I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 283 Confrontation

Chapter 283 Confrontation

When the Imperial forces were weakened enough, the God of Disease finally bared his fangs at them.

Led by the seven-headed Great Unclean Ones, seventy-seven demon legions were dropped on the frontline battlefield.

The waves of galloping demons surged so fiercely that even the earth was shaking, and the black Nurgle flies covered the sky like an approaching death storm.

All Imperial troops entering the Demon Realm of Nurgle can sense this movement, which means that a great war is coming towards them.

Under the orders of the Sun Lord, the Astra Militarum troops began to shrink their front, preparing to set up the battle site in the open space opened by them.

The soldiers in front held their weapons tightly and carefully observed the surrounding forest.

As the movements got closer and closer, the sounds got louder and louder, and countless subspace creatures suddenly rushed out of the knotwood forest and fiercely attacked the group of mortals in front of them who dared to destroy their homes.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor, fire, fire quickly, kill these disgusting things!"

The political commissars of the army stood at the forefront of each military formation, and the chain swords in their hands kept roaring due to the operation of the servo motors.

The inspired soldiers pulled the triggers of their weapons and poured ammunition wildly at the incoming enemy.

The machine guns and barrels of Leman Russ tanks, Thunderhawk gunships, and Knight mechas are constantly spitting flames, providing powerful fire support for the Imperial forces.

Various artillery positions received countless strike orders in an instant, and Starhawk and Predator bombers took off in batches from the rear airport.

Soon, countless cannonballs exploded in the wave of demons, like blossoming flowers of fire.

The Emperor's enemies were reduced to ashes in the deadly heat, and the powerful impact sent limbs and limbs of nearby enemies flying wildly.

The originally fertile surface of the forest was soon covered with large and small craters, and the yellow-brown soil was burned black by the flames.

"You humble worm, my loving father is very unhappy about your offense!"

The backbone of Nurgle's demon army, the disease carriers faced the fierce artillery fire of the Astra Militarum. Their green flesh was burned and festered by the blows, but they continued to advance, like living corpses that could not be killed.

With that extremely unscientific patience and vitality, many demons still fought their way into the crowd.

And when they scratch those mortals with the weapons in their hands, the cursed power attached to them will cause their bodies to quickly wither and decay.

The frontal attack on the imperial side's position was only part of the Demon Army's counterattack plan, which was also followed by multiple sets of combination punches.

The Great Unclean Ones responsible for leading the team began to perform various subspace evil spells.

A strange demonic wind blew by, and a large number of arms and tentacles grew from the soil of the empire's position, and attacked the surrounding soldiers.

Although these strange things are not harmful, they make it difficult for the soldiers to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of them.

Moreover, their vitality is as tenacious as weeds. Even if they are chopped off, they will soon burst out of the ground again, causing great trouble to the soldiers.

The next thing that was targeted was the Imperial war equipment.

The brand-new paint peeled off one after another, and the ceramic steel alloy underneath began to show rust marks. The supernatural power of decay continued to erode those holy bodies.

The originally extremely lubricated mechanical structure made a harsh sound due to aging, as if the machine soul was screaming under the destruction of evil magic.

The failure rate of the equipment increases exponentially until it finally becomes a pile of completely unusable scrap metal.

The mechanical priests on the side chanted binary hymns, trying their best to save the sacred creation of Ohm Messiah.

However, the result of forcing them to do so was that they themselves became infected, and the mechanical implants on their bodies became paralyzed. The transitional transformation of the self has long made it impossible for the mechanical priests to leave those implants, and inevitable death soon followed.

At the last moment of their lives, the oil guys were surrounded by endless pain, and all they could see in front of them were a bunch of red system error pop-ups.

The enemy's counterattack had been planned for a long time, and the offensive launched was extremely fast. All fronts of the empire were being eaten bit by bit, like a rotten apple.

"Let the Space Marines take the top, don't let the position be overrun by the enemy."

Leontus quickly adjusted his deployment according to the changing situation, and twenty Space Marine Chapters who received the order immediately rushed forward.

Like a shot of cardiotonic shot into the human body, the arrival of the Emperor's Angel greatly inspired the soldiers who were fighting bloody battles at the front.

The Astra Militarum rallied around the various Space Marine squads and reorganized effective resistance under the command of these metahumans.

At the same time, the Spirit Race was not idle either.

Under the guidance of the old prophet, the Eldar wizards gathered bolts of lightning and struck into the air, cutting through the black swarm of mosquitoes. Countless Nurgle flies fell like raindrops, and the scene looked particularly spectacular.

The Phoenix Lords relied on their skill and boldness to take the lead in charging towards the enemy. They have a sacred mission on their shoulders and cannot be stopped here.

The Assault Scorpion and Howling Banshee troops followed closely behind, using the Eldar's unique combat method of swiftness and elegance to sweep through the demon swarm ahead.

The combined forces of the two races and the sons of Nurgle fought fiercely together, and the monstrous flames of war swept through half of the Plague Garden.

The harmonious cycle of corruption and rebirth is being broken.

"You will regret coming here, wretched mortals!"

At this moment, a deep and terrifying voice came over, containing unimaginable darkness.

The soldiers looked up to where the sound came from in the air. A small group of unusual black shadows danced wildly there, constantly changing their shapes.

With the help of high-precision observation instruments, people can clearly see that the shadow is actually composed of countless black mosquitoes, but there is no trace of the speaker.

Or maybe the group of mosquitoes is the speaker itself.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the black mosquito swarms gradually gathered.

It was as if the basic particles were constructed under the drive of a strong will. They formed the limbs, torso, armor and weapons, which gave people an extremely weird feeling.

Until finally, all the mosquitoes were assembled, and a powerful demon prince appeared in everyone's sight.

The demon wore a set of dirty green power armor and held a terrifying giant scythe.

He wore a hood and a gas mask on his head, making it difficult to see his exact face.

Those blood-red eyes revealed deep malice, and the few exposed skins were as pale as white paper.

And the most conspicuous thing, a pair of pale fleshy moth wings flapping back and forth on the back, constantly spreading the extremely rich disease and despair to the surroundings.

The Lord of Death, Mortarion, was suspended high in the air, announcing his strong return to everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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