Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 16 An unprecedented inauguration ceremony!

Chapter 16 An unprecedented inauguration ceremony!

"Araki, you have done a good job. It seems that you have not been neglected over the years! You are indeed my valued brother..."

"Cough cough..."

"Anyway, since you defeated Unohana, from today on, you are the new Kenpachi of Soul Society!"

"As for the position as the leader of the Gotei No. 11 Division, starting from today, it is also yours."

After Unohana was defeated by Araki's glass light and fell into Araki's arms, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who had been sitting quietly on the rock and silently witnessed the outcome of the battle between Araki and Unohana, finally spoke... …

He first gave Araki a rare compliment, then coughed slightly, and after a slight pause in his voice, as the captain of the Gotei [-]th Division, he performed a simple captain handover ceremony for Araki and Unohana.

"I know, Old Man Shan~"

"I remember that when we get older, we always have wolfberry soaked in a thermos cup."

When Araki heard this, he just nodded slightly to his master...

After casually giving Genryusai a few words, Araki hugged Unohana and left using Shunbu.

I don't know if it was Araki's illusion, but he always felt that after he defeated Uozhihua, his master, Mr. Shan, seemed to be more excited than his disciple.

"You villain, I will never forget your instructions..."

Yuan Liuzhai looked at Araki leaving. He raised his lips slightly at first, and then suddenly realized something and roared at Araki's back: "You bastard, who do you call Old Man Shan? You have to call me master!"

"I know, Old Man Shan..."

The moment Yuan Liuzhai finished speaking, Araki's voice, carried by a spirit child, reached his ears.

"Hmph! No big or small guy."

Hearing this, Yuan Liuzhai frowned tightly and mumbled.


After muttering a few times, Yuan Liuzhai took a long breath when he saw that no one was around.

"It's a win!"

Yes, Genryusai's mood was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. He lowered his head and looked at the palms of his hands, sweating from excessive tension, and shook his head helplessly. In the duel between Araki and Unohana He didn't know how many times he had sweated for Araki!Even when Genryusai saw Araki at a disadvantage, he wished he could play in person and compete with Unohana.But he knew, no...


"This kid Araki has finally made his mark."

However, with Araki's victory now, the worry and tension in Genryuzai's heart finally dissipated!His face, which was always full of majesty, rarely showed a smile.

"This can be regarded as fulfilling my wish."

For unknown years, Genryusai has always regarded Araki as his son. He was indeed angry with Araki because Araki refused his invitation and instead went to Rukongai to sell ramen!However, Genryusai is not angry with Araki because Araki rejected his invitation!Everyone has his or her own path to take, and Araki does not necessarily have to help him to realize his ideal...

He just hates Araki Buzi!I hate that even though Araki is capable, he would rather stay in a place like Rukongai where garbage gathers and give up on himself!However, after Araki defeated Unohana, Araki's previous behavior of selling ramen in Yuhun Street became a matter of keeping a low profile and biding his time in Genryuzhai's eyes...

For a time, the depression that had accumulated for many years in Yuanliuzhai's chest due to Araki's previous actions all disappeared with a great victory!

"Lord Genryusai! Araki won! He really won!"

Just as Yuanliuzhai looked at the ruins in front of him, recalling everything he had with his disciple Araki over the years, and combining with Araki's performance today, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, an excited voice suddenly came to Yuanliuzhai. There was a slow sound behind him.

"It's Chojiro! You're here." Genryusai turned his head and looked at the extremely excited gray-haired young man standing behind him. The smile on his face immediately subsided and he regained his composure. The seriousness of the past.

"Master Genryusai, Araki really defeated Captain Unohana. I know that Araki has not been abandoned all these years. He is still your best disciple. This time you can finally rest assured!"

The person who came was naturally Chojiro Chojiro. At this time, he could not suppress the joy in his heart. He looked at Yamamoto Genryusai, whom he admired, and rarely spoke incessantly.

"Hmph! That kid just won a battle, a battle he should have won! Why should he be so excited? Don't mention this matter again, follow me back to the first team building immediately."

Genryusai looked serious, and snorted coldly at Chojiro, full of majesty.

"Yes! Lord Genryusai."

After hearing this, Chojiro immediately lowered his head, but he knew in his heart that Genryusai was in a particularly happy mood today.

the other side……

Gotei No. 11 Division.

"As you can see, whether you like it or not, from today on, I am the new 'Kenpachi', and I am also your new captain."

"Although I don't know what kind of rules I set for you when Uozhihua was in power! But from today on, all of you must abide by my rules! And I only have three rules."

Araki had a Zanpakutō on his waist and carried the fainted Unohana on his shoulders. He stood in the team building of Team [-], looking at the group of team members who were seriously injured by him and were still wrapped in bandages. They simply introduced themselves.

"Principle one, obey the command and obey the order!"

"Principle [-], obey the command and obey the order!"

"The third rule is to obey the command and obey the order!"

"Now, no one is allowed to disturb me in the team leader's room without my permission! You train on your own until you are lying on the ground unable to move."

After Araki finished speaking, he carried the Uzuki flower and entered the head room of the [-]th Division without waiting for the soldiers to understand.


As soon as he entered the team leader's room, Araki put the Unohana down on his shoulders and breathed a sigh of relief.

He experienced too many things today. Even though his physical fitness is LV10, he can challenge his limits during the day and at night, but he still feels a little tired.

Araki pinched his sore temples. He didn't know whether the soldiers of the [-]th Division had listened to what he just said to the soldiers of the [-]th Division. He also didn't know what impression he made on these soldiers. profound!
Because he didn't have time to take care of the affairs of Squadron [-] now.There is only one thing he has to do now, and that is...

"Open the system for me!"

Araki sat on the office chair in the team leader's room and silently opened the system in his mind.

Just when Araki opened his mind system and checked his harvest.

The members of the Gotei [-]th Division exploded among themselves!

What a profound impression Araki made on these team members!That’s so profound!

Has anyone seen the current captain carry the former captain to take up the post in the division?

There is certainly no one like this before, and I'm afraid it will be hard to find anyone in the future.

 Thanks to book friend 201709100130245769 for the 500 reward~ Thanks to book friend Wind and Rain Travel 001 for the 100 reward~
(End of this chapter)

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