Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 370 358 Xia Mi: Brother, you are lustful even when you take a hot spring bath!

After taking off all his clothes in the tent, Lu Mingfei walked towards the hot spring pool wrapped in only a large bath towel.

The junior sister said she had something to talk to him about, so they deliberately chose a newly built hot spring pool, not far from Nuonuo and the others, separated by a mudflat, with tents and bonfires in the middle.

As the fire flickered, the wisps of white mist rising from the water seemed dreamy and unreal. Not far away, the voices of Nono and Ling talking in low voices and Constantine's laughter could be heard.

Hokkaido is the coldest place in Japan. The outdoor temperature is only about minus four or five degrees Celsius at this time. The cold wind from the lake brings the mist on the water and slowly turns into fine hail, which falls down on his head with a crackling sound. Together with huge snowflakes, one after another, they fall on Lu Mingfei's arms and shoulders. He shivered and quickened his pace to go to the hot spring.

Next to the hot spring is a polished oak cabinet filled with Black Dragon sake and beautifully presented sashimi.

Although Frost was a rather annoying person, and had once manipulated the school board and the elders' council to briefly take away the other six swords of the seven deadly sins except lust from Lu Mingfei, he was indeed a smooth-talking politician, and he did things flawlessly, which made people feel comfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

The middle-aged driver of the Hummer actually brought a whole container of supplies for Lu Mingfei and his team, mainly fresh luxury goods and boxes of fine wine that were originally transported to Hakodate by Frost.

In addition, there were blankets, sleeping bags and fruit charcoal for keeping warm. They also booked an entire hotel at the foot of the mountain for Lu Mingfei and his friends, ready to welcome the most distinguished guests.

From a few steps away, Lu Mingfei saw Xia Mi sitting on the blue stone beside the hot spring in the mist, wearing a jade-white swimsuit with a V-neck and backless design. Her two snow-white feet with a hint of pink were kicking the water out of boredom.

Her black hair fell down like a waterfall, and her whole body was dressed in the bright colors of black and white. Although she still looked like a pretty little girl and behaved like one, she had an inexplicably noble temperament.

Lu Mingfei silently watched Xia Mi's back. He saw the girl with a still tender face tilt her head to wet the ends of her hair with the hot spring water when she got tired of kicking water. Her two slender hands were curling her hair. Her shoulders were round and lonely, and her back was curvy in the moonlight, like a sculpture made of ice and jade.

The hot spring water was reflective, and the surface looked like it was coated with a layer of gold. Thin ripples spread out from Xia Mi's slender calves. Lu Mingfei sat down beside her and casually took a cup of sake from the cabinet.

He reached out to wipe off the frost on the surface of the wine cup and saw Xia Mi looking him up and down with wide eyes.

"Haven't seen enough?"

"I can't see enough." Xia Mi grinned, revealing two sharp little fangs.

Lu Mingfei reached out to push away the hair covering Xia Mi's eyes. The wet hair brushed across his fingertips, as if the silhouette of time was silently sweeping across the spring flowers, autumn leaves, and sunset glow.

His heart was beating slightly, and he recalled his first meeting at Shilan Middle School many years ago. That day, the girl wore a long ponytail, her fluffy bangs were like clouds, and she wore an oversized jersey that looked like a skirt, but underneath the jersey there was actually a short skirt with pleated hem, and under the skirt were slender and beautiful long legs.

At that time, Xia Mi also tilted her head to look at him. She stood outside the wire fence of the basketball court. The sunlight became mottled through the gaps between the leaves. The light spots hung on the ends of her hair, like some ripe fruit.

Time really waits for no one. In the blink of an eye, they have grown up.

At this moment, a cold wind blew over, so chilling that it pierced Lu Mingfei's heart.

He was originally sipping sake, but suddenly he was stunned.

Because Xia Mi's body leaned forward slightly, the pair of eyes that were originally hidden behind her hair turned slightly red, and her cheeks also turned slightly red, from the outside of her fair skin to the inside.

The girl raised her face to look at him, her right hand tightly clasping her left shoulder, making her look even more delicate and fragile.

Lu Mingfei thought that the person in front of him was as beautiful as a peach or plum, even her misty eyes were so beautiful that they were beyond description.

"I have experienced so many reincarnations, countless millennia of darkness and loneliness. Things on the throne are born like this, gradually sinking into despair." Xia Mi blinked, her eye circles were dyed light red, but there was a faint smile on the corners of her mouth. She raised her face and slowly got closer and closer to Lu Mingfei.
"For only these thousand years I am no longer alone. Even if we die one day, we will meet again in nightmares. When we meet again, I will still look at your face and remember your appearance. Until the next reincarnation when we meet again, I will still fall in love with you."

Lu Mingfei stared at Xia Mi blankly. For some reason, his nose felt a little sour, as if he thought of how much despair and loneliness this girl had experienced. In the darkness, was the only one snuggling with her for warmth that big stupid dragon who could only call "sister, sister" in a muffled voice?
So this is why you don't want to devour Fenrir, even though you know that by eating him you can transform into Hela, the goddess of death who can break all shackles, but the price is to kill the stupid dragon who has been accompanying you like a puppy for tens of thousands of years. How can you do such a thing, how can you forget the days when you relied on each other?

The face that was as beautiful as a fairy from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio was getting closer and closer. Lu Mingfei thought that if those pretty scholars met fairies like this on their way to Beijing for the imperial examinations, they would probably fall for them in the end no matter what.

Her smile, her cry, everything about her is stunningly beautiful. If you can be with a girl like this, you should be fearless and not afraid.

Already able to guess what would happen next, Lu Mingfei stiffened slightly and closed his eyes.

But after waiting for a long time, he did not feel the texture of the girl's lips on his lips. Instead, a white finger gently touched his forehead.

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes in confusion, only to see his junior sister hugging her chest and laughing so hard that tears were about to come out of her eyes.

"You're in trouble, senior brother." Xia Mi laughed enough, so she took two deep breaths and tilted her head to look into his eyes. The bonfire was reflected in her pupils, and there was a faint light flickering in her pupils, like a cunning little fox.

She shook her head, her long black hair swaying like a waterfall, "You've fallen in love."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then he became angry and embraced the girl in front of him like a bear. The body in his arms was soft and slender, emitting a slight warmth.

Xia Mi was startled and let out a small cry of surprise. She obviously didn't expect Lu Mingfei to be so unconventional.

Lu Mingfei pinched the girl's pointed little chin roughly, and he could feel through her chest that her heart suddenly began to beat wildly like a mad deer.

There was a blazing fire burning in this guy's eyes, and the breath that fell on Xia Mi's ear was as hot as a flame.

"Yes, I have fallen in love a long time ago, haven't I?" Lu Mingfei's voice was low and hoarse, as if he wanted to drag Xia Mi into the abyss together.

"Mmm..." Xia Mi opened her round eyes wide. The bonfire reflected in those beautiful eyes that seemed to always have a faint smile was completely replaced by the man leaning over her.

The man's lips were thin and hard, but they also had a deep fruity aroma, which was the smell of the gum that Lu Mingfei had just chewed. Xia Mi could feel the man's full concentration when he hugged her, as if he was unwilling to separate. She did not close her eyes, but stared at Lu Mingfei's somewhat blurred pupils with her round eyes.

It was such a long kiss. When it ended, the wind had stopped and moisture enveloped them from top to bottom. Several pairs of white swans who could not sleep at night huddled together silently and hid in the shadow of the holly tree to peek at the man and woman who were sticking together.

In the flickering firelight, Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi looked at each other through the thin fog. Both of them were breathing heavily. Xia Mi bit her lower lip, looking aggrieved.

"I'm going to tell my senior sister that you bullied me." The girl's eyes were wide open, with a rosy crimson color at the corners of her eyes. She turned sideways, but she was shy and wanted to refuse.

Lu Mingfei blinked, thinking that if Nuonuo knew that he and Xia Mi were being affectionate in the hot spring less than 20 meters away from her...

I don't know why I'm actually a little excited.

With the sound of splashing water, Xia Mi actually pulled her legs out of the hot spring water. She stuck out her tongue and looked at Lu Mingfei, "Here, Lu Mingfei, if you wash my feet, I will forgive you."

Lu Mingfei felt as if his heart was burning with fire, his whole body was burning hot, the only thing he could see was that pair of slender legs that were so white that they were almost transparent.

"Junior sister, your legs are so beautiful." Lu Mingfei stood up and sat down in the shallow water in front of Xia Mi. Xia Mi stretched out her legs, and the skirt of her jade white swimsuit was lifted up, and the scenery under her skirt was unscrupulously exposed to the man's sight.

Xia Mi looked around and snorted, "Apart from the legs, isn't everything else beautiful?"

"How is that possible? She's beautiful everywhere." Lu Mingfei reached his hand into the water to massage his junior sister's ankle joints and nearby muscles. The round and tight thighs stood before his eyes, the calves were straight and the ankles were slender. Lu Mingfei massaged very carefully, but he couldn't help but feel the blood rushing to his head.

"When I went back to the countryside before, the old people always said that only the son-in-law would wash his wife's feet." Xia Mi smiled with squinted eyes and stretched out her hand to touch the top of Lu Mingfei's head.

"A son-in-law is a son-in-law, so is he. Junior sister, your father is the Black King, right? You can't let me go back empty-handed." Lu Mingfei was as tough as a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

Xia Mi gritted her teeth and glared at him condescendingly: "Don't talk about him in front of me anymore."

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you." Lu Mingfei thought to himself, could it be that the Black King is to dragons like Voldemort is to Hogwarts? Is he the devil whose name cannot even be spoken?
His two hands were originally groping at the girl's ankles, and now he finally quietly wrapped his hands around the girl's crystal-clear feet, holding them in his hands and rubbing and playing with them under the water.

Xia Mi's whole body stiffened, her shell-like toes clenched, and after glaring at Lu Mingfei, she slowly relaxed and let that guy do whatever he wanted.

"By the way, junior sister, how did you call me out of the hallucination today? I felt as if you also appeared in that fictional world, as a woman who is like an emperor." Lu Mingfei couldn't let go of the little feet in his hand, and raised his head to look into Xia Mi's eyes.

He frowned. "And last year, I was dragged into a dream by the embryo of the second generation in Chicago. You seemed to have appeared in that dream as well... Could it be that the Dragon King is so powerful that he can use his mind to influence an individual from hundreds of kilometers away?"

Lu Mingfei was really curious.

Odin is undoubtedly one of the Dragon Kings. If every Dragon King can kill people invisibly by relying solely on his spirit from across the ocean, then Lu Mingfei will have to re-examine the strength comparison between himself and his mortal enemy.

"Why are you asking so many questions!" Unexpectedly, Xia Mi felt a little embarrassed.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. "What I mean is, what if I am affected by other dragons in the future..."

"I put my core in you!" Xia Mi muttered with a dark face, and then suddenly raised her voice, "Okay, okay, I know it's embarrassing. Other dragon kings will put their cores in their own Nibelungen, but I put it in you, a short-lived species that can't live for more than 200 years. What if you die one day, I will die too... Anyway, so what? I'm just worried about you. My core is in you so that I can always appear by your side at any time. In this way, you can open the Nibelungen and summon Fenrir! If it weren't for me, you would have been abducted several times by some inexplicable people, don't you know?"

She looked around but didn't look at Lu Mingfei. Perhaps putting a nuclear weapon in a human was really a shameful thing in the eyes of dragons.

But Lu Mingfei remained silent for a long time.

He put the girl's feet in his arms, then tapped his chest and chuckled.

"What are you laughing at? Do you really want other little female dragons to influence you like this? Isn't it enough to have me?" The little sister said angrily with a pout.

“No, I was thinking that’s how it was.” Lu Mingfei shook his head, “So it was really you at that time. It turns out that you were always able to help me because you placed such an important thing on me…”

"So you must live well, do you understand? If you die, I will die with you!" Xia Mi grabbed Lu Mingfei's ears viciously and pulled them like grabbing the wings of a bird.

Her body was suspended in the air, she suddenly felt weightless, and was pulled into the water by Lu Mingfei.

"What's the point of sitting on the shore instead of going into the hot spring?" Lu Mingfei gently bit Xia Mi's earlobe. The girl curled up in his arms like a curled up elk.

Xia Mi's neck turned red with shame, like red soaking into jade, but her shoulders were still as white as snow.

She was not shy because Lu Mingfei suddenly pulled her into his arms. After all, she had done what she should do. In practical terms, they were not an old married couple, but they were newlyweds.

What really made this girl blush all the way to her neck was...

Lu Mingfei is actually lustful even when taking a hot spring bath!

My butt hurts!
That would be fine, but with her hearing as the Dragon King, she could clearly hear footsteps stopping by the campfire.

Xia Mi wanted to remind Lu Mingfei to restrain himself, but the words turned into a whimper when they reached her lips.

The knife was so hot that it gave her goose bumps even through her swimsuit. (End of this chapter)

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