Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 117 Moon Pass

Chapter 117 Moon Pass

In front of the Holy Lady's Hall.

"The Royal Knights will set off tomorrow. Nana, you should study the close kung fu in the palace. I will also go back to Tiandou to practice swordsmanship. One year later, I will take you to the killing city." Shi Yun Weiwei He smiled and gently touched Hu Liena's little head in his arms.

Hu Liena gently pushed Shi Yun away, turned to look at Bibi Dong behind her and bit her lower lip, "Teacher, can't you just let me go to Heaven Dou with Xiao Yun?"

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena with complicated eyes. When she saw Hu Liena now, she seemed to see herself back then. At this time, she suddenly understood Qian Xunji a little bit.

Bibi Dong sighed softly, and slowly raised her hand. The light of the soul guide flashed, and a bead appeared in her palm, "This is the Thousand-Change Bead, which allows you to change your appearance. It is also a lost soul guide, infused with Soul power can change your appearance, and the degree of change corresponds to your soul power consumption. If you insist on becoming a teacher and will not stop you, you can only rely on this to hide."

Hu Liena's face lit up, she took the bead from Bibi Dong's hand and bowed slightly towards Bibi Dong, "Thank you, teacher."

"Remember, don't neglect your cultivation even in Tiandou. If you don't hang out with this guy every day, I will let Ling'er watch you." Bibi Dong poked Hu Liena's head.

Hu Liena took Bibi's hand, shook it, and said softly, "Teacher, don't worry, Nana will be obedient."

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena helplessly, her eyes full of doting, and then turned to look at Shi Yun, "Xiaoyun, then Nana will be left to you."

Seeing that there was no need to separate the two places, Shi Yun was also very happy and nodded, "Don't worry, Aunt Dong, I will take good care of Nana."

Bibi Dong nodded. After all, Shi Yun was now a Soul Emperor, and she was quite relieved to have Yue Ling by her side.

"In that case, I will go back first, but don't make a little fox and let the teacher be my grandmother before going to the killing city." Bibi Dong couldn't help but joked with a smile when he saw Hu Liena's happy face.

"Teacher, what are you talking about?" Hu Liena lowered her head and said with a blood-red face upon hearing this.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, the teacher is leaving." Bibi Dong smiled slightly and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena's shy look, took her hand, gently pulled her into his arms, and said with a smile, "It seems that my little fox can go back to the hotel with me tonight."

Hu Liena rolled her eyes at Shi Yun and whispered, "Bad boy."

"Let's go too. It just so happens that Nana, you haven't met my little wives yet." Shi Yun said with a smile.

After saying that, Shi Yun led Hu Liena towards the hotel and arrived at the hotel not long after.

Shi Yun led Hu Liena and pushed the door open, only to see Yue Ling looking at them with a smile, while the girls not far away cast curious eyes.

"Little Nana, I knew you would come here tonight." Yue Ling joked with a smile.

"Aunt Yue, please stop making fun of me." Hu Liena shyly leaned next to Yue Ling and whispered.

"You are not allowed to call me Aunt Yue here. If you call me Sister Yue, it will make me look like Shi Yun." After saying this, Yue Ling couldn't help but chuckle, and the other girls also covered their mouths and chuckled when they heard this.

Shi Yun couldn't help but laugh, "Ling'er is not a mother, she is better than a mother."

Yue Ling rolled her eyes at Shi Yun and said, "Isn't that right? I'll just be your mother every day and protect you. I'll also be your training machine, and I'll wipe your ass if nothing happens."

Then Yue Ling continued to say to Hu Liena, "Come on, little Nana, let me introduce you to Xiao Zhuqing. You should have seen her before. This is Bing'er, this is Huo Wu, and as for this, this is Xiao Zhuqing's sister."

When Hu Liena saw Zhu Zhuyun, she immediately pinched Shi Yun and whispered, "You are having a great time."

The moment Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun heard this, they looked at each other. Their gazes were like electric shocks, and they split at the first touch. A blush flew up on their faces.

"You have wronged me. Ling'er can help me testify. I was just helping and didn't touch my sister-in-law." Shi Yun quickly explained.

Yue Ling nodded and chuckled, "Indeed, not yet. I can't guarantee the future."

Hu Liena glared at Shi Yun, then turned to say hello to the four of them, "Hello, my name is Hu Liena. You can just call me Nana."

With Yue Ling's help, Hu Liena soon became involved in the gossip chat among the girls.

Shi Yun also smiled when he saw this scene.

Not long after, Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena in front of him and stretched out her little hand, feeling embarrassed.

"Xiaoyun, where's mine?" Hu Liena stretched out her little hand towards Shi Yun pitifully, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

Shi Yun glanced at his little wives, and saw that each of his little wives were looking at him with interest. Shi Yun shook his head helplessly, put Hu Liena into his arms, and followed by The strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum and the earth dragon golden melon were taken out from the soul guide.

"The sisters are still watching." Hu Liena embarrassedly hit Shi Yun on the chest.

"Nana, it's not that I don't have immortal products, and it's not that I'm stingy. You should have some understanding of the strange velvet Babel Chrysanthemum. It is the most powerful and the most yang. You can practice the indestructible body of Vajra by taking it. The earth dragon and golden melon are only suitable for souls with earth attributes. Master, although these two strains will have a certain effect on you after taking them, they don't seem to be so suitable. If you want to take them, I recommend QiRongTianChuan. The stronger your body is, the more soul rings you can absorb for a longer period of time. , in fact, from another perspective, QiRongTianJiu can also bring you great benefits. The body and the spiritual power of the soul master are also closely related. How about giving this to you? Maybe we can find a suitable one for you in the future. ." Shi Yun explained.

After saying this, Shi Yun handed the strange velvet blue chrysanthemum to Hu Liena, but Hu Liena pushed it over again.

"What? Even if this strange velvet and sky-green chrysanthemum doesn't fit perfectly, it should be able to bring you a third level of soul power improvement." Shi Yun was a little confused.

Hu Liena puffed her lips and murmured in a low voice, "You should keep it. If you find the right one in the future, give it to me. I will make you owe me for the rest of your life."

Hu Liena's words made it seem that these women were inferior, and a sense of crisis could not help but arise in their hearts.

Shi Yun smiled slightly, glanced at Hu Liena, then at the girls, and said with a smile, "I am an immortal, if Ju Douluo sees this strange and velvet Babel Chrysanthemum, he will be willing to call me daddy. My little wife seems like dirt here. Even if you accept my things, I will still be in debt to you in this life. If you can tolerate me to this extent, I will still owe you in this life."

The girls all raised their lips when they heard this, and the sense of crisis in their hearts was extinguished by Shi Yun in time. Hu Liena also sat in Shi Yun's arms and smiled from ear to ear.

"What will happen if Elder Ju takes it?" Hu Liena asked curiously.

Shi Yun shook his head, "I don't know, but I am sure that Ju Douluo is definitely the most suitable for this strange velvet giant chrysanthemum. If you don't want it, Nana, I'm going to talk to Ju Douluo about this immortal plant." Business."

Yue Ling glanced at Shi Yun and said with a smile, "You want that pervert to farm in that place."

"Of course, back then I only took mature immortal products, immortal products and various medicinal vines, but the root system was not touched at all. If I couldn't find a suitable immortal product, I would even plant one for Nana. Come out." Shi Yun smiled.

"Does this place belong to you or does it belong to the palace?" Yue Ling said with a smile.

"The situation is too small, isn't it? Her Royal Highness the Saint is mine, and the people in the palace are mine." As he spoke, Shi Yun patted Hu Liena's rounded part.Hu Liena's face was rosy, she jumped out of Shi Yun's arms, came to Yue Ling's side, and muttered, "Bad boy, this is not yours."

Yue Ling nodded and smiled, "In this case, without further ado, I'll take you to find that pervert. Tomorrow Tiandou's army will be setting out. Running back and forth is a bit awkward, so why not let the pervert follow us secretly? Tiandou.”

Shi Yun shook the box in his hand towards Hu Liena, "You really don't want it anymore? Can Ling'er and I leave?"

Hu Liena nodded, "Go ahead."

Shi Yun nodded and said with a smile, "Then you can chat, Ling'er and I will go first."

"Okay, what the hell, I can't wait to see that pervert's excitement." Yue Ling smiled, rolled up the stone clouds with his soul power, and disappeared into the room.


Not long after, Yue Ling took Shi Yun to a hill outside Wuhun City. At the foot of the hill, he could see a sea of ​​flowers, carrying an astonishing fragrance that hit his nostrils.

Shi Yun only saw a small courtyard in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers. Before Yue Ling stepped in, he heard a charming voice from a distance, but there was a bit of weirdness in the charming voice.

"Don't move, I'm coming, don't come in."

As soon as the words fell, Ju Douluo Yueguan appeared in front of the two of them.

"Mother, why are you bringing your little man to me so late? Tiandou is not so poor that they are short of medicinal materials." Yue Guan glanced at Shi Yun in confusion, then turned to Yue Ling.

Shi Yun couldn't help but chuckle when he heard Yue Guan address Yue Ling.

Yue Ling's face turned red, and she stared at Yueguan and said, "If you scream again, I will burn all your rags."

Yue Guan shut up for a moment, feeling a little helpless. Originally, Yue Ling couldn't afford to offend her when she didn't have a title. He was afraid that she would burn his flowers and plants. Now Yue Ling's soul power level has even surpassed his, let alone that. .

"Ju Douluo, this time it's not Ling'er who's looking for you, but the kid who's looking for you for something." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yueguan was a little confused, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Shiyun Gourd.

Shi Yun took out the box containing the strange velvet Babel Chrysanthemum from the soul guide, and said with a smile, "Look what this is?"

Yue Guan took the box and showed excitement before he opened it. He had been growing flowers for many years and instantly smelled the fragrance that would come when his martial spirit appeared. When he opened the box, the golden light was instantly reflected on him. His face was particularly obvious in the dark night.

"It's true, it's true, the strange velvet giant chrysanthemum!" Yue Guan's eyes reddened with excitement as he looked at the strange velvet giant chrysanthemum in the box.

"No wonder you asked for the Immortal Illustrated Book at that time. Tell me, what do you want me to do? As long as you give me this strange antler-blooming chrysanthemum, I can do whatever you want." Yue Guan said with some excitement.

Shi Yun smiled slightly, "We and Ling'er found a good place, where we found the strange velvet-blooming chrysanthemum and several other immortal plants."

Hearing this, Yue Guan was shocked, "There is such a place where immortal products can grow together."

Shi Yun smiled slightly and said, "I found that the growth rate of plants there was ten times as fast as before. It was only with Ling'er's help that I could enter without being damaged. Ordinary plants cannot survive there, but many medicinal materials can grow there. , the medicinal materials grown there are even more effective.”

"What do you think, little friend?..."

Shi Yun smiled and nodded, "Ju Douluo has decorated his residence so beautifully. It is a perfect place to plant medicinal materials and cultivate immortal products."

Yue Guan's eyes lit up, "Have you kept all those immortal vine roots?"

"Of course, the picking process was done completely in accordance with the requirements of the illustrations you gave me. There was no damage at all. I think as the owner of the QiRongTianChrysanthemum martial spirit, you will definitely be willing to help me with this." Shi Yun smiled.

Yue Guan nodded, "Of course, the training of students in the palace now requires a large amount of medicinal materials due to your influence. If there is this land, there will be no shortage of sources of medicinal materials."

"You can use the medicinal materials you cultivate as you wish. If you cultivate an immortal product, it will be mine." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yue Guan hesitated and said, "Little friend, although you and Yue Ling are very lucky and have found the immortal product, you can cultivate it with me. Even if the growth rate is accelerated ten times, it is not guaranteed to be successful. If the cultivation is not successful..."

"Don't worry, I will never blame you for this. It is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is nurtured by nature. Who knows how many years it will take to grow. Can't you at least speed it up by cultivating it? And even if you plant ordinary rare medicinal materials, The effect can be much better." Shi Yun smiled.

"In that case, tomorrow I will apply to His Majesty the Pope to go out to cultivate medicinal materials. Where is that land?" Yue Guan looked at Shi Yun and asked.

"Outside Tiandou City, Sunset Forest." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"Old Poison's lair?" Yue Guan said with a look of surprise on his face, "No wonder the quality of his Dugu family's medicinal materials is so much better."

Thinking of this, Yue Guan looked at Yue Ling with a strange expression and said, "You didn't kill that old guy Dugu Bo, did you?"

Yue Ling nodded casually.

"Your flames really restrained that old guy, and so did that old guy. He had a treasure trove without even realizing it, and he didn't even recognize a single immortal." Yue Guan smiled and shook his head.

"Dugu Bo can definitely recognize your strange velvet antler chrysanthemum, but he doesn't have the courage to eat it." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"That's true. If you don't know the properties and pharmacology of the medicine, if you take it hastily or use it incorrectly, it will indeed cause serious problems." Yue Guan nodded.

"Okay, just explain it clearly. Tomorrow I will take Xiaoyun back to fight against the sky, so you can follow me in secret. Then, we will take you to that place." Yue Ling said with a smile.

Yue Guan nodded and said, "Yue Ling, let me take advantage of you this time. If you need help elsewhere, just ask. As long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Yue Guan loves to plant flowers and herbs, and even if Shi Yun doesn't bring out this strange velvet-flowering chrysanthemum tonight, he will agree.

Yue Ling smiled slightly, "Okay, we are all our own people, so Xiaoyun and I will leave first."

After saying that, the two of them disappeared in front of Yueguan.


(End of this chapter)

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