I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 145 Jackal leads the team

Chapter 145 Jackal leads the team
Lucas is here to cause trouble, there is no doubt about it.

The reason why he appeared in the maelstrom was because he was disliked by his own wolf master and wanted to drive him away.

On the other hand, many members of the Space Wolves defected to the Red Corsairs, and these traitors must be severely punished.

After realizing that the method of fooling the greenskins was feasible, the Jackal happily bid farewell to his home star Fenris and began his journey to the Maelstrom alone.

He directly used the name of the so-called Dark Green Angel to find the largest orc warlord in the area, Golden Beard, and tried to control this green-skinned army for his use.

Of course, Golden Beard is not that easy to fool.

Even if Lucas's words were astonishing, the orc warlord still had reservations about the identity of the uninvited guest in front of him.

It did not directly listen to the jackal's nagging, nor did it order him to be killed or expelled, but chose to keep him and continue to observe it for a period of time.

Lucas is not in a hurry about this, but uses his cunning and agility to get along with the greenskins and take the opportunity to understand their habits and styles so that he can adopt better methods to gain their trust.

This was originally supposed to be a long process, but something happened very quickly, which greatly accelerated Lucas' progress - the Red Pirates carried out a beheading operation on Golden Beard.

Not only did Lucas successfully predict this operation, but the counterattack he organized also severely deceived the Red Pirates. It turned the tide and saved the building from collapse, winning high praise from the greenskins. Jackal As a result, his status in the Golden Beard Pirates has risen.

Of course, this is not actually a prophecy, but a military action that is entirely possible.

Because there are more than twenty orc worlds in the Maelstrom area.

There is no need to think about it. The daily situation in these worlds must be to fight each other to death, and to disturb the peace in the surrounding area.

The Chaos side is also afraid of the rise of the orcs.

The biological weapons of the Ancient Saint are dangerous and cruel. They don't pick their opponents, and they don't have to worry about chaos corruption.

What if one day these orc worlds suddenly decide on a super war boss and lead the boys to go waaagh! , even though they were servants of the true God, they had to suffer disaster as a result.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the Chaos Space Marines' suppression method is still the classic surveillance and beheading, to strangle potential greenskin bosses in the cradle, exactly the same way the Empire controls the greenskin threat.

The rise of the Golden Beard Pirates is so rapid that it is only a matter of time before they are selected as the target for execution.

The existence of Lucas put an end to the Chaos side's attempts, not only successfully winning Goldenbeard's trust, but also arousing its anger against the Red Pirates.

Being an opponent of orcs is a headache, but it feels really good to fight with them.

Under the advice of Jackal, Golden Beard immediately launched a rapid attack on various enemy targets in the maelstrom area.

Dozens of mutant and cultist worlds were pillaged, and countless space stations and strongholds were destroyed.

Gradually, they achieved fruitful results and their reputation soared. More and more orc troops came to join them one after another, and the strength of the army increased steadily.

Today's Golden Beard Pirates have successfully obtained the nominal allegiance of all twenty orc worlds. They have tens of thousands of warships under their command, and more than [-] million young men who are good at fighting. They have become regional hegemons.

"I originally wanted to lead them to directly renovate Badab, rob King Huron's Blackstone Fortress and then come back to report the good news to you, but they seem to need more power."

Lucas waved his hand slightly regretfully.

In addition to fighting, the greenskins already have a more noble goal as beasts, which is to be recognized and rewarded by smart boys.

Lucas' status as the Dark Green Angel cannot provide this kind of reward, and he cannot keep the greenskins appetizing.That's why he took the greenskins and took the initiative to find them.

In other words, he was about to lose his ability to fool these greenskins.

"All in all, you did a very good job." Wei Mu nodded with satisfaction, and then reminded, "But New Badab must be left to the empire to deal with."

"Why?" Lucas wondered, "The greenskins are in high spirits. If they attack there, the risk will be much smaller."

New Badab is the hometown of the Red Pirates. The entire planet has been made as impregnable as an iron barrel by Huron. There are also powerful ancient warships like the Blackstone Fortress, and its defensive power cannot be underestimated.

If the Empire were to attack that place, even if it succeeded in the end, there would be countless casualties.

But it's different when it comes to green skin.

If you leave this kind of thing to them, they will definitely be happy and call you a good person.

"Yes, we can do it. We are very good at fighting. If you don't believe me, just ask the Dark Green Angels. We are determined to bring down that King Huulun!" As expected, Golden Beard said quickly.

This is the first opportunity for it to grow up in front of a smart boy, so don't miss it.

"I fully believe in the abilities of you and your boys, Golden Beard, but humans are a race susceptible to corruption by Chaos, and if they want to change this situation, they must defeat the dark gods through their own power." Wei. Mu explained.

The green skins are waaagh uncorrupted by Chaos! The energy LAN is really cool, and the psionic technology of the Old Ones is mind-blowing.

I wonder if the Emperor can go and get some advice from Second Brother Mao and help humans create such a realm in subspace.

Anyway, He is about to become a god, and the Webway Project has gone bankrupt. This way of isolating Chaos is actually not bad.

"That's it." Golden Beard nodded as if he understood.

In short, you are right to listen to what the smart boy said. Since he won't let you hit him, then don't hit him.

"What did I say? I told you to go and knock over the red pirate's hometown first. You insist on coming over to see me. It's okay now. We can't fight the most intense battle." Lucas said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? It's a blessing that we came here in time to meet the smart boy, otherwise our rash action would have affected his great plan." Golden Beard said happily.

This guy Lucas is actually teaching the greenskins to kill first and play later.

"It has been decided that the new Badab will be handed over to the empire and cannot be changed. However, I will also recommend another valuable target for you to attack." Wei Mu ignored the jackal and pointed to a certain point on the star map. A world, "Garmyk, the base of the traitorous Word Bearers in the Maelstrom."

Before Luft Huron's rebellion, the Word Bearers were the largest vigilantes in the Maelstrom.

At that time, the Badab Tyrant also led the Star Claws Chapter to beat them hard.

If the Tyranid threat hadn't come to Ultramar and the Black Templars had been forced to relocate, Huron might have completely wiped out the Word Bearers.

Although both sides are now Chaos Space Marines, the past is not so easy to relive.

What's more, the rise of the Red Pirates has undoubtedly taken away the Word Bearers' jobs.

In the current situation where the imperial army is pressing down on the situation, whether they can realize the relationship between lips and teeth is still open to question.

(End of this chapter)

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