I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 132 Red Pirate

Chapter 132 Red Pirate

The deepest part of the maelstrom, the place where reality and illusion meet.

The surging supernatural energy from the warp bursts from the spring, like a spreading festering abscess, infecting those things that people call "normal".

It is an evil thought composed of the nightmares of thousands of creatures.

The deep malice contained in it will distort even the most basic laws of physics, and mortals cannot escape its influence.

Only those who have dedicated their destiny to the Dark Gods can consider such a place as their own sanctuary.

They are often pirates, traitors, criminals and the like, relying on crazy killing and looting to obtain what they need.

The most powerful force among them is undoubtedly the infamous Red Pirates Warband under Blackheart Huron - a group of Chaos Space Marines claimed to be the size of the old legions.

If you look at numbers alone, this statement may not be an exaggeration. There are tens of thousands of Chaos Space Marines belonging to the Red Corsairs in name only.

However, the Red Pirates were a rather loose organization, so loose that even Blackheart Huron, its leader, could not figure out the specific situation below.

He doesn't like this phenomenon very much.

I think back when he was the leader of the Star Claws Chapter, he could keep everything under control and in order.

That's why Huron at that time was able to unite the guardians of the Maelstrom and work together to oppose the empire, which ultimately resulted in the tragic Badab War.

However, at this time, he had nothing to do with the loose structure of the Red Pirates.

Because doing whatever you want is closer to the nature of chaos than following orders and prohibitions.

Except for the direct descendants around him, all he can do is to exert as much favor as possible in exchange for the nominal allegiance of the people below.

In the hall of the Blood Raid battleship, a competition was going on.

This is an event held periodically within the Red Pirates - an army-wide combat trial.

As the King of the Red Pirates, Huron will reward those warriors who perform outstandingly without hesitation.

This is one of the ways he maintains his influence.

In other words, if you have the ability and want to stand out, Huron will not mind giving you this opportunity, and there will be no strings attached.

Such a normal upward channel is extremely valuable to the Chaos Space Marines whose lives are full of killing and betrayal.

Huron would certainly win their goodwill and reward.

It can only be said that Huron was able to rise quickly after being hit hard by Badab, and he did have his own methods.

At this time, the Badab Tyrant was sitting on his throne, silently watching the two Chaos Space Marines fighting below.

The two were the victors after many battles. The battle was fierce and evenly matched. They both showed superb martial arts skills that only elite veterans could have. The angry battle roars mixed with the clash of sharp weapons continued in the vast hall. echo.

"So, my lord, have you heard about the rumors outside?" Valtex, the red pirate forging master and alchemist on the side, asked.

He knew that Huron was not really paying attention to the contest in front of him, and the tyrant Badab was completely absent-minded.

"If you are referring to the fact that the empire wants to concentrate its forces against us, yes, I have indeed heard about it, but it is not a very serious problem. The counterattack of the puppet emperor's lackeys is just a desperate struggle, decadent The Terran government will face another failure." Huron spoke calmly and spoke calmly.

The reaction given was the same as the countless sieges they had dealt with before.

But the Forgemaster knew that the Badab tyrant still had a grudge in his heart.

Huron was once just like Guilliman, who hated the decaying status quo of the empire. The two could be said to be the same type of people from the beginning.

The difference between them is that Guilliman is a Primarch, a mythical being.He was able to use his supreme status to overwhelm the high lords and force the Terran government to reform. He was also assisted by the Custodes known as the Voice of the Emperor.

Under such a powerful force, even thugs such as the Tauren Chapter, who were supported by the high lords, abandoned their masters and turned to swear allegiance to Guilliman.

In the end, Guilliman was successfully crowned Regent of the Empire, and the disobedient high lords were replaced one after another, and the Primarch's decrees were passed unimpeded on human territory.

Huron could not do this.

He couldn't overwhelm the high lord, he was the one being oppressed.

It can neither endure the decay of the empire nor change it through its own strength.

If we do not want our ideals to be stifled by the short-sightedness and stupidity of those mortals, the outbreak of conflict will become inevitable.

After that, Huron went further and further on that road, gradually becoming what it is today.

"The Governor of the Great Vortex, a young mortal, maybe we should formulate an assassination plan for him, or find ways to sow discord between those war groups," Valtex tried to suggest.

"Thank you for your concern, Master Forger." Huron looked at Valtex and smiled, "I have let go of the past and have no nostalgia for the decadent imperial regime. That young man is just another one who is about to fall in front of us. He's just an enemy, there's nothing special about him."

The Lord of the Maelstrom, who was once in his heart, did not hesitate to confront the Empire, but now he was taken away by a young boy under 30 years old. Valtex was very doubtful whether the open-mindedness shown by Huron at this moment was real.

"Of course, my lord." The foundry master finally nodded.

"But you are right about one thing. We cannot let that boy do whatever he wants. The Maelstrom is our territory. The name of the Red Pirate should make any false emperor's lackeys fearful." Huron said, with a strange light shining in his eyes. .

The opening of the Great Rift has confused the situation in the galaxy. This is a good time for those who have been suppressed by the empire to rise up.

It's just that the dark gods obviously favor Abaddon.

All servants of the True God know this, and the Great Reaver is their nominal leader.

He is the Warmaster of Chaos, the man given the destiny to overthrow the Empire.

But Blackheart Huron is obviously not a leader who is used to letting others ride on his head.

The false emperor cannot do it, and neither can the war commander.

The empire's fall is doomed, and the one who finally reaches the top doesn't have to be Abaddon.

After all, a Warmaster had fallen before, and it could happen again.

"So what should we do?" Valtex asked.

"We must seize the opportunity." Huron lowered his head and thought.

If they can use defensive counterattacks to defeat this large-scale attack by the empire, then he will completely dominate the Maelstrom area, and the power of his subordinates will expand to an unprecedented level.

The Primarch Guilliman is leading the Indomitus Crusade army and collides head-on with Abaddon. With the Great Reaver in front to attract firepower, he can launch an attack from the flank.

If everything goes well, great things can happen.

At such a critical moment, he had to seek some advice from the highest heaven and the gods.

Of course, there is a price to pay.

It's just that the person who pays the price doesn't have to be himself.

"Millions of souls should be enough." Huron murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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