Chapter 113 Departure
Ke Muzhi Zhonghao left without saying goodbye, which made the reception process less convenient than expected, but it was not without any benefits.

The real estate and inventory of materials he left behind suddenly became ownerless, saving Bo Luojun the effort to build a new court and school, and it was equivalent to ransacking the home of the richest family in Zhongluo, and gained a lot of money. Materials.
This kind of unearned happiness somewhat diluted the hidden worries in Xu Jiashu's heart.

"However," he was still a little worried, "will the more than 100 Qiang warriors become disloyal because Ke Muzhi ran away?"

If something happens and something happens, the gain will outweigh the loss.
"Don't worry," Miss Lu, the newly appointed commander of the third camp, said, "I haven't fought any decent battles in so many years. These people have long been unhappy with him!"

Thinking about how Ke Muzhi spoke Chinese more fluently than Qiang, Xu Jiashu understood instantly.

It's no wonder that Lu Lingqi didn't take her seriously. Ke Muzhi had no morale in the military to begin with, and now he has abandoned his tribe and fled. Even if there are a few diehards left, they won't dare to cause trouble under her hands - after all, Miss Lu's prestige is But it was fought with real swords and guns on the battlefield!

Coupled with the tangible benefits brought by the newly implemented systems, at least their rule will not encounter any trouble.

Putting this matter behind him for the time being, Xu Jiashu prepared to conduct the second round of trade as soon as possible.

At the end of June, the last busy farming season was over, and the shortage of farm tools was temporarily over. The main goal this time was to purchase enough weapons.

Imagine that if all the more than 300 armed landowners under his command had changed their clothes, it would be a dimensionality-reducing blow to other colonies of the same size of a thousand people in the valley!
Then there is more supplies, in exchange for more farm tools, and more soldiers recruited.
Maintain this virtuous cycle, and when the entire valley falls under Xu Jiashu's banner, we can break away from the [township fighting] and officially enter the level of [separatist forces], the kind that can be marked on the map!

In everyone's surprised eyes, Xu Jiashu just extended an invitation to Lu Lingqi.

"When I go to Ayang County this time, let Miss Lu and her third village go with me," Xu Jiashu explained: "Otherwise, it will not be enough to win Wang Zhan's trust."

The last trade with the Wang family was bought in the name of Zhao Ang, so the composition of the pure Han people in the first village was not suspected. Since this time it was bartering with grain and herbs, then it was a show and a full set, bringing 100 It is undoubtedly a more suitable choice for the Doqiang people to pretend to be the caravan sent by Dahao.

Considering that Gan Ning is still injured, in order to avoid the weird thing happening last time, it is undoubtedly a better choice to take Miss Lu with her this time. Xingba can stay in the valley and be responsible for training after this round of recruitment. The first two villages were reorganized.

"I don't care," Miss Lu said with a straight face, trying to look calm, but the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Look, I, Lu Lingqi, have to take action in the end!

After Xu Zimao left last time, she was bored out of her mind during those days. She could only take people out hunting every day. Now that we can go out together, I mean go out to do errands, which is so-so, not bad.

In addition to Miss Lu, everyone else who stayed behind also had their own tasks - to swallow a population more than ten times their own in one breath, and everyone had a myriad of things on their hands.

Regarding this arrangement, Liu Ying glanced at Xu Jiashu out of the corner of his eye, eager to try, as if he had something to say.

I want to go there too.
But thinking that she had to stay and take charge of the overall situation, Her Royal Highness the Princess still held back.

It has to be said that the women of the old Liu family never hold back men when it comes to serious matters.

Take Lu Pheasant for example. When she was young, she took her children to do farm work, and even after taking over the power, she did not let go. Even a famous person like Han Xin, who has been famous throughout the ages, was also deceived into the palace by her and killed immediately. .

Liu Ying's talent for strategizing was only slightly developed last time, and he already had the consciousness to do big things.

As the saying goes, once is easy, then second is ripe, Xu Jiashu is much more prepared for the second trade.

More than a hundred Qiang warriors brought the entire species of looted grain and herbs to form a rather spectacular caravan. They also held up a large flag and wrote "Kemuzhi Dahao" and marched on the main road to Ayang. Depart in the direction of the county.

This time, the much-loved part of the bandit sending warmth finally took place.

Every time they walked a certain distance, dozens of green forest heroes would jump out and yell at the caravan to hand over the money they paid for the road.The ones with brighter tricks saw that these hundreds of people were tough and tough to mess with, so they just asked for a little help to make sure a thief didn't miss the mark; the ones with weak tricks - most of them were the ones being raped. The leader, Lu Lingqi, was so fascinated by her beauty that she hurriedly ran out to snatch the woman, but she couldn't even run away. Miss Lu, riding on the horse, made perfect arrows, just like the king of hell.

"There is no need for me to take action at all!"

Xu Jiashu once again had a serious self-identity crisis. Why did he spend so much effort learning martial arts?
Fortunately, no matter how hard she fights, she is no match for me. Touching the short knife in his arms, a shameless cheater comforted himself.
Xu Jiashu felt that if these bandits came again, this trip to Ayang County would be unnecessary - wouldn't it be good to do business without capital?

"Miss Lu is really talented in archery!" He couldn't help but praise.

"That's it." Lu Lingqi frowned, with an expression like "Why are you so new to the world?" "I can only maintain accuracy on a stationary horse, and I can't stay too far away. If my father himself If you take action, then you can say that the arrow is in vain!"

The so-called ability to defeat the enemy with a hundred steps, for Lu Bu, is just the level of normal performance when he is in good condition.

Hearing this, Xu Jiashu's originally appreciative expression suddenly froze - did Lu Bu still keep his hand in the co-authoring simulation?
During this period of time, he could often recall the scene in the simulation where everyone fell down like wheat.

The sound of horse hooves, the thick blood on the ground, and the unavoidable painted halberd that left an afterimage like a waning moon.
The memory was too real, almost like a nightmare coming true.

"I didn't lie for my father." Lu Lingqi looked at his expression and thought he didn't believe it, so she added: "It's just that he doesn't like archery very much and prefers close combat."

"I believe it, I believe it." Xu Jiashu replied a little helplessly.

I've heard about shooting halberds at the gate for a long time.

Let's talk about something else quickly. Xu Jiashu asked her casually: "So Miss Lu is so keen on battle formations, is it because of her father's influence?"

He had learned about Lu Lingqi's dream of joining the army from previous simulations, but he only knew it but did not know why. Now the relationship between the two has made great progress after the awkwardness caused by the weaving incident was resolved, so he asked This is coming.

"." Lu Lingqi tilted her head and thought for a while, "I can't tell clearly. Maybe I just like it naturally?"

According to Xu Jiashu's guess, she had witnessed Lu Bu's continuous rise in status as she grew up, and her identity had also changed from a herdsman's daughter to a marquis's daughter. On the contrary, it was difficult to find her own position, and she unknowingly targeted Lu Bu. and role model, so I developed a yearning for the battlefield.

I have to say, it's very reasonable.

"What about Miss Lu herself?" he reminded unwillingly: "What do you want to do if you eliminate the influence of Marquis Lu?"

"That's what I think." After hearing this, Lu Lingqi looked at him like an idiot, "otherwise, could someone else have forced me to think that way?"

He also said that his father's influence could be eliminated. How could this be eliminated?


Xu Jiashu hit a wall and no longer asked for trouble. However, this seemingly nonsensical question still caused some waves in Lu Lingqi's heart. Although she was captured, she was indeed more comfortable during this period than in Chang'an. many.

Let’s rule out my father’s influence.
Miss Lu shook her head and shook this thought out of her mind.

Better hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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