Chapter 147 Prophecy
Everyone didn't know how the other party suddenly appeared here, and they didn't receive any warning.

The Space Marines in the bridge drew their weapons and looked at the uninvited guests in front of them with vigilance.

"Hello, young man, I am Orican, chief astrologer of the Necron."

The Necron didn't pay attention to the threats around him, but greeted Wei Mu politely.

Unlike Trazin, the Great Prophet does not care about the fate of the young race of humans, but he must pay enough attention to the Uyghurs.

Wei Mu first waved his hand to signal everyone around him to calm down, and then said: "Your appearance is a bit unexpected, Master Ourrican, but I believe you are here to help us, right?"

As an old rival and old friend of the Infinite, the astrologer must have had some idea of ​​his abilities.

Wei Mu didn't think that this sane Necron would ever think of harming him after he showed such talent.

"That's right, young man." Orican said bluntly, "Your forge world, Cologne, is being attacked by a huge Chaos fleet, and Trazin is forced to stay there to fight against them. Try not to delay the construction of the Black Stone Obelisk, and I am here to give you a warning."

"So the fleet sent by the red pirates is not here to confront us head-on." Wei Mu suddenly felt a little disappointed.

He originally thought that after being manipulated in various ways, Huron would become as addicted as Guilliman. In this case, the battle in the Maelstrom would become much simpler.

But now, the enemy has made it clear that they do not want to come to the Crimson Star to rescue these trapped Khorne Space Marines.

Or, the other party tried to force him to lead troops to rescue Zhao by besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, so that the trapped people would have a chance to break out of the encirclement.

No matter what, Wei Mu's original plan of encirclement and reinforcements will definitely not work, and the battle plan must be adjusted.

"I guess those who attacked Cologne were not Huron's direct troops." Wei Mu said thoughtfully.

"The invaders are a group of unified Chaos warbands, and the Red Pirate King is planning other unknown conspiracies." Orikan answered.

"What about the situation on Cologne? Can they withstand it?" Wei Mu asked.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the enemy is coming fiercely. Even if the Forge World has a sound defense force, no one can guarantee that the Empire will win.

"The tomb robber swore that he could handle it. Who knows? But I advise you to go back and take a look." Ourrican suggested.

As long as the farther Wei Mu leaves the maelstrom, the chance of the prophecy coming true becomes smaller.

"If the red pirates don't come out with all their elites, Cologne will most likely be able to withstand it. I finally gathered the army here. Running around like this is too time-consuming."

Wei Mu thought for a moment and decided to trust the Figure King.

"So you want to lead this army directly into the depths of the maelstrom?"

Ourrican suddenly had a bad feeling.

"If we don't attack New Badab itself, it would be too dangerous. We can seize the black stone fortress in their hands." Wei Mu said with a smile, "Since the Red Pirates dare to play this way, they must do a good job. Prepare to be beaten.”

He has coveted the ancient holy relic from the War in Heaven for a long time, and now is a good time to capture it.

Without that prophecy, Orikan might have admired Weimu's courage, but now it seems that this young man is pushing himself into a pit of fire.

"I'm very sorry, I can't let you do this," said the astrologer.

"Why do you think we can't win?" Wei Mu asked.

"I saw a very unfavorable prophecy for you. Your actions this time are very dangerous. This is the reason why I came here to warn you, not because of a mere chaos fleet." Ourrican said seriously .

"Prophecy?" Wei Mu asked confused, "What prophecy?"

"Chaos becomes the prophecy of the ultimate winner of this war," Oerikan explained. "Are you sure?" Wei Mu wondered, "What kind of scene did you see?"

"I am absolutely sure, there is no doubt about it." Ourrican said vividly, "I saw you surrendering to the dark gods, I saw countless demons obeying your orders, I saw everything in the maelstrom being destroyed. The subspace energy is completely swallowed up, instead of the subspace rift being closed as you planned."

The thing that a prophet fears most is that others don't believe in him.

Orican saw through the Deceiver's conspiracy back then, but the blind ruler was unwilling to believe him, which ultimately led to the annihilation of the entire Necrontyr race.

So Wei Mu didn't dare to turn a deaf ear to this warning and immediately frowned.

I didn't expect that prophecy could hit me on the head, which was really hard to bear.

It is said that the Emperor had long realized that half of the Primarchs would rebel.

For this reason, he and Prime Minister Malcador deduced the chess game many times and thought of many ways, but still could not change this fixed number and could only try to minimize the harm.

Not even the Lord of Man can avoid that damn fate.

In fact, Wei Mu has always been puzzled. Since there is such a lord of change like Tzeentch, he should not allow such an unchangeable "fixed number" to appear.

Destiny is as established as the seasons, a natural cycle that cannot be violated, which is a symbol of his mortal enemy Nurgle.

But almost all the famous prophecies in the Warhammer universe have come true.

This made Wei Mu very suspicious whether Tzeentch's power of transformation was a bit weak.

Leaving aside the guy Tzeentch, how should Wei Mu deal with this unfavorable prophecy in front of him?

If you choose to ignore the prophecy, you may end up in a situation like "I've already warned you, but you just didn't listen. Now it's okay, maybe it really happened."

If you choose to try your best to prevent the prophecy, then there will be a self-fulfilling prophecy of "a series of behaviors that are obviously aimed at preventing the prophecy, but ultimately contribute to the occurrence of the prophecy."

No matter what you do, it's wrong.

Isn't this the end of the calf?

Taking refuge in Chaos is not something you take lightly. Don't even think about taking advantage of the Dark Gods.

Once you are tainted with their power, you can never escape it.

Even if your consciousness is not affected, and you don't really agree with the Chaos Gods, but just live with them and regard them as tools, you will still work for them in the dark and become a pawn in the service of Chaos.

This is the fundamental reason why almost all forces believe that it is hopeless to surrender to the Chaos. Even the Tyranids are unwilling to eat their corpses.

"But you don't have to worry too much, young man, as long as you follow my guidance, that kind of future can be avoided." Ourrican said with a smile.

It is indeed very difficult to forcibly stop the general trend of the world, but if it is only to change the fate of a certain person on a small scale, astrologers can easily do it.

More importantly, he could use this to scare Wei Mu and make this important human being obey his words.

Looking at Trazin's various efforts and efforts, this kid must have taken advantage of her.

But he could in turn control Wei Mu.

When he thought of this, Ourrican couldn't help but feel very good.

He is indeed better than Trazin.

(End of this chapter)

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