Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 15 The romance of a murderer

Chapter 15 The romance of a murderer~
The fight between Araki and Unohana continues...

Blood-red slashes cut through the sky, and dazzling glass light melted the earth.

If possible, Unohana Yachiruta hopes that the fight between him and Araki will never end. Even if the world is forever and the three worlds are broken, Unohana just wants to fight forever with "swords to see blood" and "punches to flesh". She was born to fight!

"Ah! This is how it feels~"

Uzhihua's face was filled with a happy smile. She had long forgotten how long it had been since she had met an opponent as powerful as Araki who was almost evenly matched with her...

However, just like the sea of ​​blood at Uozhihua's feet is not endless after all, when the 'reiatsu' and 'stamina' in her body are almost exhausted, the glazed light in the sky still shines!

"Really? So your swastika interpretation ability is different from mine?"

"Your glass light shining in the sky, in addition to its ability to heal you, also has the ability to weaken my spiritual pressure and physical strength. In addition, it seems that even the Zanpakutō in my hand can The healing ability has also been weakened by your Zanpakutō..."

Unohana Yaqianliu stopped wielding the sword. She raised her head and looked at the glazed light in the sky that seemed to replace the sun forever and showed a hint of surprise.

When Unohana saw that Araki's glazed light, like her sea of ​​blood, could quickly heal all injuries suffered by Araki, she originally thought that Araki's swastika ability was the same as hers!

Their Zanpakutō should all be Zanpakutō with high-speed healing abilities...

However, when Uzhihua discovered that the spiritual pressure and physical strength in her body were rapidly declining at an abnormal speed, she suddenly realized...

It turns out that Araki’s Zanpakutō not only has the ability to heal the user, it can also weaken the enemy’s physical strength and spiritual pressure!
It's just that this weakening is extremely slow, like boiling a frog in warm water. The enemy cannot detect it in a short period of time, but once discovered, it will be too late.

Just like she is now, when she discovered the secret of Araki's Zanpakutō ability, she no longer had the ability to fight Araki. Even the Zanpakutō she was holding now became extremely powerful to her. heavy……

Now even her power to wield the sword has been taken away by Araki.

"To be precise, my glass light did not weaken your spiritual pressure and physical strength, but assimilated your spiritual pressure and took away your physical strength."

After hearing what Unohana said, Araki had no intention of hiding it. Not only did he generously admit his Zanpakutō ability, he also specifically corrected Unohana's misunderstanding of his Zanpakutō ability.

Yes, don't get me wrong, his Zanpakuto is not just a simple ability to weaken others!

Instead, directly plunder the enemy from all aspects of 'spiritual pressure', 'physical strength' and 'ability'!

Because there were only three people present, Araki, Unohana, and Genryusai, so Araki briefly explained his abilities...

After all, one is Araki's future eldest wife, and the other is Araki's master. Strictly speaking, there are no outsiders here~
"Can your Zanpakuto absorb my spiritual pressure? I see..."

After listening to Araki's explanation, Uozhihua instantly understood what Araki meant.

Originally Unohana was curious about how Araki, who was already almost exhausted after fighting her, didn't show the slightest sign of exhaustion when his spiritual pressure was obviously not as good as hers. !

Now she finally understood. It turned out that while Araki was fighting her, he was constantly 'stealing' the spiritual pressure and physical strength in her body through the glass light in his hand.

Under the circumstances, let alone an enemy who is evenly matched with Araki, he will no longer be Araki's opponent!

Even some beings who are more powerful than Araki will find it extremely difficult to deal with Araki's abilities!

To be precise, as long as Araki's enemies don't have the means to deal with Araki instantly or in a short period of time, once they are dragged by Araki and brought into Araki's battle rhythm, then the final winner will only be Araki's.

"Am I defeated?"

Unohana Yachiru murmured to herself, although she wanted to continue fighting, her slender wrists no longer had the strength to continue wielding the sword in her hand.

Uzhihua, who was no longer able to fight anymore, tried her best to stand on the ruins. Her empty eyes seemed to see the revolving door of her life. Her experiences over the years passed through her eyes frame by frame like a slideshow... …

She!Never a good person~
Before she met Captain Yamamoto, she was like a killing machine, constantly challenging various 'swordsmanship schools' in Soul Society and killing countless heroes, a famous villain in Soul Society...

A villain like her should have died the day she met Captain Yamamoto!

Perhaps Captain Yamamoto felt compassion for her, or perhaps her fate was not meant to be cut off. Not only did she survive that day, she also became the captain of the Gotei No. 11 Division!At this point, a murderer appeared in the Seireitei who shouted the slogan of "protect", but in fact, he was killing!

However, all this will end after she meets Araki.

"I lost to 'Genryu' twice~"

Uzhihua smiled, she looked away, so she opened her arms to welcome her upcoming ending,

She simply admitted her defeat, but she still held the Zanpakutō in her hand. Obviously she admitted that she lost to Araki, but she did not lose to Araki's swordsmanship, but to the superiority of Araki's Zanpakutō. Sex, so she is still full of fighting spirit, so she is still... dissatisfied with desire!
But a loss is a loss, and she will not deny it. From today on, she will no longer be the captain of the Gotei No. 11 Division, and the name of 'Kenpachi' will also be inherited by Araki.

Those who take the name of Kenpachi will face their end with magnanimity!

"Murderers, people will always kill them!"

Uzhihua saw her own end on the first day she held the sword, but she never thought that this day would come so quickly... But it would be better to do it sooner, because it would be better than her being irritated by this boring world and being unable to meet her for so long. For those who want to fight, it’s best to come!

"Okay! Don't hesitate! Use your sword to cut over!"

Maozhihua looked at Araki and said this.

"Pfft." Araki looked at Unohana, who took the initiative to accept her defeat, and came to her with a sharp blade in hand. Araki didn't have too many words, and everything he said at the moment was superfluous...

Araki looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with an indifferent expression, raised the Zanpakutō high in his hand, and then directly passed the knife in his hand through Unohana's chest!Blood is spilled all over the earth at this moment!
"That's it……"

"So goodbye 'Genryu's all-or-nothing'!"

Unohana finally ushered in the ending she had always expected. However, before she could say goodbye to Araki, a majestic vitality came from the Zanpakuto stabbed into her body by Araki, nourishing her exhausted body. Body.


Maozhihua, who had already considered herself defeated and was waiting for 'death', couldn't help but widen her eyes after feeling the majestic vitality in her body.

"Power is back again?" Uozhihua was stunned for a moment, then asked Araki: "What do you mean?"

"You don't want to play anymore after you lose? How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

"The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit! The loser must obey the orders of the victor, but this is the rule of Soul Society since ancient times, so don't think about running away like this!"

Araki looked at Uozuka's stunned look and said with a smile.

"An era does not need two Kenpachi!"

Uozhihua understood what Araki meant. She had experienced the loneliness Araki mentioned, but she was still stubborn.


"How can a person who loses talk so much?"

Araki looked at the stubborn Unohana, and used his hand that was not holding the sword to stab Unohana's white forehead hard, leaving a bright red mark.

Seeing Unohana frowning, Araki pulled out the Zanpakuto from Unohana's body, and then continued: "To be honest, as long as I am still alive, whether you choose to commit suicide or not, It doesn't matter if you choose to die in the hands of others on purpose! The knife in my hand can save you from 'hell' endlessly!"

"In other words, as long as I am alive, you cannot die! If you want to complete your path and achieve your goals, then you have only one choice! Defeat me and then kill me!"


Araki's words were like a sharp blade, piercing Unohana's heart directly, as if injecting a shot of cardiotonic into Unohana's dead heart!

Her body was trembling at this moment. Uozhihua seemed to have forgotten what it felt like to chase the person in front of her from behind, but now she remembered it again.


"Araki, I realize that I may be 'in love' with you!"

"We, Mao Zhihua, swear here that 'you' will only die under the sword of 'me' alone!"

Uzuka's better face gradually distorted at this moment, and a slightly ferocious and sickly smile appeared on her pale face. Every cell in her body felt endless pain because of Araki's words. Pleasure!

In the view of Maozhihua, in this boring world, there is nothing better than chasing what you love, and then using a battle and a victory or defeat as the meaning of life on a gorgeous and grand stage. The closing ceremony was even more 'flavorful' and 'wonderful'~
"Everything is done!"

As the spiritual pressure in Uozuka's body recovered, her surroundings were once again filled with 'endless' blood.

This time, Uzhihua did not use the surrounding blood as a weapon to swing at Araki. Instead, the blade of the blade lightly touched the blood pool on the ground, allowing the blood flowing on the ground to slowly climb up along with the knife in her hand...

In the blink of an eye, the blood dyed Uzhihua Baqianliu's whole body red, like a bright red blood coat draped over her graceful and delicate body!

For a moment, the bright red Maozhihua added a bit of coquettishness to the morbidity and distortion, like a red-clothed ghost, like a beautiful Rakshasa...

"Unohana, I really look forward to the day when you defeat me~"

"So move forward! Become stronger! Try your best to defeat me! Unohana Yasenryu!!"

Araki looked at the Uzhihua that looked like a Rakshasa ghost in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Continue to shine! Glazed light..."

As he spoke, the Zanpakuto in Araki's hand suddenly burst into dazzling glass light. A Jade Guanyin exuding endless pressure gathered behind Araki, and then draped over Araki's body like a coat.

At this moment, Guanyin descends to Rakshasa!
"Before I met you, I held the sword for myself."

"After meeting you, I will hold the sword only for you!"

Maozhihua looked at the gorgeous and beautiful glazed light in front of her, with a look of intoxication on her beautiful face.

The murderer cannot understand what love is, but he has his own romance~
When the light dissipated, Araki teleported to Unohana's side and caught his predecessor 'Kenpachi' Unohana who had fallen on his back with a smile on his face.

 ah.This chapter was so difficult to write!I found that I couldn't write the five-life confession written by the bartender. Such a lofty thing, I can only write two murderers, holding swords for each other, and accompanying each other for thousands of years of redemption. I hope everyone likes it!If something doesn’t feel right, I hope everyone can tolerate it. I really tried my best!Also, the pace is indeed a bit slow, and it will speed up in the future.There is another chapter, which may be updated later.

(End of this chapter)

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