Three Kingdoms: I don’t want to fall in love in troubled times

Chapter 104: It is better to be brave than to be brave, to be content with peace.

Chapter 104: It is better to be brave than to be brave, to be content with peace.

His head was hit hard by a stone flying from behind, and blood flowed from his hair to the corner of his jaw. Gan Ning looked back at the crowd chasing him, and his vision went black for a while.

For a moment, I thought I was a kid again.

The Gan family had a very famous ancestor named Gan Mao. He once helped Wei Zhang, the chief of the Zuo concubine of the Qin State, to conquer Hanzhong and capture Yiyang, and finally became the prime minister of Zuo.

Over the next few hundred years, the Gan family's ancestral home moved from Xiacai, Pei County to Nanyang, and then moved from Nanyang to Linjiang County, Shu County.

After saying that he is a famous general, he seems to have a lot of face, but as the saying goes, a gentleman will be beheaded after five generations, let alone an ancient man from the Warring States Period.

In Bajun, the Gan family was just an ordinary immigrant, nothing special. The glorious ancestor brought nothing but trouble to his descendants.

After all, you can't bully the current nobles, you can still have fun bullying a poor family whose ancestors were rich.

Therefore, when Gan Ning was a child, when he saw those libertines on the street, he would walk around quietly, otherwise he would be grabbed by the troublemakers who would make fun of his family background and his strong Nanyang accent.

"Gan Ning, I heard that your ancestor was a prime minister!"

He turned away.

"Wow, that's serious. In the future, are you not allowed to support your brothers to become ministers?"

At first, he would complain to his father.

Gan Ning's father was called Gan Yong, who was completely different from his name. He was an honest and honest man. He moved his son to Bajun just to find a place to start a small business in Taiping.

In the era of Emperor Ling, there were often natural disasters in the Central Plains, so it was better to hide in the land of abundance.

Naming his son "Ning" means he hopes to live a peaceful life.

After saving enough money to send Gan Ning to study in a private school, he might be able to become a minor government official in the future. His grandson's generation worked hard to find a place in the Imperial College. Gan Yong felt that his mission in this life was completed.

Whenever his son told his father that he was bullied by a prodigal again today, Gan Yong would only ask him to endure it.

If he encountered those libertines coming to the store in groups, he would entertain them warmly and send them away with a small sum of money. Then he would blame Gan Ning for associating with those unscrupulous people, which would make him suffer again. I worked for a few days in vain.

"I didn't ask them to come," Gan Ning could only defend in a low voice, "I have never been friends with them!"

"You dare to talk back?" Gan Yong never dared to say a harsh word in front of outsiders, but at home, he seemed like an unquestionable god, "Who am I doing to make smiles to others every day? Do you know the tuition fees of private schools? How expensive is it?”

"I didn't ask you to give someone else a smile."

Of course, Gan Ning thought about this in his mind at most and never dared to say it out loud. It was even hard for him to imagine the consequences of doing so - maybe his father could tear down his house with a roar, and then go down to the ground to fight with him in a low voice for disturbing the people. The neighbor apologized.

That's it, still "Gan Yong"
When Bajun held the Zhengdan sacrifice, looking at the pigs and sheep placed in front of everyone, Gan Ning felt that his status in his father's heart seemed to be similar to that of the sacrifice.

All the unsatisfactory things in life can be attributed to him - for his own good, because he is willing to be humiliated, and to endure it for the sake of his future
It's probably enough to go to school, Gan Ning thought, and if he listened to him and became a government official in the future, he would be worthy of his father.

However, if you have a son in the future, you must be nicer to him.

Such ordinary expectations lasted until one day in the seventh year of Guanghe (184), when Gan Ning was 14 years old, like a bubble.

Suddenly it was shattered.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion spread to Yizhou, and the governor Que Jian died in the battle. Bajun had been peaceful for so many years, but suddenly it became chaotic when something like this happened, and countless people took advantage of it.

Big merchants naturally have the ability to recruit guards, and Gan's small store has become a fat spot in the eyes of many people.

More than a dozen people came to the shop with carrying poles and hoes, asking to borrow some money from the shopkeeper.

Gan Yong had saved a little money - it was to pay Gan Ning's tuition and living expenses for a local private school. He had saved it for many years.

It's probably all over.

At that time, Gan Ning looked at the shadowy gangsters outside the door with no fluctuation in his heart, as if he was an outsider.

With his father's character, even if he rolled on the ground begging for mercy, he wouldn't be surprised. Then his money would still be taken away, and he would not be able to study. Most of the time, he would help at home and endure his capricious temper all day long.

Gan Ning looked at his father. The grandfather he had never met had good eyesight. He knew that his son was a boneless man, so he named him "brave" in the hope that he would look like a man.

It's a pity that the name is ruined.

As he was thinking about it, his father handed him a knife. "Xiao Ning," the voice of a man who had been cowardly all his life trembled, "if my father dies, I will take the money to go to the Qiao family's private school. I have made an agreement with their master to take you to become a disciple."

Gan Ning raised his head in surprise.

At some point, my father's entire face was covered with a deep red color, like coagulated blood.

Many years later, Gan Ning began to study classics in order to embark on an official career. When he read the passage in "The Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasties" that "Xia Fu, a brave man with blood, his face turns red when angry," he suddenly recalled his father's face that night.

A brave man's face turns red when he is angry.

"I can't," Gan Yong muttered and repeated several times, not knowing who he was talking to, "I can't let this money be robbed!"

None of this matters!
Gan Ning really wanted to tell him that he can do whatever he wants in this life, as long as he gives you a life. He doesn't have to go to school or become a government official. Anyway, he will live the same life as you. He swallowed his anger and didn't even dare to call out his ancestor's name, for fear that someone would dislike him and step on this "queen of a famous family".

"The Yellow Turban Rebels are here. If you don't open the door, we won't be polite!"

Gan Ning heard a familiar voice.

They are nothing more than those few scoundrels who can't afford to eat. They usually rely on their father's charity to make ends meet. Now with a yellow cloth on their foreheads, they are about to steal their family's savings over the years.

"Lao Gan, open the door quickly, I won't kill you!"

The other one didn't even bother to pretend, and spoke in a relaxed tone as if he was here to get his own money - everyone saw Gan Yong's character, wasn't he just here to get money?
Gan Ning suddenly found that his hand suddenly sank.

Gan Yong took out all his savings hidden in the clay pot and sprinkled a few five-baht coins on the ground. Usually he would have to squat down to pick them up carefully, but now he didn't even look at them.

"Don't look back later, father will fight a way out for you." He handed all the achievements of his life to his son, his voice calmed down, "keep running out, to Qiao's manor, tell them that you are Gan Yong’s son.”

"Okay." Facing his father with this tone, Gan Ning didn't know how to reject him.

Gan Yong looked at his 14-year-old son for a while. He looked handsome and bright, much like himself when he was young. He couldn't help but rub his face and hair, and then hugged him deeply.

Gan Ning never thought that his father would do such a thing besides roaring at him like a mad dog.

"Father, give them the money." Greedy for this embrace, the young man begged, "Together we can earn it back!"

"There will never be such an opportunity again," Gan Yong rubbed his chin against his son's head and told him softly, "The world is going to be in chaos."

The rogue outside the door couldn't wait any longer and kicked the door open with his foot. The wooden door bolt broke into two pieces and fell to the ground with a loud sound.

At the same time, the father's body temperature left.

"Everyone, come to the shop." Gan Yong stood up and took two steps forward and asked those people, "What do you care about?"

The leader pointed to the yellow cloth tied around his head, "Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand, and I came here to borrow some military pay!"

"Stop pretending to be confused," the scoundrel who brought these people here urged, "Brothers, there are other places to go, please take out the money quickly!"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Hearing this answer, the scoundrel made an exaggerated mockery, "You get up early every day and work hard, how can you still have no money?"

"I mean, you have found the wrong person." Gan Yong gently touched the sword on his waist, "Gan Mao's descendants will not live in an ignoble way."


"Hahahahaha!" Several scoundrels seemed to have heard some annual joke, and they couldn't straighten their waists. "They say they are descendants of Gan Mao!"

Gan Yong drew out his saber, and the sword shone like water.

The scoundrel bent forward with laughter and fell to the ground. The blood spurted from his neck splashed all over Gan Yong and soon flowed all over the floor.

He rushed into the crowd without hesitation.

Just like what I promised my son.

Gan Ning, courtesy name Xingba, was from Linjiang, Ba County.He has little strength but is a good knight. He recruits frivolous young men and becomes his handsome man. ——"Three Kingdoms-Wu Shushi·Cheng, Huang, Han, Jiang, Zhou, Chen, Dong, Ganling, Xu Panding and Biography"

 Gan Ning's father's name is unknown, so it is true that Gan's move and his rough background are true.

(End of this chapter)

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