Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 66 Bailegang: When did I get the illusion that he didn’t free the Zanpakutō?

Chapter 66 Bailegang: When did I get the illusion that he didn’t free the Zanpakutō?

As the battle between Bailegang and Jiba, the two top Daxu, entered a fierce battle, the two went straight through the entire 'Daxu Forest'. At this moment, the two existences exuding 'unknown' spiritual pressure had already reached Hueco Mundo. internal!
Behind the Great Void Forest, the interior of Hueco Mundo, which can only be reached by the chosen Kilian after devouring his companions, is far more dangerous and cruel than the environment where the lower Great Void lives. 'The place!

This is the 'hunting ground' for intermediate Daxu to hunt Daxu of the same level, and it is also the 'paradise' for their evolution!In order to prevent the intermediate Daxu from degenerating into a lower-level Daxu, they can only continue hunting endlessly. This battle will not stop until the 'best' among them steps on the bones of countless companions and successfully evolves into a high-level Daxu!

In other words, at the moment when the three realms were separated, the rules of Hueco Mundo had been set by the 'powerful people'. This is the world of killers, a world where only the strong can survive!

At the same time, the place where the two fought was also very close to the palace in Balegang...

"Crack! Crack! Crack~"

Along with the flying dust, 'Jiba' used his rough hands to grab all the subordinates of Balegang hiding in the desert, and then stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty Balegang!!"

Until those Yachukas-level heroes were chewed into pieces and swallowed by Jiba, they were chanting the names of their "Kings of Void" loudly. Unfortunately, their Majesty could not save them because he was "unable to protect himself". …

"Baile Gang, watch out, this is the correct way for your subordinates to use it!"

After Jiba devoured all of Bailegang's subordinates, he grinned at Bailegang who had the crown on his head crooked and was covered in dust.

Obviously at this moment, the power that symbolizes 'aging' in Bailegang's body is no longer able to defend him from the attack from 'Jiba' in all directions. Bailegang's power is constantly weakening as time goes by.


Bailegang stared at the giant beast in front of him. He wished he could crush it. Unfortunately, he didn't have that much power. Over the years, he had been wasted too much because he couldn't meet any opponents in Hueco Mundo. In other words, his condition was not as good as How much stronger is Jiba after the weakening.

"You will have more strength after eating it~"

'Jiba' smacked his lips and tasted the taste of Baile Gang's men carefully. I have to say that the quality of Baile Gang's men was still very good. They were all the best among the intermediate Daxu. The taste was for 'Jiba' is really good~ Looking at it this way, Bailegang can also be regarded as a food selector~
"Take the move! Bailegang!" 'Jiba' did not continue the conversation with Bailegang. After eating a lot of Yachucas, his physical strength was greatly restored, and his scarlet and strange virtual flash appeared again. They gathered towards the mouth of 'Jiba', "Buzz!!"


Bailegang cursed angrily and could only continue to hold up the shield in front of him.


Another gorgeous mushroom cloud, Hueco Mundo today is also abnormally "core flat".

"Let the battle between you and me, Miyahira, end here! Let's continue to coexist peacefully with this 'Daisu Forest' as the boundary as before!"

When Baile Gang's figure appeared in the sky again, his image was extremely dilapidated. How could he still be as high-spirited as when he came? !

After Bailegang determined that he could not take down 'Jiba', he had the intention to give up the fight. He decided to choose to coexist peacefully with 'Jiba' as before, and the two of them continued to be Hueco Mundo's 'double' Let's work together to govern this damn Hueco Mundo.

"I think you seem to be dreaming!"

'Jiba' smiled coldly after hearing what Bailegang said.

Oh, how arrogant it was when Balegang came?Threaten to spread his ashes!Now after fighting him, Balegang found that he couldn't defeat him, so he was willing to sit down with him and talk about how to jointly govern Hueco Mundo?
ridiculous!It's too late!He is no longer willing to rule Hueco Mundo with Balegang.

"Miyabiluo, don't force me!"

Bailegang clenched his fists and issued a warning to 'Jiba'.

"I really want to force you today to see what you can do to me..."

'Jiba' heard this and spoke provocatively to Bailegang.


Bailegang stretched out his hand and pointed at Jiba's nose. His exposed pale teeth were almost broken by him at this moment. Unfortunately, as Jiba said, he really couldn't do anything to Jiba.

"Okay! Then you and I will continue to confront each other here! No one wants to be the 'Void King'!"

"I'll be here to guard you from now on! As long as any creature comes close to you, whether it's a Hollow, a God of Death, or a group of Quincy who can only shoot arrows! As long as they dare to come close Here, I will 'decay' that damn creature into white sand before you do!"

"I want to see what else you can 'swallow' as long as I'm here?! Miyabiluo, go eat dirt as soon as possible!!"

Bailegang was really angry. He pointed at Jiba's nose and yelled angrily.

"Is this how you play? You can't afford it, can you? Okay! I will go to your palace now and eat up all the men who are loyal to you! If you are able, you can kill all your own men before me!"

'Jiba' isn't afraid of Bailegang either!After Balegang opened his mouth, he also had a plan in mind.Isn’t it that Balegang can’t afford to play, so he likes to flip tables?Okay, then everyone turns this table over!Stop playing!

"you dare!"

As Bailegang spoke, endless black arrogance erupted from his body.

"Just see if I dare!"

'Jiba' was not frightened, and immediately turned angrily towards Bailegang.

For a moment, the black and white figures were confronting each other as if no one was watching.

"Hey, you guys are still chatting?!"

However, at this moment, a slightly 'joking' voice slowly sounded around the two Daxu, completely breaking the peace.

"You are?!"

When Bailegang heard the voice, he looked up and saw a handsome young man wearing a white feather fabric. He didn't know when he appeared in the sky. He looked at Bailegang and " Jiba'.

"grim Reaper?!"

The moment Bailegang saw the young man, his exposed white brow bones trembled.

"This God of Death can actually approach me and the 'beast' silently without being affected by our spiritual pressure at all? I wouldn't even have noticed the existence of this guy if he hadn't spoken! This God of Death It's definitely not simple. There's a beast staring at me right now. It's obviously unwise for me to confront this god of death alone..."

Bailegang didn't dare to be careless at all. The 'God of Death' who could quietly pass through the Great Void Forest and come to him was definitely not an ordinary person!

Especially now that his physical strength is almost exhausted, and there is Jiba watching covetously on the other side. Under such circumstances, it is obviously unwise to conflict with a powerful god of death alone...

"I must ask that fool below to fight against the enemy with me!"

Therefore, Bailegang decided to recruit his opponent 'Jiba' to deal with this mysterious god of death who suddenly appeared. After this god of death was eliminated by their two Daxu, he and 'Jiba' would continue to work for Hueco Mundo's 'interests' Compete with 'Dominion'.

"Miyahira, let's put an end to the fight between you and me for now! Don't let this damn god of death see the joke!"

I saw Baile Gang putting away his previous arrogance. He tried his best to make himself look more approachable and preached to 'Jiba' under him. It was obvious that he intended to unite with 'Jiba' to deal with the mysterious young man who was the god of death.

It's a pity that Bailegang's ideals are very full, but the reality is extremely skinny... The second after Bailegang finished wooing 'Jiba', the white giant suddenly knelt down on one knee and faced the mysterious The God of Death said respectfully: "'Holy King' you are here!"

"Huh?!" After hearing what Jiba called the white god of death, Bailegang couldn't help but feel panicked, and at the same time thought to himself: "It's over, they actually know each other!"

"The situation is not good at the moment. This new god of death is obviously related to Miyabiluo! And judging from this posture, this god of death is still the master of Miyabiluo! The guy who can make this 'beast' choose to surrender from the bottom of his heart, It’s definitely not someone to be trifled with.”

But it's right to think about it. If no one helped 'Jiba', it would be impossible for 'Jiba' to run back from Soul Society, the headquarters of the God of Death, alone, with his IQ comparable to that of a beast.

"Miyahira, you actually took refuge with a god of death! I'm really ashamed of you!"

Inside the dark eye hole of Balegang is the cunning accumulated over thousands of years. He is trying to anger "Jiba" and let "Jiba" get rid of the control of the god of death.

"You know Jiba!"

'Jiba' knelt down on one knee, not even bothering to pay attention to the Balegang in the sky.

"Miyahira and I join forces! As long as you and I join forces, we will be invincible! Let us bury this god of death together, and then rule Hueco Mundo together!"

Seeing that 'Jiba' didn't accept his trick, Bailegang immediately changed his words. First he praised 'Jiba' and then drew a big cake for 'Jiba'.


In this regard, 'Jiba' didn't even bother to raise his head. As long as he raised his head and looked at Bailegang, he would lose.


Bailegang looked at the indifferent 'Jiba' and felt a little panic in his heart. Obviously, the death god in front of him had more control over 'Jiba' than he imagined.


The god of death who appeared above Bailegang was naturally Araki. At this moment, Araki ignored 'Jiba', but looked at the 'Vastod' level Daxu in front of him with great interest...

Araki didn't even need to ask the other party's name. Just by looking at the other party's appearance, he knew that this 'Waxu' was Bailegang. After all, the image of the other party's 'Bone King' was so classic!Well, it's more classic than the 'Bone King' himself, he is a senior after all...

"Are you Balegang?!"

Araki asked, looking at Bailegang knowingly.

"God of Death, are you here to persuade me to surrender?"

"Are you planning to make me kneel down to you like that beast?!"

Bailegang looked at Araki calmly, trying his best to maintain the dignity of a king. As for how panicked he was in his heart, only he knew clearly.

"As you said! I am the King of Hueco Mundo, the Balegang Ruisen Gang! As the king of Hueco Mundo, I will never surrender to a mere god of death! So if you are here to persuade me to surrender, you Give up this attachment as soon as possible."

Bailegang's attitude was very resolute. He would rather 'die' than 'surrender' and 'loyalty' to a mere god of death.

"Loyal to me? Of course not..."

"Relax, don't be too malicious to me, I'm actually here to help you~"

Araki looked at Bailegang and said with a smile, how could someone so kind harm others? !

"What do you mean by this?! Death, I advise you not to play any tricks!"

"No matter what you do, it will be in vain! Daxu and I will never follow a god of death."

Bailegang looked at Araki and said coldly.

"Haha..." Araki just smiled disdainfully.If Aizen in later generations hears what Balegang said, he will definitely nod with a smile: "Yes! Balegang, you are right! The great 'Daxu' will indeed not be loyal to me, they will just take the greater I worship them as their god! That’s all..."

"I'm here to persuade you to convert~"

At this time, Araki slowly stretched out his hand in front of Bailegang.

"Death! What are you going to do?"

Bailegang's pupils trembled suddenly as he looked at Araki's hand stretched out to him. He didn't know why he suddenly panicked in his heart!
However, he did not dare to take action against Araki, because he knew that once he took action against Araki, the stupid beast underneath would definitely attack him. At that time, he would be attacked from both sides, and he would definitely be the one to suffer.

"Shh~ listen carefully! Did you hear the sound of the bell ringing?!" Araki's hand was getting closer and closer to Bailegang. At the same time, Araki's voice was extremely magnetic. The sound made Bailegang relax inexplicably. Until finally, Araki's sound almost disappeared and turned into bursts of bells, "Boom! Boom! Boom..."


By the time Bailegang noticed it, everything in front of him had changed.

I saw that the world that was originally filled with white sand turned into a 'glazed pure land' at some point!
One after another, 'temples' and 'bell towers' rise from the ground...

And the sound of the bell was naturally transmitted slowly from the "old" and "simple" bell tower.

"How is this going?!"

Bailegang was stunned. He remembered that one second he was still in Hueco Mundo confronting the 'beast' and the mysterious god of death, and the next second he was in Hueco Mundo and came to this strange world.

"Is it the liberation of the Death God Zanpakutō?!"

Balegang was worthy of being a Daxu who had survived from ancient times. He quickly calmed down and figured out what was happening around him.

"When did that Shinigami release his Zanpakutō?!"

"No! No! Since when did I start thinking that the Shinigami didn't free the Zanpakutō?!"

As he thought about this, Bailegang suddenly felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that since the end of his battle with 'Jiba', he had become less of himself...

If it had been him in the past, when he saw the God of Death appearing, he would not have cared about the threat of 'Jiba' below him and would have gone up to crush him. However, he chose to join forces with 'Jiba' , which is obviously not in line with his character.

"Have I been affected by the power of that god of death from the beginning?"

Balegang made an inference in his mind.

"This is absolutely humiliating!"

With this thought, Bailegang clenched his fists that were shrunk in his black robe. The pale bones made "squeaking" sounds as they rubbed against each other with Bailegang's anger.

 Four thousand words!

(End of this chapter)

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