Chapter 109 Trading
The chat with Guilliman made Wei Mu feel very good, and the other party did not show any intention to deal with him.

He hugged this thigh.

So when he went out with the coffee cup, he felt quite relaxed, and all he could think about was how to organize the language during the subsequent negotiations with the Eldar.

Little did he know that he had just left the study and Guilliman had already begun negotiations with the Eldar inside.

Another issue is the four paths. It is estimated that some academies will have to be set up to train new talents, and the recruit education of all Space Marines will also have to be adjusted. It will not happen overnight, but if everything can be put on the right track, or At least let the Holy Border of the Empire implement it well, and the atmosphere of the Empire will be greatly improved.

"You, young man, look like a college student who crossed the passing line."

The personal guard commander, Cato Sicarius, who was still guarding the door, spoke.

"It's not bad, haha." Wei Mu smiled, "Oh, by the way, Link, the spirit warrior, will study with the regent for a period of time. At that time, you personal guards should stay away. Bullying others.”

"We Ultramarines are not keen on bullying the weak, you can rest assured of this." Sicarius said.

"Don't discriminate against others because they are of a different race, do you understand that once you are a teacher, you will always be a father?" Wei Mu added.

"As long as it is the will of the original body, we will work hard to implement it. Wait, what did you just say?" Sicarius suddenly lost his previous calmness.

"I told you not to discriminate against others. What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Wei Mu asked.

"It's not this, it's the last sentence." Sicarius waved his hand.

"Once a teacher, always a father?" Wei Mu tried to say.

Although there is indeed nothing wrong with this sentence, why does it sound so strange?
The honor guards looked at each other for a moment.

Ever since their original body was resurrected, they have maintained some unclear relationship with the Eldar.

Wei Mu could only say this, since he did not spread rumors anyway, leaving the rest to the Smurfs to figure out for themselves.

Putting aside those blue cans, Wei Mu walked out of the palace where the original body was.

He was not very used to serious situations, so he felt relieved to be away from this solemn place.

Then, he was squatted.

Like a high wall standing in front of him, it was none other than the leader of the Shark Chapter, Tiberos "Scarlet Blood Road".

Just because of his existence, Wei Mu could not move forward even though the corridor was vast and wide.

Wei Mu knew that the situation was not good, but he had a smile on his face: "Hello, Captain Tiberos, I heard that your army has been supplemented by Lord Guilliman's Primaris Space Marines and has now returned to full strength. state."

"Yes, but there are still serious gaps in the regiment in terms of mortal auxiliaries and weapons and ammunition." Tiberos replied.

"Didn't Lord Guilliman give you the relevant materials approval slip? I don't think he would agree with you continuing to collect the blood tax?" Wei Mu said.

"Of course he gave it. We will soon go to the nearest forging world to replenish supplies, but from a legal point of view, our right to collect blood taxes is still there," Tiberos said.

"In that case, let me first congratulate you on your success in your next military expedition." Wei Mu bowed his hands to the other party, then stepped away and prepared to leave.

As a result, Tiberos only turned slightly to one side, and the huge three-meter-tall body was still in front of him, leaving him completely unable to escape.

"Uh, Captain Tiberos?" Wei Mu said with an embarrassed expression.

"You know why I did this, don't give me a thumbs-up!" The Chapter Leader's voice was low.

"Hasn't your war group already received supplies from the Prince Regent? Why are you still holding on to me? I don't have much meat on my body."

"Things have to be settled in the same way. It is the regent who provides us with supplies, not you. Your account will have to be settled separately."

During the days on board the ship, Taboros got to know Wei Mu well and knew that this was a big fat sheep. It was a rare opportunity and he must not let it go.

"What are you doing, robbing? No, no, absolutely no." Wei Mu quickly shook his head.

"Then we have to talk about it carefully. You used our group's reputation without authorization and had a bad impact on our group." Tiberos said calmly. "I am promoting a positive image for your war group. Do you call this a bad influence?" Wei Mu said unconvinced.

"For our battle group, that is a bad influence." Tiberos said confidently.

"Aren't you being a rogue?" Wei Mu yelled.

"I'm stupid for being reasonable, but I just like to hit people." Taboros suddenly said.

"What... what?"

"That's not a gold ingot. Why don't you keep it to give birth to cubs?"

Tiberos continued.

"We are a pauper and don't even have a wife. If we really want a wife, I will trade my wife with you for 50 boxes of ammunition."

"I, you, this-!"

Wei Mu then let out a painful roar.

Tiberos's method of playing rogue was completely based on what he had written in his book.

I didn't expect that one day I would be punished for arbitrarily arranging others.
It's uncomfortable, this feeling.

People can't just slap themselves in the face with confidence, right?
Just like that, Wei Mu wailed in pain, but suddenly realized something and calmed down instantly.

"By the way, your war group can indeed legally collect gray tax, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Tiberius asked doubtfully, not knowing what he was planning.

"In that case, can you get something from the oil man, something that is a little bit taboo?" Wei Mu lowered his voice and said.

As a result, the next second, his eyes darkened, and Tiberius dragged him to the corner next to the corridor.

This is not something that can be discussed openly.

"What do you want with that thing?" Tiberius asked from the shadows.

"I'm just curious." Wei Mu said, "Everyone knows that those oil guys have a lot of money. They are far from being as simple as they seem on the surface. I don't know what powerful things they have hidden. I wonder if I can get some." Two for fun.”

If someone else said this, Tiberius would naturally not believe it, but the strange boy in front of him might be serious.

"Then you have found the right person." Tiberos said, "Of course I have the channels, but how much reward do you plan to provide for this?"

"Uh, well, we all work for the empire and are loyal to the Lord of Humanity, so we can avoid such trivial matters, right?" Wei Mu tried to say.

"Tell these words to those oil guys and see if they will provide you with supplies." Tiberius said with disdain.

"Well, well, seeing as you sharks are extremely poor and your life is not easy, I can give you twenty special Tyranid biological samples and green-skinned technology."

"I want fifty copies."

"Thirty copies, no more."

"45 copies."

"Forty, tell me if it's a deal or not. If not, I'll keep them and give birth to cubs."

"Okay, then I will help you say hello to the regent later, and you should clean up quickly. Let's do it faster." Tiberius finally nodded.

Then they started working on this private transaction.

(End of this chapter)

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