Chapter 112
The sky turned dark green, and young Ke Muzhi woke up.

If he were at home and his mother was chasing people away with a stick before three o'clock in the morning, he would never get up.

But after a day of impassioned public interrogation, and even going to sleep mumbling nonsense like "Who is going to stand up and accuse this person?", how could I sleep for so long?
This is indeed a conquest!
But no one has seen such a fair and strict conquest in Qiu, not even in the stories sung by the Qiang people from generation to generation.

All this was brought about by little Xu Langguan.

When Little Xu Langguan is here, Boluo Valley will be at peace!Little Xu Langguan is here, and the blue sky is there!
Ke Muzhi couldn't help but recall with embarrassment the majestic appearance of reciting the law loudly in front of more than a thousand people - but he completely forgot about the part where his legs shook with fear.

Grandma was right, it was right to go to school.

But now, as the well-deserved leader of this group of Qiang students, he still has a lot to do.

The first thing is to meet the Zhonghao here, Ke Muzhi, who was acquitted yesterday.

It is said that he has agreed to voluntarily hand over the control of this place, so he can use his help for the next work, such as checking household registration and searching homes.

After all, who is more suitable to lead the way than the boss himself?
"But Mr. Xu Langguan is right, why are there so many Ke Mu Zhi?"

On the way, he began to think about whether to change his name - he was considered a person now, right?

Muttering and pushing open the door of Zhonghao's house, Ke Muzhi suddenly found that it was a mess inside.

Many utensils were knocked over, and there were some messy clothes on the ground. Many footprints were clearly visible on them. It was obvious that they escaped in a hurry, only caring about taking away the most valuable property, and had no time to care about anything else.

Ke Muzhi ran away?
Something happened, and I need to tell Mr. Xu Langguan quickly.

As the boy trotted along, he had long forgotten about changing his name.


Xu Jiashu rubbed his eyes. The small meeting last night took a long time, and he was woken up early this morning. He really couldn't cheer up.

But after hearing the news, all the sleepiness in his body disappeared instantly.

Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

We had a very pleasant conversation not long ago, and we agreed that during this period, Ke Muzhi would do his best to help his group of people take over the village, and the money could even be paid later. However, he turned around and ran away at night. How could such a thing happen in the world?
"Any clues?", he asked.

"." The young man Ke Muzhi shook his head, "I can only tell that he left in a hurry, but nothing else can be seen."

Xu Jiashu scratched his head in sorrow, and a few hairs fell out.

After the whale swallowed this medium-sized colony, the strength of his group has indeed increased exponentially compared to that simulation. Next, he only needs to continue to grow, at least survive this autumn, and raise taxes, which is the so-called sufficient With enough food for the army, there is great potential.

But now something like this happened again.
Why did Ke Muzhi leave?
His cooperation at that time was definitely not fake, Xu Jiashu was very sure of this.

Moreover, he also hid his true identity and never revealed his true identity. In Ke Muzhi's opinion, this group of people should be the troops of Yang Qiu, the warlord in the southeast.

If it wasn't for Xu Jiashu's head worth tens of thousands of gold, what else could it be for?
After thinking for a long time, except for the loss of a few more hairs, Xu Jiashu could only order to continue to act in accordance with the regulations formulated last night.

Huan Jie led people to measure the fields from house to house.

Although the workload this time is heavy, he is no longer a polished commander - isn't there Zhao Ang, a famous scholar from Hanyang County?

They divided their troops into two groups. The Qiang students behind them were holding bamboo slips, and there were soldiers holding the line behind them. Their efficiency was as high as it was before.

Zhao Ang finally came to his senses.

It turns out that these guys are not bandits!But in rebellion!

After thinking about it, rebellion can be regarded as a sunset industry with a long history and intensive cultivation in Liangzhou. Zhao Ang suddenly felt less surprised.

Isn't it just being kidnapped by the rebels? Han Sui and Yan Zhong both had this experience.

At least my life is safe for the time being. If I do well, I might be able to follow the example of these two men in the future and become the leader of the rebels.
Huan Jie didn't know why this man suddenly became so motivated. He just lamented that the power of the organization was really powerful. If he was allowed to do this alone as before, he might really have to run away with the bucket.

"Look at this", he picked up a branch and called to Ke Muzhi.


The branch made a crisp sound and broke into two pieces.

"A piece of wood is easy to break," Huan Jie said earnestly, as if he was imparting some worldly truth, "but many pieces of wood are different!"

He picked up a handful of branches and handed them to Ke Muzhi, "Try it now!"


Ke Muzhi broke the branches without knowing why, "Xiao Huanlangguan, what happened to the many pieces of wood?"

"It's nothing," Huan Jie waved his hand and urged, "walk faster, walk faster, we have to go to the next house."

I don’t know how Zi Mao taught me, but a sensible person should pretend to be constantly folding at this time!

It's really rotten wood that can't be carved!

In the process of measuring the fields of each family, Huan Jie discovered that even in this slightly larger farming community, each family had a considerable amount of arable land.

In recent years, there have been constant natural and man-made disasters, especially after the Yellow Turban Rebellion. It has become a common trend to have fewer people and more land. However, he had served as an official in the densely populated and prosperous places like Changsha, Luoyang and Chang'an before, and he felt that it was not the same. Not very intuitive.

It wasn’t until I saw the Qiang family’s cultivated land here that I was shocked to realize that the lack of people has become a big problem!

This discovery was later brought up during a small meeting in the evening.

"I think since there is such a shortage of people," Huan Jie suggested, "the farming is busy right now, and the farm tools that were shipped last time can be given to these Qiang people for use first, and they will be paid back with taxes in the fall."

"That's a good suggestion." Xu Jiashu nodded, "Do you have any other discoveries?"

"The recruitment can begin," Gan Ning, who was still recovering from his injuries, said, "The two of us now have less people under our command than that woman Lu Lingqi."

The current situation is that the first and second villages are still purely composed of Han people, and the one hundred newly recruited Qiang warriors all belong to the third village.

"So you're not convinced?" Miss Lu responded tit for tat, "If you have the ability to fight in a one-on-one fight!"

"Xingba is injured, don't do such unnecessary things." Xu Jiashu hurriedly came out to be the peacemaker, "Xingba is right, but we still need to discuss how to recruit troops."

The military service system of the Han Dynasty has changed several times. Generally speaking, in the period of prosperity, it was customary to use both conscription and recruitment. However, when the foundation of the peasant farmers has been greatly damaged and the conscription system is unsustainable, the recruitment system has become more popular. It is said that every powerful family has it. The private army was raised with his own money.

Speaking of the conscription system during the Three Kingdoms era, the most famous one is of course the "garrison system" implemented by Cao Cao following Zao Zhi's suggestion.There are two types of villages: civilian villages and military villages.

Every 50 people in a village are divided into one village, and a Sima is placed in the village, and above them are Diannong Duwei, Diannong Xiaowei, and Diannong Zhonglang.Moreover, the civilian villages were directly under the management of the army and were not affiliated with local counties and counties. The harvest was divided between the state and the state - those who used official cattle were divided between officials and civilians; those who used private cattle were divided equally between officials and civilians. Farmers were not allowed to leave their fields at will.

The military garrison consists of soldiers working in the fields, with a battalion of 60 people, guarding on one side and working on the fields on the other.

This is actually not a new thing. As early as the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty used criminals, slaves and recruited peasants to garrison the borders and farm the fields. During the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, a large number of garrison soldiers were dispatched to the Western Regions to strengthen the Han's control over these places. The ability to control.

The reason why it is useful is that in war-torn or newly conquered areas, where local governments cannot rely on local governments to organize production and collect taxes, farming uses coercive means to bind "people" and "places" together, and a large number of displaced refugees are And the unclaimed wasteland is directly in your hands.

But this doesn’t seem to be applicable in Boluo Valley.
Everyone is a self-cultivated farmer, and they are worried about the shortage of manpower and agricultural tools. The reason why they have not expanded agricultural production is simply a lack of ability.

In this case, there was no point in dividing the land - they were obviously already cultivating the largest area they could.

"It's not possible to give out money." As the chief steward, Huan Jie was the first to speak. "The Qiang families who were confiscated didn't have much money, and the Qiang people don't recognize money very much."

It's not possible to allocate land, and it's not possible to distribute money.
"Then we distribute farm tools?" Xu Jiashu suggested tentatively: "There seems to be a shortage of farm tools in the valley."

"It may be useful, but in this way, they lose a strong laborer, and they may not be able to fully compensate for the loss." Huanjie thought for a while and said, "Unless I give him another cow!"

"How can there be so many cows?" Xu Jiashu lamented, "Why don't you think of me as a cow?"

Leaving aside the lengthy debate and deliberations, the final plan was a little more complicated.

Those who join the army will first form an independent household and be allocated extra land of their own, and the Boluo Army will provide farm tools.

This is the clause that attracts the Qiang people.

At the same time, in order to prevent these lands from being cultivated, they were encouraged to rent out the land and become retired professional soldiers.

By obtaining land rent, it can still be converted into money, so that existing Han soldiers can also accept it.

"Is there something wrong?"

Xu Jiashu thought silently.

Although the military system was copied from the Northern Army of the Han Dynasty, this miscellaneous recruitment system was very strange.

After allocating land to soldiers, the next step is to make them landowners. This set of methods seems familiar to everyone - isn't this the knight class?
It’s just that the supporting chivalry and hierarchy are missing.

The military system in the Middle Ages was inseparable from the two basic general directions of recruiting soldiers. On these two foundations, different systems such as knights and imperial soldiers were derived.

Anyway, let’s use it first, Xu Jiashu planned. Although it was far from the expected autumn tax collection, he had raided the homes of several large Qiang families and received a lot of goods in the warehouse. It would not be a big problem to do business again. .

After finishing these things, I will go to Ayang County to do business.

It's already mid-to-late June.

Busy farming time.

Xu Jiashu and others all joined the ranks of expanding agricultural production. Gan Ning was not completely healed from his injury, but he still joined in.

Everyone unanimously decided that he would just watch from the sidelines.

"When I escaped from Chang'an," Huan Jie stopped to wipe his sweat and said with emotion, "I thought I would have to run around here and there for the rest of my life."

The current situation was beyond his wildest dreams. He actually managed to survive in the territory of the Qiang people from a fugitive like a lost dog. Not only that, but now he has further brought more than a thousand people under his rule and provided food for them. Killed the soldiers of four villages! (100 people from the third village)

"In that case," Gan Ning asked curiously, "Why did Boxu insist on coming here in the first place?"

At that time, Xu Jiashu indeed only asked him to take away the Cai family and his daughter. This was to protect them both. Liu Ying had informed Gan Ning on his own initiative. He felt that she should at least have the right to know. If she chose not to go, it would be another matter.

Only Huan Jie often went to hang out in front of Xu Jiashu's house. Gan Ning was caught by him and had no choice but to take him with him.


Huan Jie looked mysterious - after all, those words about Huaiyin Marquis were okay to talk about in private, but asking him to say them in front of everyone would be tantamount to public execution.

As the administration progressed, trust between Bo Luojun and the Qiang people was initially established, and someone finally solved Xu Jiashu's confusion.

"It turns out that one of the people who died under Miss Lu's arrow was Zhonghao's son." Xu Jiashu murmured to himself, "He probably got the news after he was released."

Then Ke Muzhi, who escaped, had two pieces of information, one true and one false.

The real one involves a Han female general.

The fake one, his colony was occupied by Yang Qiu's people.

Based on Ke Muzhi's misunderstanding, it is very likely that he will not go to the southeast where Yang Qiu is. As for where he will go, Xu Jiashu doesn't know, or it is useless to know.

Regardless of the fact that this family has been highly Chineseized, and their language, clothing and even thinking are the same as those of the Han people. Even if they are still Qiang people, it is still impossible to catch them - where in the huge Liangzhou are there no Qiang people?

In this era, arresting people is like finding a needle in a haystack, let alone in the current anarchic environment in Liangzhou.

As long as you don't go to Chencang.

This is Xu Jiashu’s conclusion.

With just a few people escaping, compared to the situation in the simulation where everyone in Boluogu knew about Lu Lingqi's fame, the news would spread countless times slower and might not reach Lu Bu's ears.

I can only ignore him for now.

This was a helpless choice, or in this matter, Xu Jiashu, who was troubled with everything, didn't have much choice at all.

If someone were to look down at the ground from the distant sky at this moment, they would find two small teams heading towards Ayang County in the northeast of Hanyang County.

"Fa Zheng, aren't we really wasting our time?" asked Meng Da, who pointed at Ayang County casually.

“No,” Fazheng thought for a while, “Without any news coming out for so long, Xu Zimao most likely went to the territory of the Qiang people, so Ayang County, which is close to Anding County, is one of the most likely places. "


"Yes," Fazheng spread his hands, "If we go any further, we can only drill into the territory of the Qiang people."

(End of this chapter)

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