I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 255 The Dark Side

Chapter 255 The Dark Side

If you ask what facility is the most important in today's empire, the answer is undoubtedly the Star Torch.

As a super-large psychic beacon, only under its illumination can navigators identify directions in the chaotic subspace and guide ships to smoothly conduct interstellar voyages. Effective communication between colonies also relies on this.

Wherever the star torch shines, it is the territory of the empire.

This is also the limit within which the empire can effectively rule, and humanity's status as the overlord of the galaxy is thus established.

Those places where the light of the star torch cannot shine are called dark outer lands.

No one knows the details of Outland, and lost is a word that often appears there.

Coupled with the long distance, the benefits are limited.

Therefore, the Terran high-level officials were indifferent to the Dark Outer Realm, and the threats within the Empire alone were enough to give them a headache.

But now that Cadia has fallen, the Great Rift has opened, and the empire has been forced to split into two. The light of the star torch cannot shine to the dark side of the empire, making it a place similar to the dark outer land.

And with the crazy spread of subspace power, the number of mutants, psykers and various evil spirits has increased sharply, making the dark side of the empire even more terrifying than the dark outer realm.

Abaddon is leading his Thirteenth Black Crusade to stir up trouble in the dark side of the Empire, using the Great Rift to trap Holy Terra in isolation. Guilliman is leading the Indomitable Expedition fleet to fight in. , vowing to kill all the lackeys of chaos.

There are also many aliens such as green skins, bugs, Eldar, Wotan Alliance, and Necrons.

Don't think too much, the situation inside is definitely a mess.

The launch of the Indomitable Expedition naturally requires a large amount of supplies, and the cost of maintaining such a large fleet is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

With the chaos in the dark side of the empire, it is definitely not feasible to solve the supply problem on the spot, so people can only transport resources from the holy territory of the empire to the front line.

This is not an easy task.

The Great Rift is like a thrilling torrent, running from the Eye of Terror in the northwest, through the center of the galaxy, and extending to the southeast, completely cutting across the two regions.

There are only a few corridors that ships can safely cross, like a suspended bridge over an abyss.

The supply line is the lifeline of the army. Anyone with a little military knowledge knows this, and the enemy is naturally very clear about it.

Therefore, those corridors and nearby areas have become key targets for rebel attacks.

Although the Empire will send elite troops to protect these supply routes, various risks are always present.

At this moment, the leader of the Tauren Chapter, Astruon Moloch, was sitting in the middle of his maze-like bridge, carefully assessing the situation in front of him.

He was tall and burly, wearing a set of ancient and sophisticated power armor, as if the original body was still alive.

A black spear transformed from a forbidden army weapon stood not far to his right, and on his left was a storm shield with a coat of arms.

There are many secrets about this legendary chapter leader.

According to the official records of the empire, in the past five hundred years, he has entered the desperate situation of death eight times, but he is still active today.

This has led some people to believe that "Astrion Moloch" is actually just a title, and the people in the Terminator Armor have actually been changed many times.

On the basis of this rumor, it is further extended that "each new generation of Tauren Chapter Masters is instilled with the memories and personalities of previous Chapter Masters using taboo means, so he is so powerful and unable to die." Outrageous rumors.

Putting aside the rumors that cannot be verified, the man named Astruon Moloch is indeed worthy of being revered just because he has achieved impossible feats and returned successfully.

Matching the chapter leader's perverted strength is the tauren chapter's fighting prowess that stands out from the rest.

The regiment is rich in materials, sufficient personnel, complete equipment, and is fully staffed all year round. It is definitely the elite among the elite.

There are rumors that the Tauren are able to receive such preferential treatment because they are thugs specially provided by the High Lord of Terra to teach disobedient Space Marine chapters. The source of their gene seeds is highly confidential, and even Even the Inquisition was unable to investigate.

However, after Guilliman's resurrection and the High Lords Council of Terra experienced a period of political power changes, these tauren who knew the current affairs finally chose to swear allegiance to the regent.

They are responsible for the task of escorting supplies this time.

The Tauren Chapter has recovered from the battle against the Necron and is now ready to return to the Indomitus Crusade. Matters related to war are always urgent, and Moloch must safely escort these things to the hands of the original body as soon as possible.

How he should operate specifically became something he needed to decide carefully.

The northernmost passage near the Eye of Terror, the Nachmund Corridor, is so important that many forces are gathering there to carry out chaos. Even the leader of the traitors, Chaos Warmaster Abaddon, is said to have Came to the warning star in person.

It was apparently temporarily impassable.

There is also a temporary passage in the east, which is slightly less stable. It is barely possible to walk, but the location is too far away. Not to mention the time wasted, the mountains and rivers along the way are desolate. I don’t know how many monsters and monsters will stare at this sweet potato. It makes people hard to guard against.

If you choose to go there, you will most likely be eaten and wiped clean by someone along the way.

From this point of view, there seems to be only one choice before Moloch - to forcefully penetrate the great rift from the middle.

This is a common choice made by many Imperial forces trying to cross the Great Rift.

The waves of the Warp are turbulent, but they are not completely uncrossable, and those with a strong will and the Emperor's blessing can overcome any difficulty.

Although this may result in the loss of many supply ships, who can guarantee [-]% in the current situation?

"The entire fleet is ready, Lord Astruon Moloch, just waiting for your order."

The adjutant on the side reported the situation to the chapter leader.

Hundreds of imperial warships of various shapes were suspended in the deep dark space. What blocked them was a wall-like wave of psychic energy.

The strange energy pouring out from the cracks is constantly infecting the material world. It looks colorful, chaotic and disorderly, like countless evil tentacles, trying to drag the living people into endless hell.

But the tauren are fearless.

After precise calculations, they had identified a place where the subspace wave was relatively peaceful as a crossing point. The area had also been cleared by the Indomitable Expedition Fleet, so the probability of being attacked was low.

If we decisively use [-]% of the ships as consumables and place them on the side to withstand the subspace energy flow when crossing the river, then the remaining [-]% of the troops will have a great chance of passing through the rift safely.

Regarding the upcoming sacrifice, Moloch just nodded slightly: "Go in."

Then, one after another, the imperial warships activated Geller's stance.

They didn't even need to start the subspace engine, they just slowly activated the conventional power system, and the battleship entered the supreme sky from the crack in front of them in accordance with the predetermined array.

As soon as it entered the Great Rift, the Minotaur flagship "Daedalus Bearer" trembled violently due to the impact of the psychic wave.

Weird sounds began to ring from his ears, and lost demons appeared all over the ship.

The crew members would disappear strangely. One second they were in the corridor, and the next they were in the warehouse.

The weirdness of subspace constantly challenges people's normal cognition.

But these are not problems.

Hymns praising the Emperor played over the ship's communications channel, calming the crew's minds.

The soldiers ignored the alluring sounds and patrolled the cabin repeatedly, quickly clearing away the intruders.

As long as they could get through the rift before Geller's position was overloaded, they would be safe.

However, at the same time, on the other side of the Great Rift, the traitors who had surrendered to Chaos had already taken their positions.

They learned about the movement of the supply troops in advance and coveted the rich supplies of the Indomitable Expedition.

They are bound to win this wave of birth dates that the tauren are betting on.

(End of this chapter)

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