Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 68 'Xuye Palace' For every light bulb, there is a sacrifice of a Grand Fisher!

Chapter 68 'Xuye Palace' Every light bulb has a sacrifice of a Grand Fisher!
'Immeasurable' is better than 'measurable', 'invisible' is better than 'tangible', and 'immortal' is better than 'corruption'.

When Bailegang had a complete epiphany, he found that he was too stupid in the past and looked at the sky too much from a well. The 'world' was far bigger than he imagined.

"Baile Gang, do you understand?"

When Araki's voice sounded in Bailegang's ears again, Bailegang finally came back to his senses...

Everything around him changed once again. The glazed pure land slowly disappeared, and the Hueco Mundo covered by white sand appeared in front of his eyes.

"It's time for you to go back, go back to where you belong!"

After the 'infinite', 'invisible' and 'immortal' Holy King in the sky uttered golden words to Bailegang, his figure dimmed again, but Bailegang knew that the Holy King was by his side, as long as he firmly believed in his heart The presence of the Holy King was as if the Holy King had come to his side.

"I will obey the orders of the Holy King!"

The moment Bailegang's words fell, he had returned to Hueco Mundo again. He first bowed slightly to the God of Death in front of him to show respect, then glanced at 'Jiba' under him and let out a cold snort: "Humph. ~”

Bailegang's cold snort showed his disdain for 'Jiba'.

"Tsk tsk~"

Araki looked at Bailegang who seemed to be a different person in front of him and smacked his mouth. To be honest, he still liked the 'unruly' 'His Majesty the Void King' before~
"What do you mean?!"

Before Araki could speak, Jiba took the lead in attacking Bailegang. He glared at Bailegang and asked coldly.

"I should be the 'chief'!"

Bailegang looked at Jiba coldly and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Hehe~ It's a pity that the 'chief' you value is my uncle!"

"And you my friend, you can only be the boss~"

'Jiba' showed a lewd smile upon hearing this and mocked Bailegang.


Hearing this, Bailegang became furious again and was about to attack 'Jiba' as he spoke.

"What? Do you think you have an epiphany and can defeat me? You are daydreaming!"

'Jiba' looked at the furious Bailegang and also assumed an attacking posture.

For a time, the atmosphere between Bailegang and Jiba once again dropped to the extreme.

"Okay! Let's end the fight between you two! Since you both have had an enlightenment, you should act like an enlightened person! Don't start a fight if you disagree..." Araki was about to start fighting again. A hint of helplessness flashed across the expressions of Bailegang and Jiba, and he had no choice but to pull out the Zanpakutō from his waist and stand between them, and said coldly to them: "Of course, if anyone wants to If you are dissatisfied, then feel free to fight me! No matter if I deal with you, Balegang, or with 'Jiba'! I will accompany you to the end!"


After hearing what Araki said, the two top Daxu, Bailegang and Jiba, first glared at each other, and then said to Araki almost simultaneously: "Of course I am convinced by you! I just don't accept him. !"×2
"You bastard! Why do you want to imitate me?!"×2
Immediately afterwards, Bailegang and Jiba preached almost at the same time.

"Okay! From today on, you will use the Great Void Forest as the boundary. Bylergan, you will control the west side of the Great Void Forest, and 'Jiba' will take charge of the east side! There is no need to meet... you can do this. have opinions?"

Araki finally realized that it was simply a dream for Balegang and Jiba to coexist peacefully, so he used the Daxu Forest as the boundary to divide the territory between Balegang and Jiba.

"I have no opinion!"

After hearing this, Bailegang directly agreed to Araki's division of his territory without thinking.


Araki smiled slightly at this. In fact, he also had the intention of testing Balegang. At present, Balegang's reaction made Araki extremely satisfied. As the 'Void King', Balegang didn't think much of his own territory. , this shows that his Zanpakutō was washed against Bailegang... This shows that Bailegang's heart is very 'sincere', and he sincerely 'converts' to the Holy King, and his conversion is very thorough.

"I protest! If the Daxu all go to Balegang in the future, what will I eat?!"

However, before Araki could feel completely reassured, 'Jiba' under him started shouting first.


In response, Araki just lowered his head and looked at the other party coldly.


"Actually, I've eaten too much recently and my digestion is a little bit bad. I don't have to eat anything."

'Jiba' looked at Araki's cold eyes as if he was electrocuted...

Jiba, who was still high-spirited for a moment, lowered his head in an instant. He shrugged his head and spoke softly to Araki.

Well, it's not that Jiba is more conscientious, it's just that Jiba has a bad appetite...

"Very good! From today on, you two will live in harmony and harmony~"

Araki was very satisfied with 'Jiba''s reaction. As a 'Goku', 'Jiba' could defeat desire for the 'faith' in his heart. This was also an epiphany.

"By the way, Balegang! I have something to talk to you about."

After Araki divided the territory between 'Baile Gang' and 'Jiba' and made sure that the two would not fight over the territory, he turned to look at Bailegang again, preparing to start the battle against Hueco Mundo as planned. Layout.

"You say……"

After hearing the words, Bailegang immediately approached Araki, assuming an 'all ears and ears' attitude.

"Please help me pay attention to all the existences in Hueco Mundo that have the potential to evolve into 'Vastod' level Daxu. I will form an organization with all members becoming Daxu!"

Araki preached to Bailegang.

"I see!"

Balegang immediately nodded after hearing this. After he got his real name 'Vikara', he had already understood Araki's plan. At the same time, he also knew that besides him and 'Jiba', there would be ten companions. Waiting to return.

"Great! Then go to your palace! I'm going to build something there."

Araki looked at Bailegang and preached.

"it is good!"

Bailegang agreed to Araki's request without thinking.

Although Bailegang didn't know what Araki wanted to build in his palace, as long as it was something Araki wanted to build, there must be a deep meaning and reason.

"This way!"

Bailegang said, leading the way for Araki.


Araki nodded slightly, and then disappeared into the sky following Bailegang's figure.


For a while, only the huge "Jiba" was left, looking helplessly at the direction where Araki and Bailegang disappeared. Because Bailegang's palace is to the west of the Great Xu Forest, "Jiba" was in charge of the east side. 'Jiba' couldn't follow him, which made 'Jiba' feel quite uncomfortable. He thought to himself: "Obviously I was the one who came first!"

In the Great Void Forest.


'Immortal', who cut a 'Killian' in half from head to tail with a backhand knife, suddenly sneezed. She furrowed her brows and murmured to herself: "Who is imitating me?!"

the other side……

Araki and Bailegang have arrived at the 'Xuye Palace'. Compared with the luxurious palaces built by Aizen Sosuke in later generations, the 'Xuye Palace' in front of him is too dilapidated. It is not so much a 'palace' as it is a palace. Several large pillars were erected in an open space, and the overall look was dilapidated...

Even Balegang didn't even bother to build the ceiling of the palace, so he just made an open-air shape, and then placed a chair made of piled bones at the end of the square, and called it euphemistically: "A true king should be... The sky is the top!" It has to be said that as a Daxu from the ancient times, Bailegang's aesthetics still stayed at that time, and even the palace looked chaotic.

"Lord Araki, how about my palace?!"

After arriving at Xuye Palace, Bailegang raised his head proudly and asked Araki.

Because Balegang called Araki 'Holy Lord', 'Holy King' and the like, which made Araki too twisted, so he specifically asked Balegang to change his title and call him 'Sir'.


"It's really nice here."

Araki sighed, but still acknowledged the 'magnificence' of the Balegang Palace.

Araki was really too lazy to correct Balegang's aesthetics. Someone would do this in the future. After Araki praised Balegang, he used his Zanpakutō to create a "green" in the center of Balegang Palace. 's hot springs'...

Well, this 'hot spring' is similar to the 'hot spring' Araki built for the Shinigami outside the Great Void Forest, but there are some differences.

"This is the evolution pool. As long as you throw the 'corpse' of a virtual person into it, a steady stream of evolutionary fluid will be produced to help accelerate the evolution of the Daxu soaked in it! At the same time, this evolution pool can also display the potential of each Daxu. …”

"In other words, if you meet some great voids that you value, let those great voids take a dip in it, and you will know whether they have the possibility of evolving into 'Waxu'! But unfortunately, the liquid in this evolution pool It is ineffective against the supreme Great Void.”

Araki explained to Bailegang the function of the 'hot spring' in front of him.


When Bailegang heard that the hot spring in front of him could help Daxu evolve, his expression suddenly changed.

Then he heard Araki saying that the evolution pool was ineffective against 'Vaxu'. In response, Bailegang could only helplessly nodded to Araki: "I understand!"

Although Bailegang felt a little pity in his heart, there was nothing that could be done about it. Who said that under normal circumstances, 'Vaxu' would be the pinnacle of Daxu's evolution? !
If you want to make a breakthrough again, you have to introduce the concept of "virtual" "death" transformation...

"Then I'll leave Balegang to you! Protect my 'evolution pool'."

"If you discover anything, you should know how to notify me."

Araki said and disappeared from the spot.


When Bailegang saw Araki leaving, he immediately straightened up and bowed slightly towards the direction Araki left to show his respect for Araki.

"there's one more thing……"

"Although your 'palace' in Balegang is indeed 'nice', don't you think it's too dark here?"

After Bailegang heard the sound, he did not see Araki's figure. It was obvious that Araki's speed was too fast, and the others were no longer there, leaving only lingering sounds on the ground.

"too dark……"

Bailegang sat on his throne, murmuring Araki's words.

He pondered like this for a long time, and finally Balegang seemed to have thought of some great idea. Balegang raised his head and shouted at the dark palace: "Come here!"

"My king, I am here!"

As Bailegang finished speaking, one after another Yachukas-level Daxu emerged from around the dark palace.In fact, these intermediate Daxu have been hiding around the "Xuye Palace", where the moonlight cannot reach, just because their Majesty said, if there is nothing wrong, don't wander around in front of him casually, it will be very annoying... …

"Your Majesty, the guy wearing the white feather fabric just now couldn't be the God of Death, right?"

"I heard from the brothers stationed inside the Great Void Forest that a group of Death Gods have come to the forest and are hunting our companions crazily. Do you think I should lead a team to destroy them?!"

A good-looking Yachukas came close to Bailegang and continued to show his hospitality.

"Did I ask you?"

Upon hearing this, Bailegang turned his head in the direction of Nayachukas and asked in an indifferent voice.


After Yachukas sensed Balegang's indifference, he thought of himself. He knew that he had made Balegang unhappy, and then he immediately looked at Balegang and explained: "No! Your Majesty! You know, I I am loyal to you, you know I didn’t mean that, I..."

"I said I asked you?"

Balegang rudely interrupted Yachukas's explanation and continued to ask.

"You, you didn't ask me."

There was an unnatural tremor in Yachukas' voice.

"Very good! According to the rules of Xuye Palace, you can die!"

Balegang said and stretched out his hand towards Nayachukas, and in an instant the dark power of 'aging' swept towards Nayachukas.


There was no pain, no screams. The moment Nayachukas was touched by the power of Balegang, he fell into white sand on the ground.

"What did you just see?!"

After Bailegang eliminated Nayachukas, he asked the remaining intermediate Daxu.

"Your Majesty, I haven't seen anything!"

The intermediate Daxu lowered their heads, pressed them against the ground, and answered respectfully.

"Very good! Go and find some luminous things for me. I remember that a very strange Hollow was born near the 'Great Hollow Forest' in recent years! There is a light bulb on their head, and the light cannon looks like It can also be transformed into a weak bait to attract weaker prey! Haha, what a weak 'Xuu', even its ability is so weak! Find me these strange Hollows, I will use the ones on their heads Lights to decorate my palace!”

Balegang has been in Hueco Mundo since ancient times. He has seen too many types of 'Horses', including more than a dozen of them like 'Jiba'. It's just that the power of these Naoxins is extremely limited and they don't even have the ability to evolve into 'Killian'...

Among these thousands of types of Hollows, there is a kind of Hollow that even Baile Gang still remembers. The head of that Hollow has a lightbulb-like bait used to attract prey. Although it is not powerful, it is very interesting. ~
Oh, by the way, that imaginary shape looks like an 'angler fish'.

"As ordered!"

After hearing Bailegang's words, all the 'Yachukas' looked at each other and then answered in unison.

"Okay! All of you, please step aside! I'm already a little tired."

"I hope when I wake up I can see a hundred of those empty heads."

Bailegang looked at the Yachukas who were kneeling on the ground and waved his hands casually, indicating that his men could retreat.

"I'll wait to understand!"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of all the Yachukas were filled with fighting spirit. They must collect a hundred of those empty heads before other companions!

Grand Fisher: "Don't come over here!"

At this point, every light bulb used to light up the night in the 'Void Night Palace' is made from the head of a Void of the same family as Grand Fisher.

"This way, when Mr. Araki comes to Xuye Palace next time, my palace will not be as dark as it is now."

"I'm sure Mr. Araki will be able to feel my respect for him from those shining heads one after another."

Balegang is full of confidence at the moment.

Although he doesn't have the 'miraculous skills' of Aizen to completely change the entire 'Xuye Palace' and create an artificial sky, he is very good at utilizing waste...

 Four thousand words!

(End of this chapter)

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