, she would have had to drop out of Kassel College in her junior year at the request of the Chen family and the Gattuso family and enter the Golden Iris College in the Maldives. Perhaps there would have been one more beheader among the graduates of that year.

In the academy, Nuonuo and Susie were always competitors. They were the best girl in the Student Union and the best girl in the Lionheart Club respectively. Even Isabel, Lu Mingfei's most capable assistant and the most caring secretary at that time, regarded Nuonuo as someone to chase after.

"No, Senior Sister, you should stay in the sky and provide us with logistical support and information support." Lu Mingfei sighed, "The Japanese branch executive bureau is full of killers. They may have brought individual missile launchers. Helicopters are thin-skinned and have a lot of stuffing, so they can't withstand a few rounds."

This kind of thing is not without precedent. In another world, Yuan Zhisheng drove his large-displacement Hummer to the Feiqi Airport to the salt marsh to pick up Dao Lu Mingfei and his group who had just arrived in Japan. The back seat was filled with weapons and ammunition that could arm an entire squad, including a single-soldier missile launcher.

On the night of the assassination of the King, Crow and Yaksha also carried this thing with them, and they blew away all the Deadpools on the Sky Tree with a rocket.

At this time, sporadic gunshots began to be heard in the distance. It could be heard that neither side was firing indiscriminately, but was conducting an anticipated encounter in an organized and cultured manner.

Lu Mingfei was stunned, and his expression turned a little ugly.

He was not as proficient in firearms as Caesar, and the exclusive weapon he chose in the practical class was also a short arc knife, so he could not tell what type of weapon the combatant was using just by the sound of the gunfire.

But he could tell the difference between an automatic rifle, a shotgun, a homemade shotgun, and a pistol.

The gunshots that were still ringing at this time were rapid and dense, and the sound of bullets leaving the gun was crisp, sounding like an assault team mixing automatic rifles and submachine guns.

Japan is a country with extremely strict gun prohibitions. Even in gang fights that develop into life-and-death fights, the most that can be obtained are revolvers that have long been eliminated and short-barreled shotguns that fire deer bullets on the black market. When the Snake Eight Family Execution Bureau carries out decapitation missions against demons, they will try to avoid firearms that may cause panic and use swords to solve the problem.

But it is obvious that both warring parties are no longer following the original rules.

Enemies that follow the rules are easy to deal with, but opponents outside the rules are particularly tricky.

"This helicopter is hovering at a height of five kilometers away from you. The wind and snow will serve as our cover. If you are in danger during the encounter, I will immediately launch air-to-ground missiles nearby to destroy the remaining hostile forces. Then you will see us appear above your head within five minutes." Nono said coldly, "The hit rate of the rocket launcher is very touching when facing highly mobile targets. I am willing to take the risk."

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

Although Qi Lan had not said a word on the public channel in the three hours since he found the commanding heights and set up the sniper rifle, Lu Mingfei knew that at this moment, the crosshairs of the modified sniper rifle, which was so powerful that it could even penetrate the outer armor of a tank within one kilometer, were guarding the surroundings with himself as the center.

Qilan is actually a silent and efficient man. His style of doing things is close to perfect. He is a combination of the Middle Eastern version of Chu Zihang and Lancelot.

This guy's excellence has always been overshadowed by Lu Mingfei's brilliance. All the shining talents of his generation have been looking up to Lu Mingfei to survive.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, please! When you are in love with each other, can you consider other people's feelings and thoughts?" At this time, a certain useless man asked a soul-searching question unwillingly.

Then, Finger's screams could be heard from the earplugs. The senior sister was probably reaching out to twist the guy's ears, saying, "Isn't Lu Mingfei your brother? Isn't sticking your neck out for your brothers a common saying for people like you?"

Finkel said, "From a friendship point of view, I would risk my life for my junior brother, but reason tells me that there are a group of girls in Cuba with butts that can hold up a big glass of champagne and are waiting for me... It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, why can't I go, I go?"

"Kim Kardashian will have it, and so will Blake Lively, but with your age as an uncle in reserve and your Bruce Willis-like weathered features, I doubt whether Cuban girls will be blindly attracted to you!" Nono shouted.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. You've become much sharper in your words."

"No way, no way. Senior brother is still as cowardly as ever, with a thick skin that can serve as a bulletproof vest."

"Hey, hey, I think it's understandable to take advantage of opportunities to stab you, but it's unnecessary to stab you directly in the vital points, right? Haven't you heard a saying? Sincerity is the killer skill. Junior sister, you are so sincere in listing all my unique skills. It's hard for me to survive in the underworld!" Brother Loser was filled with righteous indignation.

"You are still in the underworld. Could it be the legendary paparazzi avenue?"


Lu Mingfei listened to the quarrel between Nuonuo and Finger in his earphones and smiled silently. The world has changed a lot, but Finger is still the same.

Then he knew that what he was experiencing was not a dream.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and looked at the abandoned village that had appeared in his sight.

Such villages are not uncommon in this mountainous area, with low torii gates at the entrance, carp flags so broken that they are unrecognizable hung on rusty street lamps or mottled electric poles on both sides of the road, a small shrine under a big tree, and a stone Jizo in the corner with a thin incense stick that has been extinguished for who knows how many years.

"I shouldn't have worn high-heeled boots," Zero complained.

"It doesn't matter. The Executive Bureau's combat power is considered elite even in the Executive Department. If Crow's father is really there, Yuan Zhisheng will not be unable to protect him." Lu Mingfei shook his head. What he was really worried about was General Wang.

Whether Herzog is dead or alive is still a mystery, so Wang Jiang’s identity at this moment becomes even more confusing.

Maybe he is still the shadow warrior who is comparable to the next generation, but the controller has changed from the dead souls of Nameless Port to an ambitious person who wants to take away everything from Herzog.

"I can take off my boots," Zero said, "The hybrids won't get frostbite, and they can speed up the process, and they won't be a burden if there's a fight later."

Lu Mingfei was stunned and tilted his head to look at Ling who had a serious expression.

He ended the call with the helicopter and tapped Zero's forehead lightly with his knuckles.

"I'll carry you away." He frowned. "How can you take off your boots and walk barefoot in the snow in this weather? Uterine cold is a lifelong problem."

While Ling was still trying to understand the words "uterine cold is a lifelong problem", Lu Mingfei had already stuffed the umbrella into her hands without saying anything, bent down and picked up the little queen.

This guy is tall and strong, with muscles as tight as steel, while Ling is petite and soft, so carrying her like a princess is effortless for President Lu now.

But for a moment, Lu Mingfei was a little surprised with the soft jade and warm fragrance in his arms. He didn't understand why he did such an presumptuous act that could get him killed a dozen times by the princess without thinking.

Ling was really surprised. He struggled subconsciously at first, then held down his hem and lapels tightly to prevent his coat from opening to both sides and allowing Lu Mingfei to take advantage of him and see his sexy figure.

Little Renata is a grown-up girl now, with a slim waist, long legs, a swan neck, grown breasts and perky butt. She is the kind of pretty girl with a good figure who can make older men turn their heads when she puts on a swimsuit and appears at the beach.

But Lu Mingfei did not see Ling's helpless look at the moment, nor did he see the icy princess turning her head away and hiding the smoky blush on her cheeks in the shadows.

He just squatted slightly, then jumped up like a cheetah and ran wildly in the snow on the winding mountain.

Ling had to hug Lu Mingfei tightly and buried her little face in his chest. This guy opened his thick coat and wrapped her in it, blocking the snow and wind outside.

The umbrella was blown over the moment Lu Mingfei started running wildly. The huge trees on both sides, which were unable to stand up due to the weight of the snow, retreated at a rapid speed. Ling only felt that Lu Mingfei's heartbeat had hardly changed, and his breathing was only slightly rapid.

Only after she calmed down did Ling realize how tough Lu Mingfei was, holding her tightly. As she ran, her muscles hidden by her winter clothes rippled like water in an invisible place. The warmth that penetrated into her bones wrapped her up completely, and there was also a faint scent of beech wood, which was the scent of Lu Mingfei.

When running, Lu Mingfei's body leaned forward slightly, like a beast chasing its prey.

With his current physical strength, he would have no problem running dozens of kilometers while holding a girl who weighs less than 50 kilograms.

The splashed snow dust was at least one meter high, and Lu Mingfei only took three minutes to complete the journey that would have taken ten minutes.

He crouched with his back bent, and every part of his body rose and fell like waves. He did not choose to enter the village directly from the dilapidated gravel road, but crossed a forest and kicked down a crumbling wall that was obviously overwhelmed and old. He broke into the battlefield where a firefight was taking place in the most arrogant and blatant manner!
The gunfire stopped, and it was obvious that both warring parties in the village realized that an outsider had broken into their hunting grounds.

Ling had already jumped off Lu Mingfei. She dodged and hid behind the broken wall. Her platinum pupils flickered slightly, and the golden glow disappeared as imperceptibly as a gnat.

"There's a gunman behind the tree at three o'clock, and a gunman in the attic at seven o'clock!" Ling reported the location to Lu Mingfei, who threw a stone without hesitation. Two muffled sounds were heard, and the sound of a person falling to the ground was not so noticeable in the wind and snow.

Nuonuo re-entered Lu Mingfei's communication channel, "Your coordinates overlap with Yuan Zhisheng, you should be very close now!" she said loudly.

"I know that I have entered the battlefield between the Execution Bureau and the Ghost Clan!" said Lu Mingfei.

He saw the badge on the chest of the unlucky guy who fell from the attic, and it turned out that he was a member of the Ghost Clan.

This means that the one fighting against Minamoto no Chisei is either Minamoto no Chijo or the real ruler of the Oni Clan, the King.

Either possibility is terrible. If Gen Chisei met Gen Chijo, he might slash at his brother again out of ridiculous righteousness, which would really push the poor child to the dark side.

And if Yuan Zhisheng met Wang Jiang, then Lu Mingfei would have to suspect that all this was a conspiracy thought up by the person who controlled Wang Jiang.

Several bullets whistled past Lu Mingfei's ears. It was the Fierce Ghosts and the Eight Snake Clans firing at Lu Mingfei at the same time.

The trajectory was very close to him, but none of the bullets were aimed at Lu Mingfei's head.

Neither side was sure whether the guy who broke in here was a friend or an enemy, or was actually just an outsider. They both maintained a tacit understanding of restraint and did not execute the order to kill.

Lu Mingfei saw the situation clearly in an instant. It was obvious that the Eight Snake Clans and the Fierce Ghost Clan each occupied an area on the east and west sides of the ruins and were fighting for it.

I just don't know why they are so interested in such a weird place and actually sent an elite team to it.

"Is it possible to facilitate their temporary peace talks?" Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice.

At this time, a dozen men with guns flew through the building, advancing more than fifty meters from the stronghold of the Sheqi Eight Families towards the direction of the ghosts, and completely controlled the open space where Lu Mingfei was.

Two men in black windbreakers jumped down from a high-rise building. One of them crouched down with a submachine gun in hand and maintained a shooting posture, while the other drew out a long knife and slowly approached.

"Are you from the academy?" Yuan Zhisheng's cold voice came from the snow dust that was impenetrable in the wind. (End of this chapter)

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