Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 65: The Crazy Involvement of the Gotei 1st Division

Chapter 65: The Crazy Involvement of the Gotei [-]th Division
"After all, this is Hueco Mundo, right?"

After the members of Squad [-] gradually adapted to Hueco Mundo's concentration of spirit particles, someone raised questions.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Didn't you feel those two cold spiritual pressures just now?"

A team member heard this and asked the team member who asked the question.

"If this is Hueco Mundo, why haven't we found any Hollows in addition to feeling the spiritual pressure of the Great Hollow since we came here?!"

At this time, the member of the [-]th Division, who was full of questions, continued to raise his own questions.

"Well, this is because..." Immediately, the member of the [-]th Squadron who answered the question was stunned. After thinking for a while, he nodded vigorously: "Don't say it yet! Since we came to Hueco Mundo After that, it seems that I really haven’t encountered any Hollows. Why is this? Could it be that those Hollows were too scared to step forward after feeling our captain’s spiritual pressure and aura?”

"This is strange. Ordinary Hollows are not sensitive to spiritual pressure..."

The members of Squad [-], who had been asking questions constantly since arriving in Hueco Mundo, showed some doubts when they heard this.

"Everyone! Listen to me..."

Just when everyone was confused, Araki, who was the leader of the Hueco Mundo crusade team, moved a huge stone at some point and used it as a podium for his speech.

"Oh, the captain is summoning us!"

Seeing that Araki had something to say, all the members of the [-]th Squadron came over. Among them, the squad leader was the executioner Nobu Tsuna, a concubine from Zenjoji Temple, Niko Saizou, Kumen Ii Yantetsu, and Shishima. Zhiwu and the other five people also came over.

"Let me briefly explain here. You must have noticed that even though we have arrived in Hueco Mundo for a while, not even a Hollow has appeared in front of us, right?"

Araki first gave up and asked everyone.


Everyone nodded when they heard this. This was exactly what they were wondering about.

"Actually the answer is very simple..." Araki looked at the performance of everyone in front of him and smiled, introducing the dark forest not far away from them: "I believe you have also seen the forest not far behind us, The name of that forest is 'The Forest of Daxu'!"

"The Great Void Forest?! This name is not so auspicious..."

The expressions of the gods of death changed after hearing the words 'Forest of the Great Void'. Although they didn't know what the 'Forest of the Great Void' was, it was obviously inappropriate to be related to such a terrifying creature as the 'Great Void'. auspicious.

"As you may think, the forest behind us is where the Daxu people live! Because 'xu's' have the habit of cannibalizing each other, this forest is not only dangerous to us, the God of Death, but also to some weaker virtual ones. They are equally dangerous!"

"Of course danger often comes with opportunities! Therefore, Xuhui took the initiative to enter the forest in order to pursue evolution, and stayed away from the forest in order to survive in the world! It is precisely because of this that after we came to Hueco Mundo, we have not seen any Xuhui... …”

"In other words, the Hollows in the forest behind us are all powerful beings within Hollows. Every Hollow inside has the potential to evolve into a Killian, or even a higher-level Great Hollow! Or even simply a Great Hollow. Void itself..."

Araki explained to everyone the reason why they could not see Xu for a long time. Of course, there was another sentence that Araki did not tell everyone, that is, the Xu who was within a radius of twenty spiritual miles had already been brought to Hueco Mundo's 'Jiba' in advance. After eating it, of course they won't see any weakness.


When all the Shinigami team members heard what Araki said, their expressions showed shock. This was the first time they heard that there was such a dangerous place in Hueco Mundo.

The place where a group of powerful Hollows live, the so-called "Great Hollow Forest" in Hueco Mundo, is just like the "Seireitei" in Soul Society, except that one is inhabited by the strongest Shinigami. A place where the strong people in the virtual world live.

"And the destination of our crusade this time is the forest behind me where the strong men in the void live! Yes, we are here specifically to crusade against the great void..."

"You all should be mentally prepared for me. What you will face is not ordinary Hollows, but monsters from Killian and even above Killian."

Araki told all the plans of their Hueco Mundo expedition team to the members of Division [-] who were present.


When all the Death God soldiers heard that their crusade target was really Daxu, they all swallowed their saliva.

Daxu... That is an existence that is absolutely taboo for the God of Death!

The spiritual pressure of Killian, the lowest level Daxu alone, can rival that of a high-ranking officer or even a Death God at the vice-captain level. In particular, Killian also possesses a powerful general skill, False Flash. Facing the scarlet light that symbolizes destruction, it is ordinary. Death can only feel despair!Although all the members of the [-]th Squadron said they were going to challenge Killian, the actual situation was that ordinary soldiers would only be crushed to pieces when they encountered Killian.

This is still the lowest level Daxu, and the middle-level Daxu with a higher evolutionary sequence can only be dealt with by the captain-level Shinigami. Its strength has exceeded the level that the chief officers can deal with. As for the legendary top-level Daxu Daxu, there are rumors that these are rare beings in Hueco Mundo, and their combat capabilities are still above the captain-level Shinigami. Judging from the spiritual pressure that just came out from the depths of the forest, this rumor is still conservative. …

And now their captain tells them that their hunting target when they enter Hueco Mundo this time is this group of existences at the apex of Hueco Mundo. Why doesn't this make the blood of these Shinigami team members boil with excitement? !The fighting instincts of their eleventh squad seemed to be awakened at this moment...


One by one, the fighting madmen looked up to the sky and roared. If they were not all wearing Death Tyrant costumes, they would be like warlike 'evil spirits'.


Araki looked at the excited faces of the members of his squad, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly as he 'swastika'd his Zanpakutō. In an instant, the entire sky in Hueco Mundo seemed to be illuminated by Araki's Zanpakutō, and the glass Colorful light fell from the sky and calmed the throbbing hearts of everyone present.

"Liu Li Po!"

Immediately afterwards, Araki held the zanpakutō with the swastika in his hand and gently touched the ground.

The next second, a huge bathing pool made entirely of glass appeared in front of everyone...

After the bath appeared, it continued to absorb the spirit particles in Hueco Mundo's atmosphere, and then continuously created spring water in the bath.

"This pool~"

Unohana looked at the bath in front of her and narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Araki with a somewhat suspicious expression.

"Ahem, take your 'Swastika' and transform it from the hot spring at the nose of the plane..."

Araki sensed Unohana's suspicion. He first wiped the sweat from his forehead and then spoke in a low voice. "The 'hot spring' at the nose of the plane was also invented after I used 'Swastika' to teach me how to behave."

"Before he was beaten up by me, that guy was a famous 'bosozoku' in Soul Society! He often used his thunderous speed to make trouble in the Seireitei."

Hearing this, Maozhihua explained gently to Araki.


It's just that Araki heard an endless chill from Uozuka's plain tone. Uozuka must have cut the guy from Kirin Temple badly enough.

"In short, as you can see, this pool can provide you with a steady stream of recovery water! When you are injured, as long as you do not die immediately! Even fatal injuries can be recovered through this pool water..."

"Of course, the premise is that the spiritual pressure in the pool is sufficient! In other words, if you want the water in the pool to continuously provide you with healing, then go hunt the Great Void! The voids you throw into the pool The more corpses there are, the faster you will recover from your injuries..."

Araki told the Death Team members about the ability of the pool he created.

"By the way, there is one more..."

Then Araki seemed to think of something. He waved the glass light in the sky. The next second, a line of transparent subtitles appeared in the sky above the pool of water. The subtitles were printed with the Gotei [-]th Division. And the names of the team captains, and the word zero points is written behind the names.

"what is this!?"

All the Shinigami team members looked at the transparent subtitles and asked in confusion.

"Ah, you mean this subtitle thing?"

"What should I say?! Just wait here for a moment!"

Araki didn't know how to explain it to the Shinigami team members. After thinking for a moment, his body suddenly disappeared.


All the Shinigami team members looked at the disappearing Araki and showed doubts.

About 5 minutes passed, and Araki returned to the group of Shinigami soldiers again.

"Captain, what are you doing?!"

All the Shinigami team members looked at Araki who had returned and asked in confusion.

"Shh! Look at the sky..."

Hearing this, Araki calmly pointed to the tops of everyone's heads.


The Death God soldiers looked along Araki's fingers, and then their pupils trembled.I saw something falling from the sky...

The thing that fell from the sky had a huge black body, and white bone cheeks with a pointed nose like a clown!One after another, they fell from the air and fell into the pool of water...

"Killian?! So many Kilians? Were all these killed by the captain within 5 minutes?!"

When everyone saw the face of the thing clearly, they were all shocked. In their eyes, Daxu, who looked like a 'devil king', was nothing more than a trash fish in the hands of their captain!Of course, it’s not that Araki could only kill 5 Kilians in 32 minutes, it’s just that Araki only found 5 Kilians in these 32 minutes…

"Congratulations to Captain Araki for killing 32 Kilians! Accumulating 320 points~"

However, what shocked everyone was what happened after that. The glazed pool water suddenly made a sound, announcing Araki's achievements to everyone. At the same time, the data on the void panel floating above the pool water suddenly changed. Araki's The name went directly to the first place on the panel, and the points after Araki's name read a big 320.

"As you can see, this is what happened!"

Araki directly took out the point trial system in advance that would only appear in major "online texts", "comics" and "mobile games" about 1000 years later.

"It's so cool to ride a horse!"

After a brief silence, all the members of Division [-], including the team captains, looked at the pool in front of them and shouted.

"I'm going to laugh at the guy with the last points today!"

I don't know who was the first to react to the usage of this ranking list. He yelled and ran towards the Great Void Forest behind him.

"We can't let him get the upper hand!"

The expressions of the other members of Division [-] changed and they followed that man. At this moment, the Great Void Forest was no longer a symbol of 'terror' in everyone's eyes, but a walking score.

Even the executioner Nobu Tsuna and other team captains were looking at the Great Void Forest behind them with eyes like hungry wolves.

"Lie, I'll leave these guys to you, don't let them die~"

Araki looked at the Gotei [-]th Division who had finally rolled up, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Okay! Leave this to me~"

After hearing this, Uozhihua Lie nodded first. She would not ask Araki what he was going to do. She believed in Araki.

"Then next~"

Araki moved his hands and feet. He was going to capture a certain wild 'Void King' Bailegang.

(End of this chapter)

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