Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 79 Kirin Temple: My Shunpo was useless after meeting Araki!

Chapter 79 Kirin Temple: My Shunpo was useless after meeting Araki! (fifth update)
Just when Tenshiro of Kirinji Temple was extremely uncomfortable with his eyelids and could not be cured no matter what method he used, he planned to get off work early today and go back to the bathhouse he ran to take a good soak and rest early.

A trio of two men, one big and one small, blocked Tenshiro's path in front of the Fourth Division team building.

"Huh? Are you here to visit the patients in our Fourth Division? Patients usually live in the ward on the second floor."

Tian Shilang looked at the trio in front of him and frowned slightly.

Although the trio of 'Araki', 'Unohana' and a kid who clearly had the characteristics of the Shihoin family's 'black skin' arrived in front of their fourth division team building at the same time, Tenshiro was slightly surprised. But he didn't think too much, just nodded to the three of them, and planned to leave...

From Kirinji's point of view, his own rest is the most important thing. As for Araki's identity as the captain of the [-]th Division, he doesn't take it seriously at all. A skilled person like him can get away with it no matter where he goes, and there is no need to care about it. The human world in daily life...

"We are not here to visit patients..."

Unfortunately, before Tenshirou could leave, he was blocked by Araki with the scabbard of his Zanpakuto.

"Huh? Then what are you doing here?"

Seeing this, Qilin Temple frowned tightly. An ominous premonition suddenly came into his heart, and he asked Araki at the same time.

"Actually, we came to Division [-] this time specifically to find you, Qilin Temple, who has the title of 'Thunder'..."

Araki looked at Kirinji and said with a smile, he looked like a cunning fox.


This made Qilin Temple shudder.

"Looking for me? What to do?!"

But even so, Kirinji still had the courage to ask Araki.

"I hope you can teach your powerful Shunpo to this little 'girl' of the Sifengyuan family, and then teach Lie the medical skills you are proud of."

Araki told the other party what he wanted Kirinji to do.

"Huh?! Are you kidding? Why should I listen to you?"

"Also, do you know how much my 'Shunpo' and 'Medical Technique' are worth? They are priceless treasures and secrets that are not passed down! How could you just hand them over like this?!"

Tenshiro of Kirin Temple finally realized that the Araki and others in front of him were not good guests, but bad guests who came to cause trouble. He thought it was necessary to let Araki and others know that he, Kirin Temple, was not someone to be trifled with.

"So how much are your Shunpo and medical skills worth?!"

Yoruichi asked doubtfully after hearing what Kirinji said.

"I've said it's priceless..."

Kirin Temple rolled his eyes when he heard this. How could his secret be related to money and measurement? !

"One hundred million? Two hundred million? Or one billion?!"

Then Kirinji heard Xiao Yeyi asking him in an innocent voice.


After hearing what Yoruichi said, Kirinji was stunned.

One hundred million?How many years does it take his bathhouse son to earn?
"If you don't like to use 'rings' (Soul Society's currency) for settlement, I can also convert them into gold or silver for you, and use the unit of 'two' for settlement. It all depends on your preference~"

Yoruichi smiled softly at Kirinji, and spoke to Kirinji in an 'Aladdin-like' tone.

I'm sorry, the Sifengyuan family lacks everything except money!
As long as things in the 'Three Realms' can be settled with money, in the eyes of the Sifengyuan family, it is nothing!Do you understand what the value of a million-year-old family is? !


For a moment, Kirin Temple Tenshiro almost lost his spine and sold his 'secret technique'!
There was no way that the Sifengyuan family really gave too much, but he still held back. He, Kirin Temple Tenshiro, was not such a spineless person!

"So your answer is?!"

Sayoichi looked at Kirinji and asked.

"You know, whether it's 'Shunpo' or 'Return', it's my secret that I won't pass on!" Kirinji looked at Xiao Yoichi righteously, as if rejecting Yoichi's deal. He looked like he was begging, but in the next second, Qilin Temple changed the subject: "I mean... you have to pay more!"

"How much is it, you can drive it as you like~"

Xiaoye opened her arms, as if her 'sister' is rich and has too much money to count.


Before he could think about it, Qilin Temple yelled out in dissatisfaction, and then he covered his mouth with force.

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Qilin Temple said, Ye Yi directly agreed!

To be honest, Yoruichi didn't expect Kirin Temple to ask for so little.

"No, that's not what I meant..."

"Put aside money or not, I am not a worldly person! But, if you really want to teach your skills about Shunpo, you must pass my test!"

"After all, it's not that simple to learn the advanced steps of my solo career! I need to see your qualifications..."

Qilin Temple held his neck high, looking full of pride.

"If the qualifications are not up to standard, won't you leave it to me?"

Sayoichi looked at Kirinji and asked.

"If your qualifications are not up to standard, don't tell others in the future that you learned Shunpo from me!"

Kirinji spoke seriously to Sayoichi.

Well, it all comes down to money...

cough cough...

"Don't worry! I, Yoruichi Shifengyuan, have the strongest talent in our family this generation! Even my grandfather said that I am the next head of the Sifengyuan family!"

Hearing this, Yoruichi confidently puffed up her not-so-full breasts.

"Ha ha……"

Qilin Temple smiled softly when he heard this.

If the girl in front of me is the direct heir of the Sifengyuan family, then there is no such thing as a lack of qualifications!

Yes, the five nobles are such unreasonable existences. Their direct descendants will definitely inherit the powerful talents inherited from their families!Among them, the heirs are the most talented among these direct lineages. As long as these heirs can live and grow up, then the 'spiritual pressure' is destined to be raised to the third level of spiritual power and above...

Even the descendants of the five nobles, or the families that have been married to the five nobles, will often have children with extraordinary talents!And this is the fundamental reason why the five nobles have become the head of all the nobles in Soul Society...

Because not only are their ancestors powerful, but even their 'successors' are far stronger than the families other than the five nobles!

Qilin Temple's collection of money is fake, but selling the Sifengyuan family's face is the real thing!After all, it's not like the dignified Shifengyuan family doesn't have secrets that can rival or even surpass his unique Shunpo technique!It is not common to be able to sell the future head of the Sifengyuan family a chance to gain face!

"In that case, you and I can go into the team building!"

Kirinji said as he was about to take Yoruichi into the fourth team's team building.

And watching Yoruichi show off his 'money power', Araki and Unohana Retsu naturally followed closely...

"Wait a minute! You two are not welcome in our Fourth Division team building..."

"I did say that I would teach Yoruichi Shunpo, but I never said that I would teach Unohana Retsu the Way!"

But just when Araki and Unohana were about to enter the fourth team's team building with Kirinji and Yoruichi, Kirinji suddenly turned his head and stopped Araki and Unohana domineeringly.

"Kilin Temple! I'll pay for Uzhihua Retsu's training to return to the Dao!"

After hearing what Kirinji said, Yoruichi immediately stood up and said, isn't it just money?The Sifengyuan Clan has plenty of money, and even without the Sifengyuan Clan spending any money, the families under them will escape with all their money.

"It's not about money..."

Kirinji shook his head at Yoruichi. He looked at Uozukaretsu and Araki with an expression of indifference.

"Want to fight?!"

Uozhihualie looked coldly at the 'demon' Qilin Temple in front of her. Her white palms had already touched the handle of the knife at her waist.

"Hey! It's not impossible if you want me to teach my 'Return' to Mao Zhihua. As long as you can be faster than me, I will teach you all my skills..."

Tenshiro of Kirinji Temple walked up to Araki, and using his airplane head, which he considered extremely handsome, dangled in front of Araki's eyes, he challenged Araki.

"court death!"

Before Araki could speak, Unohana had already pulled out the Zanpakutō from her waist.

"Okay!" However, the moment Unohana swung her Zanpakutō towards Kirinji, a big hand took a step ahead of Unohana and pressed down on her hand that was holding the Zanpakutō tightly.


Uozhihua looked up at the owner of the big hand, with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

At this moment, Unohana seemed to be asking Araki with her eyes: "The nose of the plane in front of you is so disgusting, why don't you chop it off first?!"

"Not urgent."

Araki nodded towards Uozhihua, indicating to the other party not to be anxious, and it would be enough to leave everything to him.

"it is good."

After Unohana and Araki looked at each other, they put away their Zanpakutō.


"Don't think your knife can hit me again!"

The moment Unohana touched the Zanpakutō at her waist, Kirinji, who was already ready to run away, slowly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Unohana being successfully stopped by Araki. .Back then, when he was young and still a "bosozoku", he was really scared by Unohana, but Kirinji's mouth was still tough...

"So what are the rules of the game?!"

Araki looked at Kirin Temple and asked.

"No matter what method you use, as long as you can touch me, you win!"

Hearing this, Qilin Temple smiled confidently at Araki.


It was at the moment that Qilin Temple finished speaking that a ray of cold light struck at him, and the sharp sword light cut the entire Qilin Temple in half.

"Okay, it's dangerous..."

However, the Kirin Temple that was struck by the light of Araki's sword did not fall like this, but turned into countless fragments and disappeared in front of everyone...

Kirinji, who was cut into pieces by Araki's sword, appeared on the roof of the fourth team's building in the blink of an eye. At this moment, he was caressing his chest, looking like he was frightened by Araki.

"Hey, hey, hey! You didn't even say anything at the beginning and just took action. Are you too ungrateful for martial ethics?!"

Kirinji stood on the roof and roared at the Araki below.


Seeing this, Araki raised his eyebrows slightly. Kirinji was indeed fast enough. What he struck with his sword just now was just the afterimage left by Kirinji's instant step.However, no matter how fast Kirinji is, it is meaningless in front of him...

I saw Araki raising his hand again, and he continued to chop forward...


Kirin Temple frowned as he looked at Araki who raised his hand to chop forward. He didn't know what Araki was going to do.


However, the next second, Qilin Temple understood...

Kirinji, who was still on the roof of the house, leisurely watching Araki swing his sword, suddenly came to Araki from the roof of the Fourth Squadron, and Araki's sword was already slashing towards him.


Kirinji's expression changed when he saw the scene in front of him. He couldn't understand what kind of ability Araki used to transfer him from the roof to the ground.


Another cold light flashed, and Qilin Temple quickly crouched down, barely dodging Araki's knife, and then ran behind him as fast as he could.

Araki, on the other hand, still stood motionless, waving the Zanpakutō in his hand with an extremely leisurely expression. He didn't even use one-tenth of his strength when fighting Unohana. It was not so much fighting Kirin. It is better to say that he is playing tricks on the opponent...


As the space vibrates...

Kirin Temple, who originally ran away for about a mile in just a few milliseconds, inexplicably returned to Araki again, and this time Araki's knife was slashed vertically. Obviously Kirin Temple wanted to squat as before. It doesn't work anymore, or even jumps up.


Kirinji looked at Araki's Zanpakutō and couldn't help but cursed. He really couldn't understand how Araki kept transferring him back from far away. Could this be the ability of Araki's Zanpakutō?If that's really the case, isn't it too powerful? !

However, thinking about it, Kirin Temple managed to avoid Araki's attack at the critical moment by holding his breath and tightening his abdomen.

"Haha, I escaped!"

Kirin Temple laughed when he saw this.


It's a pity that the proud aircraft head of Kirin Temple is not as lucky as him!
Before Qilin Temple could think about it, his plane head, about one meter long, fell from the sky and scattered all over the ground.

"Finally cut off!"

Araki looked at his chopped hair and relaxed his frown. He had been running from the beginning, and Kirinji's plane cut it off. He had been enduring Kirinji's damn hair for a long time!
"My hair……"

Qilin Temple looked at his long hair that was scattered all over the floor, and knelt down directly, with crystal tears shining in his eyes.

"Why don't you keep running?!"

Araki asked Kirinji who was kneeling on the ground. There was no sense of achievement at all in chopping down Kirinji who did not run away.

"Stop running! You win..."

Kirinji shook his head. He had given up on escaping. No matter how many times he ran, he would be sent back by Araki's weird ability.

"Can you answer a few questions for me?"

Kirinji raised his head and asked Araki.


Araki looked at the poor Qilin Temple and felt a rare pity.

"When did you free the Zanpakutō?"

Apparently Kirinji regarded the ability that Araki used just now as the power of Araki's Zanpakutō.

"Since when did you think I didn't free the Zanpakutō?"

Araki heard this and asked Qilin Temple.

"I see……"

Qilin Temple's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Araki.

Although Araki didn't say anything, Kirinji understood him. He had to say that this is the best thing about talking to smart people. Some words only need to be said halfway, and the smart people will understand them all!
"As expected of someone who can defeat Unohana! I'm convinced..." Kirinji's expression was full of emotion, and then he looked at Araki and continued to ask: "My next question involves some of your abilities. What do you think, even if I teach Uzhihua the secret of her as a reward for her reply?"


Araki's answer was simple and crude.

"The scope of your ability! The conditions for use!"

Kirinji looked at Araki unwillingly. He was very straightforward. He obviously planned to crack Araki's ability, so he hoped that Araki could tell him the conditions for using the ability.

"Scope? The place that my spiritual pressure can cover! Conditions? As long as anything is weaker than my spiritual pressure, I can move it at will..."

Without thinking, Araki directly told everyone present about his abilities.

Yes, since Araki unified the mottled power in his body with the help of the 'Spirit King', the requirements for using his 'Surgery Fruit' ability no longer depend on domineering, but directly on spiritual pressure!
Anywhere that Araki's spiritual pressure can reach is covered by his ability!
As for the transfer conditions of the fruit, as long as the spiritual pressure is not as high as Araki, Araki can transfer it...

However, since Araki raised his 'spiritual power' to the first level, the sleeping Yhwach in Noda's 'Soul Society', and the 'Spirit King' sealed in the crystal, simply say 'spiritual pressure'. 'Being above him, there is one in heaven and one on earth!But Kirin Temple is not within this scope...


When Qilinji heard what Araki said, he looked up and laughed.

"The Shunpo ability I have been practicing for so many completely useless after meeting you!"

When Kirinji heard what Araki said, he knew that the Shunpo he was so proud of was of no use in front of Araki!It is almost impossible to surpass Araki in spiritual pressure.

As for using extreme speed to escape from Araki's spiritual pressure?Don't be ridiculous, except for the Soul King, no one in this world can step out of the Seireitei in one step!
 Eight thousand words first!It's five o'clock in the morning now, which is really too late. I have to take a nap for a while. I have to go to the hospital for a review tomorrow...

  Then, if there are any problems, such as typos, etc., you can point them out first, and I will change them in time when I see them!

  I hope you all enjoy watching it!By the way, finally ask for a round of votes~
(End of this chapter)

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