I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 133 Questions and Answers

Chapter 133 Questions and Answers
To the inhabitants of the Warp, souls are a resource they cannot refuse.

As long as you donate the souls of enough intelligent creatures, they will help you and be at your disposal, and even the dark gods will personally send blessings.

However, even if the price paid is to harvest other people's souls, making deals with subspace is still a very dangerous thing.

They will seduce with more benefits and subtly influence the thinking of mortals until they completely dominate them.

It takes a strong will to reject them.

Therefore, Huron always keeps such transactions to a minimum, and mostly just opens subspace rifts through Chaos Ritual, allowing the Demon Legion to kill people everywhere on their own.

After the relaxing martial arts competition, Huron rewarded a total of [-] sets of exquisite power armor produced by New Badab.

In this way, Badab Tyrant once again proved that his power has not declined and he is still the unquestionable king of this star region.

Then, he led his red pirate war gang and launched a bloody massacre on a nearby world.

It was a planet where the majority of the people were mutants. Their ancestors might have been colonists who failed to realize the dangers of subspace, or they might just be criminals escaping pursuit from the outside world.

Due to long-term exposure to the energy of subspace, the bodies of the residents here have undergone varying degrees of mutation, so the Empire does not care about their life or death.

In the eyes of the Chaos Space Marines, this world has few resources and is not worth their efforts to rule.

The poor inhabitants of the planet are like wheat, harvested when they need it.

The Red Corsairs carried out non-stop killings on the planet for nine days and nine nights. Countless lives were sacrificed to the evil spirits in the warp, and blasphemous rituals were carried out.

In the center of the complex and mysterious magic circle, the man who was the final sacrifice was stuffed into the consciousness of an ever-changing demon king.

The dead man stood up again, feathers sprouted from his skin, and his eyes glowed with a faint blue light.

He became a vessel for demons to temporarily walk in the mortal world.

"Well, the title of King of the Red Pirates, Tyrant of Badab, and Lord of the Maelstrom may be doubtful now. In short, dear Black Heart Huron, I am glad that you have made the decision to seek help from us again. But just As usual, the rewards you pay are still so stingy, completely different from your generosity to your subordinates, which really makes me jealous." The twisted man said with a smile.

"That's because I know your rules. It's not about giving and gaining, but the more you seek, the more you will become unable to escape." Huron replied calmly.

"You still have reservations about the gods, don't you? Poor Huron. Don't you realize that from the day you accepted the favor of Chaos, you had no choice but to reach the end or die halfway?"

The All-Changing Demon Lord likes to see him struggling.

If a mortal simply accepts his fate, what fun would there be?

"I trust my own power more, and I just use it for other things."

After gaining a certain understanding of Chaos, Huron knew very well that what the demon said was true.

If he was careful, there would still be a long, long time until the day of repaying the debt, and he would be able to do many things during this period.

"Even if your faith is not pious, your spirit has been praised by the gods, so I will complete the contract between us." The Wan Chang Demon Lord said with a smile, "As usual, it is still Nine Seconds, please start your questions."

That's right, the sacrifice of millions of souls in exchange for nine seconds of question and answer time was the limited deal Huron made with the demon in front of him.

He could at least get a complete answer to a question.

If the demon spoke faster to let him know more, he could get two more answers.

It’s just that due to the evil nature of the All-Changing Demon Lords, they always like to see mortals scratching their heads and scratching their heads in anxiety when they have questions but cannot get answers, or when they get answers that are not what they want.

"How will the enemy win?"

Time was limited, so Huron stated his problem in the most concise and clear way.

"Blackstone Technology, Cologne Star, Sealed Maelstrom." The Changing Demon Lord spoke quickly and concisely, giving Huron the opportunity to ask questions again.

“How do I win?”

He didn't have time to think and continued to ask.

These two questions are enough to run through the core of the entire game, and they are completely enough for the famous tyrant Badab.

But that's usually the case.

"By the power of the gods."

The All-Changing Demon Lord replied.


Huron was caught off guard because this was not an answer at all.

The Chaos Gods are so powerful that most of the troubles you encounter can theoretically be solved by relying on the power of the gods.

"I'm not being naughty, former Lord of the Maelstrom, this is the answer to your question." A weird smile came from the mouth of the All-Changing Demon Lord, "Black Heart Huron can't rely on his own strength. To defeat the enemy, he must pray to the gods to achieve final victory.”

"No, that hairy boy will not be my opponent!" Huron retorted.

But time has passed.

The Great Daemon of Tzeentch could no longer stay in that body, and it was about to be deported.

"Pathetic mortals, they are obviously seeking answers on their own, but they are unwilling to accept the truth." The devil laughed wildly, "The key to victory in this war lies in whether Black Heart Huron can open his mind to embrace himself, and he must do it quickly. Opportunities are passing by every second.”

"Their gift is your salvation. If you can only"

Gradually, as the subspace energy dissipated from the man's body, he fell down again, lifeless.

The Almighty Lord was stripped away and sent back to where it was before, leaving only Huron and a group of personal guards, as well as the corpses of innocent people on the ground.

The answers given by the demons brought about very serious morale problems, and the enemy they faced seemed to be much more difficult than imagined.

The reason why the Red Pirates are able to grow bigger and stronger is largely because of the protection of subspace. The empire cannot penetrate deep into the maelstrom to wipe them out. But now they have moved out Blackstone Technology, which can just offset the impact of subspace. Negative impact.

"If the warning from the High Sky is true, then the false emperor's lackeys do have a chance to completely seal the maelstrom." Valtex, the forging master of the Red Pirates, reminded.

They have a black stone fortress in their hands, and they know how powerful that thing is.

"The Empire has no way of understanding that technology. It should just dig up the actual object from some undead tomb world. After learning how to use it, we plan to put it into actual combat. We can attack Cologne and destroy those alien creations." Pharmacist Galeon suggested .

"The enemy must be heavily guarded there, and we have to find a suitable opportunity to attack."

"But the gods warn us that with every second we waste, our chances of victory are slipping away."

The members felt a little anxious because the prophecy was very unfavorable to them.

But Huron himself remained calm and composed.

He noticed the words of the All-Changing Demon Lord, "Huron can't defeat the enemy", it doesn't mean that his allies can't.

The Red Corsairs always welcome those who turn their backs and provide them with support in their fight against the Empire.

Recently, I heard that there seems to be a renegade Mechanicus sage on Cologne, and he also controls a certain forbidden technology.

(End of this chapter)

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