I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 232 Official business

Chapter 232 Official business
Some things can be postponed, and some things cannot be postponed.

For example, when it comes to official business, the longer it is delayed, the more painful it will be.

When the war machine gets going, everything has to make way for it.

Supplies were requisitioned, populations were requisitioned, harsh prohibitions were issued, and there were heavy corvettes to be completed.

All of this is to win the war.

Therefore, the military government's operational efficiency is astonishing, and basically nothing is impossible.

But it was a time of life and death, and of course everyone had to bite the bullet.

You can't do this casually in normal times. If you are in a high-pressure environment for a long time, the people below will explode.

Therefore, after the Maelstrom Expedition ended and the entire sector exited the state of total war, various problems that had been suppressed before emerged.

Capital is always the first to smell something.

As the news of the Red Pirates' destruction gradually spread, many chambers of commerce saw the huge benefits.

Without dangerous raiders, the output of materials will continue, and the Maelstrom will become one of the most prosperous areas for commerce in the empire. This will be the case at least for the next 50 years.

And since it had just experienced a war, the Maelstrom region really needed those merchants to move around more in order to quickly help the various empire worlds recover.

The interests of both parties are consistent.

By seizing this opportunity, they may grow into giant crocodiles.

But the problem is that with capital, it is impossible to earn money honestly.

According to the news from the law enforcement team, there are a lot of problems behind each of the four major chambers of commerce that visited Wei Mu.

For example, some chambers of commerce once paid a large amount of protection fees to the red pirates in order to prevent their caravans from being robbed.

Some of their departments were corrupted by Chaos and mixed with cultists.

This does not include routine situations such as corruption, bribery, and tax evasion.

The law enforcement team has executed a number of their people, but no one can say how effective it will be.

After all, you can't just chop them all down.

If the entire organization were to be eliminated just because someone in the lower departments betrayed them, then not a single one of the institutions under the Empire would be able to escape.

What else can I do, just make do with it, as long as I can't catch them.

Even though Wei Mu knew that these guys were not actually clean, many of those who were executed were their white gloves.

The businessmen's intention to come to Wei Mu is obvious, hoping to get preferential policies from Wei Mu.

"Ten years of port tax exemption will further stimulate the development of the maelstrom business, just like the fuel needed for a rocket to break out of the atmosphere. After this, everything will become much simpler, and prosperous trade will bring you a steady stream of goods. fiscal revenue." They said vividly.

"It's for the empire, not for me." Wei Mu frowned and warned.

"Yes, it's for the empire. Please forgive my ignorance, Lord Jiedushi." The businessman quickly changed his words with a flattering smile on his face.

It sounds plausible.

But Wei Mu doesn't know much about business matters, at least not as much as these guys who have experienced shopping malls.

So he temporarily persuaded the businessmen to withdraw with the words "I'll think about it again", and turned to industry related people, namely the head of the mining union Ena who he had rescued before, for careful consultation.

"They want to be loyal to you, my lord, because you won the Maelstrom Expedition, showed absolute dominance, and were so young." Aina replied.

One sentence directly made Wei Mu feel confused.

He originally thought it was a question of how long the tax exemption would last and what percentage of the tax exemption would be, but he didn't expect the topic to suddenly go so far.

"So?" Wei Mu asked.

"So with this preferential policy, they can exclusively enjoy this huge business opportunity and become the leader in the Maelstrom area." Ena said, "And in return, they can help you rule this area. After all, in terms of people's livelihood, you We can't just use force to solve problems casually." After leading the imperial troops to conquer the east and west for so long, Wei Mu had almost forgotten that in addition to paying tithes on time and being nominally loyal to the empire, in addition to administrative duties In terms of aspect, there is actually no difference between the governors of various planets and the earth emperors.

As the governor of the Maelstrom, Wei Mu has become the biggest talker in this area after eliminating the threat of the red pirates.

The convenience he provides to the four major chambers of commerce is equivalent to the convenience he provides to himself. Eventually, the entire star region will be built into a place where Wei and Mu are indispensable.

Space Marines don't have this opportunity. They usually can't get involved in politics, but Vymmu is a mortal, which is why Guilliman dared to give him so much power.

Damn, this is too tempting, and it's legal on the surface. I feel excited just thinking about it.

Although this way of ruling is indeed worry-free, once the chamber of commerce becomes bigger, it will not be that simple to take back the power.

"Preferential policies will be provided, but it is not just them who will benefit. Foreign chambers of commerce will also take care of it. The empire will always be a whole. I want them to be honest and forget about those messy things."

Wei Mu spent a minute rewarding himself in his mind, and then rejected the proposal.

He didn't want to leave any hidden dangers to the empire just for his own convenience.

On the other side, in a certain space, the Necron cruiser was sailing at super-light speed.

This is a unique navigation method of the Necron, which does not rely on subspace. Only because their flesh and blood bodies have been transformed into living metal, they can withstand the huge pressure caused by super-light navigation.

The owner of the cruiser is none other than Trazin, who goes by the name of the Endless One, and the astrologer Orikan is also among them.

After finishing their business in the maelstrom, the two of them hurriedly said goodbye to Wei Mu and began to search for the Void Dragon fragments.

As former servants of the Star God, they are well aware of the terrifying strength of the original master. No Necron would want to taste the revenge of the Star God, and the lost fragments must be recovered.

In addition, Star God fragments are also a very important asset with extremely wide uses. Collecting them can further enhance the strength of the dynasty.

Trazin invested a lot of resources in the Maelstrom Expedition. In return, the Vymmu gave Erebus's ritual dagger to the Infinite for collection.

Although this thing can kill immortals, it relies on the power of chaos. There is no way for humans to keep it. It is too dangerous.

As for the jar of God's Metal, it feels like it should be quite powerful, but there is a high probability that it will be controlled by the Void Dragon after using it. Wei Mu hasn't figured out what to do with it yet, so he can only keep it first.

While searching for the Void Dragon, the two legendary Necrons didn't say a word, but they were in the same room, with expressions of hesitation on their stiff metal faces.

They just stared at each other, no one wanted to show their cards, and the scene seemed very awkward for a while.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

I don’t know how long it took, but Ourrican finally couldn’t bear the weird atmosphere and took the lead in speaking to break the calm.

"Master first."

Trazin responded by waving his hand.

A certain childish rivalry seemed to continue.

"In that case, let's write out what we want to say on each of our hands, and then show our cards together." Ourrican suggested.

"Okay." Trazin agreed.

So both of them turned their backs, wrote a short line of words on their little iron hands, and then raised their fists to cover it.

"Let go at the same time after counting down to three seconds." Oerikan said.

Trazin nodded.

"Three, two, one."

The five fingers spread out, revealing the characters written underneath, and the two Necron's faces immediately showed an expression of "I knew it would be like this."

It is a word written in Necrontyr characters, and it means "Secret Treasure of the Ancient Saint".

(End of this chapter)

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