Chapter 108 Two Ways

Although gods cannot violate their own nature, gods can be influenced by believers.

That's why those ancient immortals unanimously believed that the destructive powers of the subspace were not actually gods (creators). They believed that there was nothing in the universe that could deserve that title.

Guilliman thought carefully about Weimu's words, and soon realized that what the other person said was the truth of the matter.

This is not a question of who can kill whom between them and the traitors, but that they must do better now than humans in the past.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the army he organizes is, under the influence of Chaos, various degenerates will still appear among them, just like the great rebellion back then.

But it's not easy to do this.

Kahn, the chosen god of Khorne, is currently in a state of destroying the galaxy. It is not yet known whether the Space Marines who can defeat him head-on have been born.

Ahriman, the Chosen God of Tzeentch, can be regarded as the number one mage among mortals. Even when Efreni met him, she could only escape from him by using small tricks.

Typhons, chosen by the God of Nurgle, is the most threatening person selected by the four gods. Compared with spells and slashes, the efficiency of killing enemies by plague is much higher. Moreover, he is also the No. 1 player in the galaxy. Father Mortarion turned into a clown.

Lucius, the chosen god of Slaanesh, is not weak, and the resurrection curse is even more troublesome. As long as the person who kills Lucius gets even a trace of satisfaction from this act, that person's body will be taken away by Lucius. .

What kind of space warrior can completely defeat these four terrifying guys in the realm of the Four Gods?

At least it is difficult for the current empire to find such fierce men.

As for Guilliman's own target, it was those demon-ascended primarchs, and the situation was also not optimistic.

He couldn't do it like Krax who successfully liberated the essence of subspace, blocking Lorgar from even getting out. Every battle he fought with his fallen brothers was very difficult.

"You seem to have high expectations for mortal power?" Guilliman said.

"That's right, so I often warn people around me that we should reduce the burden on the emperor instead of blindly praying to him for help. Just like children can't always stay in the safe and comfortable arms of their parents, sooner or later they have to go out and face the outside world We still have to go back to support our elderly parents." Wei Mu said.

Not to mention other things, Guilliman remained skeptical about whether he could view the Emperor with the same attitude as an ordinary father.

"Then what do you think is the probability that we will win in the end if we fight in this way?" He asked again.

"I don't know, dear Primarch, but I feel that short of putting the fate of humanity entirely on the Emperor, this is the only way we can go. There will be many who will rebel along the way, and there will be many. People have died because of this, and this may be a war with no results in sight. I only seek to weaken the enemy."

When he thought of the price involved, Wei Mu couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He just felt that he had found the right direction. As for whether they had the ability to reach their destination, that was a completely different matter.

"Nothing should be like this..."

Speaking of the topic of sacrifice and dedication, Wei Mu recalled the previous evacuation from the Bug Prime, and his blood pressure immediately rose.

"Those damn black bean sprouts, I was trying my best to eliminate harm to the galaxy, but they actually stabbed me in the back when I was most vulnerable." He said angrily.

"Well, all I can say about that is that I'm glad you're safe and sound," Guilliman said.

"Do you know what the most wicked thing those Douyaos did?"

"It wasn't something that turned three evil gods into four, nor was it something that created the Eye of Terror in the physical universe, nor was it something that gave birth to the subspace storm that lasted for hundreds of years in the Dark Ages - it was obviously because of their fall. , which caused the Milky Way to become what it is today, and then they turned around and told you that this is how everything was originally." "Because of the mistakes they made, most of us have become accustomed to it. The various sufferings in this dark galaxy have made us forget what real life is..."

"So I don't have any hope for those black bean sprouts. If they meet them, they can just trample them to death as pests. As for the remaining white bean sprouts, if they still have any sense of shame as intelligent creatures, they should bear the responsibility for it." Responsibility, just as the Pied Piper helped us in the Octanes Sector, many innocent lives will be saved."

"But the Ark Eldar are not monolithic, and many of their members may not care about this matter." Guilliman reminded.

"Then I will start rumors about them, starting with their master god, and work my way down one by one. I will spread their scandals throughout the galaxy and see how they will use their nostrils to look at people when they encounter aliens in the future."

"They don't even think about it. If the Empire building collapses and millions of worlds surrender to Chaos, will they still have a way to survive in the galaxy?"

Wei Mu couldn't really instigate the empire to waste its energy on beating those white bean sprouts, so he could only vent his anger in this way.

"I'm not sure if this is our best option, but I'm glad you could share this with me," Guilliman said.

One is advocated by the War Apostle Mathieu, who worships the Emperor as a god and uses his powerful power to defeat the enemy.

One is provided by Wei Mu. Humanity overcomes its own weaknesses and liberates the Emperor from that endless mission.

The effect of the former is more direct and has been confirmed in the plague war.

Although the latter looks more like the development direction expected by the Emperor, it is an unattainable dream...

"I'm just talking casually. The real people who shed blood and sacrificed their lives were the workers and soldiers of the empire, and the sages of the Mechanicus." Wei Mu stood up and waved his hand.

We have finished talking about common people and ghosts and gods, so the original body probably needs to digest this information.

Weimu said goodbye to Guilliman politely, and took away his coffee cup - although this thing had no value in itself, it belonged to the original body at least.

After Wei Mu left the study, Guilliman clapped his hands casually, and a small vibration occurred in the room.

Like a small secret room, a wall was opened.

Standing behind the wall are a group of Eldar prophets - they are representatives from various craft worlds, specially invited by the Harlequin Troupe and the Death Army to negotiate with the Human Empire.

"So you all heard what he said in the most natural situation. Is there anything you want to say now?"

Guilliman asked them.

"This... this..."

Wei Mu's previous comments about the Eldar's sins were too sharp, which made all the prophets look complicated at this time.

This group of white bean sprouts always felt that they humans were up to some conspiracy. It was originally an ordinary meeting arrangement, but they were suddenly asked to hide and observe. It seemed that they could be caught off guard. They didn't know what they were thinking. Something.

"Don't worry, let's sit down and talk slowly."

Guilliman sat in front of the specially designed table and invited various Eldar prophets.

(End of this chapter)

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