Chapter 11 Branches of Destiny

[It seems to be almost October in the first year of Yonghan.

Thanks to boss Mi Zhu, the biggest brother on the list, I finally have paper available.
Although serious people don’t keep diaries, in order to prevent them from forgetting in the future, I have to write more while I still have an impression of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Recently, Taiwei Dong promoted himself again. This time, he organized the whole country. I think it would be better to call him Executive Deputy Emperor.

Keke, digressed
After that, I should fast forward to the copy of Dong Dong. I don’t know how real the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is. I really want to see the famous scene of the three heroes fighting Lu Bu with my own eyes.

But I should have followed Mi Zhu back to Xuzhou by then. It is said that this person lived with Uncle Liu Huang until his death. If there is really no good chance, I think it would be good to follow him and hang up and be a spectator in troubled times.

If we don't go to Xuzhou now, we won't be able to leave when the war starts. We can only follow Dong Zhuo to Chang'an. After Lu Bu kills Dong Zhuo, the central government will be in chaos. Maybe he can fish in troubled waters.

After all, the famous Mr. Littlefinger said: Chaos is the ladder.

Be a salted fish or a fisherman?
this is a problem.

——"Xu Jiashu's Diary"]

Xu Jiashu officially became a diner under Mi Zhu's family.

Hundreds of years earlier, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this was a very promising job. Employers like the Four Young Masters of the Warring States Period continued to recruit people and would not reject anyone who came.

At that time, the entry threshold for diners was low, the schedule was flexible, food and accommodation were included, and the boss would directly give you financial freedom after making great achievements, and you also had the opportunity to leave your name in history. It was much better than writing a book.
But in Han Dynasty, things were not so simple.

The world has been unified, and the nobles who dare to raise a large number of diners are equivalent to despising their own longevity. They can only have some personal staff and tribes within the allowed range, and of course these precious positions are not open to civilians. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, The kind of diners who don’t care about their origins virtually no longer exist.

For example, Xu Jiashu found that his only job was to accompany Mi Zhu to meet the guests. When he was in a good mood, they would drink some low-alcohol wine together. If he was in a bad mood, he could not go there.
Xu Jiashu quickly came to his senses - No, what's the difference between this guy and Cowherd!I'm a serious person!

Other diners said jealously, "That's it, you can have fun!"

If it weren't for your handsome boy, would this life be enough?

Although Mi Zhu has many people under his command, most of the diners' daily lives are similar to those of security guards.
The paradox is that although Mi Zhu likes to raise diners, he doesn't have enough space to accommodate them, let alone provide them with any room for career advancement.

Therefore, most of the people Mi Zhu recruited privately felt that this rich man in Xuzhou was just spending money to cosplay Meng Changjun. Everyone acted with him and made a living, just for the sake of hard work. In fact, not many people really had a close relationship with him.

Xu Jiashu was one of the few people in this group who didn't think Mi Zhu was taken advantage of.

Although he doesn't like to be regarded as a "strong man", Mi Zhu's kindness to him is genuine. Even if this small amount of money is a drop in the bucket to him, it is not a reason to be ungrateful, not to mention that he regards Mi Zhu as a shortcut to the Three Kingdoms.
Therefore, Xu Jiashu will still give Mi Zhu face, so just socialize.

"Zimao, let me introduce you. This is Zhen Yan, the second son of the Wuji Zhen family, and this is Xu, the Wei son of Chen Liu."

Mi Zhu's tone was very enthusiastic.

Although the wealth of these two people is not as rich as his, they all have serious family backgrounds. In the past, they would definitely look down on his Mi Zhu situation. It can only be said that today is different from the past.

Dong Zhuo promoted a large number of scholars who were previously in the opposition, but the price was that the positions of these scholars who were originally in Luoyang were occupied, especially the guards Xu and Zhen Yan, who were originally officials of the general He Jin and had a bright future. He became a homeless man and had to find his own way out.

Zhen Yan is young and looks very feminine. At first glance, she thought she was a woman disguised as a man. When she saw Xu Jiashu, she only dared to say hello in a low voice, with a shy look on her face from time to time.

"This man is the second son of the Zhen family. His elder brother died young, and his body is soft and sickly, so he looks a bit feminine." Mi Zhu explained to Xu Jiashu in a low voice.

Another Weizi named Xu was Weizi. When Xu Jiashu heard this name, he thought it sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.
After a few people exchanged their names and places of origin, they took their seats according to etiquette.

Xu Jiashu, who was accompanying him, noticed that Chen Liu's Xiaolian Weizi couldn't wait to pour wine into the wine bottle as soon as the show started. He seemed to be impatient. "Zixu, the wine is not yet warm, why are you in a hurry?"

Mi Zhu said with a smile.

Wei Zi drank a few bottles, and when the alcohol came all over him, he threw the bottles heavily on the table.

He finally made up his mind.

"Zizhong, Zhen Yan, don't you want to save the Han Dynasty?"

Weitz asked sternly.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of both of them changed, and Xu Jiashu suddenly realized that he remembered that this person was Wei Zi who spent all his family wealth to help Cao Cao raise an army!
"Zixu, if you have anything to say, just say it." Mi Zhu quickly adjusted her mood and said calmly, "You know my ambition."

Even I know your ambition, Xu Jiashu secretly complained, doesn't he just want the Mi family to become a noble family?If you don't become a nobleman in this era, you will be just an ant after all, no matter how rich you are.

"Dong Zhuo stayed in the harem, arbitrarily abolished and abolished the throne, and even dared to imprison King Hongnong. Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, I have never seen such a minister who is worse than a beast!"

I don't know whether it was because he was extremely angry or because he couldn't finish the bad things Dong Xiangguo did in one breath. Wei Zi paused for a while and continued: "My fellow countryman Cao Mengde is recruiting troops in Chenliu. He will raise troops to rebel against Dong in the near future. I have decided to go back to help. he!"

"If the two of you can work together for a righteous cause, then there is hope for the revival of the Han Dynasty! This is the merit of reinvention, don't make the mistake of yourself!"

"Brother Zixu, I am the eldest son in the family. I cannot gamble with my family's wealth and life."

After being silent for a long time, Zhen Yan said weakly.

Wuji Zhen's ancestors had Taibao, and they had also been high-ranking officials with two thousand shi for generations. They were considered to be the second-class noble family after Yuan and Yang. However, in his father Zhen Yi's generation, they could only reach the rank of Cai Ling before giving up. Human world.

Zhen Yan, a filial and honest person, was the Zhen family's hope for a revival in their official career. The family had to work hard to get him the official position of Chief Luliang. He had to go back and take up the post. How could he participate in the crusade against Dong Yijun.

"Zi Zhong!"

Wei Zi didn't even look at Zhen Yan, but stared straight at Mi Zhu.

Although the three of them are all wealthy families, there is also a gap in their financial resources: Wei Zi is from the Chenliu family and has the weakest financial resources among the three; the Zhen family is a semi-official and semi-business family in Hebei, ranking second in financial resources; and the Mi family is rich. Wan Guan, but in the Taipei period, he would never be able to squeeze into the circle of gentry.

In this game, the target Wei Zi wants to persuade is Mi Zhu from beginning to end!

Mi Zhu was rich and well-connected. As long as he was willing to join Cao Cao with Wei Zi, and with a little training from his thousands of diners, he would be able to form an army immediately.

And Mi Zhu's reward after the event is completed is the noble status that he dreams about day and night!

Xu Jiashu on the side tried hard to maintain a poker face, but his psychological activities were very exciting - Luoyang was indeed the center of the storm!
Taking the simulator as an example, the options before you now are probably:

[-]. Return to Hebei with Zhen Yan to take up his post and start the Yuan Shao Line.

[-]. Follow Wei Zi back to Chenliu to raise troops and open Cao Cao's line.

[-]. Return to Xuzhou with Mi Zhu and wait to open the Liu Bei line.

[-]. Stay in Luoyang and simulate freely.

(End of this chapter)

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