Chapter 256 Trap

After a thrilling journey through subspace, the supply fleet finally successfully reached the dark side of the Empire on the other side of the rift.

The price paid was that more than a dozen battleships were swept away by the psychic wave, and hundreds of thousands of loyalists were lost forever in the terrible warp.

For the great achievements of the entire empire, this small sacrifice is nothing at all.

The Tauren Chapter Master's calmness and determination are well known, and Asterion Moloch will do whatever it takes to win.

This kind of behavior makes the empire's senior officials very satisfied, but makes colleagues and subordinates feel frightened.

After all, not many people can easily accept that they are inexplicably "sacrificed" by others.

Such a rational and ruthless way of thinking has led many people to believe that the Tauren Chapter actually used the gene seeds of the Iron Warriors.

There was no time to mourn for the victims, and the horrific scenes they had just seen in the psychic turbulence still lingered in everyone's minds.

However, under the order of the Chapter Master, the Imperial army started the subspace engine without stopping and started interstellar navigation again without even taking a few breaths.

The empire's dark side is lurking in danger, and they must get supplies to Guilliman as soon as possible.

Without the guidance of the Star Torch, the supply fleet can only fumble forward from galaxy to galaxy.

As a result, after making several short subspace jumps, they were ambushed.

"Lord Moloch is a Chaos traitor. The auspicious auspicious device shows that the number of enemy ships is more than forty!" The adjutant's urgent voice came over immediately, "There is a spy among us, and his whereabouts have been leaked!"

A bunch of dense red light spots suddenly appeared on the auspicious device, which was extremely dazzling.

The other party obviously had a premeditated plan.

"Now is not the time to pursue the mole. Let the troops spread out their formation, search for potential enemies nearby, and immediately send a distress signal to the nearby imperial forces, asking them to rush for reinforcements as soon as possible." Even if he falls into the enemy's trap, Astruion Moloch commanded still calmly.

The supply fleet just carries important things in their arms and shoulders the heavy responsibilities given by the original body. It does not mean that they are soft persimmons who can be manipulated by others.

If the enemy tries to eat them, he must be prepared to be choked to death.

"Also prepare a public channel for me. I want to talk to the other party's commander." The chapter leader immediately added.

Moloch was not a man who liked to solve problems with his mouth. Spears and fury were what the enemies of the Emperor deserved.

However, the enemies of Chaos are always arrogant, conceited, and like to show off. Such behavior can expose many flaws.

"The other party also has this intention, Lord Moloch." the adjutant replied.

So soon, the information connection between the "Daedalus Holder" and the enemy fleet was established.

"Damn traitors, I am Tauren Chapter Master Asterion Moloch, Bringer of Wrath, Warlord of Brass, and Spear of Judgment. I have only one small question regarding your appearance - yes What makes you bunch of bastards think that you can prevent me from completing the sacred mission entrusted to me by the original body?" Moloch spoke slowly into the communication in a low voice.

"Because you are desperate, the high lord's lackeys, we have surrounded you. After this battle, all your precious belongings will become ours." Evil laughter spread from the channel Come here, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ankarak, the Chaos Lord of the Sky Punishment Warband. I am about to defeat your man. Get ready for destruction, Tauren!"

More than forty warships with the power of destruction slowly approached the supply fleet.

"Surrounded? You mean this group of rotten fish and shrimps?" Moloch said disdainfully.

The formation of the imperial fleet has been fully deployed, and no additional enemies have been found around it. These Chaos warships in front of them are already the entire strength of the opponent.

Although they had just experienced the psychic turbulence of the Great Rift not long ago, the various facilities on the ship were not in excellent condition, but they had an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers. More than twice the firepower was enough to destroy the Chaos fleet in front of them. Blast into a pile of space junk.

"You will know soon, Tauren!" The Chaos Lord's voice revealed unparalleled confidence.

As the distance between the two sides gets closer and closer, the war is about to break out. Countless torpedoes and lasers were ejected from the muzzle, drawing bright tracks in the cold and dark space.

The power of destruction and the anger of the God-Emperor collided with each other, and the ancient battleship exploded into burning fragments.

"You get nothing from me, traitor!" Moloch said.

After the first wave of confrontation, neither side could gain anything.

According to the Chaos side's way of thinking, they are only superficially obeying Abaddon's strength, and their top priority is still to preserve themselves.

Replacing this wave of supplies would indeed slow down Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade, but it would also cause these warbands to suffer heavy losses.

They can't eat this wave of supplies.

"Idiot, do you really think that we are waiting here so hard just to compete with you? Of course not, we have strong backup, and they will arrive on the battlefield soon. The outcome of this war has already been determined, you The resistance is just in vain." Ankarak said with a loud voice and a loud laugh.

"Backup? What backup?"

Realizing that his enemy was not lying, Moloch felt something was wrong.

Although Chaos believers are indeed mentally ill, they are not idiots willing to die.

The hidden backhand of such a carefully woven trap may indeed make him overturn.

The Chapter Master is not worried about his own safety, but the supplies requested by the Primarch must be delivered no matter what.

"Of course it's the Lord of the Maelstrom, the Chaos Warlord second only to the Great Reaver!" Ankarak laughed, with cruelty in his voice. "He was the one who provided us with intelligence and carefully crafted this trap. What we have to do is He is just holding you back, Tauren, you have fallen deeply into the trap, but you are still too stupid to know it. When he arrives in the Blackstone Fortress, it will be the destruction of you, the puppet emperor's lackeys. day!"

After hearing what the other party said, Moloch was stunned.

Conflicting and confusing news began to hit his brain, so violently that he even forgot to speak for a while.

The shock shown by the Chapter Master through silence was very useful to the Chaos Lord, because it meant that the other party failed to anticipate the development of the situation and was unprepared for the changes in the situation. It also meant that a tragic defeat was about to follow.

The extremely rich tauren will fall into their hands, the supplies of the Indomitus Crusade will be cut off by them, the Chaos Warmaster's instructions will be fulfilled, and the dark gods will favor them for this great achievement.

When the Warmaster's dark empire is established, their erratic operations will surely become history and be regarded as a model for learning and admiration by all who embark on the road to glory.

There is simply nothing more beautiful than this.

The Thirteenth Black Crusade opened the Great Rift and plunged half of the empire into darkness. They had been hiding in chaos for [-] years. The good times had just begun, and now was the perfect time to gain fame.

"So struggle as much as you can, pathetic tauren. If you choose to abandon your armor and run away like a frightened fart, you might be lucky enough to save your life. Otherwise, there is only death waiting for you." !”

The Chaos Lord's voice became louder and louder, as if a glorious victory was already within reach.

But obviously, Ankarak misunderstood the chapter leader's silence.

Moloch's consternation did not stem from panic at the news that reinforcements from the Red Corsairs were about to come.

He already knew about the destruction of the Red Pirates, and the news of the victory of the Maelstrom Expedition had long spread throughout Holy Terra and was confirmed repeatedly.

So he really couldn't figure out who the other party was referring to by reinforcements.

Coupled with this is the strange nature of the supply fleet's location information being leaked.

A thought appeared in his mind - Could it be that these guys had no information and ended up swaying the wrong person?

(End of this chapter)

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