Chapter 169
After ending the communication with the Daemon Primarch.

People first carefully disposed of the corpse of the demon host.

The flesh and blood were incinerated with flames, and the ashes were soaked in holy water, then packaged into space garbage and thrown into the universe.

Then they left the gloomy and dark cell room.

They need to hold a meeting to discuss the various implications.

Not only those present at the time, Wei Mu also summoned all the senior leaders of the expeditionary force together so that they could understand what had just happened.

There were hundreds of people crowded into the small conference room, but the surrounding atmosphere seemed extremely depressing.

Because what they were about to face was a daemon primarch.

To most of them, it was a horrific disaster that could only appear in ancient legends, something too terrible to exist in reality.

"We have completely angered him." Sarkozy, the one-man clown, said, "The Demon Primarch is a powerful force in the galaxy, and he will definitely come to cause us trouble."

Although everyone has the upper hand in terms of words, Fulgrim is a demigod after all.

Few could withstand the wrath of such a being.

"Maybe I should have been more lenient with my words?" Wei Mu scratched his head in embarrassment.

Seeing the daemon's careless look, he couldn't hold it back for a moment, and the spray was really a bit overwhelming.

"The cause of the problem is obviously not here." Fulgan said bluntly, "Since you decided to accept me, the situation is destined to develop in this direction."

He knew that the reason why Wei Mu said this was actually to share the pressure with him and take the responsibility for the problem on himself.But Fulgrim was by no means the kind of person who would hide behind others for protection. The pride in his heart did not allow him to do so.

Sarkozy carefully looked at the clone in front of him and continued: "And I noticed that the other party was deeply injured by this. Logically speaking, ordinary verbal humiliation should not be able to reach this level. Between you and him There seems to be some closer connection between them.”

"He just can't avoid me." Fulgrim simply replied.

"So in the same way, you have no way to avoid him." The clown said with a smile, "It's like a double-edged sword."

The clone can inflict severe mental damage on the main body, and the main body can also directly corrupt the clone mentally. However, the two parties just communicated remotely through a demon host, and Wei Mu could intervene in the middle and mess around.

Once the two sides face each other, the situation is completely different. The furious demon primarch can directly use force to kill the obstructionist.

"You should take the initiative to say this, rather than hiding it from us, clones, this is a risk that cannot be ignored." Tiberius said coldly.

The leader of the Shark Chapter has always suspected that the appearance of this clone is actually some kind of conspiracy, and maintains a high degree of vigilance against him.

"If you are worried that I will fall to Chaos, I can tell you clearly that such a thing will never happen." Fulgan said calmly.

"But it happened once, didn't it?"

"I'm not him. I hate and pity him."

"Your promise has no value to me, clone." Tiberos' answer was still ruthless, making the scene a little stiff for a while.

The worries of the Shark Chapter Leader were not unreasonable. He expressed the concerns of many people present.

If the clone Fulgrim was defeated in the battle with the demonic primarch and became infected, then the Imperial soldiers would face the pressure of two fallen Fulgrim at the same time.

Worse still, the Daemon Primarch might be able to obtain a vessel that would allow him to move stably in the material world.

This scene is definitely something no one wants to see.Rather than taking such a risk, it is better to dissect the clone directly and get the actual benefits first.

"I have repeatedly emphasized before that his fate should be left to the regent to judge." Wei Mu made a smooth move and stopped the two from continuing to confront each other. "As for how to deal with the crazy revenge of the demon primarch, it seems that We must retreat to the rear before making further plans."

Whether to find a way to attract a wave of Gray Knights to help, or to spread the news to Terra and let the Imperial Guards make a decision. It was impossible for ordinary people to control a being like the Primarch. Wei Mu carefully considered various plans.

"No, you can't do this!" At this moment, Ourrican suddenly stood up, "You must attack New Badab now and end the war here as soon as possible."

Since the end of the communication with the clone master, the astrologers have been observing the positions of the stars and calculating the effects.

"You were trying to prevent us from advancing deeper into the maelstrom from the beginning, thinking that doing so would be too risky. Now that there is an additional threat from the cloned original body, you are asking us to attack immediately?" Old Mantis Neotra wondered. road.

The suggestion from Orikan caused a lot of discussion, which was obviously not in line with normal logic.

"The key to screening is the timing of the move. You must trust me." Ourrican emphasized to Wei Mu.

"Screening? Screening for what?" Old Mantis asked.

"I can't tell you the specific situation, as long as this kid knows it well." Orikan replied.

Prophets have a broader vision than ordinary people and can see many things that others cannot.

For people with this skill, the most painful thing in the world is that you clearly see a dead end ahead, and you can only get out of the crisis by taking another path you suggested, but your leader can't see it, and he still can't. I believe you. I think the suggestions you gave are simply unbelievable. They have to lead everyone to a dead end. No matter how hard you try, you can't pull them back.

So unreserved trust is crucial for a prophet.

This is why Ourrican does not hesitate to use time to go back and force his prophecy to come true.

"The threat of the demonic primarch has little to do with the current war." Fulgan lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said seriously, "According to that guy's character, he will definitely prepare a gorgeous and elaborate plan for the humiliation he suffered today. It’s a cruel act of retaliation, rather than a hot-headed attack with a sword, so there’s no problem in continuing the war at hand.”

"You were still saying that you were not him just now, but now you have put yourself into his perspective." Tiberius accused.

"These are two completely different things. Maybe I need to take some time to discuss philosophical issues with you."

"The way you explained it sounded like an excuse to avoid the problem."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Ourrican knocked on the floor with the long staff in his hand and said dissatisfied: "What you two are discussing now is given by me as a great astrologer. Plan, so please be respectful."

Today's young people really don't know what etiquette is.

"I'm sorry, Astrologer." Fulgrim bowed his head slightly and apologized to Ourrican.

Tiberius snorted coldly and turned away.

The meeting room fell silent again.

The final decision on everything rests with Wei Mu, and everyone is waiting for him to make a decision.

Fortunately, he has a character that he doesn't trust when he is suspicious of others.

Now that he has decided to trust Ourrican, he will carefully consider the astrologer's opinion until the end of the Maelstrom War.

In addition, he will do his best to help Fulgrim defeat the Daemon Primarch, just as the Empire defeated Chaos itself.

"All ships will prepare in half an hour. We are going to march into New Badab."

(End of this chapter)

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