I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 264 Dog bites dog

Chapter 264 Dog bites dog

"I didn't expect the traitors to be hiding in a place like this."

Located at the highest point of the Blackstone Fortress, Wei Mu looked at the scenery outside and realized what the space version of barren mountains and rivers was.

Asteroid belts like piles of rocks, wildly raging subspace storms, and large amounts of cosmic dust and dangerous radiation.

The highly industrialized planet is hidden deep inside, and the road there is difficult and rugged.

If there is no guide in front of us, it is really easy to overturn just by groping here by yourself.

Wei Mu also admired the original colonists. They were probably attracted by the rich mineral resources in this area, and they were willing to take any risks for the sake of profit.

Then, he let out a long sigh: "It's just a pity that the news about Yanyang Star is not as closed as the Heavenly Punishment War Gang, otherwise we can still take advantage of the situation to take over this world."

The enemies here already knew about the destruction of the Red Pirates. When they saw the Blackstone Fortress suddenly appearing above their heads, they were probably scared out of their wits. The entire planet immediately entered the highest alert state and all defenses were online. system.

Therefore, it is inevitable that many loyal imperial soldiers will be lost in the upcoming battle.

"It's pretty good to be able to directly crush a large Chaos war gang. This group of guys called Heavenly Punishment probably haven't figured out the situation until now." Judge Quinn said on the side.

This is exactly what happened.

The three brothers' ships were caught in the middle of the gunfire from both sides, and they just tried desperately to escape from the battlefield without even daring to fight back.

Or more accurately, they don't know who to fight back at.

The reason why Lieyangxing attacked them was because they got the news about the destruction of the so-called Red Pirates, and felt that the group of people cooperating with them were from the empire. As the leading party, their Heavenly Punishment War Gang led the tyranny of the false emperor to the Burning Sun Star.

But these red pirates belong to chaos and demons, and Blackheart Huron is so sincere, how could they be from the empire?

The reason why the Red Pirates attacked them was obviously stimulated by the alert actions of the Lieyang Star. They thought they were joining forces with the Lieyang Star to make a plan. As a Chaos warband belonging to the Black Legion, they targeted the Red Pirates who were outsiders.

Could it be that Kirk knew about their situation in advance and wanted to find an excuse to provoke the uninformed red pirates into killing their Heavenly Punishment war gang, and then dragged the black army to fight with the red pirates and pretend to claim what originally belonged to them? Achievements?

Both sides have their own reasons, and the battlefield has begun. The tense situation does not allow them to patiently explain and judge the truth and falsehood.

Ankarak really couldn't understand. It was originally a smooth process of success and fame, and gold and silver were divided using scales. Why did the situation suddenly become like this?

Even until just now, he was still thinking about how to further consolidate and open up his own territory after getting these nearly thirty imperial ships and a large amount of materials inside, so as to rise proudly in troubled times.

It's okay for you Red Pirates and Sun Stars to slash each other with knives, but no one noticed that our Heavenly Punishment War Gang was being beaten twice - we must belong to one of your camps, right?

The three brothers all fell into deep self-doubt, and their ships were completely disorganized.

The fierce firepower from the front and rear caused the void shield of the Chaos warship to quickly fall into an overload state. Then the physical armor was gradually torn into pieces, and the flames and explosions engulfed the hull bit by bit.

The cultists on the ship were in despair.

They all knew clearly that as long as the "Red Pirates" behind them did not stop, they would not be able to escape the fate of destruction.

But he couldn't fight again and again, and he couldn't escape yet. The road leaving the battlefield was completely blocked. In order to avoid being reduced to space junk together with the ships, the 1,200 Chaos Space Marines belonging to the Heavenly Punishment Warband had no choice but to forcibly land on the surface of the Sun Star in order to survive.

And this move further confirmed Kirk's suspicion - the Heaven's Punishment War Gang has completely become the lackeys of the pseudo-emperor. Otherwise, how could they have lured the imperial troops here?

As for why they were still attacked by the empire, it was probably because they had just taken refuge there and were not submissive enough to the will of the pseudo-emperor, so they were ruthlessly sanctioned by the imperial war team.

No, after being sanctioned by the Supervisory Team, the Heavenly Punishment War Gang immediately became more honest and began to launch a full-scale attack on Lieyang Star with large-scale airdrops.

"In order to survive for a while longer, they would rather become cannon fodder for the puppet emperor's lackeys. They are simply a group of shameless villains who are despicable to the core and have no honor at all!" Looking at the airdrop pods crossing the sky, Lieyang Kirk, the Lord of the Stars, was extremely angry and quickly said to the surrounding subordinates, "Tell the brothers not to hold back, and let me kill those guys who are punished by Heaven!"

"Yes, sir!" the cultists shouted in agreement.

Kirk's order was quickly conveyed to the various Chaos Warriors troops below. The cultists gathered by the air defense siren picked up their weapons one after another, drove their vehicles, and headed towards the landing point of the Heaven's Punishment War Gang.

Compared to the false emperor's lackeys, who were accustomed to opposing the enemy, this group of young men who bowed to the enemy and led the wolf into the house were even more hated.

Therefore, the offensive they launched was particularly fierce.

On the other side, the three Tianpu brothers were forced to the surface by the "Red Pirates", and they were already suspicious of the identity of the "Black Heart Huron".

They hoped to find an opportunity to communicate with Kirk and clarify the situation, but they did not expect that what greeted them around them was still a ruthless and sinister attack.

This suddenly aroused their suspicion of Kirk.

Being beaten violently by the Red Pirates in the sky and beaten by the Sun War Gang on the ground, the three brothers simply had no way to go to heaven or earth.

Even though every cell in their bodies was telling them that something was wrong with the situation, the surrounding Scorching Sun War Gang was menacing, fanatical and crazy. They couldn't just do nothing and let themselves be beaten to death, right?

So the two groups of Chaos rebels fought fiercely on the surface of the planet.

The development of this situation was a bit beyond Wei Mu's expectations.

He originally thought that the desperate Heaven's Punishment War Gang would fight them in a space battle, and it would take a long time for both sides to join each other's gangs.

In the end, because of their confusion about the situation and their desire for survival, those guys finally chose to forcibly land on the surface of Lieyang Star.

Kirk, who had already classified them as traitors, would naturally not tolerate this kind of behavior. There are few Chaos believers who are not impulsive. There is no such thing as feeling that the situation is wrong in the middle of a fight, and then both parties calm down and talk things over. clear.

The decision made by the Heaven's Punishment War Gang destined them to stand on the opposite side of the Sun War Gang.

"Since volunteers have taken the initiative to take on the most difficult part, let's pick some other places to attack." Fulgen, who was already ready to go, said with a smile.

With the Heaven's Punishment war gang at the front, they can attract a lot of firepower to them.

Beside the cloned original body, the Tauren warriors were also impatient, wanting to avenge the injustice they had suffered previously.

(End of this chapter)

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