Chapter 230 Planning
Compared with ordinary mortal soldiers, the investigation of Astartes has a higher priority and is much faster. Basically, you only need to check whether there are any traces of corruption on the body and whether the combat records in the helmet are suspicious. Once confirmed, it can be safely released.

Now that the Maelstrom Expedition has ended, Wei Mu has no reason to keep them by his side. The empire still needs them in many places.

After completing a new round of supplies, the three unlucky guys who were deceived by Huron to rebel together, the Mantis Warrior, the Wailer, and the Executioner, have officially completed their atonement and returned to their home planet after many years of absence. It must be a headache for the people of Star to think about them who once betrayed and then returned.

The man-eating shark once again plunged into the dark outer realm, where the star torch could not shine, and continued to fight against unimaginable evil.

The remaining battle groups also returned to their original posts, guarding the territory while waiting for the next call from the empire.

Without them by his side, Wei Mu, the governor, could no longer enjoy the feeling of being followed by Wuyang Wuyang's army when he went out.

But he also got his favorite trophy - the Blackstone Fortress snatched from the red pirates.

The Blackstone Fortress was originally discovered and put into use by the Empire. It is said to be made by the Ancient Spirit Clan. It is a powerful weapon used to fight against the Necrons. It is also known as "Vaal's Talisman". Val then He is the craftsman god of the Eldar.

There are currently six known Blackstone Fortresses. Recently, there are rumors that a seventh one has been discovered. I don’t know if it is true or not.

However, due to the limited skills of the empire's technical sergeants and engine oilmen, they could not figure out its operating principle, so they could only use it as an ordinary defense platform, that is, to station troops and deploy various equipment on it.

And Abaddon knew some of the uses of Blackstone Fortress through his deal with Chaos. He realized that this was a very powerful weapon. The stupid Empire held it in its hands without knowing it, so the Great Reaver launched an attack and took the Empire into its hands. All six fortresses were robbed, and then they escaped into the Eye of Terror.

When it reappeared, the Great Reaver had completed the transformation of the Blackstone Fortress and immediately replaced its shotguns with cannons.

He relied on the power of these ancient relics to inflict a serious blow to the imperial forces defending the Eye of Terror, and in the end directly contributed to the great success of the No. 13 Black Crusade.

However, with the destruction of the fortress world of Cadia, all five black stone fortresses in Abaddon's hands have been destroyed by the empire. The only remaining one was given by him to the Red Pirate King as a reward for Huron's betrayal of the empire.

But now, this thing belongs to Wei Mu, so he naturally has to transform it.

It happened that the foundry general of Cologne still owed him a favor, so Wei Mu spoke without any scruples.

"We need a foundry here, a weapons depot here, as well as a medical room, a monastery, and a research institute. We need to fill all the turrets of the weapon modules with the largest caliber. The supplies in the warehouse should preferably be able to sustain five guns. For the daily supplies of the Astra Militarum troops, we need to get some Knight Titans and the like."

Arriving at General Foundry's office, Wei Mu pointed at the model of the Blackstone Fortress in his hand and talked endlessly about his thoughts to Andre.

He has decided that from now on he will drive this thing on a rampage in the dark side of the empire and kill those Chaos traitors.

After the Webway is completely cleared, if he encounters any difficulties, he can directly use the Webway gate on the fortress to shake people from behind. He can do whatever he wants without any scruples.

"Wait a minute!" Hearing Wei Mu talk more and more enthusiastically, General Foundry hurriedly stopped him, "Do you know how much supplies this will cost? After the big battle earlier, the little wealth we saved was almost wiped out. No more. Not only are there a huge shortage of manpower, but a lot of facilities are in a state of paralysis. It’s not that I don’t want to help, but the situation is really bad, so I’d better calm down and wait for ten or eight years to allow Cologne to recover. Let’s talk about it later.”

Andre was not crying for poverty. Not to mention that the small treasury was emptied by the Inquisition due to Ronin's betrayal at first. Most of the supplies for the war were originally supported by him. Later, they were attacked by the Red Pirates. Now that they are the ones supplying the troops after the war, no matter how rich the Forge World is, they really can't help but be so poor.

"You don't have to worry about this issue at all." Seeing Andre looking like he was about to have his underwear taken off, Wei Mu explained with a smile, "The red pirates are the empire's biggest threat in the Maelstrom area. They will be destroyed." After that, there will basically be no large-scale robberies in the Maelstrom area. After all, the group of Chaos Rebels who replaced the Red Pirates cannot rush out from the Eye of the Maelstrom to grab things, so the trade here will become prosperous. The materials produced must be endless.”

To a certain extent, this was the goal that Luft Huron, the Chapter Master of the Starry Claws, worked tirelessly for, but ironically, the way in which all this was achieved was ultimately based on his downfall. above.

Andre lowered his head and thought for a moment, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.Without the scourge of the Red Pirates, the development of the Maelstrom will definitely get better and better in the future. The prosperous trade will bring countless wealth to Cologne, and restoring its former glory will be a piece of cake.

"How about it, am I right?" Wei Mu asked again.

This is a long-term benefit, and Cologne will benefit from it endlessly.

"You have brought unimaginable victory to the Empire and the Ohm Messiah, Jiedushi, and Cologne deserves to repay you for your contribution."

The Forge General finally nodded.

For a long time in the future, Andre and his men had to work overtime.

"But I'm curious, what do you plan to use this place for?"

Then, Andre pointed to the large blank area in the center of the model.

What key facilities should be placed in such a central location?

"You're talking about this, didn't I plan to build a psychic academy before? This place was specially set aside for this purpose." Wei Mu explained.

He has always been obsessed with the promotion of all employees.

One day, humanity will inevitably be a race of all psykers, and later all immortals, just like the Old Ones.

Although the correct path to promotion is currently suppressed by the dark gods, this does not mean that they should stop.

The Empire's current training of psykers is too rigid, and most of it is for the purpose of preparing them to assume a certain function in the future, as if they are forging suitable tools, rather than allowing them to open up a new path in the field of psionic energy.

Of course, this is also related to the environment in which the empire is located. The limited conditions prevent them from going too far on this path.

But now with Blackstone Technology as a guarantee, the warp demons cannot covet their delicious souls, and the human psykers under his care can thrive in a milder environment.

"You want to take those untrained children with you?" Andre was a little surprised by this decision.

Although to gain a foothold in this dark and chaotic universe, one must weather violent storms, anything could happen during the expedition, and the Forge General doubted whether the little ones could hold out.

"It's only 1 people. Just think of it as a group of interns in the army." Wei Mu replied.

He still had to take time to plan the various details about the academy.

The knowledge of psychic powers is mainly taught by the pied clowns.

If possible, he would also like to hire two Necrons, Trazin and Oerikan, as honorary professors of the academy. The clone Fulgen can also come and make a guest appearance if he has nothing to do. I don't know if he will lead the way.

(End of this chapter)

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