Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 371 359 Xia Mi: Brother, please slow down

"Hey, Lu Mingfei, you..."

Xia Mi was horrified and covered her lips with her hands to prevent any inexplicable noise from coming out and ruining the dignity of an imperial daughter.

Although in the eyes of Lu Mingfei, she was not the so-called emperor's daughter.

The girl twisted her slender waist as smoothly as a mermaid emerging from water, and her fair skin looked like a golden river flowing under the light and fire.

But Lu Mingfei is now a man who has been to the battlefield, slayed dragons, and seen the world. What he has experienced so many tribulations is not only his courage, but also a strength that can make a goddess bow down to him. This guy used his two strong arms to hold Xia Mi tightly in his arms like steel bars, and she could not struggle at all.

Xia Mi felt like she was trapped by a hydraulic clamp that was burning red, and she couldn't break free from anything around her.

She muttered, "Brother, are you the reincarnation of Norton? No, we are brother and sister."

President Lu was stunned, wondering why this girl had such a strange way of thinking. Then he smiled and pinched Xia Mi's chin to make her look at him, "So what? It's not a kiss anyway."

Even on the bronze pillars of the dragon clan, there is no record of the four monarchs having a blood connection, and there is no evidence to prove that they came from the same womb or had the same Y chromosome.

The current mainstream view is that the Black King did not give birth to the four great monarchs, but created them.

"It's been a long time since we've enjoyed... some time alone together, right?" Lu Mingfei whispered in Xia Mi's ear. His breath was like the alluring scent of alcohol, and the little junior sister's earlobes turned red in an instant.

"No, Brother, you..."

The light around the hot spring was dim, all thanks to the crackling bonfire. The jumping light reflected the blush on Xia Mi's cheeks.

The snowflakes continued to fall one after another, and those regular ice crystals immediately melted into snow water after touching Xia Mi's jade-smooth skin.

Lu Mingfei buried his head in Xia Mi's hair, heavily inhaling the girl's cool fragrance.

It looks like the laurel of honeysuckle and also like the red sandalwood in early spring.

The rustling sound of snow falling into the lake surrounded them from all sides, and the reflected firelight caused ripples on the surface of the hot spring water like flowing gold.

"But Senior Sister..." Xia Mi's face turned red, and she hid her whole body under the misty surface of the pool, leaving only her pretty nose and a pair of eyes as clear as glass beads exposed.

“I’m not afraid of dragons, so why would I be afraid of people?” Lu Mingfei’s voice was low and hoarse, as if the dust of time had accumulated in his vocal cords.

He seemed to no longer be able to hear any other sounds, only the girl's panicked heartbeat and the rustling of snow in his ears.

The mist covering the water was stirred by the wind. Groups of swans huddled together near the rocks by the pond and slept with their heads buried in their wings. In the distance, Lake Akan seemed to be rising with waves, and the sound of the tide was rumbling. But when you got closer, there were only ripples that were so heavy that not even a paper boat could overturn.

Xia Mi let out a low gasp from her nose, revealing only her furry little head. Her long hair floated on the water like seaweed, and her pair of glowing eyes stared into the distance without blinking.

It seems calm, but in fact there are undercurrents.

Lu Mingfei held the little junior sister tightly in his arms, as if he was holding a baby.

Lu Mingfei hummed softly, stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the girl's smooth back from top to bottom, as if he was stroking his own puppy.

Lu Mingfei remembered that after Xia Mi ended her dragon transformation in Nibelung, there was still a small strip of green scales clinging to her spine, like a zipper, which would be like a female ghost jumping out if it was pulled open.

Jörmungandr tilted his head back, groaning and gritting his teeth, biting a strand of hair between his teeth.

"Junior sister, how many years have you spent in the human world?" Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice with blinking eyes.

He asked the question calmly.

In fact, he had a copy of Xia Mi's ID card and other things as a backup, so how could he not know how old his junior sister was this year.

"Nineteen years... Hey, what are you doing..."

“That means we’ll reach the legal age for marriage in one year. That’s going to go by so fast.” Lu Mingfei exclaimed.

Not long ago, Lu Mingfei admired the jade-white backless swimsuit from the bottom of his heart. His junior sister looked so gorgeous in it.

But at this moment, this thing actually became the thing he hated the most.

"Lu Mingfei, don't mess around!" She narrowed her eyes in a threatening manner, her two long white legs twisted together, and she clenched her silver teeth and refused to let her guard down.

"Don't move. Be careful of my Seven Wounds Sword Qi, which can hurt others and yourself." Lu Mingfei kissed Xia Mi's earlobe. The two of them were touching skin to skin, and the hot spring water that wrapped them up flowed like the finest silk.

The corners of Xia Mi's eyes were flushed, and there was a faint glow in her beautiful pupils. She stared at the unreasonable man behind her in confusion and panic.

"I wonder how you'll end up if your senior sisters find out!" she said angrily.

She folded her hands across her chest, but it was of no use.

President Lu is good at taking advantage of every opportunity.

Lu Mingfei chuckled, "We can invite Nuonuo to join us in the hot springs."

The seven deadly sins once forged by Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, rumbled slightly in the box, like a mad dragon lurking in the deep water about to wake up.

The swimsuit was flexible but thin. The princess, wearing a golden crown and gorgeous skirt, covered her mouth with her hands and opened her eyes wide, obviously unable to believe that the rebellious minister actually dared to overstep her bounds in such a way.

"You're going to die. You really want to enjoy the best of both worlds!" Xia Mi gritted her teeth and glared at Lu Mingfei viciously, completely unaware of what shameless thing that guy was doing at the moment.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding. What I meant is that when you reach the legal age for marriage, we will return to China and get a marriage certificate." Lu Mingfei shook his head and hugged the girl.

"Hehe, how can you propose to a girl like this? In this situation..." Xia Mi suddenly exclaimed in the middle of her speech. Her slender hands and feet fluttered, and when she turned her head, she happened to meet Lu Mingfei's fiery eyes.

"We will always be together, right?" Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice.

For a moment, everything was silent, with only the rustling sound around. Xia Mi saw that the man's eyes were sincere and fiery.

It was like a burning piece of firewood, about to set her on fire.

There was a faint blush at the corners of Xia Mi's eyes, and also on her cheeks and neck.

At the same time, the seven deadly sins trembled slightly. The awakened mythical weapons had already shown their might. They were unsheathed trembling in the warm water flow, and the blades were pointed fearlessly at the goddess with picturesque eyes above the clouds.

This will be a battle to slay a dragon, or a battle to kill a god...


"Junior sister..."

Lu Mingfei murmured deeply from his nose, and golden sparks flashed in his pupils without him noticing.

"I want to have a baby with you, and when there are no more ambitious people who want to enslave everything in this world, we will go back to Hefei and buy a house near my uncle's community..." He said softly. Xia Mi's pupils also flashed with a faint golden light, and her skin exposed to the water also flowed with a faint fluorescence.

The two people could hear each other's breathing. The little sister suddenly stretched out her pink tongue to lick the corner of her lips, then bit Lu Mingfei's shoulder, leaving a row of faint teeth marks.

"Remember what you said today, Lu Mingfei, we are going to have children together in the future!" Xia Mi said with a snort. The girl glanced at Lu Mingfei with her eyebrows tilted. Although she was pretending to have a fierce expression on her face, she could not hide the joy in her pupils.

She stared into those dark pupils, in which was reflected her small white face with a few strands of hair.

Lu Mingfei suddenly blinked, Xia Mi also blinked, and both of them burst out laughing.

Xia Mi stretched out her hand to pinch Lu Mingfei's waist and glared at him viciously, and only stopped when President Lu grimaced in pain.

"How dare you!" the junior sister scolded in a coquettish tone.

Lu Mingfei shrugged.

"You know there are people who are even more daring." This guy has completely lost his shame.

Xia Mi knitted her long eyebrows together, "People brag that you are a dragon slayer, but I think you can slay the dragon purely by relying on this face that can withstand the Rhine."

"I'm just a mortal. How can I be your opponent, Junior Sister?" Lu Mingfei smiled playfully, but his voice was a little intermittent.

The tips of the little junior sister's ears moved, like a little rabbit.

She smiled with her teeth bared, her eyebrows curved, and she looked clearly well-behaved, but in Lu Mingfei's eyes, she was just like a little fox who was not well.

"So you admit that you are no match for me, the legendary dragon slayer, Mr. Lu Mingfei..." Xia Mi pressed her cheek close to Lu Mingfei's, her round eyes flashing with a cunning glow, and in the depths of the glow there was a thin mist that was almost overflowing.

She leaned slightly closer to Lu Mingfei's cheek, and their breath could be heard instantly.

Lu Mingfei could see the glimmer in her pupils and could clearly count her eyelashes that were like bird feathers.

The thin lips covered Lu Mingfei's lips for a moment.

The girl's lips were soft and had the fragrance of flowers, like the breeze blowing from a valley full of roses in early summer.

Lu Mingfei slowly hugged Xia Mi tightly, his muscles all over his body bulged, and the mist condensed in the gaps between his muscles and flowed down like a mountain stream stirring over piles of rocks.

He looked at the girl's pale little face. Her wet hair hung over her eyes, but it could not hide her bright eyes.

Lu Mingfei chuckled and lowered his head to kiss that beautiful face, but it was fleeting like a dragonfly touching the water.

But Xia Mi held his head and prolonged the kiss for two seconds. When Lu Mingfei looked up, he saw a faint light on the girl's fangs and her eyes were full of pride. She raised her face to look at Lu Mingfei and stuck out her tongue.

"When have I ever admitted such a thing?" Lu Mingfei glared and gritted his teeth.

"Then prove it to me." Junior Sister Xia Mi puffed out her chest with a proud look on her face.

"You said it." Lu Mingfei couldn't stand the ridicule, so he grabbed the girl's waist and lifted her up.

Xia Mi was originally petite, and her weight was nothing to Lu Mingfei now. It was as easy as lifting a small animal.

The sudden feeling of being suspended in the air made the girl open her eyes wide.

Then the feeling of being suspended in the air suddenly turned into a feeling of being overweight. Jörmungandr, the king of earth and mountains, felt as if he was being given royal power, and an irresistible force was pinching her waist and pressing her down.

The wind suddenly wrapped the fog on the lake and flowed into the surface of the hot spring. The sound of snowflakes falling into the water became more and more frequent and rapid. Many crystal snowflakes fell into the hot spring and immediately melted into snow water silently, which slightly cooled the skin of the man and girl who were hugging each other tightly.

At this moment, all the noise in the world seemed to have faded away, and the only sound in Xia Mi's ears was Lu Mingfei's slight breathing.

"Senior brother..."

"What's wrong?" Lu Mingfei didn't have much energy to respond to his junior sister.

"If we really have a child, do you think we should lay an egg or give birth to a baby directly?" Xia Mi quietly stretched out her beautiful long legs and slender arms.

Those golden eyes that were as brilliant as an empress actually looked somewhat pitiful at this moment.

In just a blink of an eye, Xia Mi's eyes became blurred and desolate.

She was sure that she heard the footsteps of someone approaching, as light as a deer on the snow. It was probably a very petite girl.

But I don't know why it was inexplicably exciting, even more fascinating than any other time before.

Xia Mi curled up in Lu Mingfei's arms like a baby, holding one side of Lu Mingfei's cheek with her lotus-like arms.

Lu Mingfei was just about to show off his magical powers to let the little female dragon know that the era of dragons in this world has long passed and the era of humans will be coming, but at this moment he was slightly stunned.

Then the Golden Crown Princess, acting like a little girl, kissed him on the lips.

There was clearly a fierceness in the girl's eyes, but she was still letting out low, delicate hums from her nose.

Lu Mingfei’s back was arched, which was the posture of a knight in armor before charging.

Xia Mi is worthy of being an opponent of the Dragon King level. If the person fighting against Lu Mingfei at this time was the red-haired witch Chen Motong, then the senior sister should have been defeated and humiliated the country. But looking at the posture of this girl, she seems to have no burden at all.

The steam on the water surface blurred their figures. The kiss ended surprisingly quickly. It was not because Lu Mingfei or Xia Mi lacked lung capacity, but because the girl looked a little dazed.

Lu Mingfei, the dragon-slaying hero armed with mythical weapons, conquered Jörmungandr, the king of the earth and mountains, time and time again, making his name glorious throughout the history of dragon slaying.

Before she knew it, Her Majesty the Princess had fallen into it.

Not to mention that Lu Mingfei is now quite experienced, with numerous beautiful girls under his command, and he has mastered the Dragon Slaying Sword Technique to perfection.

Even king-level creatures would find it difficult to resist.

The wet black hair stuck to Xia Mi's cheek. She bit her green fingers, with a seductive look between her eyebrows.

Lu Mingfei suddenly caught a glimpse of a small human figure and a streak of long platinum hair flashing in the shadow near the bluestone out of the corner of his eye, and his heart moved slightly.

Immediately, an inexplicable evil fire rose up.

Without the witnesses of others, even if the legendary hero finally killed the dragon, it would be nothing more than one person's imagination.

He then stood up from the water, holding Jörmungandr, the king of the earth and mountains, in his arms and slowly walked towards the shore. (End of this chapter)

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