Chapter 146 Cunning
Due to past festivals, the Word Bearers may not necessarily cooperate with the Red Pirates' actions, but the cancer of Galmyk must be eradicated sooner or later, and there is no place for them in the realm of order.

That place is not only a demonic planet located inside the Maelstrom, but also a forging world belonging to the Chaos Party.

Huge metal furnaces and smelting factories covered the surface of the planet, and the equipment inside was running day and night, constantly producing all kinds of dangerous and twisted demonic engines.

These blasphemous gadgets will eventually be equipped to the servants of the dark gods, becoming a terrifying nightmare that slaughters countless lives.

In addition, the Word Bearers also like to combine themselves with demons and create many enchanted warriors called Blessed Sons, who are extremely powerful.

Compared with the Red Corsairs who try to keep a certain distance from Chaos, the Word Bearers have a closer relationship with the warp evil, which makes the pied clowns unable to penetrate that planet to obtain information, not knowing whether it is deep or shallow.

As for the Word Bearers' demonized Primarch, Lorgar Aurelion, Lord of the No. 17 Legion, Wei Mu agreed that he was still blocked by Crow King Krax, and there was no need to take special precautions.

All in all, Garmyk is a very difficult target, and its defensive strength is not weaker than New Badab.

"This is not a problem for us, we are designated to put away those bad cans for you!"

Golden Beard said confidently after listening to the information.

In order to show off its strength in front of the smart boy, it summoned its own army.

Ten minutes later, tens of thousands of green-skinned warships jumped out of the subspace and appeared in everyone's sight.

The spectacular scene with great impact seemed to be able to cover the entire starry sky.

The imperial fleet was almost frightened and had a stress reaction, and they all entered a state of combat alert.

It was Wei Mu who informed them in advance on the communication channel, whispered comfort, and ordered them to shrink their formation and keep their distance, so there was no trouble.

If it is not necessary, it is better not to let the armies of the two sides meet in the future. If the gun accidentally goes off, it will be a big deal.

Unlike the extremely nervous Imperial fleet, the green-skinned army seemed extremely excited.

Wei Mu's image appeared on the screen of every orc warship present, and the smart boy that the greenskins had always longed for was right in front of them.

"In the name of Brother Mao, take down the planet Galmy!"

Wei Mu now is no better than before.

He only needs to give orders and nothing else.

As Wei Mu's voice was conveyed, the great green tide began to boil again.

Despite the silence of space, psykers can still feel the carnival waaagh! energy from the warp, and are deeply shocked by the brutal and terrifying destructive power.

"In that case, I will cause trouble for the Word Bearers!"

Lucas waved to everyone and prepared to return to the orc warship with Golden Beard.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Moore suddenly called out to the jackal, "I'll go with you."

"Why, you want to follow the tradition of your two families and compete with him?" Wei Mu was surprised by this.

"No, I'm just not sure about leaving such a large green-skinned army under the care of a person with a bad reputation." Moore tried his best to choose his words carefully.

He had a very bad impression of Lucas, especially the inexplicable tricks this guy had just done to Wei Mu.

Among everyone present, apart from Wei Mu himself, he was the one who had the most dealings with the greenskins, so it was just right for him to be responsible for this task. "You can evaluate more objectively, son of Ryan, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who cares about reputation." Lucas said with a smile.

"You made that hand-licking ceremony. You are leading the greenskins to disobey orders. What are you thinking? Is there any meaning in such behavior? Is it just to satisfy your bad hobby of teasing others?" Moore didn't agree either. If you were polite to him again, you would immediately question him.

"You Dark Angels are too serious. Don't you think of exploring the many joys in life?" Lucas asked.

"Blinding a colleague's eyes through a prank, you call this the joy of life?" Moore frowned.

"Poor Lord Long Shi, maybe he can learn to be smarter next time." Lucas smiled and waved his hand.


After only a few words of exchange, Moore felt that his blood pressure had already risen.

This guy is a complete bastard, there's no way he's going to ruin anything.

It's normal for Moore to have such worries. After all, Lucas is not a stable and lovable character. It is a real thing that several wolf masters have murderous intentions towards him.

The reason why this guy is still alive and kicking here is that he is cunning enough. In addition, some people in the wolf group believe that Lucas represents the bohemian side of Wolf King Leman Russ.

"Strength and bravery make people die gloriously, but cunning can make people live longer." Wei Mu said slowly, "Lucas will play tricks on those arrogant and conceited people and make them suffer - maybe I am one of them. one."


Maul's eyes widened, completely unable to understand this.

"Perhaps Lucas felt that I was overconfident in my position in the eyes of the greenskins. He felt that this was not a good thing and wanted to remind me in some impressive way. After all, arrogant people usually listen to If they don't give advice, they will only suffer losses to make them reflect."

"If he can make the greenskins inadvertently harm me, or even make them directly disobey my orders, then our enemies will also have the opportunity to do the same."

"If I fall into his hands because of this, I will only suffer some teasing, but if I fall into the hands of the enemy, I will be destroyed. The former situation is always much better than the latter."

Wei Mu explained carefully.

Lucas is unruly, Lucas goes against tradition, speaking the truth where it is neither needed nor accepted, because these are what must be done, especially for the Wolves who are space Vikings. In terms of.

There must be such a naysaying voice, otherwise the wolves will become arrogant and complacent and gradually die out on the road to continuous charge.

The Space Wolves are not short of people with great wisdom. They saw the necessity of Lucas's existence. If the Jackal was simply a troublemaker, he would have been dealt with by the wolves long ago.

"Then you really think too highly of me, dear Lord Jiedushi, I just try to make my life full of fun and control the anger of the people around me within the range of not going crazy." Lucas said impudently laughed.

"But I have indeed been warned, and I will keep it in mind." Wei Mu nodded, then turned to Moore and said, "I think you Dark Angels lack this kind of person."

"This kind of person can't even pass the conscription threshold in our regiment." Moore replied.

However, with Wei Mu's explanation, he gradually understood what Lucas had done.

"No wonder Trazin is so optimistic about your race. Even many beings who have experienced immortal years do not have a thorough understanding of life as you do."

While everyone was talking, a cold voice suddenly came over.

(End of this chapter)

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