Chapter 107 Chaos
"Well, you should have heard about the emperor's life experience from other people, right?" Wei Mu asked.

"If you are referring to the theory of shamanic sacrifice, indeed, that is a very unique point of view." Guilliman replied.

He didn't think that was the truth, he just felt that the theory had a certain degree of credibility.

"The former emperor was indeed not a god, nor did he want to become a god, because this was not conducive to the correct evolution of all mankind. The ideal state of mankind should be to become immortals." Wei Mu said.

"The Immortal, like Vulkan?" Guilliman said.

Immortals are special individuals with a very low probability of appearing among humans. The reason for their occurrence is unknown, but they generally have two characteristics. One is that they can live forever, and the other is that they can resurrect from the dead. Only extremely special means can completely kill the immortals. .

"That's right." Wei Mu nodded, "If all humans can be immortal, comparable to the legendary ancient saints, then the emperor can be freed from his curse of [looking after the future of mankind] and become a true free will."

"But the Webway Project failed. Because of the deep malice of the Warp, humanity was unable to achieve even safe psychic ascension. The Emperor was forced to ascend the Golden Throne, no longer walking among us, and without guidance. In order to gain a spiritual support in this dark universe, we worship the Emperor as a god."

"He is about to become one of the gods. Lord Guilliman, I think you should have seen the so-called Living Saints and the Cursed Legion. Those surreal existences are of the same nature as the armies of other gods. He also Blessing his own believers.”

"You mean [almost], not [already]." Guilliman chewed on the wording.

He had gone to the Terra Palace before to meet the Lord of Mankind, and he knew what kind of outrageous existence the so-called "Emperor was about to become a god" was - the extraordinary will formed by trillions of dreams could easily turn people away. Driven crazy.

"This means that we still have a chance to prevent him from ascending to the throne of God and free him from that responsibility, provided that we mortals can take care of ourselves." Wei Mu said.

"So, you wrote that apocrypha?" At this point, Guilliman's expression suddenly became subtle.

"Well, I admit that in order to make the content easier for the public to accept, the book contains a strong artistic processing component, but that is one of the few ways I can think of to make the emperor feel better." Wei Wei Mu scratched his head in embarrassment.

This is a lie.

This guy definitely had a lot of personal stuff in it for his own pleasure.

Guilliman originally thought that he could endure a lot for the future of mankind, but he never expected that he would be forced to make such a sacrifice - his relationship with the leader of the Death Army was completely inexplicable.

"If my grumpy brothers knew about it, they would kick your ass." The Lord of the Ultramarines sighed longly.

"Then I will definitely keep a safe distance from them." Wei Mu smiled and waved his hand.

As long as you don't plan to cause trouble for me in front of me, we'll talk about the rest later.

"Attacking the Garden of Nurgle is not a simple matter. We still have many battles to fight on the dark side of the empire." Thinking of this, Guilliman felt a headache. Today's empire is simply leaking from all directions, and he can't save it. win.

"The plan doesn't have to be rushed, it just needs to give us and the Eldar a direction to work together." Wei Mu said.

"But the plan cannot always be in the preparation stage, otherwise everyone will lose confidence as time goes by," Guilliman said.

"In this regard, I actually thought of some ways to weaken Chaos, which should be effective in theory." Wei Mu said with some uncertainty.

"Is it the so-called wave of demon rebels?" Guilliman asked.

Considering that "Skarbrand once launched a rebellion against Khorne", "the demon prince took away many of the favors that should belong to the original demons from the evil god", and "the various problems of demons are more outrageous than humans" In fact, the plan to launch a wave of demon rebels is theoretically feasible.

"No, it's not that. To implement that plan, the right time, right place, right people, and the right people are indispensable. I don't know how long it will take." Wei Mu shook his head, "To deal with Chaos, we can't just rely on the emperor's power. In fact, The subspace itself is not good or bad, it is just the extreme emotions of intelligent creatures that distort it into what it is today." "Because it has suffered heavy losses before, the Empire is extremely wary of the subspace and will do everything possible to isolate it from its influence. , and even some planets were directly ordered to be exterminated by the inquisitor just because they showed a little trace of corruption - this will definitely not work."

"The Emperor tried to use the Webway to isolate the subspace, but it failed in the end because of the Great Rebellion. Humanity can no longer separate itself from the subspace. If this is the case, then we should face it head on, instead of clearly ignoring it like now. If we don’t open the relationship, we have to force it aside – we shouldn’t be afraid of it.”

In Wei Mu's opinion, today's empire is too afraid of subspace, and this fear is largely amplified by the unknown.

"I have heard about your special constitution that cannot be corrupted. Perhaps I cannot be judged by your standards in this regard." Guilliman reminded.

Wei Mu can ignore the chaos of chaos and corruption, but it doesn't mean that others can too.

"The power of chaos can indeed corrupt a person's heart, but on the other hand, those evil things in subspace are essentially condensed from the emotions of mortals. We have been guarding against the influence of subspace, but we have ignored that we can do the opposite. Affecting the subspace," Wei Mu said.

"We can create four paths according to the characteristics of the four gods, but unlike those extreme emotions, these four paths are peaceful."

"We cultivate warriors with justice and bravery, letting them fight to protect the weak and good things, rather than fighting to become stronger as Khorne advocates."

"Use reason and openness to cultivate scholars, so that they can explore the mysteries of the universe with awe, instead of blind impulse and unscrupulous means as advocated by Tzeentch."

“Cultivation of artists with positivity and optimism, allowing them to add more good things to ordinary people’s lives, instead of relying on mental stimulation to paralyze themselves as Slaanesh advocates.”

"Use kindness to cultivate physicians and environmentalists, so that they can heal the pain and build harmony between humans and nature, rather than the rotten, dirty and decadent nature advocated by Nurgle."

What Wei Mu said is basically the positive intention represented by the four gods.

He wanted to use these positive things to dilute those extreme emotions.

"Those destructive powers of the subspace will twist these beautiful things into terrible appearances." Guilliman reminded again.

Not to mention that the evil god is corrupted, even if the country is managed in an ordinary way, if any policy is passed down, it will be changed beyond recognition. The original body knows this very well.

"If we don't set foot on these roads, will they stop distorting and corrupting us?" Wei Mu asked, "We take these roads because of the noble character of human beings, not to specifically fight against them."

"Your ideas are too idealistic," Guilliman insisted.

The Primarch had seen the noble character of men and also seen their despicable desires, and it was easier for people to fall back on their own desires than to uphold their character.

"This is not an idealistic issue, but a battle for the soul that has already begun." Wei Mu said, "The four gods sent their apostles in the mortal world, the four so-called divinely chosen champions. They are attacking us. The offense itself is a test.”

"If we can defeat them on the same track using different methods, for example, if we use warriors full of justice and mercy to defeat the cruel and ruthless Chosen of Khorne, will the Blood God himself be affected by this? Will it affect our path? How about approving?"

"If the scholars we cultivated with reason and tolerance can defeat the blind and impulsive Chosen of Tzeentch, must the Lord of Changes admit that our way of acquiring knowledge is better?"

"Every bloody and cruel killing is an endorsement of the way of Khorne today; every blind search for knowledge is an endorsement of the way of Tzeentch today, so we must deny him with facts that contradict it. They influence them and thereby change them.”

"The enemy of chaos that we need to defeat has never been the demons and monsters from higher latitudes. It is precisely the weakness of our own humanity. Only by defeating them in character can we truly end all of this."

(End of this chapter)

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