Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 70 Welcome to the Road of Confrontation

Chapter 70 Welcome to the Road of Confrontation (Second Update)

In the pitch-black 'Daxu Forest', one after another, the subordinate Daxu, who were as tall as buildings, wearing black robes and masks with long noses, screamed instinctively at the approaching Shinigami.

Even though Killian is just a beast without intelligence, he will still instinctively fight back against dangerous things...

When the Kilians discovered that Araki, a powerful enemy, had been mixed into the Death God's team, they opened their mouths one by one and began to gather the spirits in their bodies.

"No! It's a false flash! Everyone, pay attention to protection!"

The soldiers of the [-]th Division, facing the Killians who opened their mouths and began to gather the scarlet flash, countless beads of sweat suddenly appeared on their foreheads...

Daxu's false flash is very powerful, comparable to the high-ranking ghosts used by top officers who are good at ghosts or vice-captain-level Shinigami. Even a captain-level Shinigami may be injured by the false flash if he is careless.

In fact, the reason why the members of the Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Force failed in their first crusade against the Great Void Forest was precisely because they all underestimated the power of the Void Flash.

"Deterrence him! Glazed Light!"

Araki naturally noticed the nervousness of the surrounding team members, and he released the Zanpakutō with a wave of his hand.

For a moment, a glaze-colored light shone across the sky and the earth, and one after another, the lightsabers condensed with spiritual energy blocked the team members.

"call out!"

At the same time, the virtual flashes gathered by the Kilians were also launched here.


When Araki's light rain collided with the virtual flash from Killian's mouth, along with a burst of scattered air waves, the energy of the two was miraculously neutralized.

If there are masters in the ghost world at this moment, they will definitely exclaim that Araki has actually used the "anti-ghost killing" technique to the extent that it can neutralize the Great Void Flash. This is simply unbelievable...

However, Araki, who can briefly see the future and has the ability to drive spirits, happens to be able to do it.

"This is?!"

As the energy was neutralized, all the Death God soldiers were stunned on the spot. It was the first time they knew that they could still destroy the virtual flash in this way.

"Don't be in a daze! Attack these Daxu now."

Araki did not further attack the Kilians, but gave orders to the members of the [-]th Division. After all, he was here to train troops, not to gain points...

"As ordered!"

Upon hearing this, the Shinigami soldiers immediately pulled out their Zanpakutos from their waists and slashed at Killian one after another, who was in the 'weakening stage' after releasing the Void Flash.


Accompanied by one after another cold light, the 'Killians' who were so powerful that the Death Team members thought they were invincible instantly fell to the ground.

"Dead?! Killian was killed by us..."

For a moment, the Shinigami team members were stunned when they looked at the blood-stained Zanpakutō in their hands. It turned out that it was so easy to kill Killian. From today on, it is no longer the privilege of the captain-level Shinigami to defeat the Great Void. ’, even their swords can kill ‘Daxu’, and ‘Daxu’ will die as long as it is slashed.

"call out!"

Just when the soldiers were in a daze, another flash of light struck towards everyone.

The Daxu will not wait foolishly for these team members to 'enlighten'. While the Death team members are in a daze, the next round of virtual flash is already in place...


A keen Death Soldier looked at the scene in front of him and shouted nervously to his companions around him, but it was a pity that it was too late.

'what? ! '

By the time everyone reacted, the flash of light had already been emitted. At this point, they could only watch the scarlet light getting closer and closer, gradually illuminating their faces, until a white feather was blocked in front of everyone... …

The visitor is of course Araki!
"Captain, get out of danger!"

For a moment, all the Death Team members were in a panic. They would rather be blown to pieces by Void Flash than have their captain suffer any harm in order to save them.

'Danger? '

Hearing this, Araki stretched out his left hand towards Xu Shan.

Then he intercepted the 'virtual flashes' one after another in full view of everyone!

Yes, those virtual flashes seemed to have been pressed on the pause button of the video player, and they just stopped in mid-air.


The team members were dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them. They couldn't understand what happened.

However, what surprised all the Shinigami team members was yet to come. Araki grabbed the suspended scarlet flash in the sky with his bare hands, and in front of everyone, he collected the false flashes released by Killian one after another. He picked up a big ball, and then threw it back towards the Daxu like a bowling ball.


As an elegant mushroom cloud lit up, Killian, who was sneaking up on everyone, was instantly blown into pieces by his own false flash and flew into the sky.


Not long after, scarlet rain suddenly began to fall in the sky.

Araki had already held up an umbrella made of 'spirits'.

"The word danger is for you, as well as those Daxu who see me."

Araki held an umbrella with one hand and educated the Shinigami team members in front of him.

"Been taught a lesson!"

The Death Squadrons had mixed feelings in their hearts at this moment. They felt ridiculous for having just reminded Captain Araki to go to the 'danger', and they also admired Araki's strength. At the same time, they also felt that the [-]th Division could have such a powerful captain as Araki. , and feel extremely fortunate and proud.

"Don't stop your steps, and don't put down the knife you are wielding..."

"Go on! Cut off everything that hinders your progress, but kill all the enemies that stand in your way!"

Araki said and stretched out a finger to point out the direction for the members of Squad [-].

"I'll wait to understand!"

The Shinigami team members clenched their teeth as they looked in the direction Araki pointed, and they wanted to continue moving forward.

"Recover! Glazed Light!"

Araki, who felt the strong will of the Death God soldiers, smiled slightly and changed Liuli Guang's liberation language.

In an instant, a drizzle began to fall in the sky with the release of Araki's Zanpakuto...

Those whispers caressed the tired bodies of each team member, taking away all the fatigue while the rainwater slipped from the team members' bodies, allowing the Death God team members to return to their best condition.

"Now move on!"

Araki smiled lightly after restoring his team members' condition.


For a moment, the members of Division [-] seemed to have been beaten to death, and continued to charge with their Zanpakutō.

Want to take a break?That is absolutely impossible!
Resting is such a waste of time. Fortunately, his Zanpakutō has the ability to restore the body...

As for Araki's so-called 'nine-nine-six' in his previous life, he was resentful before Araki became a leader. After Araki completely 'moistened' into the leadership class, this seemed to him to be a joke...

It's just 'nine-nine-six'. Who do you look down on with this strength?It doesn’t deserve the name of blessing at all!If you want to 'work' under him, you have to maintain excellent condition 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
The corners of Araki's lips slightly raised as he looked at the inflicted Death Soldiers. After a hundred years of endless fighting, even a pig can take off~
What?Have you fought for 100 years and are you still a pig?Get out of Squad [-] quickly!Our combat squad doesn't need such a trashy Shinigami...

The battle continues.

When the Shinigami of the [-]th Squadron are "tireless" and "unafraid of death", they are like combat weapons, constantly repeating "swinging swords", "cutting" and "healing" on the battlefield, and then continue on the battlefield. After a series of battle actions, they finally mastered the trick to deal with 'Killian'.

"Killian's footprints were found in the forest on the left. There are three of them about 300 meters away from us!"

The investigation team reported the information they discovered to Xi Guanhui. "Okay! According to our previous plan..."

"Team [-] prepares the bait!"

"The second team will evacuate the wounded from the battlefield at any time..."

"The third team immediately attacked after 'Killian' released the virtual flash and was in a weakened state to kill the weakened Killian!"

A chief officer stood behind the soldiers and continued to give instructions.

"The first group is in place!"

"The second group is in place!"

"The third group is in place!"

"Okay, the battle begins..."

As the chief officer finished speaking, the team members immediately began their mission.

"Look here, beast!"

Several soldiers with strong mobility and strong defense appeared directly in the sight of Killian who was wandering around, waving to Killian.


There was a roar in Killian's mouth, and he began to open his mouth to gather false flashes.

"get ready……"

The team acting as bait looked at the false flash in Killian's mouth and were ready to escape at any time.


As the scarlet light gathered, the Shinigami soldiers immediately used Shunpo to leave the battlefield.

In the end, Killian's false flash hit the forest, causing a violent explosion.

"It's now!"

And just after Killian released the Void Flash, a group of Shinigami soldiers detoured behind Killian, instantly pulled out the Zanpakutō from their waists, and slashed at the three-headed Void.


Along with the flying blood, the three-headed Daxu suddenly fell to the ground.

"Successful! We succeeded! This time we successfully defeated Daxu without involving Captain Araki..."

Although there are only three Kilians, and although this is the result of the entire eleventh team, it still makes all the team members excited. This is the beginning of something from scratch...

“Not bad~”

Seeing this, Araki nodded slightly, acknowledging the tactical success of this group of Shinigami soldiers.

This is the victory of 'wisdom'...

When the members of Squad [-] discovered that 'Killian' had a low IQ, they spontaneously divided the entire squad into three groups...

The first group is composed of a group of team members who are good at 'Shunpo' or 'defense'. They mainly have two tasks. The first task is to find 'Killian', and the second task is to lure 'Killian' to them. Launch an attack.

The mission of the second group is to take the team members who have not had time to dodge Killian's attack out of the battlefield as soon as possible and hand them over to Araki for treatment of the injured team members...

As for the final third group, all the members are powerful officers, and they will personally give the 'Killians' a fatal blow!
The soldiers of the [-]th Division made full use of the simple-minded characteristics of 'Killian'. They used the instinct of 'Killian' to let these subordinate Daxu attack their specific locations, and then gave 'Killian' a decisive blow!

In fact, at the beginning, the members of Team [-] also made frequent mistakes due to lack of proficiency...

For example, the first group of 'bait teams' often appear, and members of their own team fail to completely avoid the false flash, or underestimate the power of the false flash and Killian blows through the defense...

The same goes for the second and third groups. The members of the second group often fail to rescue in time at the beginning, while the third group often fails to kill the enemy and is eventually killed by the enemy. 'Case.

Araki had no choice but to rescue these soldiers. However, after the soldiers of the [-]th Squadron were "annihilated" for about thirty or forty times, the situation changed dramatically.

This group of soldiers from Squadron [-] seemed to be familiar with the movements of 'Killian', and began to eliminate 'Killian' in the forest bit by bit.

"We are victorious!"

For a moment, the members of Team [-] cheered. They seemed to have defeated the Great Void and conquered the entire Great Void Forest. It seemed that the Hueco Mundo Expedition had been successfully completed...

But how is this possible? !If it was so easy to declare victory, then why would Araki waste his efforts to build this damn 'Resurrection Fountain' for both parties? !The game has just begun...

At present, the members of Team [-] have just passed the novice protection period, and now it’s time to get into the difficulty!
"Clap clap clap..."

Araki, who had been applauding his team members, suddenly moved with conviction and called directly towards the distant 'Baile Gang'.

This is Araki's improved version of 'Tentei Kongra' that can be used even by Daxu.

"Bailgan can dispatch Yachukas, who you think has potential!"

Araki's voice slowly rose in Bailegang's heart.

"I will obey Lord Araki's orders!"

'Xu Ye Palace' Sitting on the throne, Bailegang suddenly woke up from his drowsiness. There seemed to be a strange red light shining in his dark eyes.

"very good……"

"The 'hot spring' has been built and our soldiers have been trained. The next step is to arrange the hero units."

Araki looked at the joyful members of the [-]th Division, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Next, it will no longer be a battle between 'ordinary soldiers' and 'Killian'. The captain-level Shinigami, as well as a group of intermediate and even intermediate-level Daxu will also enter the scene...


As one after another Yachukas exuding strange spiritual pressure entered the 'Forest of the Great Void', the Kilians suddenly became strangely quiet.

On the other side, as countless cold lights flashed, one Kilian after another was chopped into pieces by the "Immortal Immortal", "Executor Nobu Tsuna", "Zendeiji Temple Concubine" and others!

Once these first-generation captains stopped being careless, Kilian's threat to them was basically zero. He was nothing more than a moving target, a breathing fish...

"Who else? There is no one who can fight!"

Saito carried a Zanpakuto stained with blood, stepped on the long nose of a Killian corpse, stretched out his pink 'qiang tongue' and gently licked the corners of her mouth, Saito stood up again.

"Let me ask, are you the enemy of the 'King'?"

Just as Saito was relaxing, a huge shadow suddenly shrouded her head.


Saito immediately distanced himself and looked up, only to see a big Xu that looked like a spider, looking at Saito coldly and mouthing human words.

at the same time.

One or more heads appeared in front of 'Unohana Retsu', 'Executor Nobutsuna', 'Zendeiji Temple's concubine', 'Shishima Chigiri' and 'Nikoku Saizou'. Their spiritual pressure was far ahead of 'Killian'. The great void on the top.


Almost as soon as all the captains saw these Daxu who looked different from 'Killian', either huge or smaller, they all had answers in their hearts.

"It came just right!"

The next second, endless fighting spirit radiated from the captains of the first generation [-]th Division. They were 'killing embryos'.

"The fun begins!"

On the other side, Araki, who is the chief director of Hueco Mundo, found a position with a wider perspective and quietly enjoyed the annual drama between the 'Reaper' and the 'Big Hollow'.

(End of this chapter)

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