Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 71 Let Hueco Mundo’s blood flow like a river!

Chapter 71 Let Hueco Mundo’s blood flow like a river! (Third update)

"I am the third general under King Balegang of the Void!"

"Woman, if you meet me here, you are in bad luck. I will crush you completely..."

One head is twice as big as the normal 'Killian', and its body is covered with white stones. It looks like a living mountain-like Yachukas, looking at the Unohana Retsu under him. He preached coldly.


Before Daxu could finish his words, a sharp cold light had already slashed out under the moonlight.

"How is it possible?! Woman, how can you be so powerful?"

"Your Majesty, the King of Balegang..."

With the sound of 'click', click, click, Nayachukas' huge body split open instantly, and countless white sand overflowed from his split body, and finally fell to the ground with a loud noise...

This giant beast, known as the third general under the command of Bailegang, kept shouting the name of His Majesty in his heart until the moment he died. Unfortunately, he did not know that it was the 'Your Majesty' in his mouth who personally sent him here to die. of.

"Shua" Maozhihua looked at the giant beast that fell to the ground, gently waved the long knife in his hand, and shook off the sand and soil on the knife. Then he looked at the corpse of the giant beast coldly and said to himself: "My luck is indeed not good. Great, I actually met an opponent as weak as you..."


"We can no longer let 'Baile Gang' send 'Yachukas' to deal with 'Lie'. Even if there are more intermediate Daxu, they will be nothing more than trash fish in front of Lie!"

High in the sky, Araki looked at the generals under the command of 'Bailegang' who were chopped down by 'Lie' with just one strike, and his brows jumped slightly.

It's not that the war general isn't strong enough, it's that Unohana Retsu is just too strong. He's so powerful that no one can find a suitable opponent below 'Vaxu', whether it's 'Killian' or 'Yachukas' No matter what, in Lie's eyes, they are all weak people who can be cut off in two ways.

In this regard, Araki turned his attention to other battlefields. The ones guarding Shishima Chigiri were two 'Achucas'. Perhaps in the eyes of these intermediate Daxu, Shishima Chigiri looked very weak...

"The enemy is too strong! I'm afraid I can't deal with it."

Shishima Chigiri looked listlessly at the two 'Achukas' in front of him. He suspected that there was a mole in his team. Otherwise, how could these two giants come to him? They looked 'weak and weak'. 'What about him? !
"Jie Jie Jie..."

The two 'Axors' looked at Shishima Chigiri and laughed strangely, and then said: "It seems that you still have some self-awareness and know the gap in strength between you and us!"

"Before you die, can you tell me who asked you to kill me?!"

Shishima Chigiri still had a calm expression, and there was no fear of 'death' in his tone.

"Tell you the truth! It was His Majesty 'Baile Gang' who sent us to kill you!"

The two 'Axors' were extremely cooperative with Shishima Chiwu and told him what Shishima Chiwu wanted to know.

"I see……"

"Your level is too low, so you don't know who the traitor is."

Shijima Chiwu heard this and murmured to himself.

"What are you talking about?!"

The two 'Axors' looked at each other and asked Shishima Chigiri. They didn't seem to have any intention of attacking Shishima Chigiri. They wanted to try their best to play with Shishima Chigiri and make him feel it. Fear of their 'big void'.


"It's just that since you don't know anything, then you can disappear!"

Shishima Chigiri said, raising the Zanpakutō in his hand.

"What are you going to do?!"

The two 'Axors' looked at Shijima Chiwu's movements and panicked.


Without waiting for the two Daxu to react, Shishima Chigiri completely released the Zanpakutō.


Araki immediately covered his eyes when he saw this scene, and the next scene was almost blinding.

"Shijima isn't very good here either. How can he just swastika his opponent when he encounters one?!"

Araki shook his head and it didn't seem feasible to use Shijima to train Daxu.

As for Saito's immortality...

At this moment, Saito had cut off all eight legs of Nayachukas, and stood on the head of Daxu, saying arrogantly: "I'm scared! If you want to defeat me, what's your name?" Come out, boss!"


Following waves of resentful roars, the spider-like Daxu was instantly cut in two by Saito.

the other side……

The battle between 'Executive Nobutsuna' and 'Nikoku Saizou' has also ended. After they suffered losses at the hands of 'Killian', they faced the 'Yachukas' who could not figure out the details. , they directly slayed the Zanpakutō without any carelessness. When these 'killing embryos' became serious, the victory or defeat between them and the intermediate Daxu was only in a short moment...

"But so!"

After executing Nobu Tsuna, he shook off the blood stained on his Zanpakutō after beheading his opponent. He looked at the corpse on the ground and said coldly.

"Is it the corpse of an intermediate Daxu? It seems to be of great research value..."

Nikosaizo became very interested in the body of Achiukas.

"Isn't it possible here too?"

Araki was a little helpless. As expected, it was a wrong choice to use these 'killing embryos' to train Daxu. If he wanted to limit this group of killing embryos, he would have to at least replace Daxu with the level of Vastod.

But there are really too few 'Waxu'. Even if Araki searches the entire Hueco Mundo, he may not be able to find them.

"Bailgan continues to send Yachukas! Send all your men!"

Thinking of this, Araki once again contacted Bailegang with "Tian Ting Kong Luo". Since the quality is not enough, let's find a way to do it in terms of quantity!One Yachukas can't play a role in training each other with this group of first-generation 'embryokillers', so let's get two. If two are not enough, get three...

Today, Araki made the entire Hueco Mundo a river of blood!
Anyway, as long as the two pools he left are there, the real strong men on both sides will not fall easily...

"it is good!"

After hearing Araki's words, Bailegang's expression paused for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"It seems that the decoration of 'Xuye Palace' will be postponed for a while..."

Balegang thought so and stood up from the throne.

"My warriors, come back!"

As Bailegang spoke softly, the cold spiritual pressure in his body, carrying bursts of terrifying aura, was instantly released in all directions.

"His Majesty is summoning us..."

For a time, in the entire west direction of the 'Daxu Forest', all the Daxu who had received the order from Bailegang and wandered in this huge Hue circle, arresting Grand Fisher's kindred everywhere, stopped their own activities. They moved towards Xuye Palace in Bailegang. "You wait!"

In the endless white sand, a Daxu with a 'lightbulb' flashing on his head watched all this silently. He secretly swore in his heart that sooner or later, he would wipe out all these Daxu who were hunting him for no reason.

"Don't bully Xiaoxu's weakness!"

The newly born Xu thought so and went deeper into the desert.

Well, we can fast forward to the time when we can no longer bully the weak...

'Void Night Palace'.

After 'Bailegan' issued the summons order to his men, not long after, the group of Yachukas who had taken refuge in him poured into the palace from all directions... Some of them held weapons in their hands. , is clearly a member of the Grand Fisher family, with a shining light bulb above its head.

“Very good~”

Bailegang smiled with satisfaction when he saw this, and then said in a cold voice: "Okay, your mission comes to an end now. I have more important things now, and I need your help to do it!"

"I respectfully obey the orders of Lord 'Baile Gang'!"

After hearing this, all the Achucas fell to their knees.

"Go to the Great Void Forest to fight against those powerful Death Gods. As for the miscellaneous fish among the Death Gods, you don't need to pay attention at all! By the way, grab the bodies of my companions and others and throw them into this pool..."

Balegang preached majestically to the Yachucas.

"As ordered!"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the Yachukas suddenly flashed with light. They had long wanted to go to the Great Void Forest to teach the Shinigami who broke into their Hueco Mundo without authorization, and now this opportunity has come.


Seeing this, Bailegang waved his hands to all the Achucas.


For a moment, the Yachukas immediately receded like a tide and rushed towards the 'Forest of the Great Void'.

"Is there any hope of evolving 'Vaxu'?"

Baile Gang sat on the 'throne', looking at the 'Fountain of Evolution' in the palace, muttering to himself.

In fact, Bailegang himself was also very curious as to what kind of 'Waxu' he could create using the magical pool water that Araki left for him...

"The atmosphere is not right..."

On the other side, when a group of captains in the 'Forest of the Great Void' sent Yachukas to attack them again in Balegang, they felt something was wrong in the atmosphere. They felt the huge and huge sound from the dark forest. The cold spiritual pressure...

There is no doubt that this is the spiritual pressure of the 'Yachukas', and according to their perception, the number of Yachukas coming towards them this time will be more than twenty.

"It's endless, isn't it?!"

Seeing this, Shijima Chigiri frowned.

"Let the soldiers prepare to retreat!"

Unohana Retsu made an instant judgment. The advancement of the 'Daxu Forest' was no longer important at the moment. What was important was ensuring the lives of the team members.

"It's too late."

Ni Gucai Zang, the most perceptive among all the captains, has changed his expression. The enemy has already arrived.


With the violent and unknown spiritual pressure, one after another 'Yachukas' level Daxu came through the woods.

"One, two, three... I can't count them, I can't count them at all!"

There was a member of the [-]th Division, looking at the 'Yachukas' level Daxu pouring out from around him, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his expression was extremely nervous, and his speech gradually became unclear.


Just when the team member was looking at the messy intermediate-level voids around him, a "Green Moth" larva-like Achukas suddenly fell from the tree and stood in front of the Death God team members.


Nayachukas breathed out at the group of Death God soldiers, and the cold spiritual pressure was almost suffocating.


All the team members saw the Zanpakutō in Daxu's hand shaking in front of them. It wasn't that their will was not strong enough, it was just that this instinct for fear seemed to have fallen into their bones, and they were terrified.


At this time, there was only one thought in the minds of all the team members, that is, they were not going to die soon.


However, something unexpected happened. This 'Yachukas' level Daxuri ignored the ordinary soldiers around him and rushed towards the direction of the captains...

"what's the situation?!"

In this regard, all the Death God soldiers had no idea what happened.

"The targets of these Daxu are the captains. Our strength is too weak, and they don't like it at all..."

While everyone was puzzled, a team member who seemed to be smarter spoke reluctantly.


The soldiers lowered their heads after hearing this. They suddenly felt extremely humiliated. Being killed by the enemy was terrible, but as soldiers, what made them feel even more uncomfortable was being ignored by the enemy.


On the other side, the five captain-level Shinigami, "Zendeiji Temple's Concubine", "Executor Nobutsuna", "Eternal Age and Immortality", "Inverse Bone Saizo" and "Retsu", are already occupied by the Achiukas-level Daxu.

Everyone has to face at least four intermediate Daxu...


Zenjoji looked at the Yachukas around him who were exuding powerful spiritual pressure one after another. After thinking for a moment, he finally pulled out the Zanpakutō that he had inserted into the ground.

It's not that he feels pressure, it's just that he plans to practice his sword skills.

This time, as if they had communicated with each other in advance, the captains of the 'Embryo Killers' almost simultaneously raised their Zanpakutos and said coldly to the Daxu in front of them: "Swastika! "

 Let’s start with [-] words to warm things up a bit. Since I’m still working hard to finish the manuscript, please point out any typos or errors and I’ll make changes after I see them...

  Anyway, I'll do my best!I hope you all enjoy watching it, and thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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