I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 282 Great Depth Tactics

Chapter 282 Great Depth Tactics

After surviving the initial plague wind, the damage to the troops was much better than Leontus imagined.

If it were not for the blessing of the panacea, they would be able to lose nearly half of their combat effectiveness in just one moment - not only would more soldiers be corrupted, but it would also cost them a lot to clean up the corrupted ones. strength.

Now the soldiers took only a moment to extend the Emperor's mercy to their corrupted compatriots, and quickly recovered from the turmoil.

The Sun Lord immediately ordered the army to continue to advance without any delay.

Because Nurgle has always been known for his endurance, the longer the war drags on, the more unfavorable the situation will be for them.

My loving father also knows this.

He activated various demonic creatures living in the Plague Garden in an attempt to stop the continued advance of the coalition forces.

The twisted dead trees began to attack the passing soldiers, and people continued to die at the hands of these carnivorous plants.

Giant worms quietly hollowed out the ground and set traps in the direction of the coalition's advance.

The spore cheek pouches will wait until a large number of targets appear around and suddenly explode, spraying deadly acid that can directly turn people and vehicles into a puddle of pus.

Consume their strength and exhaust their hearts.

No matter how firm and fanatical your faith is, it will eventually be erased bit by bit by endless suffering.

What's more, the will of most mortals is actually not strong.

The Imperial soldiers are walking in such crisis, it feels like the whole world is against them.

Not all soldiers can adapt to life on Catachan.

Compared to this long torture, they would even rather directly fight with the demon army and cut each other with swords.

The soldiers' rationality is being deprived bit by bit, and decay is happening quietly.

Even with constant encouragement from the Sun Lords and Ecclesiastical Priests, they struggled to get back on their feet.

"Something's not right. The devil's performance is just a little too stable."

Trajan, the commander of the imperial army, stood on a golden gunboat, his frown forming the word "Chuan" on his forehead.

According to his understanding, this group of impulsive and crazy subspace things should have sensed that their beloved garden was under attack, so they ran over to kill them.

Even if Nurgle mobilizes a large number of troops to fight the rebellion in the Maelstrom, the remaining combat power in the garden will not be empty, and it will not be possible to encounter them until now.

"You mean that a rational mind is restraining them and teaching these wanton inanimate beings how to fight a real war?" Leontus tried to say.

In fact, although Nurgle demons are extremely harmful, they are not good at or keen on fighting.

This is inconsistent with their lazy, decadent, kind and loving nature.

Even if they searched through their entire demon army, they could not find a single general who could be called an excellent general.

In battles with other factions, the way the Demon Army of Nurgle wins is basically to inflict continuous damage to the opponent through diseases and toxins, and then use its thick blood and resistance to beatings to slowly consume the opponent to death. It is simply It takes the point of "as long as you stand firm, you can have output" to the extreme.

There are no fancy techniques or strategies, but they are quite effective. It was with such a set of simple and unpretentious methods that Nurgle successfully won the respect of the other three brothers.

However, this does not mean that Nurgle rejects war and martial arts.

Just like fat people don't like to exercise, it doesn't mean they don't like to have strong abdominal muscles.

If a battle can be easily won through proper deployment of troops and tactics, Nurgle will be happy to accept it.

Since the Nurgle demons themselves are not good at war, they go to the mortal world to corrupt some people who are good at this for them to drive and give them advice.

For the dark gods, corrupting mortals is really like a card game - strengthening their own power by acquiring characters of their choice.

"Is it Typhons who is the Chosen One of Nurgle, or is he Mortarion who is the Demon Primarch?" the Sun Lord continued to ask.

He had already fully understood all kinds of information related to the Nurgle faction beforehand, and knew that these two were the most representative beings among those who dedicated themselves to Nurgle.

Typhons is the captain of the Death Guard Legion, the Lord of the Destruction Flynest, and the most devout Nurgle believer.

He is tough-minded, cruel, terrifying and ambitious. So far, it has traveled to thousands of worlds, spreading deadly diseases everywhere, causing countless casualties, and has always been a serious concern for the empire.

Mortarion is the Primarch of the Death Guard, the Demon Prince of Nurgle, and a powerful demigod.

This fallen son of a god was a rather emotional man.

He is self-willed, sentimental, difficult to get along with and easily angered. During the ten thousand years that he surrendered to Chaos, he basically stayed in the demon world given by Nurgle to do research, and rarely came out to take action against the empire.

Under normal circumstances, the command of the war would undoubtedly be in the hands of Mortarion.

Even though he had been severely betrayed once by his own company commander, the power and authority of the original body was still unquestionable.

It’s just that in the plague war that happened not long ago, the Lord of Death was locked up in a small dark room by Nurgle because he made a big mistake, and it was not like he could do this method of using large-depth tactics to consume the enemy. .

"Which one of them do you want to direct this war?" Trajan asked instead of answering the other party's question.

Choosing one of the two best scourges as your opponent is like asking you which one you would like to step on if there are two flying lumps on the ground.

"Typhons." Leontus thought for a moment and replied, "The existence of the demon primarch is really too magical."

"Even if Mortarion does not participate in this battle as a commander, we still have to face him." Trajan reminded.

It was impossible for Nurgle to keep his ace in his hand and not play it when his base camp was under heavy attack.

"You are right, Lord Trajan." Leontus nodded, "It's just that if the situation continues to develop like this, when we officially engage in a firefight with the enemy, our troops will become extremely weak, no matter what the opponent is doing Who is directing this from behind? There is a high probability that we will only be able to watch our allies perform well."

They just use their family wealth to consume your military strength. The trees in the garden were burned and they didn't feel bad all the way. The Sun Lord couldn't find any way to deal with this.

As for the Spirit Tribe, because they had a relatively small number of people and had always benefited from the Empire's glory, they did not suffer any losses during the march, and their combat effectiveness was still very well preserved.

As the situation develops, it becomes as if the Empire has become the nanny protecting the Eldar.

(End of this chapter)

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