Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 369 3570: Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi are fighting in the hot spring!

Hokkaido is worthy of being the northernmost territory of Japan. When the plane landed at Sapporo Airport, it seemed that every building was covered with pale color.

Further away, you can see forests of boxwood and holly trees with heavy snow hanging on their branches.

Because it was close to Christmas, some people had decorated the holly tree in front of the store with colorful lights. None of the lights were lit in the flying snow, but they were wrapped around the trunk and branches, presenting a dim and colorful color.

The snow, as fine as willow catkins, was illuminated by the headlights of passing vehicles, and it seemed as if the whole world was sparkling with crystal-like brilliance.

The business car that Mr. Frost had arranged to wait outside the airport had been waiting for a long time. It turned out to be an extended Hummer off-road vehicle with a large interior area. The middle-aged driver in a suit was waiting at the end of the VIP channel with the most humble smile on his face, and a golden badge on his chest.

The badge was an identification item issued by the Italian Embassy in Japan to persons with diplomatic immunity. There were also Italian flags swaying in the wind on the rearview mirrors on both sides of the Hummer.

This means that this car and Lu Mingfei and his group who are about to board it will enjoy the same level of diplomatic immunity as official personnel of the Italian Embassy in this country.

Before the humble middle-aged Italian driver could say anything, and even Constantine did not give the super private car driver who had served the Italian Prime Minister a chance to pick up the luggage in his hands, the chattering and excited girls shook off the snow from their shoulders and filed into the car.

The driver stared in amazement at the delicate boy of about thirteen or fourteen, who looked a little like a girl, carrying a bulging luggage weighing about sixty or seventy kilograms and almost as tall as him, which slammed into the door frame with a bang. He stepped back angrily and pulled the luggage sideways into the car.

The car door slammed shut in front of Lu Mingfei who arrived shortly afterwards. The Hummer had good sound insulation and he couldn't hear what the girls were saying. He only saw his own embarrassed face reflected in the black glass window.

He shook the pile of luggage on his back, which was even heavier than that of Constantine, and smiled awkwardly at the driver.

"Did Mr. Frost send you over here?" he asked, stuffing his luggage into the trunk with the help of the driver.

"Yes, sir. I am now serving Mr. Frost. The family has entrusted me to take care of you and your friends' travel in Hokkaido for the next week."

The driver had his eyelids drooped and his hands folded in front of him.

In fact, he was also secretly sizing up this strongest hybrid in history who was said to have killed two Dragon Kings at the age of only twenty.

This is a very experienced driver who has been in this business for nearly twenty years. After graduating from Kassel College, he has been hiding his mixed-race identity as a pawn inserted into human society. He has driven many generations of Rolls-Royce and Bentley, and has served many Italian dignitaries.

But today he is not serving politicians who are used to demonstrating their abilities in national meetings, but heroes like St. George.

But Brother Yingxiong seemed to be no different from an ordinary person. Whether in appearance, figure or even aura, he was only above average among mixed-bloods. Compared with Master Caesar, he was really crushed by ten blocks...

Of course, it may also be because in the eyes of the Gattuso family, Caesar is like electricity, light, and a powerful myth. He is the man who is destined to become an emperor in the future and integrate the whole of Italy and even the whole of Europe to restore feudalism.

"Mr. Frost has just purchased a property in Sapporo, in a town between Sapporo and Hakodate. The environment is very nice and it's close to Lake Toya. Mr. Lu can stay there first and then plan his next itinerary." The driver said as he opened the passenger door for Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei smiled and said, "You can help us take our luggage there and drop it off, and then take us to the train station. Eri said she wanted to take the train to Lake Akan and then go to the Kotan Onsen."

"In fact, Lake Toya also has some nice natural hot springs, and there are also famous ski resorts nearby..." the Italian man kindly reminded.

Lu Mingfei fastened his seat belt on the passenger seat and unexpectedly found a built-in freezer in front of him. After opening it, he found various chilled wines inside.

He picked a bottle of Burgundy red wine, hesitated for a moment and then changed to a thick glass bottle with an oak stopper for vodka. After popping the cork, he added some gin until the entire bottle was filled. Then he took small sips from the bottle without looking at the year.

"Kotan Onsen does not receive tourists for fifteen days before and after Christmas because Genji Heavy Industries has donated more than 3 billion yen in charity and infrastructure funds to the local government over the past ten years. In return, the Akan Lake Management Committee has granted Genji Heavy Industries the right to use the open-air hot spring for these thirty days every year." Lu Mingfei said.

It was no secret that Boss Lu abducted the Japanese underworld princess and head of the Uesugi family, Eriya Uesugi, from the Yaki Eight Clan. Besides, Lu Mingfei was always followed by a professional paparazzi, Finkel.

With this guy around, I'm afraid even those brothers who are isolated from the world and carrying out missions in the primeval forests of South America know this explosive news.

The driver understood immediately.

It turns out that Mr. Lu doesn't need the Gattuso family to spend money, manpower and cars to please him. He can monopolize an entire open-air hot spring for a month just by talking.

The Hummer's engine started and began to warm up with a roar.

In fact, given the configuration of this luxury car, there is no need for a preheating step at all, but the driver usually does this to avoid verbal reminders disturbing the conversation between the passengers in the back seat.

When the engine is preheating, the entire car body vibrates slightly, so that passengers will realize that the vehicle is about to start and will not be pressed into the leather seats by sudden acceleration or thrown out of the seats and rolling around in the car like a ball.

"You speak Chinese well." Lu Mingfei praised indifferently.

After saying this, he was suddenly stunned. What was going on with this kind of indifference that was unique to looking down on the enemy? What was going on with this arrogant and pretentious attitude?

Why can Lu Mingfei say such nonsense as "Your Chinese is good"? Even if he five years ago wanted to express the same meaning at this moment, he would also say something like "Uncle, your Chinese is really good. Have you also admired my 5,000-year-old Chinese culture for a long time?"

His head suddenly began to ache slightly, as if an invisible needle had slid into his cerebral cortex through the cracks in his skull and was stirring violently, causing his nerve ganglia to tremble slightly in pain.

The boy's faint laughter rang in my ears, and the world around me was sometimes the extended Hummer cab with the scent of cologne, and sometimes it was a corridor burned by flames. At the end of the corridor stood a cross reaching the sky, and on the cross was a scarred child nailed to it.

Lu Mingfei sat on the iron throne below the child, with a crown of thorns pressed on his head. His headache seemed to be caused by the iron thorns of the crown piercing his skull.

He slowly raised his head and happened to meet the boy's eyes. It was indeed Lu Mingze. His body was covered with wounds, blood was flowing from the corners of his eyes, and a slender skeleton was hugging him from behind, like a mother protecting her child.

It was also as if the dead girl was unwilling to let the boy she loved die with her.

What's going on? What's going on?

Lu Mingfei wanted to call out to Lu Mingze. He tilted his head slightly, the firelight illuminated his cheeks and eyes in golden red, and no sound came out of his mouth. He just sipped the liquor with a slight tremor.

But in the driver's eyes, this unimaginably young dragon-slaying hero seemed to have only a faint golden flash in his eyes, like a candle in the wind.

There are rumors about high-level hybrids in the Gattuso family. Some say that guys like Ange, whose bloodline is already at the top of humanity, find it difficult to control their golden eyes, because the huge dragon spirit is impacting their souls all the time, so some people will show a golden color that appears and disappears from time to time, while the flames in some people's eyes will never go out.

"When Italy and China established diplomatic relations, I was fortunate enough to be selected to go to that country with family representatives for an inspection. We went to Chengdu and Chongqing, as well as Hangzhou and Shanghai," he said. "Mr. Frost said that Americans are going further and further on the road of deindustrialization, while the Chinese are playing with reform and opening up, with more and more factories and faster industrialization. Sooner or later, the center of the world will return to BJ. So the Gattuso family has been popularizing Chinese since a long time ago, so that every Gattuso can live in China without obstacles."

Lu Mingfei couldn't hear him talking, and the person sitting next to him switched back and forth between the middle-aged driver and the little devil.

For some reason, his mind felt so desolate. He flipped through the pages of the PTSD medical record that he had left with Masashi Toyama many years ago. It seemed as if something was trying to drill out of his soul.

But at some moment, suddenly a sea filled with warm rays of light crashed into the wall of the corridor.

The flames under the cross seemed to form a high wall reaching to the sky, blocking the sea out.

The sun was setting on all sides of the sea, and the glow of the sunset looked like the sky was burning.

A graceful and slender girl stepped out from behind Lu Mingfei. She put both her hands on the man's shoulders, her eyes shining like molten gold.


she says.

The flames leaped violently and then dimmed.

"Death!" she continued.

The fire that could even block the ocean seemed to come alive and distorted and changed hideously. A voice screamed inside and it was completely extinguished after a few seconds.

Then the sea water filled with rosy glow finally submerged the cross. The severe pain disappeared from Lu Mingfei's body. In a trance, he only saw the girl who was so slender that she almost melted in the rosy glow, with her long hair and skirt flying.

When everything was about to disappear completely, she suddenly rubbed her cheek against Lu Mingfei's cheek.

The girl's hair tips tickled Lu Mingfei's nose, and a familiar, lingering fragrance seeped into his heart and lungs.

"Don't be afraid, senior brother. If anyone dares to hurt you, I will... kill him!" the girl whispered.

She hugged him tightly from behind, and then turned into flames and burned, but it was not hot, just warm.

The flames, the cross, the boy’s smile, the thin skeleton, the sunset over the sea in all directions…

Everything disappeared in an instant. Lu Mingfei's fingers holding the wine bottle trembled violently, and the wine in the bottle began to stir violently.

The moment he woke up, cold sweat had already soaked through his clothes. Almost subconsciously, the lust hidden in his sleeves was released, sliding down the sleeves silently and falling into his hands.

Lu Mingfei looked around quietly, using the corner of his eye to judge whether there was anything unusual about the middle-aged driver who looked gentle and refined.

His hearing was incredibly sensitive. He heard the sound of a small air flow quickly through the gap in the back of the car, followed by a crackling sound that even a hybrid would have difficulty catching.

That electronic device was destroyed in an instant, probably...

Three, no, four.

This car is a trap. Someone knew that the sound of the clapper owned by Herzog could make Lu Mingfei temporarily lose control, so small infrasonic wave transmitters were embedded in various places on the interior walls of the car.

If Xia Mi hadn't had such strong mental power to notice the abnormality just now, Lu Mingfei would probably be on the verge of losing control.

who is it?


No, it wasn't him. Lu Mingfei couldn't think of any reason why Frost did this. Besides, the car was originally provided by him. If they had an accident here, the school board would easily investigate the Gattuso family.

Assassination and even using despicable means to cause the dragon-slaying hero to fall is a sin that will never be forgiven by the secret party. If this matter is realized, the Gattuso family, who is thriving and may even become the emperor of the hybrid world, will be expelled from the core circle of the academy overnight.

Who could that be?

Could it be the traitor Friedrich who was being hunted by the principal?

The scene of his visit to Tokyo and his contact with Tachibana Masamune flashed quickly through Lu Mingfei’s mind.

He seemed to know something and deliberately wanted to keep Eiry by Lu Mingfei's side. Could this be the last revival of humanity in this despicable villain's life?

"Lu Mingfei, do you want a Coke? There's a freezer in the back." Nono's voice came from behind the seat. There was a small window on the partition, and the little witch looked over here slyly. "No need, senior sister, I'm drinking." Lu Mingfei showed the bottle of wine in his hand to the senior sister, and then loosened his seat belt to make his breathing smoother.

Nuo Nuo's sudden voice interrupted Lu Mingfei's thoughts. He exhaled slowly, feeling a slight chill in his heart, and realized that there might be some problems with the property purchased by Frost.

"Well, junior brother, you actually drank secretly behind our backs." Nuo Nuo glared at him with bared teeth and closed the small window with a click.

At this time, the Hummer had started and merged into the traffic following the sign. Directly in front of the road, a group of low gray-white buildings rose from the horizon.

Sapporo Airport is not in the city, and the population density of the nearby towns is quite high.

"Forget it, just take us directly to the train station. We probably won't be leaving Lake Akan in the short term." Lu Mingfei smiled at the driver.

The driver hesitated for a moment, then said, "Actually, I shouldn't say much about this matter, but Mr. Frost has prepared the freshest ingredients for you and your friends..."

Lu Mingfei could imagine what kind of high-end fresh ingredients the driver was talking about, such as Boston blue lobsters airlifted from the west coast of the United States, lively Arctic cod, or 200-kilogram bluefin tuna that could only be seen across half the world.

Lu Mingfei was not moved by this, even though the guy who tampered with the car probably wouldn't be stupid enough to leave hidden dangers in the property. But after experiencing dangers and hardships that ordinary people could hardly imagine, Lu Mingfei had developed a vigilance comparable to that of a wild animal.

"No, please take us to the train station. We'll need you to drive us to our destination. I heard that public transportation in Hokkaido is not well developed. We still need your help to travel."

"Please don't say that, this is my job." The driver was a little nervous.

The trunk of the car is decorated with cherry wood and snow-white elk leather, and passengers who get on the car have to change into disposable slippers.

Eri and Constantine put their heads together and whispered something, Rei was reading a Hokkaido travel magazine, and Nono was gulping down an iced Coke.

The glittering wine glasses in the wine cabinet clinked with the shaking of the car body. Above the wide seats was a suspended 42-inch super-large projection screen, which could actually be connected to the Internet. Xia Mi searched for pirated movie websites on the Internet and found a movie called "Spider-Man" and watched it with relish. In her hand, she was holding macadamia nuts that she had found in the cabinet next to her and was chewing them like a squirrel.

No one except Nuonuo noticed that a golden glow flashed in the girl's eyes. Her lips moved. She was not chewing nuts, but reciting the words of the Eye of the Wind King. However, the speed was so fast that Nuonuo only thought she said one word.

The Dragon King's physiological structure and auditory system are completely different from those of humans. The infrasound waves that neither Nuo Nuo nor even Lu Mingfei can capture can be easily heard by Xia Mi.

The moment Lu Mingfei was affected by the sound of the bangzi, Xia Mi had already destroyed an infrasonic transmitter.

But the guy who designed the trap obviously anticipated this happening, so he embedded at least four similar transmitters into the inner wall of the Hummer.

After one was destroyed, the other immediately started working and continued to exert its influence on Lu Mingfei.

Xia Mi hummed softly and guided another spiritual fragment that she had left long ago into Lu Mingfei's body, replacing Lu Mingfei to resist the influence of the clapper sound.

Fortunately, I am smart and have anticipated this, otherwise all kinds of monsters would dare to target my man’s body, right?
After doing all this, Xia Mi lazily curled up in the corner of the chair, looking up at Andrew Garfield who was being beaten black and blue by the lizard man, and for some reason she began to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Nuonuo curled his lips.

"Don't you think that lizard man looks a lot like us? A reptilian alien, the sense of substitution is very strong, senior sister!" Xia Mi opened her round eyes wide, reached out and hugged Nuonuo's arm, twisting and turning like a little caterpillar and twisting into Nuonuo's arms.
Gudan Hot Spring, a lush holly forest meanders along the hillside in front of you into the distance. The lake adjacent to it is not vast, but quiet and distant. A thin white vapor floats on the lake, and the farther you look, the thicker it becomes, as if you are in the clouds.

This is Lake Akan.

Located in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Japan, it is a natural lake with a circumference of 30 kilometers and a maximum depth of 45 meters.

The largest Ainu tribe lives nearby. The village is centered around a memorial tower called the Wind of the Earth built on the square, and is filled with folk craft shops of various storefronts.

The Ainu people of this tribe called Lake Akan "Ma Lake", which means "the life-giving lake", but this term has gradually disappeared from this world with the popularization of industrialization in recent years.

It was already night when they arrived here. Before that, Lu Mingfei called Yuan Zhisheng.

Who knew that the guy would turn around and hand the phone to the Yasha beside him, who then let Lu Mingfei truly experience the essence of a Japanese greeting, allowing him to understand the thirty-six uses and forty-two ways of forming sentences of the word Bakayaro in just ten minutes.

Finally, Yuan Zhisheng calmly took back his phone and asked Lu Mingfei what he wanted to do.

Lu Mingfei said that he brought Eri to Hokkaido to take a hot spring bath, and asked the Sheqi family to clear the area around the Gudan Hot Spring. Yuan Zhisheng was silent for two minutes. Just when Lu Mingfei thought that the matter was over, the tortoise said lightly, "It's done, you can go."

Because there was no one to disturb them, the night was so quiet that the only sounds were the wind outside the tent and the faint sound of holly branches crackling in the fire.

The tent was set up by the omnipotent driver who drove all the way from Sapporo. It was set up in the middle of an open space in a dense forest. Looking to the side, you can see the stone-built Kotan Onsen and the white swans sleeping on the huge pebbles with their heads buried under their wings.

Flocks of white swans had their feathers wet in the steam rising from the water, but it was not cold. Their white feathers were reflected on the rippling lake surface.

In the distance there is a temporary Ainu camp. The Japanese look down on these indigenous people, but they have survived the massacre many years ago and are still growing on the land where their ancestors lived.

These Ainu people, who are also reluctant to integrate into the Yamato people of Japan, wander around remote towns and cities, with no fixed place to live. They seem to be intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the census and isolating themselves from the "settled human race."

Among them are an old blacksmith from Sapporo, a mechanic who can drive and assemble parts, a sushi chef from Hakodate, and a more famous girl who is good at Ainu dance. Fortune-telling and helping local gangs fight are also one of their main skills to make a living.

"It is said that the Ainu people were on the verge of extinction after the massacre. They must have felt very insecure." Nono chatted with Ling in a casual manner. White steam enveloped their front. Snowflakes fell one after another and melted into water immediately when they landed on the girls' smooth shoulders.

"They have been wandering, and some have even crossed the sea to Siberia and settled in the cold Far East. The real Ainu don't trust other people, as if they were isolated from other races besides humans." Zero said. Her Royal Highness put a wet and cold towel on her forehead. Her long platinum hair was tied into a ball, revealing her clear jaw and pink and tender earlobes.

"It's a bit like us." Nuonuo said casually, but his eyes were looking around.

Eri was playing a naval battle game with Constantine in a one-piece swimsuit. Xiaokang actually brought a remote-controlled battleship model here.

The Royal Navy and the Iowa were each firing plastic shells at an entire area of ​​​​the scorching sea, but they rarely hit each other, and even if they hit, the kinetic energy was far from enough to sink the two huge warships.

Soon, dozens of colorful plastic sticks appeared around the two warships.

After Eri finished firing her shells, she decisively maneuvered her Iowa to dart left and right to evade the Royal Navy's fierce attack. Finally, with six bullets hitting the ship's hull, she rammed the side of the Royal Navy with skills far superior to Constantine's.

The Royal Navy's tonnage was slightly smaller than that of the Iowa, and it was immediately overturned after being hit from the side. Constantine let out a sigh, and Eiry clenched her fists and jumped for joy. The cold numbness in her eyes had completely disappeared, replaced by a hazy glow like the warm sun.

"It's my turn, it's my turn, it's my turn to use Iowa!" Constantine swam towards Eri, and the two exchanged remote controls, reloaded the shells and started a new round of naval battle. A dozen swans stared with curiosity at the small plastic sticks being thrown back and forth in an arc in the low air.

"Indeed, the Ainu people are actually very lonely. They have to stick together for warmth to feel that they are still alive in this world." Ling nodded.

"As for the sorrow of blood, maybe these natives really have dragon blood flowing in their bodies." Nono still looked into the depths of the hot spring.

There is more than one spring in the hot spring ditch, and Eri and Constantine were playing in a nearby hot spring pool.

Nuonuo is looking for Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi.

"In fact, everyone is lonely, no matter if there is Blood Sorrow or not." Ling said suddenly. She remembered that when the train passed by the seaside not long ago, snowflakes were flying outside the window. The waves surged onto the shore, sweeping away the snow that had just fallen on the ground. A lonely woman stood on the shore, and she seemed to be looking at the sea alone.

How could there be someone watching the sea alone? It is so cold and lonely to watch the sea alone in the snow. I feel so lonely that I want to cry.

Zero scooped up a towel from the shore and stood up from the hot spring water.

"You can't tell that your breasts are so big." Nuo Nuo pretended to look lewd, and Ling's pretty face blushed slightly, which was rare.

She was really only wearing a bikini that covered her important parts. Her skin was white and glowed with a fluorescent beauty. Her waist was slender, her calves were tight, and her neck was long like a beautiful swan.

"Nineteen-year-old girls should have grown up, and you have a great figure, senior sister." Ling said lightly.

Nono was stunned and saw Ling had already climbed onto the shore.

"I roasted sweet potatoes on the campfire. Do you want some, senior sister?" Ling blinked and turned back to look into Nuo Nuo's eyes.

"Okay, thank you." Nuonuo nodded.

"I want one too, I want one too!" Constantine leaned on the stone with both hands and looked over here. Zero quickly wrapped the bath towel more tightly.

She looked at Eri, and sure enough, she saw that the little girl also had a look of anticipation on her face.

Ling then walked barefoot towards the bonfire burning beside the tent. The fine and soft snow was crushed tightly by her feet, and her small and pretty feet were a little red from the cold.

She squatted down in front of the fire, expressionlessly, and used tongs to pick out a few tinfoil balls buried in the holly charcoal fire. She put them on the snow and stones to cool a little, blew on them in her hands, and then stood up wrapped in a towel.

But she had sharp ears and suddenly heard some strange noises coming from the hot spring on the other side, so she quietly went over.

"Hey, hey, Lu Mingfei, don't do anything stupid. Ling and Eri are nearby..."

"Junior sister, you are afraid too?"

"Hehe, do you think you are the only one who is so thick-skinned that you can run a horse? No, you are not allowed to touch me. I'm telling you..."

"Does this count as touching?"

"Lu Mingfei!"

"how about this?"


"Hey, Junior Sister, if we want to have a child in the future, do you think it should be oviparous or viviparous?"

“We dragons all lay eggs, but Dragon King… um… Lu Mingfei, you, you, you, you, just get down to business. Take your hands out now!”

It was Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei. Ling frowned, a little curious about what these two were doing hiding aside. Their conversation was so weird. Could they be practicing some strange magic?

Unable to suppress her curiosity, she held the roasted sweet potato and whispered two lines of dragon script, hiding herself in the shadows.

A few seconds later, Ling quietly appeared near the hot spring where Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi were, crouching like a thief and looking inside. After just one look, his face immediately turned red from cheeks to ears. (End of this chapter)

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