I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 263 Yanyang Star

Chapter 263 Yanyang Star

In the ten thousand years after the Horus Heresy, the Chaos Traitors gradually established an ecosystem of their own.

Although looting is their main means of maintaining their lives, and the Eye of Terror is indeed their base camp, they have still established many secret strongholds throughout the galaxy, and based on this, they continue to wreak havoc on surrounding areas.

These places are often secluded and extremely dangerous.

Even within the Chaos forces, only high-level figures can know the relevant safe channels.

The consequences of casual exploration by outsiders will most likely lead to death.

Only in this way can they avoid encirclement and suppression by other forces.

Now, with the opening of the Great Rift, traitors can run rampant in their activities on the dark side.

They burned, killed, looted, divided up territory, and brought destruction to countless worlds.

However, those strongholds still have a profound influence on the power structure of the surrounding areas by virtue of their rich heritage.

In the eyes of the loyalists, these strongholds are like tumors growing on the empire, rotten and festering sores that are constantly flowing with pus. They have long wanted to remove them, but they can't find a way. As a result, they sent troops to encircle and suppress them again and again, but those Chaos traitors were still like wild monsters that spawned at fixed points. After a while, they would appear out of nowhere to cause trouble.

Fortunately now, the other party actually took the initiative to take Wei Mu and the others there. This opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

On the way to the secret stronghold of Yanyang Star, the three Tianpu brothers praised the Red Pirate King so much that they wished they could even say that their farts were a rainbow, completely unaware that what they were doing was actually killing themselves. Dig a grave.

Fulgrim, on the other hand, wore Blackheart Huron's vest and used his skillful conversation skills to try to extract as much information as possible from the other party.

"We haven't contacted Yanyang Star for a while. I don't know how they are developing there now." Fulgen first raised the relevant topic.

"The situation couldn't be better, Lord Huron." Ankarak said, "Since the opening of the Great Rift, more and more people have chosen to abandon the false emperor and join the ranks of serving the dark gods. As a result, the flow of people has become larger and larger, and the planet’s production capacity has also increased a lot.”

"So how long does it take them to build a conventional frigate?" Forgan asked.

"Probably more than twenty years."

"What is the annual output of main battle tanks?"

"I'm not very clear about this, but it's definitely no problem if it exceeds 10,000 vehicles." Ankarak said, "Why, Lord Huron still wants to purchase something there? The Lord of the Flame Star, Kirk, has a pretty good relationship with me. , if I mediate it, I might be able to get some discounts for you."

If they directly ask the other party about the defense strength of Yanyang Star, it may arouse the other party's suspicion.

Once the suspicion is aroused, many details will be infinitely magnified, and even some insignificant things may be forcibly related.

On the contrary, if a certain amount of trust is maintained, even if there is anything wrong, it will often be ignored.

That's why Fulgrim inquired about the planet's production capacity to make a rough estimate of the difficulty of conquering the target.

This kind of inquiring about information seems to have no problem with the three Tianpu brothers.

They were even praising the Red Pirates for being such a big business. They didn't even ask about the price when purchasing, but directly asked about the output, so they took the initiative to tell all the relevant information they knew.

Yanyang Star is a forging world belonging to the forces of Chaos.

The planet was deeply corroded by subspace energy, and the environment was as harsh as hell.

Most of the planet's surface is covered with brown sand and gravel, and the atmosphere is filled with industrial waste gases.

Foundries and smelting furnaces were built on the desolate plains, and countless servants worked in them, running day and night. Hundreds of large and small ships come and go from the port every day, carrying out frequent material exchange activities.

Visitors to the Sun Star are usually traitors, mutants, aliens, and outlaws.

They will cash in the various resources they robbed here in exchange for the weapons, ammunition and forbidden technology they need.

Violence and killing are trivial; deceit and betrayal are commonplace.

Unimaginable horrific transactions and political disputes are being staged here every minute, and the chaotic and disorderly days seem to have no end in sight.

However, at this moment, Yanyang Star fell into an unprecedented crisis.

Air defense sirens were sounded across the planet, and the extremely harsh sound heralded the coming of a major threat.

As a result, people took action one after another, and all defense systems were put on full alert.

The reason why Yanyang Star is so fanciful is only for one reason - a mixed formation composed of the Heavenly Punishment War Gang, the Imperial Navy, and the Red Pirates appeared above the planet without any warning. They are about to give this hidden place a The world outside the order brings war.

For the three Tianpu brothers, being inexplicably locked by the planet's defense system made them feel a little confused and confused for a while.

I imagine that after they achieved such dazzling achievements, their fame should have greatly increased and they should be admired by everyone.

They have even decided not to do anything during Yanyang Star's rest period, but to compete with other colleagues for a month first.

Then, countless possibilities emerged from their minds, and the three brothers quickly fell into panic and panic.

As locals, they were obviously responsible for leading the way, leading the "Red Pirates" army to a safe place to divide the spoils and rest. However, when they arrived, they showed a posture of wanting to do something dirty - making it look like it was them. It was as if they had colluded with Yanyang Star to deliberately introduce the "Red Pirates" into a trap.

So Yoris quickly clarified to the Red Pirate King: "This, there must be some misunderstanding, Lord Huron, this is by no means our original intention, we know nothing about it!"

Not many people who join Chaos are good-natured. Even Black-Hearted Huron, who is generous in benevolence and righteousness, cannot tolerate such offense.

If you dare to point a gun at others, you must be prepared to be fucked by others.

As the lord, Ankarak shouted directly to the public channel: "Damn Kirk, what the hell are you doing, why are you pointing your gun at us for no reason!"

"Ankarak, you bastard, you have already brought people from the empire to the door, but you still have the nerve to question me here? What benefits did the puppet emperor's lackey promise to you?" Lord Kirk of the Yanyang warband said with the same anger replied loudly with emotion.

"What are you talking about? Why bring the empire to your door? Even if we really want to surrender, how can those crazy puppet emperor's lackeys tolerate us? These battleships were snatched from the empire by us and the Red Pirate King. Yes, the supply fleet of the Indomitable Expedition has been defeated by us. Are you old and confused? Have you lost even this point of vision? Please remove the fire control system quickly, don't make the Huron Lord unhappy. ” Ankarak retorted sharply.

"Unite the King of the Red Pirates?" Kirk scolded angrily. "The Red Pirates have been destroyed for more than half a year, and you still think I don't know? Why are you pretending to do this with me? You are a despicable villain with no spines. The dark gods will definitely I’ll curse you!”

"This, how is this possible, Lord Huron, Lord Huron" Ankarak kept shouting.

Because things developed so suddenly, the three Tianpu brothers couldn't figure out the situation at all.

To this day, they still feel that there was a misunderstanding somewhere.

But reality soon gave them a definite answer.

The ships belonging to the "Red Pirates" fired volleys of artillery fire from the rear, directly launching a merciless attack on the ships of the Heaven's Punishment War Gang. The defense system of Yanyang Star in front did the same, and the anti-aircraft batteries in orbit poured out destruction towards them crazily.

The three brothers were caught between the two forces and had no power to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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