Chapter 284 Mortarion

Mortarion, who was high in the sky, lowered his head slightly and scanned the coalition forces of the two races below with the terrifying eyes on his pale face.

After a brief assessment, he finally gave a contemptuous expression as an answer.

A group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, the battle is quite big, but no one can fight.

Mortarion certainly has the right to be proud, because the Primarch is a powerful demigod that combines the power of the warp and the biotechnology of the Emperor. He has been beyond the scope of common sense since his birth.

Even the Chief Demon carefully trained by the Destruction Power can't defeat them, let alone this group of mortals who are still bound by their bodies and life spans.

During the Great Crusade, it was the Primarchs who led their respective legions across the entire galaxy and wiped out many terrifying alien civilizations. No one could stop the powerful front.

Most of the defeat and death of the original body originated from the Horus Heresy and the internal fighting between brothers.

So there is a widely known rumor in the galaxy - only the Primarch can kill the Primarch.

Compared with them, who are naturally noble and powerful, other lives are simply as humble as ants.

But these guys are not without their merits.

If it weren't for their high-profile troubles, Nurgle would probably have to keep him in the dark room for a while because of the failure of the last plague war.

The Death Scythe in the Lord of Death's hand was trembling restlessly, ready to harvest the souls of all living beings.

They will all die here.

Those so-called "legendary heroes", those beings who are regarded as hope by mortals, will eventually become the dead souls under his scythe and become the fertilizer that nourishes the plague garden.

No one can always win, Mortarion comforted himself, but the shame of failure can be washed away with new victories.

Thinking of this, the frustration in his heart was instantly swept away.

However, at this moment, an unpleasant voice suddenly appeared in his ears, disturbing his calm mood again.

"You shouldn't be like this, my genetic father. Your powerful strength should be used to launch surprise attacks, penetrate the enemy's defenses, and make them defenseless, instead of just to satisfy your own vanity like you are now. Show yourself in public and wait for the enemy to assemble their elite forces against you!"

Typhons' hoarse voice came from the communication channel.

During the period when Mortarion was locked up in the dark room, the Death Guard was naturally managed by him as the first company commander. He was talented enough to keep the entire regiment in good order.

And he was also the commander-in-chief of this garden defense battle. After all, Mortarion had just been released, and now he didn't even know what the situation of Nurgle's demonic army was.

"Shut up, Typhons, how dare you talk to me like this? Just because your loving father asked you to take charge of the legion when I left? What's more, you are not a Primarch, how do you know how to use this power!" Mortarion roared, his voice furious.

Relying on his own indulgence, the heir's attitude towards him became more and more unrestrained.

The reason why Mortarion never really took action to teach Typhons a lesson was because he did not want to control the fate of his children in the same way that the Emperor controlled his own destiny.

If he wants to deny the Emperor, he cannot do the same thing as the Emperor.

In this regard, Mortarion considers himself a good father. "Stop arguing, Mortarion, there is no room for failure in this war." Typhons continued to remind him, not afraid of the primarch's anger.

He was actually very troubled by the fact that his genetic father clearly possessed such transcendent power, yet acted like a willful child in every aspect, so sentimental.

"What are you reflecting on? First Captain? I didn't lose to Guilliman in the last war. I defeated him and injected the divine plague into his body, and he turned into a black and rotten corpse. Their corpses were dragged by me wantonly!" Mortarion reminded in a deep voice.

"So what is the outcome of the war?" Typhons said, "Everyone knows the answer to this question, and I don't want to repeat it again."

"It was an accident. It was my despicable father who suddenly intervened in the battle. He stole my victory, just like what he did to me on Barbarus. Without his intervention, if"

Mortarion blamed loudly, but his words stopped abruptly.

Because if he continues to talk, he will appear to be a bit rebellious in his current status.

"Are you blaming your loving father for failing to help you stop the false emperor and defend your so-called victory that was already within your reach?" Typhons heard the meaning of Mortarion's words and reminded him, "I was already I have made it very clear to you. My loving father is wrestling with the other two evil gods. He cannot allocate extra energy, but you are always obsessed with your personal grudge against Guilliman, which ultimately leads to him. The third enemy is still in the center of the garden."

Mortarion's face was sullen, and the anger in his heart was building up crazily.

He doesn't care about the grievances between Nurgle and other gods, that is an internal matter of the Destruction Power.

He is not a slave or a puppet. He has long since escaped this fate from the Emperor and is his own master.

He still had grudges to settle with his other brothers, and he had every right to wage his own war.

However, in this war, Typhons kept saying that he had obtained Nurgle's will, and retreated with the most elite first company in the middle. Kugas failed to guard the Plague Crucible, and was exiled back to the garden by a group of religious lunatics. .

Only he managed to defeat Guilliman as planned.

The victory of that war should have belonged to him, but he had to take the blame for it.

"My willful genetic father, to this day you still haven't figured out the fact that your failure was not due to the interference of the false emperor, but because you disobeyed your loving father's will." Typhons knew that Motta What was Rhian thinking about during the war? He knew the character of his original body quite thoroughly. "You are part of his supreme power, but you are unwilling to obey his call. Similarly, Guilliman is also part of the false emperor's power. He Although he was very disgusted with this matter, in order to win, he finally chose to accept it. This was the fundamental reason that dominated the outcome of that war - so don't continue to be willful, Mortarion, give up the relationship between you and your brother. You must be proud of the glory of your loving father."

Just because a loving father allows his children to move freely does not mean that he cannot control them.

But Mortarion obviously failed to realize this and has been squandering his father's kindness.

"That's enough!" Mortarion finally couldn't bear it and yelled loudly, "I don't need you to tell me what to do, Typhons, I have already said before, I am not anyone's slave."

The Daemon Primarch then cut off communications with Typhons.

The winner is the king, the loser is the enemy. Let alone defend yourself. Even just breathing is a mistake for the loser. If you want to stand up, you have to speak with victory.

So Mortarion summoned all the Death Guards who were willing to follow him, and headed towards the Empire's main formation with great fanfare.

He wanted to collect debt from the Emperor for his last failure.

(End of this chapter)

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