Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 69 There is no opponent ahead of us!

Chapter 69 There is no opponent ahead of us! (First order required)

When Araki returned to the camp of the Hueco Mundo Crusade Team, he saw the broken limbs of Hueco Mundo all over the ground, as well as a group of ragged members of the [-]th Division.

"Captain, you are back!"

After seeing Araki coming back, some team members subconsciously nodded to Araki to show respect.

But more team members were standing outside the hot spring pool, looking at the data floating above the hot spring, seeming to be thinking about something. The team leader surprisingly did not say much to Araki, and everyone looked autistic...

"This ranking is pretty much what I expected."

Seeing this, Araki first glanced at the data on the ranking list. The current number one is still Araki with 320 points, followed by Unohana with 280 points, followed by Executor Nobu Tsuna and other team captains. They each The individual points are all above [-], while the ordinary members of the [-]th Division have no points...

This is not much different from Araki's expectation. It is normal that the ordinary members of the [-]th Division cannot kill Killian, but the points scored by Unohana and the team captains are a bit low in Araki's opinion.

"What happened to them?!"

In this regard, Araki found Unohana Retsu who was standing aside and asked.

"Ara~ Araki, you are back~ It seems that your work has been done!" After hearing Araki's words, Uozhihua Retsu first said hello to Araki, and then looked at the autistic 30th Division. The team members shook their heads slightly: "As for them, they were naturally hit by you! After they saw you easily kill more than [-] Kilians, they thought that Kilians and other 'lower-level Daxu' were nothing more than that. However, in fact, these Daxu are unexpectedly difficult to deal with~"

"After killing eleven Kilians in a row with his Zanpakutō, a concubine of Zenjoji Temple stubbornly put down his Zanpakutō and tried to crush Kilian's head with both hands. Then, he was shot by dozens of Daxu. Exploded and seriously injured!"

"Ah this..."

Araki was speechless when he heard this. Does this concubine of Shanding Temple really think that she is Old Man Shan?
Are you planning to perform a show of beating Daxu with an iron fist? !

As a result, before his fist could be swung out, Daxu used the virtual flash to educate him...

In response, Araki said: "Tyra crossed!"

"In order to retrieve the 'corpse' of Zendingji Temple, Executor Nobu Tsuna was also affected by Daxu's virtual flash. After killing twenty Kilians, he withdrew from the battlefield early..."

"That idiot Immortal performed the Zanpakutō's swastika as soon as he entered the 'forest', and consumed all his spiritual pressure in one go! So much so that he was exhausted after killing fourteen Kilians. The reason fell to the ground and I picked him up..."

"As for Captain Shijima and Captain Niugu, one has been fishing in troubled waters, and the other has been studying Killian's body since entering the forest! There are also the remaining members of our [-]th Division. Although they are very powerful, But it’s still too much to let them deal with Daxu.”

Unohana told Araki the results of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force's first expedition against the Great Void Forest.

When Unohana finished reporting the work, 'Immortal Immortal', 'Executor Nobu Tsuna' and others all lowered their heads... They were really shameless. This was really embarrassing. If they were killed by 'Waxu' or more than ten It was understandable that they were defeated by the leader 'Yachukas', but because of their carelessness, they were caught by surprise by a group of fish. It was really shameful...

What if the old man Shan who was guarding the Seireitei heard this and thought that the first generation captains would become useless when they arrived in Hueco Mundo? !If someone records it and puts it in a book, and is looked up by future generations, their descendants will probably point their noses in their noses and laugh and scold: "Haha, the original Thirteenth Team was nothing more than that, and it was actually taken care of by a group of Kilians. That’s the level of Liuche Quanxi!”

By the way, the reason why Uozuka Retsu only killed more than 20 Kilians was not because of her strength, but because Uozuka never took the initiative to attack Kilians. She was looking at the entire battlefield to see which side of the team was there. When they were in crisis, she was ready to rescue them.

"This is really a big failure~"

Araki's eyes twitched slightly after hearing Unohana's words. The strength of the captain of the first-generation Gotei Thirteen Team has not been used at all!It seems that whether it is the captains or the team members, their combat experience is limited to dealing with existences in human form such as 'Reaper' or 'Quincy'...

When dealing with Daxu, everyone did not have enough experience, and many of the combat skills used to deal with humans could not be used at all, so that the first siege of Daxu Forest ended with such a "lonely" ending... …

However, Araki didn't panic at all. He had plenty of time to help these team members become familiar with Daxu's power.

"The team members are in need of a 'big win' to boost their morale~"

Hearing this, Maozhihualie smiled faintly at Araki.

"I understand~"

Araki nodded to this.

"Damn it, how can these Daxu be so powerful?!"

"Do we really have any chance of winning against that kind of monster?"

"Damn it! This Hueco Mundo is simply not a place where people like us should come..."

The members of the [-]th Squadron were soaking in the hot spring pool. They looked at the wounds that were constantly recovering. Their eyes were covered with endless haze. The liquid currently used to help them recover from the wounds was the corpse of the 'Daxu' hunted by the captains. Made, in other words they became a drag on the captains.

"Everyone! Look over here..."

Just when the members of the [-]th Division were exhausted, Araki's voice reached everyone's ears from the sky. "Um?!"

When the soldiers of Division [-] heard the sound, they all looked up.

What was thrown down from the sky was a huge Daxu 'head'.

Well, it's the clone of 'Ji Ji Ji Ba'...

However, even if it is just a clone of 'Jiba', the spiritual pressure contained in its head is far higher than that of the ordinary Daxu. Just looking at it, ordinary Shinigami soldiers will feel chills and fear all over their bodies. Incessantly.

"Everyone, do you think he is strong?"

Araki asked the members of Division [-].


The soldiers of Squad [-] heard this, you looked at me, I looked at you, but they still couldn't say a word. They just felt like there was something stuck in their throats, and they seemed unable to answer Araki's question directly, but they all knew it in their hearts. , Naxu is of course powerful, it is far more powerful than they, the Death God soldiers.

"This Hollow is very powerful! Far more powerful than you ordinary team members, and even more powerful than some 'captain' level Shinigami!"

Without waiting for the members of Division [-] to reply, Araki had already given the answer.

"Yes! Facing such a powerful Hollow, we are of no use at all..."

When the members of Squad [-] heard what Araki said, it was as if the fig leaf had been removed from their bodies. They gritted their teeth and admitted the incompetence of themselves and others.

"But so what! This powerful Daxu is dead now! He was killed by me! You are the ones living here now..."

Araki didn't wait for everyone to finish speaking, and interrupted everyone's words. He spoke loudly and forcefully to everyone in front of him.

"Huh? That seems right!"

The members of Squad [-] were stunned after hearing what Araki said.

They looked at the 'dead' 'Jiba' thoughtfully... Yes!Is such a powerful Xu Buya still dead?What's the use of being strong?Survive to the end is the way to go!
"Don't be afraid of Daxu, because no matter how powerful the 'xu' is, it won't be stronger than me! Don't belittle yourselves either. Since I brought you here, I will naturally find you somewhere useful!"

"So charge forward bravely! You never need to care about the strength of the enemy, because enemies stronger than you will be killed by me, and you... just hold the sword in your hands and keep swinging the sword for your beliefs. enough."

Araki spoke loudly to the members of the Gotei [-]th Division.


After hearing what Araki said, all the members of the [-]th Division were stunned for a moment and then stood up one after another, pulling out the Zanpakutō from their waists and 'looking up to the sky and roaring'!
As Araki said, they don't need to use Araki's standards to flaunt themselves. Araki is the 'Kenpachi' of this generation. He is the god of death in the 'Seireitei' second only to Captain Yamamoto in strength. Compared with Araki, he is a different person. What an arrogant thing!And these ordinary Shinigami team members only need to do one thing well, and that is to use the sword in Araki's hand to fight the enemy with all their strength...

"Now let us use the blood of 'Daxu' to wash away the haze in our hearts! Let us use a great victory to lay the first step for our 'Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force' in this cruel world!"

"Please keep this in mind! We are invincible in front of us!"

Araki held his Zanpakutō and pointed at the dark and mysterious 'Great Void Forest'.


"As long as Captain Araki is here, our Team [-] is invincible."

After the members of the [-]th Squadron felt Araki's will, they shouted in unison, held sharp blades in their hands, and once again charged towards the fatal 'Daxu Forest'!

Just as Araki said, their eleventh squadron is invincible at the front!
According to records from later generations, this battle was known as the awakening of the [-]th First Generation Demon Squadron!
Since then, the strength of the members of the [-]th Division has grown by leaps and bounds, and they have become out of control.

According to legend, after the "Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force" returned to "Soul Society" after its first hundred-year campaign, the members of the first generation of the Demon Squadron [-] each had the powerful combat power of a "Killian" (a Kilian). .

It is also known as the strongest team in the history of Seireitei...

On the other side, Araki looked at the members of the [-]th Division who were inspired by his words, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Let me see the limits of you soldiers! Don't let me down~"

 In short, it is now on the shelves. I would like to apologize to everyone first. Because it was put on the shelves in a hurry, I didn’t have time to write any comments or anything, and at the same time, I didn’t have time to save the manuscript...

  Of course, this is not an excuse not to release updates. Please allow me to write slowly today. I will finish the Hueco Mundo layout chapter in one breath today and start the teaching chapter!
  I’m not going to sleep tonight, let’s see how much I can write~ In short, not being able to write well is a matter of strength, but how much I write is a matter of my attitude. I will let everyone feel sincerity, and then I will ask for votes every day!

(End of this chapter)

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