Chapter 10
Outside Luoyang.

Although it is a suburb, it is much more prosperous than most places in this era.

Not to mention the royal gardens such as Shanglin Garden and Liangji Garden and the villas of dignitaries, Taixue and Hongdu Menxue were also places where nobles and wealthy businessmen lived together. There were few white people coming and going.

In an elegant room in a small building outside Hongdu Gate, two people were sitting opposite each other warming wine to ward off the autumn cold.

The two people are not much different in age, both around 30 years old, but their clothing and temperament are very different.

The person sitting in the main seat was born white and elegant, with no trace of work on his body.

He was wearing a tailored Sichuan brocade robe, and there were several beautiful maids behind him. Some were responsible for warming his cloak with their body temperature, some were responsible for refilling his wine at any time, and some were standing guard with swords in case anything happened. Xiaoxiao, who is short-sighted, comes to disturb his master.

Mi Zhu was a wealthy man in Xuzhou. His ancestors had been engaged in farming for generations and had nearly [-] servants and diners.

The person sitting in the lower seat was actually Mi Zhu's nominal teacher, Mao Hong of the Hongdu School. This man was especially good at eight-point calligraphy. During the lifetime of the late Emperor Liu Hong, he was considered to be the successor to the Hongdu School after Yi Guan and Liang Hu. Another figure in the school who is about to rise to great heights relying on his good calligraphy.

"Teacher, why do you have to frown?" Although he is only a businessman, Mi Zhu's demeanor in speaking is not inferior to that of the Yuan family and the Yang family's children. "The Hongdu sect is really broken, and you are just a white man. Scholars would not kill innocent people like this."

He was very helpless. He was a teacher who refused to sit in the chair. He put on an ugly face and acted coyly. He just wanted to take him to Xuzhou to avoid the limelight.
But the key point is that Mi Zizhong doesn’t plan to leave yet!
"Zizhong doesn't know something!"

Mao Hong stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, but secretly cursed the wine-warming stove for making the fire so bright.

"Shi Yiguan has returned to his hometown of Nanyang to join Yuan Shu. Liang Hu, who once served as governor, also abandoned his official position and fled without knowing his whereabouts." Mao Hong's hands trembled slightly, and the hand holding the wine bottle trembled slightly, and he spilled a few drops, "Now stay here I am the only one left in Luoyang, if I don’t escape, I’m afraid my death is imminent!”

The reason is very simple. With Dong Zhuo, the Dragon Crossing the River, compromising and showing favor to the scholars, the nobles seemed to have achieved a comprehensive victory. Then how could those who relied on the late emperor and the eunuchs have a good ending?

During this period, everyone who had anything to do with the eunuchs was frightened. Not to mention Mao Hong, who was a commoner, Liang Hu was from a serious Xiaolian family. Just because he had followed the path of Hongdu sect, he was still afraid of the possible liquidation. Even the official None.


Facing Mao Hong's pleading eyes, Mi Zhu remained silent.

Of course he knew that the end of Hongdu School was not far away, but after all, this was the only way to become an official. Before he got a clear answer, he could not just let it go.

If we don't wait any longer, do we really want to return to Xuzhou, continue to rely on the governor Zhou Mu, and be a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered in panic all day long?
"I will decide whether to stay or go as soon as possible." He calmly calmed down and comforted Mao Hong, "If I go back to Xuzhou, I will definitely not forget the teacher!"

Bafen calligraphy is also considered a prominent knowledge. Both Yichang and Liang Hu used it to become ministers of the Ministry of Education. Mao Hong, as a new generation of masters of Bafen calligraphy, came to his sect as a guest, which is still valuable for collection.

Hearing this, Mao Hong stopped sweating. He drank a full bottle, laughed and praised: "Zizhong is a true gentleman!"

Mi Zhu stood up, walked to the window and looked at Shanglin Garden in the distance. She felt the autumn wind was bleak, and she was like a fallen leaf, not knowing where to go.

The beautiful maid behind her thought that Mi Zhu was deep in thought, and was about to step forward to put a cloak on her master, when she saw Mi Zhu pointing downstairs and saying, "Invite the strong man in the bearskin hat to talk to you!"

Well, let’s collect the figures first. I mean attracting diners is more important.

Compared with most people of this era, Xu Jiashu appears taller and fairer, and stands out among the crowd.

"Poetry says: A majestic warrior is dancing in the public court. He is as powerful as a tiger, and holds a bridle like a team." Face to face, Mi Zhu praised aloud: "I never expected to see such a beautiful person. Mi Zhu in Xuzhou, you can call me... Zizhong."

Biren means that the person's appearance is as beautiful as jade.Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Mi Zhu's orientation, it's just that he has a collection habit again, otherwise his family wouldn't have had so many servants and diners in vain.
Xu Jiashu also looked at Mi Zhu curiously - is this Liu Bei's mascot uncle?
I should have known that I would have played more in the Three Kingdoms, but now I can't remember this person's attributes, only remember that he looked like he was in his early eighties.
But no matter how much he forgot, Xu Jiashu still knew that Mi Zhu was Liu Bei's uncle and an angel investor.

This is a thigh!
"Ahem. Just call me Zimao."

In ancient times, Han men were crowned at the age of 20 and women were given hairpins at the age of 15. It was inconvenient to call them by their first names, so they took another alias related to the meaning of their real names and called them zi to express their virtues and respect in interpersonal communication. It must be called a character that expresses virtue, and later it is called a character that expresses virtue.

Zimao is the nickname Xu Jiashu gave himself.

After exchanging names, Mi Zhu saw Xu Jiashu looking thoughtful and thought that his grandeur was too grand, which made the strong man a little embarrassed.

With a gentle wave of his hand, he pushed the maids away from the door, and poured a glass of wine for Xu Jiashu himself, "Drink this glass first, and go to get rid of the autumn cold."

Unlike those high-ranking nobles, businessmen have a low social status and it is difficult to gain personal dependence from others. They can only rely on charity and openness.

Xu Jiashu drank it all in one gulp and couldn't help but smash the taste - Mi Zhu's wine was already the ceiling of this era, but it just didn't have so many impurities. Due to the fermentation process, the alcohol content was far from enough.

"What a strong man!" Mi Zhu's eyes lit up, and he leaned over to top up Xu Jiashu himself, "Let's have another drink!"

So many times, Mi Zhu was willing to pour wine for the person he met for the first time, without any impatience, and his demeanor was heart-breaking. If Xu Jiashu was really a strong man born from a commoner, he would probably be defeated by him in a few rounds.

It's a pity that Mi Zhu met a modern person.

"OK OK."

Xu Jiashu quickly declined. It wasn't that he didn't drink enough. It was because the content of the drink was too low and it didn't have much energy. Moreover, he was not used to the feeling of being regarded as a "strong man".

The so-called diligence for nothing is not a traitor or a thief.

"Zimao is here, but he wants to study in Hongdu School?" Mi Zhu asked tentatively.

Xu Jiashu didn't know that everyone was avoiding this place now. He nodded and said, "I wonder what Zizhong can teach me?"

In the next few words, Mi Zhu explained the ins and outs of Hongdu School and advised: "Don't think there are still people coming and going. When the scholars take full power, I am afraid that they will raze this place to the ground to vent their inner feelings." hatred."

Having said that, Mi Zhu observed Xu Jiashu's reaction and saw that his expression was as usual. She secretly admired Xu Jiashu a little more in her heart. His open-mindedness of being able to take things up while letting them go was better than his hesitant self.

This is a character.

"Why don't Zimao stay with me so that he can prepare for the exam? If Hongdu School escapes this disaster, it won't be too late to enroll again." Mi Zhu suggested.

"Stick what you want, don't dare to ask for it!"

Xu Jiashu didn't refuse. Mi Zhu was the first historical figure he had ever met, and his reputation was quite good. With such thighs, there was no reason not to hug him.

But having said that, how old is Mrs. Mi this year?

(End of this chapter)

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