Chapter 103 Robber and Girl

"I am Xu Zimao!"

As soon as he said these words, Wang Yi, who was helping to lead the way, couldn't help but look back at him.

Is this Xu Zimao who beat and killed Dong Zhuo's grandson?

It's exactly as described on the wanted poster.
Hmm, there seems to be something wrong with the focus.

The girl pondered her thoughts - this is a rare righteous man!

After reading the classics for so many years, this was the first time he saw a living righteous man, and Wang Yi was greatly inspired.

I am not alone!
Wang Zhan blurted out a plant in his mind.

I was still arranging the details of the arrest operation, but the target came directly to ask for help!
What if you try to arrest someone but are caught?
Online and so on, in a hurry.

Now he wanted to pretend to be shy and cover his mouth with a fist with one hand, then stick out his tongue and flip his hair, and use a silky little combo to relieve the embarrassment.

No, how did this kid notice it?
Looking at his daughter in front of him, Wang Zhan probably guessed what was going on.
Now things are a bit troublesome.

If Xu Jiashu hadn't revealed his identity in such a face-to-face manner, and Wang Zhan had directly ordered his servants to treat him as a suspicious person and transfer him to the county government, then the matter would be very simple. The Wang family had caught a guy pretending to be a Qiang merchant, who happened to be Xu Zimao is wanted.

In this way, although the Wang family is still involved, it is not deeply involved. The main credit belongs to Ma Teng's cronies stationed in Ayang County.

At least he wasn't Wang Zhan, who knew the identity of Dong Yishi and still risked the world's disapproval to betray him.

But since the other party has already made his identity clear, there is no need to act in this drama.

"I'm afraid we, the Wang family of Hanyang, cannot afford to be charged with concealing a felon," Wang Zhan said sincerely, "I certainly want to clear my name, but compared to the lives of the entire clan, it's really not worth mentioning." , look forward to Mr. Xu Haihan."

Dong Zhuo is indeed far away in Luoyang and cannot reach Liangzhou - but that also depends on who the target is.

Naturally, there is nothing to be afraid of at the level of Han Sui and Ma Teng. On the contrary, they are the targets of Dong Zhuo's wooing. However, other small warlords, such as Yang Qiu and others in Anding County, absolutely dare not offend the current Grand Master (Dong Zhuo has been promoted to Grand Master). ), not to mention the small Wang family.

Hearing this, Xu Jiashu felt that he had probably lost the bet.

During the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, the legacy of the Spring and Autumn Period was still true, but not every scholar in the Han Dynasty would draw his sword to help when there was injustice.

In any era, only a handful of people have the courage to choose to become heroes.

The Wang Zhan in front of him was a calm and pragmatic head of the family.

For him, the risk of shielding Xu Jiashu is too great, but the benefits are very unstable - if he is unlucky, if the news leaks out, the Wang family may die; if he is lucky, if the news is not leaked, the Wang family will not get help from martyrs. good reputation
Therefore, Xu Jiashu understands Wang Zhan's choice very well.

Not everyone could have predicted that Dong Zhuo, who had just become Grand Master, had entered the countdown to defeat at this time. Based on the current situation, as the head of the family, his actions were actually blameless.

At least Xu Jiashu didn't intend to kidnap him morally - a person who only wants others to be righteous is not a good person himself.

"Then Master Wang will just pretend that I have never been here." After finding out Wang Zhan's character, he chose to do the next best thing. "In this way, the reputation of the Wang family in Hanyang will not be affected. What do the Wang family think?"

At this time, everyone in the county was chasing Gan Ning. As long as Wang Zhan remained silent, the news that Xu Zimao had come to the Wang family would not spread.

If the Wang family didn't take action, Xu Jiashu and Gan Ning would have a great chance of evacuating smoothly with their money.

After that, it was nothing more than finding another trade partner and sacrificing some expansion speed. This simulation mission was successfully completed.

Upon hearing this proposal, Wang Zhan fell into silence.

He originally planned to sell Xu Jiashu to Ma Teng while pretending not to know about it, so that the Wang family would not get too much notoriety and could also get the money. When Ma Teng became the legitimate Liangzhou Shepherd, he would no longer He is now the leader of the rebels who comes from a lowly background, and as a great hero, Maocai's position is unimaginable, but Xiaolian's position is definitely guaranteed.

With this, Wang Zhan can officially embark on an official career, and then concentrate on serving in Liangzhou. With Ma Teng's appreciation, he can transform the "Ayang Wang Family" into a veritable "Hanyang Wang Family" in his own generation. Your status has reached a big level!

The prospect is so tempting, if the reputation is a little bit stinky, let’s just stink a bit.
He was silent, but Wang Yi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Why didn't father say a word?" Wang Yi frowned, quite disappointed with him, "I heard that in the past, the filial piety of the father-in-law gave birth to his son, but now he has forgotten his righteousness for the sake of profit, and the Wang family will be in trouble for thousands of years!"

[Lu Xiaoyibao] comes from "Biography of Women - Jieyi".

It tells the story of Lu Xiaogong’s wet nurse who, in order to hide him, used her biological son of a similar age to die in his place.

It is basically a replica of the story of the Zhao orphans.


Wang Zhan was speechless and began to reflect on whether he had raised his daughter too upright and pedantic over the years.

Learning everything will only harm you!
"Master Wang, I only came here to buy ironware, and I have no intention of harming anyone." Xu Jiashu took the opportunity to speak, "After leaving, I will never reveal to anyone that the Wang family has helped!"

He knew that he could never remain silent at this time and let Wang Yi handle the pressure alone.

Wang Zhan couldn't hold back his anger - I've finished telling you everything, what should I say?
"In this case, I can't do anything to harm the martyrs." The head of the Wang family could only say helplessly: "Please ask Mr. Xu to leave Ayang County as soon as possible!"

That's it!

Xu Jiashu was about to thank Wang Yi for his help, but she frowned and glared at him.

What are you doing?
"Delay will lead to change." The girl knew very well what kind of risks her family was taking, and urged: "Master Xu, it's better to leave quickly!"


This girl really has a clear distinction between grudges and grudges.
Xu Jiashu, who had just developed a crush on Wang Yi, couldn't help but secretly thought that he was just too old-fashioned.

How to conquer this kind of girl?
Holding a copy of "Spring and Autumn" in your hand every day, can you transform into a generous and tragic person at any time?


If Xu Jiashu knew something about Wang Yi's deeds in history, he would know that this person was not an ordinary difficult person. He was a character who appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty version of "The Biography of Lienu" (Huangfu Yi version).

The most terrifying thing is that Wang Yi is really not the type to be strict with others and lenient with herself. She is even more cruel to herself.

Historically, there was a Liang Shuang rebellion in Liangzhou, and Wang Yi's two sons died as a result.

When his second son was killed, Wang Yi did not want to be violated by Liang Shuang and resolutely planned to commit suicide. Only because of his six-year-old daughter Zhao Ying did he give up the idea. Then he put on a linen garment that had been soaked in excrement and ate very little. She hides her beauty by looking thin and weak.

A year passed like this, until the Liang Shuang Rebellion ended with reconciliation.

Husband Zhao Ang sent someone to pick up the mother and daughter. When they were about to arrive at the official residence, Wang Yi stopped and told his daughter Zhao Ying that he could not die in death because he had to take care of his young daughter. Now his daughter is about to return to her father. She decided to commit suicide.

After all, he committed suicide by taking poison.

Fortunately, someone provided her with an antidote and forced it into her mouth, and Wang Yicai regained consciousness.

Although it sounds very outrageous and extreme (I don’t rule out Huangfu Yi’s exaggeration), it is enough to show Wang Yi’s decisiveness in his actions - he committed suicide when he was told to commit suicide. What is she afraid of?

It's strange, how did Wang Zhan, a realistic person like him, raise such a daughter?

But no matter what, thanks to Wang Yi's old-fashioned paranoia, Xu Jiashu felt that he could at least leave Ayang County safely.

"Thank you Miss Wang Yi!" He said this sincerely. Without the help of the girl, Wang Zhan might not have changed his mind so easily and let him leave.

"How do you know my name?" The girl was startled when she heard this, "I don't think I have ever told you."

[Zhao Weizhang of West County visited as scheduled and had a pleasant chat with Wang Zhan. 】

Seeing this, Xu Jiashu frowned - according to what Wang Zhan said just now, let Wang Yi dress up before Zhao Ang arrives, and what kind of family friends are the two families?
He guessed that perhaps Zhao Ang and Wang Yi had a relationship similar to that of Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai.

Have fun talking?


It turns out that he is the intended husband of the simulated subject. To a certain extent, he is his love rival in the simulation.

Is it you who is stopping me from getting points?
Zhao Weizhang, right? Wait for me next time you simulate.Main hall.

"When I entered the city, I saw many people shouting to arrest Xu Zimao." Zhao Ang chatted with Wang Zhan about this matter and seemed quite curious, "Uncle Shi, did that Xu Zimao really escape to Ayang County? "

Isn't this a coincidence?
You are asking the right person!
"In my opinion, the person they are chasing should not be the one," Wang Zhan replied.

The old man who had just agreed to release him felt mixed emotions.

This wanted criminal seems to be a big pie that fell from the sky, but it is somewhat painful to bite into. Small families like the Wang family and the Zhao family may not be able to take it.

Wang Zhan thought about it, thinking that young people are inevitably short-sighted when it comes to things, so he happened to ask Zhao Ang for his opinion on this matter, as a way of inspecting his future son-in-law.

"If the wise nephew catches Xu Zimao," he asked Zhao Ang, "what will you do with him?"

In fact, Wang Zhan's expectations were very low. As long as Zhao Ang didn't tie up Xu Jiashu and deliver it to Ma Teng in a fair and just way, he would be considered a pass.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Ang gave him a big surprise.

"Junior thinks that although he is a wanted criminal, he is a well-known anti-Dong martyr after all." Zhao Ang considered, speaking slowly, "If you give it to Ma Teng, you can gain temporary benefits. , but it is not appropriate in the long run.”

Wang Zhan nodded slightly, already thinking that he was qualified.

No wonder he was able to make a name for himself in the county. He still had basic judgment.

I'm just afraid that like my daughter, he will be too upright, even to the point of being pedantic.
Thinking of this, Wang Zhan asked again: "Since I can't give it to Ma Teng, does my nephew think he should help or let it go?"

"Of course it's not possible to help." Zhao Ang first rejected Wang Yi's approach, and Wang Zhan suddenly felt like a confidant.

Look, this is a man with a city!
"From the younger generation's perspective," Zhao Ang said eloquently, "it would be better to send this bundle to Chang'an and hand it over to the imperial court!"

"Oh?" Wang Zhanqi said, "I never thought of this."

After all, the Chang'an court was a toy in the hands of Dong Zhuo. This was something everyone in the world knew. Sending Xu Jiashu to Dong Zhuo would be crueler than sending it to Ma Teng, and would do more damage to his reputation.

Out of satisfaction with Zhao Ang's previous performance, Wang Zhan decided to give him another chance.

"Chang'an and Luoyang are originally one," he asked, "What's the difference between this and giving it directly to Grand Master Dong?"

"Uncle Shi doesn't know something." Zhao Ang said a strange idea: "Although the position of Liangzhou Mu is attractive, it is only meaningful to Ma Teng and Han Sui. Anyone else who gets it cannot bypass it." These two people rule every inch of Liangzhou."

"On the contrary, no matter who it is dedicated to, the other person will hold a grudge." Seeing Uncle Shi nod, he continued to analyze, "In this case, as a small local family, if Xu Zimao is caught, the strategy to maximize profits is to dedicate it to The imperial court! After all, as a scholar, it is right to be loyal to the emperor at any time."

After all, you, Xu Zimao, did kill someone in a busy city, right?

What qualifications does a Langguan have to judge others on behalf of the world?

By escorting Xu Jiashu to Chang'an and delivering him to Wang Situ, the Wang family would still be able to reap the benefits.

Moreover, it is endorsed by the imperial court, which is a stable positive benefit. It is unknown that the Wang family of Hanyang will become one of the top families from then on. This saves at least several generations of effort!

As for Xu Zimao's fate, that was Wang Situ's decision and had nothing to do with the Wang family.

For a moment, Wang Zhan's heart moved.

Wang Yi is panicking now.

She had been hiding behind the main hall and listening to the corner.

The girl originally came to take a peek at her intended husband. After all, her parents had ordered a matchmaker. As a girl who was too traditional, she had no resistance to this.

In other words, most women in this era think this way.

But when she heard that her future husband-in-law and father were actually discussing this kind of thing, the girl began to feel confused again - this was wrong!

This is not right!
You are just deceiving yourself and others. Everyone knows the emperor’s current situation as a puppet!
Wang Yi felt that he absolutely could not sit idly by.

[Not long after Wang Yi left, he came back to find you]

As the scene turned, Xu Jiashu saw Wang Yi's stubborn and pretty face again.

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jia Baoyu came and Xue Baochai was still in the mood to see him.

"Miss Wang Yi, what happened when you came back?" Xu Jiashu asked.

I guessed helplessly that he might have come back to urge me to leave quickly.
"You run!"

The first half of the sentence was expected by Xu Jiashu, but the second half really shocked him.

Wang Yi's expression was lofty and holy, as if he had made some kind of determination, "Take me and run with you!"


And this perk?

Xu Jiashu quickly smelled himself - there was no aphrodisiac smell at all!

It's nice for a girl to throw herself into her arms, but there must be a reason!
Based on Wang Yi's character, Xu Jiashu estimated that this girl was more old-fashioned than Wang Yun. It was impossible for her to break through feudal ethics.

Is it because Zhao Weizhang looks too good to look at?

He was still thinking about how to answer this request, but unexpectedly, Wang Yi directly put his hands around his neck.

The soft and warm neck between the elbows feels like warm jade.

"My father and that Zhao Weizhang want to capture you and send you to Chang'an," Wang Yi said with a look of death on his face, "You can only escape if you take me as a hostage!"

She must not sit back and watch her father go astray!
Why did Wang Zhan change his mind again?

Xu Jiashu, who was watching on the sidelines, couldn't help but marvel at the flexible moral bottom line of the head of the Wang family.

As long as you lie to yourself emotionally and separate the Chang'an court and Dong Zhuo, you can trade his head for wealth with peace of mind, right?

Not only did he lie to his buddies, but he also lied to himself. He was a cruel person.

And Wang Yi's actions also shocked him greatly - this one was even more ruthless and directly used himself as a bait.

[Wang Yi proposed that he be a hostage to help you escape from here, you thought about it]

[[-]. The Wang family is capricious and has found a way to die. I will kill, kill, kill, kill! 】

[[-]. Girl, I’m offended! 】

[[-]. What’s the harm in just going to Chang’an? 】

【[-]. Free Simulation】

Option three is seeking death.

Having committed such a major crime, Wang Yun, the old man, must be in trouble now. He may wish he died suddenly. When he went to Chang'an, he could only count on Xun You for help, and he had to leave everyone in Boluo Valley behind. It was really the next best thing. .

Next, look at option one. The performance is very stable.

Considering that the top priority is to collect as much intelligence as possible for the next step in reality, there is no point in dying together. Besides, it is still unclear whether Xu Jiashu's force value can defeat so many people, so it is better not to stay in this barber shop.
Xu Jiashu was forced to choose option two.

"Miss Wang Yi"

He put a little force on his hand and said, "As I said before, although I kidnapped you, I'm really not that kind of person!"

(End of this chapter)

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