Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 245 Achilles’ ecstasy! Showdown between master and disciple!

Chapter 245 Achilles’ ecstasy! Showdown between master and disciple!

"not good!"

Seeing this, Jeanne's face changed wildly. She looked at Enkidu who was about to take action, with a look of horror on her face.

"Enuma Elish! (O people, I hope to bind the gods!)"

Unfortunately, it's too late for Joan of Arc to do anything now!
Because Enkidu has already taken action...

Along with the earth that is constantly recovering and blooming!
A green light emerged directly from the ground and rushed towards Jeanne d'Arc Gold in front of her! The power of this green light is not weaker than that of the original Gilgamesh holding the Sword of Deviation in his hand!


When the power of the deviant sword in Gilgamesh's hand merged with the power of Enkidu's Noble Phantasm, and attacked Jeanne...

Joan of Arc finally couldn't bear the flag standing in front of her anymore! As the flag was damaged, Jeanne d'Arc and Gold, as the Master, were directly exposed to the light!

Finally, under that endless power...

"The next step is the battle with the Son of the Sun God..."

It's a pity that even if the Yggdomirenia family already knows the names of the heroic spirits summoned by Shiro, they have no chance of winning!

After Siegfried gave his last words, his body immediately turned into countless spirit seeds and dissipated in place. Apparently, after Siegfried's body and spiritual base were pierced by Karna, he finally returned to the Seat of Heroes. .

That night!

Gilgamesh preached this after seeing Karna kill Siegfried.

Even so, Yggdomirenia can only give it a try and fight with all odds!

Ramesses II was sitting on the throne of the temple, looking at the city in the distance, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly. In his opinion, when the enemy saw his majestic and glorious compound temple, they would immediately be frightened and fall to their knees. It’s right to be on the ground!
It's a pity that Ramses II was disappointed...

The moment Siegfried slipped down, the light cannon that was enough to destroy the evil dragon Favna immediately struck at Karna! The power of this light cannon is endless. Among the weapons called swords, the power of the sword in Siegfried's hand is enough to rank among the best!

The two people's Noble Phantasms only collided slightly, and the fantasy sword in Siegfried's hand fell behind. Soon the light cannon released by Siegfried's Noble Phantasm was completely destroyed by Karna's gun...

Karna's expression paused for a moment, then suddenly burst out with endless magic power.

At the moment when Gold was about to die in battle, he immediately returned the information about the servants summoned by the enemy to the family, allowing the family to prepare in advance! He knew that he could not go back. At least before his death, he could make some contribution to the family. This was the last thing he could do.

"No need! We don't have anything in particular that we want to realize..."

As for Siegfried, he looked at Karna with a smile and said softly: "I failed! Son of the Sun God, I remember you, you are really powerful..."

However, this was not over yet. Karna's Noble Phantasm obviously did not only have this power. After destroying the light cannon released by Siegfried, it landed on Siegfried's body without hesitation. Protected by the evil dragon's blood armor, which could withstand almost all defenses, a hole was drilled into the blood armor, which then penetrated Siegfried and shot him towards the mountains in the distance.

"In that case! Then I will comply with your wishes!"

Siegfried looked at Karna and said in a deep voice.

However, this was not over yet. Although Gilgamesh and Enkidu had withdrawn their power, the aftermath of the terrifying light cannon still caused huge damage to the entire earth!
After Gilgamesh and Enkidu took back the Noble Phantasm, a huge depression with a diameter of one kilometer appeared on the ground, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

When Karna sacrificed his strongest armor! He will get the most powerful gun given to him by Indra!

Unfortunately, Karna's spear is more powerful!

The moment Karna slipped down, the heat wave that was enough to completely destroy this unit went straight to the fantasy sword wielded by Siegfried!

"O Sun Disk, submit to death!"

"Get ready to fight!"

The mountains behind Siegfried were immediately ignited by the flames and completely destroyed!


"My dear friend, you shouldn't have interfered just now..."

On the other side, after Karna completely destroyed Siegfried, he put away his Noble Phantasm as if it was stuck. After exchanging it for armor that could defend against everything, which was enough to destroy all guns, he used The gun in his hand was replaced by his own armor.

An ancient Egyptian pyramid exuding divine light appeared in the sky!
"Welcome to pay homage to the glory of my temple!"

I saw that the armor on Karna's body was slowly dissipating precisely because of the rising magic power in Karna's body...

"Your master just died in battle!" Karna looked at the opponent in front of him, the great dragon-slaying hero Karna in "The Nibelungs", and asked with concern: "With your current consumption of magic power, , he should be completely ascending to heaven due to exhaustion of magic power soon, right?! Do you need me to tell my master to let you join our camp? My master here is still very easy to talk to. …”

"What a joke! Those bastards from the Magic Association actually took advantage of the loopholes in the Holy Grail system to summon two spearmen! At the same time, the enemy's lineup included Karna, the Son of the Sun God, Enkidu, the Lock of the Sky, and Gilgamesh, the most ancient hero king? There is no doubt that among these three guys, among all the servants that can be summoned, they are the TOP among the top servants, the top servants among the top servants! This time It’s a mistake on our part…”

"You can tell Shiro that the Master of Black Saber and Black Saber Siegfried were both killed in battle! Jeanne d'Arc, the judge of this Holy Grail War, was also killed..."

After the black master and servants, as well as Jeanne d'Arc, died, the three heroic spirits on the red side immediately disappeared!
On the other side is the city controlled by the Yggdomirenia family.

As for Siegfried, who was standing opposite Karna and under great pressure, he also raised his Noble Phantasm, the huge two-handed sword, high above his head at this moment. He concentrated his magic power on After putting the weapon in his hand, he shouted loudly: "Fantasy Great Sword·The Demon Lost!!"

Along with a roar...

After Joan of Arc and Gold were destroyed, Gilgamesh withdrew the Sword of Disobedience, cursed at Enkidu beside him, looked at Joan of Arc who was completely beaten into a spirit child, and shook his head. Said: "As for the saint?! Haha, it's nothing more than that! It seems that the guy who summoned us is too unfounded and worried! Even if there are more guys of this level, how can it be us? Opponent?!"

Gilgamesh said, looking into the distance.

It's like Karna can switch between gun and armor, and armor and gun, infinitely!

Just hear a roar...

"Let us use the final blow here as my farewell ceremony!"


Joan of Arc completely returned to the Throne of Heroes. As for Gold, who was protected by Joan of Arc, he was directly beaten to death by this attack and disappeared completely...

Even if the Yggdomirenia family knows they are outmatched, they still have to fight to the death!
"Damn it! Another top servant!"

Danic Prestone Yggdmirenia, the current head of the Yggdmirenia family, looked at the glorious temple in the distance, his heart suddenly trembled, obviously this was from outside the intelligence. the power of the person.


Outside the city, accompanied by countless artificial humans and artificial golems advancing, Black's spearmen, Vlad III, Black's strongest servant on the surface, faced the enemy's glorious temple and just snorted coldly, Then his face turned cold. He waved the rifle in his hand and shouted loudly: "The whole army will attack with me!"

When Vlad finished speaking, a group of dauntless androids and golems immediately ran towards the huge temple of Ramses II...


In response, La Er just yawned and waved to himself.


Following La Er's movement, countless light cannons suddenly bombarded the ground!

Destroy the artificial humans or golems one after another!
the other side!
Achilles, who has short green hair, and Hercules, who is tall, are rushing towards the city where Yggdomirenia is located like an unparalleled figure...

"Hey, hey, hey! I can't let you pass like this..." Just when Achilles and others were halfway there! The two servants came to Achilles and Hercules and blocked their way.

Of the two servants, one has short pink hair and wears armor that looks like a short skirt, making it difficult to tell whether he is a boy or a girl. The other is a girl with short green hair who looks like a cybernetic. The girl's eyes are blank. , seems to be mentally deficient.

"Hey hey hey! Why are there only two of you here?"

Achilles said with some displeasure upon seeing this.

"Don't you only have two riding servants?"

The cute servant with pink hair that made it difficult to distinguish between male and female asked Achilles doubtfully.

"Haha, it seems you haven't figured it out yet!"

"We are both riding servants, but our specifications are completely different!"

"If you want to stop me, you have to send at least five followers!"

As Achilles spoke, a look of violence flashed in his eyes. He turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed straight in front of him. The cute pink-haired boy who made it difficult to tell the difference between male and female rushed over.

"Eh? Start a fight over a disagreement?"

The pink-haired boy was stunned for a moment when he saw Achilles rushing toward him. Then he panicked and took out his spear and stabbed Achilles.


Achilles turned sideways to avoid the pink-haired boy's spear. He held the spear in his hand and stabbed the pink-haired boy in the heart.


Seeing this, the reformer who looked like a green-haired girl who had been following the pink-haired boy had already charged towards Achilles violently!
"Fuck off!"

When Achilles faced the green-haired girl who looked similar to him, he punched her with his backhand.


The girl flew out in response.


As for the boy with pink hair, he was pushed to the ground by Achilles. Achilles was holding a spear in one hand and holding the boy down with the other. He was about to kill the boy in an instant!
Yes, the two dignified riding servants were defeated by Achilles in an extremely funny way. As Achilles said, although they were all servants, they were not of the same standard.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

It was at this time...

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air. It was obviously the enemy's archers. After discovering that both of their followers were at a disadvantage, they couldn't help but come to help! Achilles didn't even bother to dodge the sound of breaking through the air. Anyway, these ordinary arrows couldn't penetrate his defense...

"Ding Ding Ding!"

However, just as Achilles continued his actions indifferently, Heracles, who had not made a move, suddenly moved. He came to Achilles and helped Achilles block the sky-wide waves. arrows.

"Hey! Brother..."

"Those ordinary arrows can't do anything to me!"

"It's not your turn to take action against these bastards, right?"

"If you were to take action, you would kill them all in a few minutes. Then wouldn't our game be useless?"

Achilles couldn't help complaining as he looked at Hercules who was taking action on his own.

"Achilles, take a good look at these arrows!"

In response, Heracles caught one of the arrows with his bare hands, and took the arrow that was shot at him in front of Achilles.

"This is……"

Achilles was slightly stunned when he looked at the arrow in front of him.

"Achilles, you are slow, this is teacher Chiron's arrow!"

In response, Hercules looked at Achilles and whispered.

"You said this was the teacher's arrow?"

"Hahahaha! Teacher, has he been summoned too?"

"It's really interesting that we are not in the same camp as us..."

When Achilles heard this, he burst out laughing. If it were the teacher's arrow, he really couldn't defend it.

"I'll deal with the teacher."

Hercules did not give Achilles a chance to say anything, and walked towards the castle in the distance. From time to time, he took off the snake bow from behind, and shot in the distance, releasing the arrows of Chiron. All blocked.

It has to be said that Hercules is worthy of being Chiron's strongest disciple. Chiron's arrows are often shot down by Hercules before they even land. Hercules even has the ability to counterattack while he is still in the open! Apparently Hercules' technology is more powerful than Chiron's!

"Hey, hey! Don't leave me here alone! Brother!"

Achilles couldn't help shouting as he watched Heracles running away.

It's a pity that Hercules has run away at this moment...


Achilles frowned helplessly at this.

"Sorry! I have to start my journey..."

Achilles said, and shot directly through the heart of the boy under him, then broke the other person's neck, then pulled out the gun in his hand and threw it towards the grass in the distance, directly piercing the green grass. Hair girl's chest.

"Sorry! Because I was in a hurry, my methods were a little rough!"

"There's no point in blaming me, this is war..."

"If you want to blame me, I can only blame you for being too weak!"

"And the Master who summoned you is really not clear-headed..."

"The so-called Holy Grail War! It's all about summoning powerful heroic spirits like me!"

Achilles said, walking away into the distance without thinking about himself.


He didn't notice that the girl with green hair didn't seem to die because of his attack.

(End of this chapter)

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