I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 168 Phoenix and Snake

Chapter 168 Phoenix and Snake
Due to the careful protective facilities deployed in advance, it is difficult for the power of the demon primarch to be truly projected.

But the scream he made was so sharp that Wei Mu's scalp went numb.

The demon host, who was bound by magic chains, was like an out-of-control sonic machine. He could no longer bear the function of transmitting information. His overly intense expression caused his face to bleed, and the meridians all over his body bulged due to the expansion of energy. He looked like he was about to explode at any moment. Falling off.

"Is there anything else you want to ask him?" The phone line was probably going to be disconnected soon, so Wei Mu quickly asked everyone around him.

"The other party's current situation does not seem like he can continue to communicate." Sarkozy reminded.

Cloning Fulgrim has achieved the results he wanted, and he has let go of his obsessions. The Mantis Warrior and the Pied Harlequin have nothing to do with the Demon Primarch, so naturally they won't have any objections.

Seeing that everyone was about to crush the demon host that kept making noise, Ourrican, who was a Necron beside him, suddenly started shouting.

"No, wait a little longer, it's better to make it as long as possible!"

I saw the astrologer holding a green cube in his hand, seeming to be recording something.

"What are you doing here?"

Wei Mu endured the discomfort caused by the screams and forced himself to come to Ourikan's side.

"I was recording the moment when the demonic master broke through the defense, and I have to say that your boy's verbal skills are really amazing!" the astrologer praised sincerely.

"Are you still interested in this kind of thing?" Wei Mu asked doubtfully, "If I have time someday, I can help you with guidance."

He also thought Ourrican was videotaping him so he could learn the art of trolling.

"What are you talking about? This is not the reason why I record images. I am a genius astrologer of the Necrontyr. As a cultural person, how can I be keen on such vulgar things as arguing with others." Ourrican quickly defended, " I just thought that Trazin would most likely be interested in this scene, so I recorded it so that I could use it as a bargaining chip next time I summon that guy."

Hearing this answer, Wei Mu narrowed his eyes. Necrons really like to play with the human world.

"Now that the conversation is over, what are you still recording?" Wei Mu was talking, and suddenly he seemed to realize something, "You don't want to use the invalid plots later to make time, right?"

The value of what can be exchanged from Trazin for a 5-minute video and a 10-minute video is definitely different.

When making a transaction, Ourrican would definitely only show Trazin a title to arouse the other party's interest, so as to prevent the other party from using the prostitution in vain.

So Ourrican could force a little more material into the image at the end of the film.

"You kid, what are you talking about?" Ourrican's face turned red when he was told the central idea, and his metal face with a weak expression also showed a little embarrassment, "I just wanted to record more material. , just for the convenience of editing later.”

If you can believe this, you are a fool. Everyone present laughed at it.

However, Orikan could not stay in the water for long. The poor demon host quickly reached its limit, and its expanding body exploded instantly, eventually turning into a puddle of flesh and blood on the ground.

On the other side, the subspace, the demonic realm of Slaanesh.

The violent roar of the Daemon Primarch shook the luxurious palace of the Dark Prince, a nightmare paradise of hypocrisy and exaggeration.

There, there is no dividing line between pleasure and pain, and it is difficult to distinguish between beauty and horror.

Statues made of alabaster stand on both sides of the road. Each statue looks so perfect. If you look closely, it looks extremely terrifying-a pair of big bloodshot eyes stare out from the eye socket of one statue. , seemed to be still screaming silently.

The clear river water flows slowly from under the road, and the exquisite stone bridge is covered with classical carvings. However, the next second, the river water may be stained red with blood, and countless swollen corpses float on it and even completely destroy it. clogged.

The monsters living here are in a state of carnival all the time.

They wantonly insulted those poor mortals, those poor souls harvested from the battlefield, those unlucky ones who were sacrificed, and the fallen who were deceived by lies, peeling their skin and cramping, tearing their cars apart, and making sounds of crying and laughter. Together, we continue to play eternal music.

However, the demons who were addicted to pleasure were frightened by the sudden roar of the demon primarch.

They looked into the depths of the palace with astonished eyes, unable to imagine what could possibly make the most blessed person feel so out of sorts.The successive mental blows he suffered made Fulgrim feel that his soul was being torn apart, and his enchanting body like a poisonous snake was constantly twitching on the bed.

He was laughing wildly, and he was crying sadly. His normal emotional expression was in a chaotic state at this moment.

Or perhaps, this has always been the case, but this time Fulgrim was completely stripped of his disguise, and finally had nowhere to hide.

The Daemon Primarch's reaction even frightened his companion, the Keeper Archdemon who stayed with him day and night like a maggot, a fat and bloated warp creature, the Devourer of Pleasure, the Son of Destruction, the Pleasure Daughter of the Prince of Darkness, one of the six courtesans of the Prince of Darkness.

Nakari had never seen such a scene before, and quickly used the tens of thousands of techniques he possessed to comfort the injured spouse beside him.

"Baby, my baby, it's okay, I'm here."

It licked Fulgrim's wounded soul, filling the gaps with darkness and pleasure.

But this time the situation was different. This time Fulgrim was broken even more completely.

The repair work of the Keepers lasted for a long time, and time is always impossible to determine accurately in subspace.

Finally, thanks to Nakali's unremitting efforts, the Daemon Primarch recovered.

Fulgrim, who was radiant again, rubbed his spouse's hair and said with a doting tone: "Don't worry, dear, I'm fine."

"But they hurt you deeply, they"

"It gave me an unprecedented pleasant experience." Fulgrim waved his hand and said with a smile, "Maybe that little guy is right, I should indeed have some [motivation] to pursue better things."

The Daemon Primarch felt that he was in excellent condition, and the darkness within his body was even greater than before.

He was inspired.

"So what are you going to do?" Nakari asked unclearly.

"I've never had an opportunity like this before."

"I'm afraid that even throughout the history of the galaxy, very few individuals have been able to do this."

"An experience beyond imagination, an indescribable miracle."

"What kind of wonderful arrangement of fate is it that brings all of this together here?"

Fulgrim's eyes were filled with unprecedented enthusiasm, and his entire body was trembling with boundless excitement.

After tasting everything in the world, the greedy snake finally realized that there was something he had never touched.

"I will grab that passionate clone and taste my own desperate wails from its body."

Those vicious words echoed in the luxurious palace, imprinting the strongest curse on the chaotic subspace.

Nakari stared blankly at his partner in front of him, extremely shocked.

It knows what kind of event is about to happen.

The purple phoenix bathed in flames and the self-devouring ouroboros are both symbols of the infinite cycle, and one of the two is destined to be born from a person named Fulgrim.

Then, the Keeper of Secrets smiled, with six messy tongues sticking out of his split lips, and an unbridled and joyful sound came out of it.

The creativity of the human species is truly beyond imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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