I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 231 Vaccination

Chapter 231 Vaccination

"So how's Fulgrim doing lately?"

After chatting about the Blackstone Fortress, Wei Mu asked Andre about the cloning of the original body.

"Either practicing swordsmanship in the competition field, or building equipment in the foundry, and occasionally taking time to connect with people around me. Daily life is rich and regular - a clone of the original body, so perfect that it can even resonate with its descendants. , and it’s still using the traitor’s template. Who would have thought that something like this would happen? The diversity of the universe is really amazing.”

The Foundry General immediately called up the surveillance camera in a certain factory. In the screen, Fulgen was shirtless and constantly waving the hammer in his hand, working hard to build something.

"He is preparing for war." Wei Mu stared at the surveillance camera and murmured, "The devil's original body may find him at any time."

"Does this mean that Cologne may become a battlefield again?" After talking about this, Andre had a bad feeling in his heart again.

That was the Demon Primarch, and its powerful power could really overwhelm the Forge World.

"You can't hide. I just hope we can be prepared when the time comes." Wei Mu waved his hand calmly.

Considering that Fulgrim's last attack on the Empire resulted in Guilliman lying in stasis for 1 years, if the sacrifice of just one Forge World could ruin the opponent's plan, they would be making a lot of money. Sent.

Saying goodbye to Andre, Wei Mu set off for the foundry where Forgan was located, accompanied by a group of guards arranged by the Inquisition.

As soon as I entered, a wave of heat hit my face.

The foundry itself is like a rapidly rotating living thing. The noisy metal collisions constantly irritate the eardrums, and the air is filled with the smell of engine oil and metal.

Dust, debris, patina and oil, as well as endless sweat, this is the working environment of factory workers. It is messy and hard, but it is the cornerstone of industrial society.

It should have been rest time at this moment, and about a hundred workers in the factory were gathered around Fulgen, admiring the perfect body and superb skills of the original clone.

With the final blow, Fulgrim completed the shaping of the power sword.

Then he clamped the red sword embryo with iron tongs and quickly put it into the water for quenching.

White steam surged out, making a hissing sound.

Drastic temperature changes will change the internal structure of the metal, allowing the product to obtain good process performance. However, if the operation is incorrect, it will cause the metal to become brittle or even directly crack, and all efforts will be wasted.

Even experienced forging masters cannot predict success or failure until they see the results.

But Fulgrim is different, because he is the original body.

After five seconds of soaking, Fulgen took the sword embryo out of the water.

As the high temperature dissipated, the metal that had been burnt red now turned into ugly black lumps, covered with mottled marks.

Even if Wei Mu didn't know much about forging, he still knew that this thing had to be polished before it could be turned into a cool weapon that people saw every day. As for whether the quality of the sword embryo in front of him was good or bad, he didn't know. Way to judge.

But judging from Fulgan's expression, he should be very satisfied.

"That's about it."

The original clone handed the completed sword embryo to the surrounding craftsmen, hoping that they could learn something from it.

However, in fact, even if Fulgrim taught him the casting method, it is almost impossible for mortals to copy it. The physical gap is really too big. Whether it is the grasp of strength or the control of fire, they It is difficult for them to reach the level of the original body.

The craftsmen just stared at the sword embryo in stunned silence, with shock and admiration written on their faces.

Fulgrim actually knew this, but as long as these people could be inspired or motivated, his efforts would not be in vain.

"The battle of wits with the Inquisition is finally over?"

The clone master quickly noticed Wei Mu's arrival and took the initiative to wave hello to him.

"I almost drove them crazy." Wei Mu replied with a smile.The surrounding workers recognized the identity of the visitor, lowered their heads and saluted Wei Mu.

Wei Mu just waved his hand and sent the workers away to rest.

Although the content of the following conversation is not taboo, if ordinary people like them heard it, it would only bring unnecessary trouble to themselves.

"I must have a lot of credit for this."

Fulgan picked up the white towel hanging aside and began to wipe the sweat from his face.

"They have already endured a lot of trouble, and it won't be a problem to endure one more." Wei Mu didn't want to make the other party worry, so he gave a very general answer.

"I guess you must have used different rhetoric when persuading them." Fulgen didn't care too much about this, but took out a weapon from the side and presented it in front of Wei Mu, "You want I’ve already finished building the stuff, and it should feel pretty good.”

It was a Qinglong Yanyue power knife, with a length of more than six meters. It was huge and amazing, and it felt full of destructive power just by looking at it.

"It's better than I expected. Thank you very much." Wei Mu carefully looked at the long-handled sword in front of him, with a look of surprise on his face.

The reason why he entrusted Fulgrim to build such a thing was because he planned to use it specifically to reward Golden Beard - the green-skinned warlord he had previously sent to attack the Word Bearers' base in the Maelstrom, the Dark Angel Maul and the Space Wolves. Lucas followed.

Although for the green skins, the grand battle itself is the best reward, Wei Mu does not mind giving them some extra sweetness after the achievement.

However, now that the battle in the Maelstrom is over, there is still no trace of them, and no one knows what problem they encountered.

Should be fine, right?
Wei Mu felt a little worried. The person sent out to inquire about the news had not returned yet.

"After we finish resting on Cologne, we will set off to meet Guilliman." After collecting the entrusted items, Wei Mu turned to talk about business.

He had to give Fulgen a shot of vaccination so that he could be mentally prepared in advance.

"Don't worry, didn't I just almost seal my brother's throat with a sword, let him fake death for 1 years, and ruined his dream along the way, and also played a big role in making our father half-dead? I believe I can handle him. "Fugen said in a pretended to be relaxed tone.

"Don't worry? I'm almost crying!" Wei Mu said with a wry smile.

"Guilliman is an idealist through and through. As long as I can bring great help to the Empire, he will try to endure it all." Fulgrim replied.

"What you said makes me want to cry even more, poor regent." Wei Mu sighed, and then asked, "And what should I do about the Iron Hands?"

Fulgrim had directly beheaded the father of his genes back then. If the descendants of Ferus learned of his existence, wouldn't they come to kill him?
"Well, damn it, don't force me to think of such unpleasant things. I finally put it behind me." Fulgan finally could no longer pretend to be calm and shouted dissatisfied.

Even perfect people can fall into helpless situations.

"Then I can't hide and act like an ostrich and turn a blind eye to the risk that is plastered on my forehead." Wei Mu waved his hand helplessly.

He thought he would be able to come up with some brilliant idea with the Primarch's extraordinary intelligence, but it looked like there was no chance.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will trigger a civil war.

"It may sound a bit selfish. At least I can't give them an explanation until the empire is over the current crisis. As for after that, I will kill or behead them." After thinking carefully for a moment, Fulgen said seriously said.

He is very aware of his own value and must put the interests of all mankind before personal grudges. It is just unclear whether the descendants of Ferus can understand this.

"Well, I'll try my best to mediate in the middle." Wei Mu scratched his head.

The so-called hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable. Although Fulgrim is just a clone, it is quite difficult to solve this problem. The dragging trick is the best way at present.

With delay, the more Fulgrim contributes to the Empire, the safer it will be during the showdown.

(End of this chapter)

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