Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 244: Heaven and earth are deviant and the star is opening up!

Chapter 244: Heaven and earth are at odds with each other·Opening up the star!
At this moment, Gold Mujik Yggdmirenia was completely stunned. Even if he did not use the authority of the master to check the data of the servants, just with the naked eye, he could see the golden treasure in the sky. , is enough to blind his eyes. He is not a fool, he naturally knows how powerful the golden figure standing on the street lamp is!

"Haha, Gil, you seem to have scared him..."

Enkidu stood beside Gilgamesh, smiling at his best friend.


When Gilgamesh heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and while he hummed softly, he shot Gold with a single shot of his Noble Phantasm...

To deal with a vulgar human like Gold, Gilgamesh was not even willing to take out the top-level Noble Phantasm. He only used the lowest-end weapon in his king's treasure house that matched Gold's identity. ! However, even so, in Gilgamesh's opinion, it was Gold's honor to be shot by the lowest level of Noble Phantasm...

"Celebrate! Human beings..."

"It is your honor to die in the hands of my Noble Phantasm!"

"After all, there is no treasure that matches the identity of a bastard like you, even if I have collected everything in the world..."

"This sword supported by gold can be regarded as a reward for you..."

Seeing this, Joan of Arc waved the flag in her hand vigorously, knocking down the Noble Phantasm from the sky while nervously looking at Gold who was running away behind her.

The moment Gilgamesh finished his words, one after another, shining golden Noble Phantasms appeared behind him, but this time it was different from the Noble Phantasm he used to shoot at Gold. What was behind Gilgamesh were all the highest-grade Noble Phantasms in his King's Treasure House.

Seeing this, Gilgamesh opened a few more doors in the sky, some of which locked on Joan of Arc, and others aimed at Gold in the distance.

"Then I'll leave this place to you!"



Joan of Arc seemed to be speaking from an impartial perspective as she preached to Gilgamesh.

"What? The shining golden servant in front of me is the legendary King of Heroes sung in the oldest heroic epic of mankind? Did those bastards from the Magician Association actually summon such a troublesome heroic spirit?"

"Oh? In the middle of a fight with me, do you dare to turn back?"

"I'm looking forward to creating a feat that can be called a miracle..."

The moment Jeanne turned sideways, Gilgamesh, who was standing on the street lamp, suddenly asked.


It was only after Joan used her flag to protect Gold that Gold realized that he seemed to be protected by Joan. He looked at Gold in front of him with a thankful face, and saw that he was long. After exhaling a breath, he spoke nervously: "Dear Judge, thank you for your protection! You have also seen that the heroic spirits on the red side are all a bunch of lunatics! Please join forces with my followers to bring them here exclude……"

"I just hope that the battle between the servants will not affect the master."

"Can I regard your behavior just now as a provocation to the king?"


"In that case, the trial begins!"

In response to this, Jeanne's expression suddenly changed, and she whispered to the fat man beside her.

The moment Gilgamesh slipped, the golden sword had already arrived in front of Gold.

Zhengping, who had been in 'neutral' and planned to watch the battle, suddenly took action and used the military flag in his hand to blast away the Noble Phantasm from Gilgamesh.

"Gilgamesh, the most ancient hero king!"

"Oh? A French saint?"

She had not yet 'aware' that as a judge, she had violated the rules of the Holy Grail War by naming the servants on both sides without authorization. She looked at Gilgamesh with an upright face, showing no intention of giving in. .

"My best friend! I have really been underestimated!"

At this critical moment...

Fatty Gold also knew that he was a hindrance now. He bowed slightly to Joan of Arc, took a deep look at Siegfried who was fighting with Karna in the distance, and immediately spread his legs and used his best strength. He ran towards the distance at a fast speed.

It wasn't until the Noble Phantasm reached a position less than one centimeter above Gold's head that Gold realized that he seemed to be dying soon!

At this moment, Gold was still trying to win over Jeanne, but he failed to notice in time Jeanne's somewhat miserable expression.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Joan of Arc! I hope you can be as you are praised in history!"

Gold was also an educated person after all. The moment he heard Gilgamesh's name, he understood Gilgamesh's origin, and his expression suddenly changed.

With a roar!
Countless Noble Phantasms suddenly hit Jeanne like rain.


"I have no intention of fighting with you!"

When Gilgamesh heard this, his sword eyebrows suddenly raised, and his narrowed eyes slowly opened, with a sharp edge flashing...

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Gilgamesh looked at his Noble Phantasm that was knocked away by Joan of Arc just now, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he said coldly.

Gilgamesh didn't even look at Gold. He looked directly at Jeanne d'Arc as the judge for a long time, then suddenly laughed, then put one hand on his forehead and pushed hard. His face was slightly agitated by laughter. The scattered bangs keep the blond hair on the back of the head...

"At the same time, he is also the arbiter of this Holy Grail War!"

next second...


The moment Jeanne turned sideways, a huge machete flew out from Gilgamesh's treasure house, knocking Jeanne away!
At the same time, countless low-level Noble Phantasms shot towards Gold...

"Siegfried protect me!"

Seeing this, Gold couldn't bear it anymore and activated his command spell.


As the command spell dissipated with a stroke on the back of Gold's hand, a figure with long white hair appeared behind Gold. He was seen holding a big sword in his hand, and he easily split the sword from Gilga. Mish's Noble Phantasm Rain.


Gilgamesh saw the white-haired man who had resisted the damage on Gold's behalf. With a hint of admiration in his expression, Gilgamesh looked into the distance. After Siegfried was summoned away by Gold using a command spell, he Karna lost his opponent...

"Hey! The son of the Sun God has been unable to defeat your opponent for so long. It's a shame to your legend!"

Gilgamesh looked at Karna and chuckled.


Karna naturally heard the ridicule in Gilgamesh's voice, and saw his face sullen and bursts of blazing flames bursting out of his body.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Gilgamesh didn't say anything further.


At this time, Gold, who was originally escaping, also stopped. He looked at the three cavalry servants in the distance, his brows knitted together. He knew clearly in his heart that if he were not here to successfully deal with the enemy, He couldn't escape from these three riding servants.

"Aren't you going to run away?"

Siegfried looked at Gold behind him who was no longer running away, and asked aloud.

"No more running! I can't run away..."

"Fight to the death with the enemy right here!"

"Siegfried, even if the enemy is the legendary King of Heroes, I believe you will never lose! Next, I want you to fight with all your strength..."

Gold said, he stretched out the two command spells left on the back of his hand, and said to Siegfried: "Go and fight! Siegfried!"

As Gold finished speaking, the command spell on the back of his hand suddenly disappeared!

At the same time, the moment the command spell disappeared from the back of Gold's hand...

Siegfried's power has been greatly improved.

"Go all out! Siegfried!" Then Gold continued to face Siegfried.


Another command spell disappeared...

Siegfried's power was once again greatly liberated.

"Master, thank you for your trust in me!"

Siegfried looked at Gold, who had lost the Command Seal. Strictly speaking, he was no longer his master and could no longer give orders to him, and thanked him.

"Go and fight! Let the enemy see the strength of Siegfried, the famous dragon-slaying hero in the legendary "Nibelungenlied"..."

In response, Gold just waved his hand and preached seriously to Siegfried.


When Siegfried heard this, he nodded slightly and turned into a jet of black lightning, flying straight towards Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Karna in the distance...

When Gold looked at Siegfried, who was as fast as lightning, his pupils once again burned with the flame of hope! At this moment, Gold hoped that Siegfried could easily defeat the enemy like in the legend.


It's a pity that Gold was disappointed...

The moment Siegfried took action, Karna also took action.

For a moment, Karna and Siegfried, who had been blessed by the command spell, were fighting together again! What shocked Gold was that Karna, who was originally evenly matched with Siegfried without the blessing of the Command Seal, seemed to have become stronger after Siegfried became stronger with the blessing of the Command Seal! He still fought equally with Siegfried, seemingly evenly matched.

"How can it be?!"

For a moment, Gold was dumbfounded.

This can only mean one thing. Karna has been letting off steam just now, or a better word is testing...

"The hero wearing golden armor is named Karna! He is the son of the sun god Surya in the Mahabharata and the great demigod hero!"

At the moment when Gold was dumbfounded...

Zhengping limped back. She looked at Karna in the distance and directly used her power as the judge to tell Karna's real name.

"Karna? The great demigod hero?"

"Gilgamesh first, then Karna. Isn't this too standard?"

After hearing what Zheng Ping said, Gold was stunned and said in shock.

"But this is not over yet..."

"The beautiful man with green hair standing next to Gilgamesh is the legendary Gilgamesh's only true friend Enkidu!"

Just when Gold was shocked that the church and the Magic Association actually summoned two demigods to deal with their Yggdomirenia family, Sadao continued to use his power and said the most charitable thing. The real name of Enkidu, who had never made a move against them.

"Enkidu? The one who is not weaker than Gilgamesh, the 'Emperor's Wedge', the 'Lock of Heaven' created by the gods specifically to deal with Gilgamesh?"

Gold's eyes widened as he looked at Enkidu, who was as beautiful as a goddess.

"Yes! Moreover, like Karna, he is a Lancer!"

Zhen Pingping continued to preach.

"Huh? How can the enemy have two gun ranks? This is against the rules..."

Gold was dumbfounded, and he spoke subconsciously.

It was after Gold finished speaking that he suddenly realized, and then accused Gilgamesh and others: "Damn it! You actually cheated in the Holy Grail War! Is this also the style of the ancient kings? ?”

"Cheating? That's ridiculous. I set all the rules in this world..."

"In other words, I am the rule itself! As long as I exist, I have the final say in the rules of the Holy Grail War. Everything is decided by me!"

After hearing Gold's words, Gilgamesh sneered disdainfully.


Upon hearing this, Gold clenched his fists.

"Don't worry! If the enemy really cheats, I will be on your side."

Zheng Ping looked at the angry Gold and comforted him softly.


"Did you hear that? The judge is already on our side!"

"You will definitely lose this Holy Grail War!"

After being comforted by Zheng Ping, Gold slowly exhaled a breath.

After having the adjudicator support him, he had the confidence to speak rudely to Gilgamesh.

"Okay! The clown must have the self-consciousness of a clown..."

"If you overdo it, it won't be interesting!"

Gilgamesh glanced at Gold coldly and said coldly.

"Jill, the master is urging me to go back! It seems that we have to fight quickly..."

Just when Gilgamesh was about to play for a while, Enkidu seemed to have received some news. He looked at Gilgamesh aside and said softly.


When Gilgamesh heard this, he raised his eyebrows first, and then said softly: "Then let's deal with this saint quickly!"

"Hey! Joan of Arc! I originally wanted to play with you, but unfortunately, the guy who summoned me is a bit irritable, and now he has begun to urge..."

"So, this next blow is not used for your sake, but for the sake of running out of time. You'd better do it next..."

Gilgamesh said, taking out a golden key from the treasure house behind him, and then in front of everyone, he twisted it hard into the space in front of him.


For a time, countless red lights suddenly filled the sky...

Immediately afterwards, the red light slowly shrank towards Gilgamesh's right hand, and turned into a ball of light in Gilgamesh's hand! In response, Gilgamesh remained calm and waved the ball of light towards the sky! For a moment, the entire space seemed to be torn apart...

The next second, a 'sword' that looked like a red rolling pin with a gorgeous golden hilt, a sword but not a sword, with three blades representing heaven and earth, and the world, appeared. In front of everyone.

"Hey, hey! Isn't that something bad?"

When Gold looked at the sword in Gilgamesh's hand, countless beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Although he didn't know what the sword in Gilgamesh's hand was, he also knew that it was dangerous. .


As for Joan of Arc, she immediately panicked.

"Wake up! EA!"

"Let your enemies admire your glory!"

"Enuma Elish! (Heaven and Earth are deviant·Opening Star!)"

The moment Gilgamesh slipped down, the sword that was originally described as the one used to open up the world had already exploded with infinite power at this moment! The huge scarlet light cannon headed straight for Jeanne d'Arc and Gold behind Jeanne d'Arc...

"Luminosite Eternelle (My Lord is here!)"

Facing this initial blow, Joan of Arc did not dare to be careless and directly activated her Noble Phantasm! I saw her placing the flag in front of her and shouting loudly.


For a moment, the power of the two Noble Phantasms collided together! Perhaps with the blessing of the 'Lord', Joan of Arc was able to withstand the non-full-power deviant sword for a short time!
"Let me help you..."

Up to this point, Enkidu, who had never planned to take action, suddenly planned to take action.

(End of this chapter)

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