Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 116: Three Masters and Disciples

Chapter 116
It's late afternoon, the sun is just right and the breeze is not dry.

Shi Yun and Hu Liena walked on the streets of Wuhun City, enjoying the rare world between the two of them.

Just as Hu Liena was leading Shi Yun through various stalls, Shi Yun suddenly stopped and saw the three people coming around the corner not far away, with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

Yue Ling and Bibi Dong looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Bibi Dong held Qian Renxue's hand, and the three of them walked towards Shi Yun.

Seeing Shi Yun suddenly stop, Hu Liena looked away from the stall. Looking at Shi Yun's embarrassed expression, she looked a little confused. She followed Shi Yun's eyes and went to see Bibi Dong and the others, who were coming towards her and the other two. .

Hu Liena glanced at Shi Yun, covered her mouth and chuckled, then she let Shi Yun go and came to Bibi Dong.

"Teacher." "Aunt Yue." "Sister Qian, long time no see."

Yue Ling and Bibi Dong also nodded with smiles on their faces, while Qian Renxue nodded rather coldly.

Bibi Dong also noticed Qian Renxue's strange behavior and said guiltily, "Xue'er, what happened back then was because my mother was sorry for you, and it had nothing to do with Nana."

At this time, Shi Yun also walked slowly behind Hu Liena and pointedly said, "Aunt Dong's vision in selecting people is indeed very good. Senior sister and young lady, they look like sisters when they stand together."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue looked at Hu Liena with confusion. Both of them were extremely talented and had the same golden hair. They understood the deep meaning of Shi Yun's words, which also made Qian Renxue's hostility towards Hu Liena slowly disappear.

Bibi Dong looked at Shi Yun with gratitude in her eyes, but Yue Ling smiled slightly and joked, "Maybe Xiao Xue'er will call Nana sister by then."

Shi Yun suddenly felt a chill on his body. He looked towards the source of the chill and saw Qian Renxue staring at him. Shi Yun coughed in embarrassment and did not dare to express any further opinions.

"Okay, now that we have met, let's go shopping together. It just so happens that there are still some things that I haven't told Xiaoyun." Bibi Dong helped Shi Yun talk about this embarrassing topic.

Yue Ling raised her brows and looked at Bibi Dong, smiling and saying, "Sister Dong'er, you were not so easy to talk to just now. Why, the mother-in-law looks more and more pleased with her son-in-law?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena turned red and fell silent. Bibi Dong looked at Yue Ling and rolled his eyes and said, "What else can we do? Really kill him?"

After saying that, the five of them walked side by side. Bibi Dong looked at Shi Yun and continued, "Xiaoyun, do you know the Killing City?"

Shi Yun nodded, "Nana told me during lunch."

Bibi Dong nodded and asked, "What do you think?"

"I will definitely take Nana and pass the test of the Killing City." Shi Yun said with a determined look on his face.

"Well, actually, this matter is not only related to Nana, but also to Xue'er." Bibi Dong smiled.

"Me?" Qian Renxue said a little surprised.

Bibi Dong then continued to explain, "Xue'er, actually mom didn't mean to stop you from being with Xiaoyun. In fact, to be honest, it doesn't matter if Xiaoyun has one more woman or one less. Even after you get together with Xiaoyun, you can become more mature." Okay, tie Xiaoyun to our chariot, but Xue'er, now you have begun to absorb the angelic armor. If you can get the recognition of the angelic armor, your future does not lie on the mainland. Mom has been here, and she doesn't want it. For the sake of temporary happiness, you suffered endless lovesickness. The City of Killing is actually a place of inheritance from the gods. If Xiaoyun can pass the divine test there, my mother can safely hand you over to Xiaoyun."

Hearing this, Shi Yun suddenly realized, and Qian Renxue threw herself into Bibi Dong's arms.

Bibi Dong gently patted Qian Renxue's back, looked at Shi Yun, and said, "Xiaoyun, although you are extremely talented, I am not sure whether you can find the inheritance of the gods in the killing city. If so, If you really want to be with Xue'er, I not only recommend you to go to the Killing City, but you can also go to Devil's Island, its other name is Poseidon Island."

Yue Ling frowned slightly. To be fair, she did not want Shi Yun to put himself in danger. Although she also knew that gods did indeed exist, one could imagine the hardships involved in becoming a god. Moreover, if Shi Yun became a god, they would what to do?
Shi Yun saw the uneasiness in Yue Ling's heart, walked slowly to her side, took Yue Ling's hand, Shi Yun smiled and said, "Ling'er, don't worry, I will not abandon you, your talents don't count. No, I will keep looking for gods on the mainland. Even if I can't find them, I will accompany you on the mainland until the end of my life."

Yue Ling looked moved and nodded slowly. Qian Renxue felt unhappy when she saw this scene.

"Okay, I've also told you what you need to explain, Xiaoyun, return to Tiandou and practice your sword skills carefully. All soul skills will be invalid in the killing city. In this way, your thunder sword and thunder armor will be more powerful in defense." The power will be greatly reduced. According to the number and frequency of your soul skills, everything in your thunder sword should come from the first soul skill." Bibi Dong confidently said.

"The first soul skill? How is it possible?" Hu Liena said in surprise.

Bibi Dong glanced at Hu Liena and said with a smile, "Of course it is possible. The first soul skill is the soul skill with the least consumption among all soul skills. This is why Xiaoyun is not afraid of a war of attrition even when there is a lack of team members. In the case of one wearing seven, I can feel that Xiaoyun's consumption is not big. Every time Xiaoyun fights, the first four rings are all on. This means that Xiaoyun can use the fusion ring. According to the summary of Wuhun Palace, According to the data, soul masters with ring-melting talents all have one characteristic, that is, their soul power control ability is extremely powerful. Just like the captain of Blazing Fire Academy, with such a powerful soul power control ability, they can naturally control their soul power. The skill form is changed, and the four rings are illuminated at the same time. If I guessed correctly, the remaining three skills all have the ability to increase thunder and lightning. According to the effect of the soul skill, it may even be produced by the same soul beast, which can increase the power of lightning. Lift to the max.”

Shi Yun looked at Yue Ling in horror and said, "Is this what Aunt Dong guessed?"

"Don't worry, Ling'er didn't tell me about your soul skills. In fact, it's not a guess, it's just the result of analysis. Of course, the premise of analysis is to have enough data. Wuhun Palace is not just a name. , helping civilians awaken martial arts, and even providing subsidies and establishing martial arts colleges, it is not just about winning people's hearts." Bibi Dong looked at Shi Yun and said with a smile.

Shi Yun's pupils shrank when he heard this. He awakened martial souls, registered soul masters, issued subsidies, and opened martial arts schools. These were all disguised big data collections in some respects. With the expansion of the power of Wuhun Palace, this The database will also become more and more abundant and larger. How about three cases?It's just a drop in the ocean in the database. As for Haotian's Nine Jue, the Ring Explosion, it's only a matter of time before these things are thoroughly studied.

Shi Yun raised his thumb and said with a smile, "Aunt Dong is really a master of theory, much better than someone who claims to be invincible in theory."

What is a master of theory? This is a master of theory. He has strict logic and huge data support and argumentation. Yu Xiaogang is just playing a little trick, that is, using Bibi Dong to copy some theories.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's expression did not change, she smiled slightly, looked at Qian Renxue aside, but secretly sighed in her heart, "That's it, everything is over."

In this competition, Bibi Dong met Yu Xiaogang again. How could years of obsession be easily let go? Seeing Yu Xiaogang become younger, Bibi Dong ignited hope for Yu Xiaogang, and even wanted to After reunifying the continent, she took Yu Xiaogang to accompany her until the end of her life. However, when she met Liu Erlong on the street that day, Bibi Dong realized that everything she thought was just wishful thinking.

Under her intimidation, Yu Xiaogang ran very fast, without even thinking about turning back to explain. Thinking of this, Bibi Dong glanced at Shi Yun.

Just like before, Yu Xiaogang disappeared without a trace. This made Bibi Dong understand that it was not that there was no chance to communicate and explain, but that too many things were more important to her than Bibi Dong.

Her self-esteem back then and her future now were more important than her Bibi Dong.


On the other side at the same time.

Outside the killing city, above the small town.

Tang San wore a black robe and slowly entered the town. The crowd around him saw that Tang San was still just a child. The moment he stepped into the town, Tang San could feel several eyes constantly looking at him. . “What a fresh Bloody Mary.”

"He doesn't look like a good guy."

"It's just a little doll, come on!"

A moment after entering the town, several people jumped up and summoned their own martial spirits to attack Tang San.

"Seeking death." Tang San raised his head with cold eyes, then raised his right hand, and the soul ring slowly appeared around him.

Several people were a little surprised when they saw Tang San's soul ring, "I didn't expect this little kid to be the Soul King. I don't know what kind of little genius he is."

I don't know who said, "It doesn't matter who he is, once he goes in, even the law enforcement team of Wuhun Palace will not be able to control me."

A bright light flashed in Tang San's eyes when he heard this. A place beyond the control of Wuhun Palace. Isn't this the good place he dreamed of?

Thinking of this, Tang San's Bluesilver Grass vines instantly stabbed at several people like spears. He put his hands on his waist, and suddenly several rays of cold light struck at several people from several tricky angles.

Not long after, there was only one person left who attacked Tang San. Tang San was surrounded by corpses. Tang San slowly walked towards the survivor, his tone was light and cold, and said, "It was you who said just now that the law enforcement team of Wuhun Palace can't care. your turn?"

"It's okay, it's okay, sir, have mercy on me! Sir, have mercy on me!" A middle-aged man with a big body and a round waist kept begging for mercy while kneeling in front of Tang San. He obviously regarded Tang San as the law enforcer of Wuhun Palace's law enforcement team.

Tang San looked at the middle-aged man with interest and said calmly, "I'm not from the Spirit Hall, but I want you to tell me where the place you mentioned is and how to get in."

The middle-aged man slowly raised his head and asked cautiously, "Do you also want to enter the Killing City?"

"City of Killing?" Tang San read out the name word for word, with confusion on his face.

The middle-aged man hurriedly explained, "This can also be said to be a paradise for the fallen. Some soul masters who have done many evil things can only escape them by fleeing to the Killing City in order to escape the pursuit of Wuhun Palace or other forces. Because here is such a place. Without the recognition of the King of Slaughter, powerful soul masters from outside will be suppressed when they arrive here, and even titled Douluo will become weak because they have no soul skills. To put it simply, the Slaughter City is a place where evil people gather, a paradise for sin. It is also the place with the strongest murderous aura in Douluo Continent.”

Tang San's eyes flashed, he licked his lips and said softly, "A paradise for the fallen? A good place, get up."

"Ah? Ah..." The middle-aged man stood up quickly and asked Tang San, "Are you going? I can guide you, but you can't enter the Killing City just because you want to."

Hearing this, Tang San glanced at the middle-aged man slightly, only to see the middle-aged man continue to say, "There are three conditions for entering the killing city. The first is to enter the tavern in the center of the town, order a glass of Bloody Mary there, and drink it." After drinking it, you have registered. The second step is to kill all the people who signed up in the tavern at this time. Usually there are 30 people in a group, sometimes more or less. You will naturally know the third condition after entering it. The younger ones have never been there. ,so……"

Tang San nodded and said to the middle-aged man, "Get lost."

The middle-aged man bowed to Tang San repeatedly. When he turned around, a huge spider spear instantly penetrated his heart from behind.

In an instant, the man shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the corpses were inserted into the spider spear one by one.

"Take action against me and you will die. Shi Yun, just wait, I will avenge Xiao Wu and her father."

After saying that, Tang San headed towards the center of the town.


Lanba Academy.

In a dark room.

Liu Erlong was lying on the bed with a pale face, and various blood-drawing things were scattered on the bed.

"Erlong, just give me a little more, I'm about to reach the Soul King." Yu Xiaogang looked at the unconscious Liu Erlong and said with a crazy look on his face.

Just as Shi Yun thought, Yu Xiaogang, who has the swallowing skill, can no longer swallow at a speed that the normal blood recovery speed can keep up with.

Yu Xiaogang, who was drawing blood, discovered that the needle inserted into Liu Erlong's body could no longer be drawn.

"It's gone. How could it be gone? Erlong, hold on and give me some more." Yu Xiaogang lay beside Liu Erlong and said softly.

Yu Xiaogang tried squeezing the aorta, but found that Liu Erlong's gossamer-like aura had dissipated.

"Erlong! Erlong, what's wrong with you? Erlong, don't scare me! You are the Soul Saint, how could you die?" Yu Xiaogang quickly pulled out the blood-drawing needle and kept tapping Liu Erlong's cold Cheeks.

Yu Xiaogang sat on the bed, feeling inexplicable sadness in his heart and looking at Liu Erlong's body with tears in his eyes.

Immediately, Yu Xiaogang slowly lay down next to Liu Erlong and whispered into Liu Erlong's ear, "Erlong, let's merge into one, okay? We will never be separated again in this life."

After a long time, Yu Xiaogang continued, "If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise."

Yu Xiaogang stood up slowly, looked at Luo Sanpao who was licking the blood, and said softly, "Sanpao, do you want to grow up a little more? Go and integrate her into your body."

After hearing this, Luo Sanpao barked twice and jumped up and down, seemingly very excited.

Then there was a gnawing sound in the dark room.


(End of this chapter)

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